As a Christian, I have no thoughts of my own and have been informed that this is murder!
As a Christian, I have no thoughts of my own and have been informed that this is murder!
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Everyone that's going mental for abortion should be made to watch this.
This is a totally fake doctored video by some anti-abortion group. Fetus at that age and size looks nothing like that.
Careful not to fall for the bait
>kills living human
>thinks it's not murder
Wait a minute.
You just said a fetus at "that size and age" doesn't look like that.
How do you know how old it was?
Hmmmmm someone's shilling hard.
>the galaxy is on Orion's belt
You have mental issues
Abortion is murder as much as consuming meat or accidentally consuming insects in your salad
The only time it matters is if it's white children
Whites are important
Fucking retard. Honestly, though I'm for abortion due to the simple fact that 90% of abortions are niggers.
The Bible is mumbo-jumbo. Name even one thing I should be "obeying."
Medic here, you're fucking retarded
Well thats wrong as a Christian we have brains. Next abortion is murder however there is things that happen that we all understand it has to be done. Mothers life, rape, and well if you dont know duck it and learn.
Thou shalt not kill.
Still don't see how it's murder. This looks like a pre-third trimester abortion, meaning there's no conscious movement, only reflexive movement involuntary contractions. Not only that, the fetus cannot feel pain nor has the cognitive components for conscious yet.
Stay mad, christfags
We already have laws that address murder.
We don't need the Bible.
the sad thing is, it's an elephant fetus. Elephant lives matter to Christians now, I guess.
Body autonomy still triumphs that things right to life
Ignore the "age" thing. Fetuses at that size look like gross peanuts. This video is fake.
Even niggers!?!
Eat it
It's funny how christian white supremacist nationalists don't obey God's Command, actually.
You asked the question and I answered it. Not my fault you're already following part of the bible and you agree with it.
>white supremacist
You can't have both.
The Bible does not stop my from murdering.
Secular law enforcement does.
they're all christfags
welcome to the world of raging libcucks
Secular law enforcement doesn't stop you either, they just enforce the punishment. You sure you wanna die on this hill friend?
Christians prance around on their high horses pretending they're better than us because they haven't out grown their imaginary friend
Calling groups of people names and generalizing. Maybe it's time to stop projecting and do a little self reflecting?
Die on what hill? Freedom? Freedom from your stupid faggot soldier's religion.
Are you going to kill me christfag like you did countless millions who didn't buy your stupid fucking con?
They get really scared knowing they must die like everything. No stupid faggot dancing in the sky is going to change that.
More than faith ever could do
You're right. You should never make fun of someone else's beliefs.
Unless it's a really stupid religion like Christianity.
>high horse
>slanders an entire hemisphere’s religion
It's a metaphor, the lessons of the bible are things you should learn from and follow, not something you have to, the entire thing would be pointless without freedom. As a matter of fact, that's the whole point, you have the freedom to choose if you do right or wrong.
It sounds like you could use a little Jesus in your heart, the poor thing seems poisoned and foul.
You Christians blew it after you basically caused genocide in Europe.
How mature of you.
You christfags are so fucking insecure, pushing your stupid retarded shit on thinking people.
We don't buy it user.
And you put non-believers to the sword because they didn't buy it either.
Go practice you stupid religion and leave us alone? Do we have an arrangement?
Well at least you’re not some goat fucking woman killing Muslim
Faith isn't enforcement, how in the world did you manage to conflate the two?
The bible also says you should obey the laws of the land too, by the way.
I'm not pushing anything, I'm just making a suggestion. I'm free to say whatever I want, just the same as you are, that's the agreement we already have.
No shithead you made a judgment about what my supposed mental and emotional state is.
You're really lucky you live in a country where you don't have the holy living fucking shit beat out of you for getting into other people's fucking business. You are fortunate to live in a secular society where the law by and large prevents that.
As a non-religious person who thinks for himself I would definitely call this murder.
What's wrong with a mind of my own?
thou shalt not steal, you retard fuck
I don't need the Bible to remind me of existing laws I already follow.
Your autistic ancestors sure did
Thank you Alabama.
There is literally nothing in the New Testament that forbids abortion.
Abortion is accepted under Jewish Law, which Jesus told his followers to carry out.
My ancestors very likely did suffer under boneheaded Christian governments.
