


hey trump supporters,whatever happened to build the wall.you got fucked again LOL

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WTF i love jews now!

Forget the wall

We got space pirates to worry about

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Only brainlets think building a 'wall' was/is a good idea.

Prove me wrong.
>PROTIP: You Can't

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Trump 2020! Fuck Yeah!

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Why do libtards hate America ?

>why do libtards hate america

>8 years of obama,no laws passed that violate the constitution

>not even 4 years of trump,2nd ammendment went straight into the garbage can

time to take that chinese(you know,not america.which you seem to take pride in things made in america)red hat off and realize trump is nothing but a retard leftist from a liberal city

I know right?

They want to take away our second amendment rights...as if they hate America

I’d you are liberal and American , then you are a traitor and should be jailed

>Lies and bullshit
You hate America, yeah we know.


Liberals don't hate America, we just want to hold it accountable to its highest virtues and ideals. That's why it's frustrating to hear "well, if you don't like America, go live somewhere else". Why should I? Why shouldn't I put in the work to make things better here? Why shouldn't politicians, corporations, and citizens be held accountable for fucking up the institutions of democracy and free society?

Liberalism is about asking "knowing what we know now, what can we do to improve the future with the tools we already have?"

>why shouldn’t the whole world change to fit with my ideals and perspective

Don’t like it?
Fuck off back to islamistan

Liberalism is about being a Fucking hypocrite who’ll say anything to get elected

At least trump means what he says

You mean trump is a liberal? Cause you are describing trump.

it's not that complex, pic related plus a media drumbeat of "you're oppressed" and "watch out for white supremacists they're everywhere" to keep them scared and locked in

what's weird about progressiveism is that it's become mired in misanthropic, ecocentric attitudes which are inherently responses to man's knowledge that he is destroying the earth. the problem is not their desire to save the earth and it's people but the tremendously arrogant and misanthropic way they go about it, their mantra is essentially that people are stupid and unworthy of freedom as a reaction to the state of things, in essence this is all leading to eco-fascism. man spent a long time building his mistaken dominion over nature and he's about to have an equally devastating counter-reaction based almost entirely in self-hate.

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May as well just say your a Jew and be done with it

Tl dr
Get on the trump train faggot


Embarrassing b8

SO fucking wrong. He signed the patriot act but on steroids this time.


Nooooo, that's not what I said. I'm not asking the world to change to fit my worldview, just my country. That's how democracy works; we all get a voice to express what and why we want changed, and a vote to make that happen.

Like, maybe you could fuck off somewhere yeah?

They made a board for autists who want to spew the same political talking points at each other 24 hours per day.

Legit question: Don't you people get tired of re-creating the same thread every 30 minutes? You've been doing it since 2016.

Differing political opinion dismissed as “trolling” because facing up to your own hypocrisy would be too mentally taxing for a retard

>not asking the world to change , just the country
Fuck off to some other country where you are dictator then , because here in the US of A, we love freedom

I’m just a drink liberal role playing as a retard trumpster for my own amusement.
I’m guessing this is how trump support got off the ground in the first place

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Typical degenerate libtard


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But dose he?

we all know you're just talking to yourself...

>good one Cletus.
Point still stands

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>He signed a Bill passed by Congress.
>SCOTUS had up held it.

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2019 thinking the Supreme court means anything. Haha.

oh right i forgot,anything that doesnt kiss your draft dodgers ass is considered fake news to you idiots anyway.keep that head up your ass i guess

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funny how the scotus has said nothing about trump's bullshit.the difference between having idiot bible thumpers as justices and people who care about freedom in america as justices

what disapoints me the most about trump and his supporters is how much bullshit they put up with that they wouldnt be if obama was president

A draft-dodging, daughter-loving, wife-cheating, lost-more-money-than-I-ever-will expected to actually be reliable? Trump supporters are dumber than Trump is and that's saying a lot.

trump supporters are the stupid ones,not me.after all,it wasnt obama and his supporters who whined about the media all day.fake news started when you decided to have a manchild as president

Yeah, because the democrats are totally the better choice.

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you do realize donald trump has been a democrat most of his life right? and his family are life long liberals,time to get trump's shit out of your face and realize who you elected retard

Obama's supporters were the media. Trump is an insensitive guy, not intelligent but hes had some successes so I wouldn't say an idiot. The last guy went and asked forgiveness to nations of people we helped to free and have given what amounts to a free ride to.

then again,your an american.so its obvious that your retarded and only think democrats and republicans are the choice you can get for president

>hurr durr,the media

typical for a trumptard to bring up the media

>not intelligent

>i wouldnt say an idiot

calling him not intelligent is the same fucking thing you trumpshit.and his supporters are as dumb as he is

and at least the last guy wasnt a draft dodging piece of shit like donald trump

besides,if trump is so great.how come trump supporters continue to bring up obama and hillary.why cant you just move on with your life and be happy that you got the guy you wanted? there's a reason why people coined the phrase trumpgret

Yeah I'm not for the AUMF it's a fucking disaster. >Legal killing of US citizens abroad with out due process, come on.
>Indefinite Detention of people (including US citizens) without due process. No thanks.

But, that's what you get in a post 9/11 world. That's why Kavanaugh is on the bench. He helped crafted all the bull shit that got us here. And 'We the people don't care enough to do something.

I think John Roberts has been trying to play his hand. They knew Mr. Trump was kurupt and his presidency would end up in their courtroom.

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>hurr durr indefinite detention

yeah,i should of known a trumpshit would bring something up about obama,cant have an argue with you morons without you doing this bullshit

trump is a shit president and even shittier person.i miss the days of bush,he is what a republican should be.not some fat moron from a liberal city like the trump family

Only for those that have a limited understanding of life. Most people fall into the average pile of knowledge however you want to look at it. With some more schooling and a lot of tutoring you may get to that pile, until then, you seem to just be a piece of shit.

Bung hole pirates have already invaded.

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You do realize that the democratic party has changed a lot in the recent years. Becoming more extreme.

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You get I'm not a supported of trump right?

You sound like a nigger.

>more extreme


iran attacks oil tankers in the gulf and trump does absolutely NOTHING.

hey trump supporters, whatever happened to being tough on iran? you got fucked again. LOL.

russia tells america to stay out of venezuela. trump obliged. trump supporters are being fucked by their president over and over. and they keep supporting him. yall turning into libtards and yous dont even knwo it. LOL.

bump stocks banned. trump took the bump stock from charleston hestons cold dead hands. supporters dont say a word. LOL

Don't forget he also wanted the feds to be able to confiscate guns with no due process.

The right is so cucked.

No you don't.

you are mentally retarded
seek professional help

>loves freedom
>unless you’re female
>unless you’re brown
>unless you pray to a different deity
>unless you’re poor
>unless you’re gay
>unless you live in inner city
>unless you speak a different language

Fuck your idea of freedom, snowflake.

Hey political spammers, when are you going to realize that you are wasting your time here and go away?

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Zion Don