Anyone that has quit smoking have some tips on dealing with the cravings? I've about 90 hours in...

Anyone that has quit smoking have some tips on dealing with the cravings? I've about 90 hours in, and sometimes I'm fine, other times I just feel like a bipolar retard and anything sets me off.

Attached: cig-2.jpg (640x372, 33K)

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I started vaping at 3mg nicotine for 6 months, then down to 1.5mg nicotine for 3 months then just stopped completley. Much easier than going cold turkey if you're not strong willed.

I guess that works.

Try not being a faggot
I quit smoking just before Christmas
Not sucking cock really helped

I heard vaping was also the quickest way to turn your penis into a vagina.

drink alcohol until you die

once youre dead you wont be able to smoke

Fucking this!
Can confirm it works.

I heard you suck your dads dick for fun.

Valid info. Thanks fren.

Exercise. Cardio helps especially. Go for a run or hit up a gym and do the machines.

And it's still less gay than vaping
How's that make you feel, faggot?

You're welcome.

Nicotine patch finally helped me quit

Rather be gay for 9 months than for life like you, kid.

Whenever you want to smoke then ask yourself: Am I a weak willed faggot? If you answer yes then suck some dick if u answer no then you wont buy more cigs. And when you are done sucking dick after answering yes then ask yourself that question again and keep repeating until you answer no. This kept me off cigs for almost 4 years and i have yet to answer no

Hardest thing I ever did was quit smoking. It will be 20 years this fall. Believe it or not a little milk when the cravings are bad helps some. Someone told me it’s the niacin. Good luck user. It’ll be hell for now but well worth it!

Face into the cravings user, don't try to hide from them. Go find a mirror, look yourself square in the eye and tell the craving that you're stronger thsn it and it can do one. Stare the fucker down.

Thank you both.

I think I miss the act of doing it more than the nicotine, since I always did it while on the computer.

I switched to cigars which forced me to smoke less often, then cut down on the number cigars. Then switched to a pipe which is more convenient but FAR less nicotine, then cut back on the pipe until I only smoked it when I felt like it and not because I has cravings.

Eventually I just didn't give a fuck about cigarettes anymore, I still smoke my pipe from time to time and have a cigar a couple times a year, but no nicotine or cigarette cravings anymore.

Don't listen to this faggot op. Do not replace one habit with another that is also 100 % gayer. Just keep telling yourself no. It took a very long time for my cravings to go away but they did.

wish someone would give me a bj

im so lonely

I quit 15 years ago. Just know that the cravings are temporary, they will subside and then go away. At first, it's all you can think about, you're going crazy. But after day three you can go a couple of minutes without thinking about it. Couple days later it's just every hour or so - and here's where everybody pusses out; you'll be almost there and you will smell someone smoking. That right there will require discipline. If you can muster it and get through it, you'll be fine. Seriously though, you're health will get better in a dozen little ways.

fuck off retard

Yeah, the easy street to quit smoking is so gay. You aren't really a man and/or it doesn't really count unless you suffer in misery, right?

I've seriously helped several of my friends quit smoking using this route. It forces your brain to stop looking at tobacco as something you need and more of a treat after a long day or lots of hard work. The change in association helps reduce cravings while smoking tobacco you don't inhale, as well as products that are 100% pure tobacco with no fillers or chemicals, immediately begins to flush your body of its dependency on cigarettes.

Believe it or not, but quitting cigarettes isn't just about nicotine, your body craves the chemicals more than the nicotine which is why patches and gum typically fail. Continuing to smoke something similar to a cigarette produces something akin to a placebo effect to help reduce cravings and fulfill that need to smoke. Smoking a cigar at the end of the day makes you feel like you are smoking an entire pack or more at once, giving you a feeling of indulgence while you are in fact cutting back.

As your chemical dependency on the nast stuff in cigarettes fades you left with only the nicotine to give up, which next to quitting cigarettes is surprisingly easy.

Or you know, it's just gay and has no reason it would be helpful at all.

fingers you used to type that compliment , could be wrapped around my shaft

what a pity

Go vegan!

Honest story: I tricked my mind by deciding to just not put the ciggy in my mouth. I never craved, I never relapsed. Surely, you can just not put the cig in your mouth. When you do that, you don't smoke. I have no idea why it worked, but my mind never felt it "had to quit smoking" which I knew would be hard. But not putting a cigarette in my mouth, I could do that, no problem. After a while, my mind just didn't care to even try anymore. Good luck. Also, if that doesn't work, try again. My dad took 6 tries, but he quit.


I was a pack a day and went cold turkey. Physical addition (jitters, sweats) went away after 2 weeks, but still missed it after meals etc. I actually started running and it really helped. Just jogging for 20 or 30 min really cleared the mind and took the edge off. Vapers are just fooling themselves. Stop being a slave, faggots....

Thanks for the support guys. The last few hours I've been pretty good with the cravings.

Looking forward to being healthier.

Yay happy for u user : )

Think to yourself.. "lemme just ride this out until the next craving." this worked for me whenever I did well. busy yourself in the meantime

Yea chantix.
Do psychedelics. Like once. You'll never need to smoke again.

keep drinking pepsi max or something like ribena and smash your cigs up cus cigs are queer anyway and just fight through the bullshit, you'll eventually realise they make you feel worse

wet all your cigarettes with water and go to sauna