Then you know of Romans 13:1. Which god states all laws of man is endowed by his will and since federal laws is higher then state law making abortion ok under god's eyes
I made an educated guess, an assumption, I'm not judging anything. Have I declared you guilty of any crimes and levied punishment for it against you?
Again, it seems like you have a poisoned and hate filled heart, you should seek out Jesus and get some help for it. You should try to be more Christ-like.
I'm an atheist and I think abortion is wrong.
>his will
>not His
Nothing as far as I'm concerned, what do you think is wrong with having a mind of your own?
Well I would think that abortion would be automatically thought of as a bad thing due to its immense ability to be fatal at the time, so like no one would argue for abortion in the first place
oh no my house is on fire
Because it conflicts with your dogma, which requires obedience.
And yet here we are. Jewish Law, which includes the Old Testament, accepts the right of abortion. Right there the debate should have ended.
You retarded fuck.
My dogma is a suggestion and a set of guide lines. As far as I can tell, being able to make your own choice and make up your own mind is kind of the point of it all.
>the placenta is way too large
>fetus heads are larger than the appendages
>the doctor doesn’t immediately thow it into a bio bin
This vid is fake as fuck
Citation pls. I'm pretty familiar with the old testament, so I'd be interested to hear the part that allows abortion.
No no no, see what I meant is that dead people in your family needed the commandments as a way to live by or otherwise they would be more of a setback for humanity. Of course you aren’t able to understand this simple statement, because of your iq the likes of a fuckin potato
Yes. I am guilty of the crime of not being Christian.
it seems like you have a poisoned and hate filled heart,
And of course, I'd expect someone who follows a fucking skygod to mistake a tone of condemnation for something else.
Go. You should have to breathe human shit like oxygen.
Your talking snake book allows murder when the sky wizard gets mad
You're funny. First you're like "it's your choice" then you're all "you'd better embrace Christ you sound like you're poisoned"
fuck you're lucky someone hasn't put you in traction yet.
Not a citation, try harder.
>sky wizard
you've never read it, get fucked redditor.
Shut up. It's not debated. Jews have no problem with abortion. Christians do, probably because they're trying to outdo them.
>your stupid
it's pretty stupid to believe this man in the sky rules your every destiny user
>this thread again
Don't you get bored with this topic after awhile?
>no citation
Ok, opinion discarded. Besides, the old covenant was fulfilled by Christ, so we live under his rules, not the old testament.
Not being a Christian isn't a crime, but if you feel guilty about something, I'd suggest you address that.
Also, you can keep trying to troll me, I'm just going to keep on giving you calm and rational answers. I have Jesus on my side, friend. c:
>the earth is only 6000 years old
>snakes talk
>virgin birth
>determinism + free will
Your book has more plot holes than a fucking fanfiction
As a Christian, I think life begins at conception due to the existence of our divine creator.
But after your slut mom pops you out, you're on your own bitch. I only love you just enough to get our Lord enshrined in Federal Law.
Christfags are coming out of the woodwork now that Trump is trying to get Roe v Wade overturned
I said shut up.
Show me where Christ forbids abortion, user. Verse and chapter, I'll wait.
Quote me, this time verbatim.
the same christfags that should've gotten aborted, but alas, here they are, spreading their cancer everywhere like a plague.
>"I drew all the wrong conclusions based on what ass blasted redditors told me! That means I'm right!"
Actually read the bible and then we can talk.
>Thinks either hemisphere has homogeneous religious views
Well done, faggot
>ask for citation
>"No u!"
ITT: Autism
You guys were obsessed with abortion way before any of that.
>being able to make your own choice and make up your own mind is kind of the point of it all.
How can you do that when you have obligatory ideas you have to believe?
Seems like you're being dishonest, but whatever
That's a "no, I can't find you a citation that Christ forbids abortion"
because there isn't one christfag
because it's about control
Quite a number of organized society comes from the bible or religion in general.
I have and it’s fucking stupid
Most of the Bible is war and weird science fiction type hallucinations, so no.
unless a woman is raped she can't go around fucking dudes irresponsibility and then killing the natural result
I believe what I've ascertained to be the truth from the knowledge presented to me. The same as anyone else.
Isn't the fact that there are so many different variations of Christianity kind of a clue to that being the case?
I'm not being dishonest, it just seems like you're being close minded or you're holding onto a lot of preconceived notions.
made up bullshit to control other people.
