What’s on your conscious user? Why are you sad? Im here to listen

What’s on your conscious user? Why are you sad? Im here to listen

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>God doesn't exist
>Life is just meaningless suffering and I die and that's it.

>God exists
>He's a psycopathic madman who watches me suffer for pleasure

There's no winning.

>What’s on your conscious user?
>Why are you sad?
I was born.

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I feel that brother

Im sorry you feel that way, please don’t give up though. I wont give you some shitty reason as to why you should carry on. But at least try

I'm not going to commit suicide, if that's what you're thinking. I've thought about it a lot, but I just don't have the balls to follow through with it.
I've resigned myself to be like this forever.

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How can you listen to anyone without sound on an image board

I’m failing in school
I don’t find joy in anything
My life has no meaning no motivation
We probably live in a simulation

I've been feeling like trash for like, 4 years now, and I couldn't even tell you why. I have low self esteem, I'm a 20 yo virgin, soon to be a 21 yo virgin, I don't know how to drive a car, despite owning one, and the only one putting myself down is myself. I'll turn away any kind of compliment I get, and turn it into self harassment, I just see myself as a complete loser.

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Well, im sorry that you feel like you’re stuck. I hope things improve

Im sorry to hear that mate, can i help improve any of that?

I´m madly in love with this girl and it rips me apart every day because I know that she will probably never feel the same way for me.

That’s okay, i think lots of people feel like that about themselves. Is there something specific that you dislike about yourself?

I get it mate, love can be a bitch. But you never know, things could work out, there’s only one way to see if it’ll work

I’m not in love with my girlfriend anymore. She’s bitter and mean to me. But i refuse to leave her because I still feel strongly towards her and she was the only person to ever be nice to me.

Well faggots today i am not sad, finally went to korea on a trip and bagged a local cutie. I know it sounds hella gay lads but get out of your home town and explore new waters, reinvent your self.

Let me think
We’ll see the main problem is that I never had good grades at school now the problem with this is I never study because I have adhd never been able to focus although I have a high IQ I suck at school
2nd problem is I feel empty now here is why I never achieved anything in my life I was born in a family that was capable of give me everything I wanted
The result of this is feeling useless
Sow I don’t think you can’t help me

I wish I could have a girl by my side. I'm tired of being lonely.

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I don't know why I'm sad

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I just keep thinking: how can my feet smell if they don't have a nose?

How I look, everything about me is ugly I feel. I also feel like a burden to most people, like there was this girl I used to talk to, not often, but we would hang out and smoke pot together after work, and I just felt like I was a creep or a weirdo, then she gets a different position, making her be pretty much on the opposite side of the building from me, and I just stopped talking to her, though I really do like her company.

I really like a friend of mine. She likes me too, but has had horrible experiences with men, and is super careful. She's told me she likes me but can't date me, for fear of losing me. We talk every day, we love eachothers company, and she always puts a huge smile on my face. Never felt such wholesome love for someone.
Yet, I still started something with another friend of mine. She gets into open relationships and one night we ended up making out and have been since. Idk what to do. I want the first girl to feel like she can date me. I want to show her guys arent all that bad. Yet I'm already not perfect. What do I do?

Im sorry to hear that mate, ive been in a similar situation. I’m sure thinga will work out for the best

Main problem I’ve never been happy

If you’ve got natural intellect and a high iq, you should be alright when you get into the real world

There’s someone out there for you, you just gotta be outgoing

I picked up writing again
and I went over honestly with myself what happened when I was a growing up. I think too much about myself and who I am, but actually having a valid excuse again felt nice.
But yeah, I have no friends, no honest relations and I lie to everyone all the time to mask my hopelessness and fear.
I dont have a job. I have two appointments a week, student radio and guitar lessons/jams.
That's it, it works but still a lonely awful life.
Havent had sex in over a year.

In that relationship, were you the one who would initiate conversations and stuff?

Sorry for the late response, but i think, if you truly love that one girl, you should go for it. If she also loves you then she’ll realize that you two belong together.

My girlfriend of 5 years dumped me and instantly rebounded with some guy. I failed out of my classes, crashed my car, shit fucking job. No jobs what to actually hire me. And all I can think about is how much of a fuck up I am for fucking everything up.

I did start more then her yes, but she's said that she never has smart covos with anyone else. Dunno if it's relevant or not, I know it's just something she had said

Id also like to point out it was not a relationship, she had a bf at the time, she considered me a friend, but I had feelings for her.

Probably will drop out of uni at the end of this semester.
Have literally 0 plans for future
Life is meaningless
Be shut in piece of shit, that is scared to talk to people.
Constant depression since like 13
Constant anxiety
Full pack of psychological disorders/
I don't even live, i just, exist.
Fail at anything i do.
Never achieved anything in existence.
Don't have motivation to do anything
Don't have passion to anything
Don't have any will to live or exist
Have type 1 diabetes at the age of 20
Probably will just kms in next few years, because why not.
Make plans for that already. Already plan to record few videos for family, explaining all this shit to them.
Idk how i will kms, but i want to enjoy last moments of my life, and as well, to be them post painful thing i've ever had. Top priority suicide options are:
1) Jumping off Tokyo tower while performing seppuku in air
2) Freezing to death somewhere in the mountains
Give me more ideas. Will live stream it here.

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Also probably will do some shit before kms. Maybe rape someone, like loli idk/

I cheated, got away with it mostly, but the guilt has been slowly building, like I’m in a room filling with water. And the more I don’t tell anyone the more I’m slowly drowning in it.