you're out with your girl and notice a nigger staring her down like this, wwyd?
pic related.
You're out with your girl and notice a nigger staring her down like this, wwyd?
stare at his ass same way
Vote to cut his welfare.
probably nothing
if she's dressed like that, obviously I'm either her pimp, or a cuck, so I'd be interested in the situation.
bump x
Jesus, bitch is straight edge.
do yall fuckin tards have eyes? hes clearly lookin at that thicc ass icecream fuckin newfags i swear
ask him to fuck her hard in my bed while i jerk off in the closet. Once I blow my load I would try to sneak away but they would catch me and call me names like 'little white stinky man' as I hobble away, naked, with cold jizz dripping from my flaccid, sticky cock.
Fuuuuck I am diamonds just thinking about it.
you're wrong, nigger.
>you're out with your girl and she's dressed like a slut
anything deserved at that point
Not that person but his pupils are clearly facing forward not on the booty.
>letting your girl leave the house
Brought that on yourself mate.
He is looking at the fucking ice cream you fucking racist cunt.
Tell him to go ahead, every women who dresses like this wants the attention.
Say "Thank you, BASEDGOD, you can fuck my bitch"
OP is more concerned with a black guy looking at his girl rather than the title of these images o.O
hot as fuck
He's facing forward but his head is definitely tilted so he gets a good angle of the booty.
Obviously I would submit to the superior brown man and offer my supple white boy pussy to him. Whites cannot compete
damn i would love to watch that too!
nothing, staring is not a crime
stare along with him.