It's fucking make belief!
like the sandnigger nations all fucking their kids and mothers? Yeah sounds like that's something we should curb ASAP
>organized society comes from
Middle Eastern and Greek philosophy, actually
Not in Alabama. Woman gets raped and pregnant, well tough shit skippy.
unless a women is raped she can't go around fucking dudes irresponsibly and then killing the natural result
shut up retard
are you a doctor?
If you can't show it then it's not really knowledge. The only thing the different branches of Christianity show is that the bible is extremely ambiguous and that faith can be used to justify any position.
Despite that they all accept Christ as their savior because they are obligated to.
I was in an anatomy and physiology class fucker
Same here
It's primarily a philosophical truth, not a mathematical one, the rest is faith based.
Anyone can twist words and use them to fuel evil or good, both I think says a lot about you and again, is kind of the point in my opinion.
I never felt obligated to do no such thing, but yes, you generally have to accept Christ to be a christian. The same way you have to accept the teachings of Buddha to be a Buddhist. It's not a trick or anything, that's just how language works, people who have accepted Christ are defined as Christian. No one is obligated to accept Christ and therefore not obligated to be a Christian.
You ever notice how most Christians are born from Christian parents, and how buddhists are born from buddhist parents?
Strange how that works
It's not strange at all, most people adopt things that they are familiar and comfortable with.
I believe in God. Do I think I'm better than anyone else? No. I'm an alcoholic. I've lied more times than I could ever hope to count. In regards to sex? I've done anal, slept with my ex girlfriend when she was on her period.
(“And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even.” - Leviticus 15:19)
I've stolen and taken things that didn't belong to me. I've both physically and emotionally hurt people that didn't deserve it. I've thought about stabbing someone in the throat until it severed their head from their neck. I used to find myself daydreaming and fantasizing about cannibalism and getting a white knuckled charge out of the idea of getting into a fight and just taking a bite out of their face. I am an incredibly dark hearted person. Filled with violence, bitterness and hatred. And there is so much to tell about me. But that's the beauty of God. Christianity isn't about saying "I know I'm an awful piece of shit. But God forgives me so it's now whatever." It's about you yourself finding a desire to be different. And it can start with simple changes. For example: I'll be on YouTube or some other site with a message board and I'll leave a comment. Well someone will respond to me in a very negative and mean spirited way. Well sometimes I'll type out this long-winded, novel sized fuck you in response. But like a whisper in the back of my head, I hear a voice say "come on dude. Don't do it. It's not worth it. Forgive and press on." Sometimes I'll erase the whole thing or change my response entirely. And it is ONLY because of God that I do that. If it weren't for my belief in God I'd obviously tell you where to stick your head or give you directions to the nearest bridge you could jump from. And why not? It's not like I'll face some kind of consequence for saying these things if there were no God so who cares? I will not sit here and deny for a second that
Religion is forced onto kids like a preist do
>when you need the threat of eternal damnation to stop you from doing shit
If a part tells their child they must be a Christian, then that is wrong. I was raised up going to church, but I was always told I didn't have to go if I didn't want to. Some days I chose not to, I wasn't treated any differently.
The way you keep bringing these things up, I'm getting the idea you seem to have some pretty amusing implications about what I believe.
(Cont.) If it weren't for my belief in God, I'd be far more selfish and inconsiderate. What an inconvenient thing it is to be neighborly and brotherly in a garbage world like ours. Why should I EVER for a MOMENT take your shit? If there is no God, you can swiftly go fuck yourself. But, I DO believe in God. I DO believe that there's more to life than this materialistic shitrock we call home. And because of that deeper belief, I change my behaviors and look at all of you as having value. I don't care what you look like. I don't care where you come from (Whether home or upbringing). I don't care what has happened to you or even what you've done. I can still embrace you. I could embrace a pedophile, a murderer, a shitty pathological liar, a thief, etc. I don't fucking care as far as forgiveness goes. Do I care that you are a piece of crap? Absolutely. But I also have an understanding that it's not about where we fucking come from or where we started. It's about where you're going and where you finish man.
That last part was for arguments sake. It isn't damnation that causes me to do what I do. Actually, the Bible is quite clear in stating that damnation does not last forever. That is a Vatican lie.
More like how Rabbis force the blood from a fresh circumcision into their mouths. Also how they force children to potential be victim of their own diseases from their personal lives.