Hell yeah orange amps all about that white power 1488 niggers and jews watch out

hell yeah orange amps all about that white power 1488 niggers and jews watch out

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Play Fender, faggot

fender are for niggers

At least I don't sound like shit

you're a nigger, everything you do sounds like shit

That amp is clearly white. Are you blind?

I got two AD50s running through purple Marshall cabs. Fuck yeah fellow white Yea Forumsrother

Fender sounds like thin shit unless you're in it for the cleans

Looks like we have a fender fag in here. Tell me how awesome it is to have to use a tube screamer just to make you amp sound like it has some meat?

i run a laney ironheart through a 1x12 CV30. i like orange. it seems like they dont have a huge scene though, you never see big people playing theme. thats ok though

How awesome is it to never have played guitar and still try to talk as if you know anything about it?

take your daddy's dildo out your ass it's hurting your butt

Oh, did I hit a nerve?
You’re a fucking fraud. You’ve never played in your life.

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why are you showing me your radio you fucking jew

Marshallfag, lol. Go Mesa dude

Because you have no idea what an amplifier even is, you drooling retard. You’ve never played.

Why are u idiots so obsessed with amps?? I'll design an amp with "meat" it will blow ur breaker box and I don't care if it takes me a year its still not worthy of the pretentious bullshit in here.

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neither have you by the looks of it, showing me a fucking transistor radio faggot jew

Only the cabs are Marshall’s. The box on top is a Fender. It’s been thrashed to hell, but that’s a Fender in there, and it sounds fucking amazing.
I bought it from the original owner, and asked the obvious question-what happened to the original box?
His answer:
>I played so many gigs with it that after awhile, it just kinda...dissolved.

I do have a Marshall as well, tho. Don’t play it that often because it’s a non master and loud as all hell, even with the volume on 2

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I guess that’s why i’m posting pictures of my amps and you’re not, right?

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you're posting transistor radios dude it's sad you don't know the difference

1 uses radio waves and the other uses sound waves

That's a weird cab... what's the Peavy head sound like?

Is that a Mexi or American p bass?

Cab is a Fender Relaunch-era Sunn 215. When Sunn died, they would rebrand the Sunn stuff as the Fender Pro Touring series. Great sounding bass cab
Peavey head sounds really good. This is an early 70s 150 watt head, and it’s really flexible, especially for the time it was made. The knob second from the left on the left channel is a mid frequency shift, which makes it very versatile. kind of like having an SVT front end on a V4B. You can set it normally, use it to take away high frequency weirdness or any combination of the two. Way more useful than I thought it would be.

The bass is actually an 80s MIJ Precision, and it is glorious. Together it makes for a nice sounding bass rig.

That looks like a very old Peavey head, before they started making decent stuff.

Neat for the vintage look.

For its sound, not so much.

You’d be surprised, I know I was. Got it for $50 as a knockabout bass amp to learn on, and discovered I liked the way it sounded.
As it turns out, Peavey’s pre-DDT bass amps actually sounded quite good. They just had a tendency to fry speakers like mad when run too hard. But if you look, a number of Peavey’s modern bass heads have a switch to turn off their DDT systems for just that reason. It really does make them sound better.

No doubt modern stuff can run circles around it, providing much more wattage at at 1/10th the weight, but as a practice and gigging with friends amp, I could have done a lot worse.