Why do women think that if they chose to put a baby in their body they have the right to kill that baby?

Why do women think that if they chose to put a baby in their body they have the right to kill that baby?

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Why do people think that if they chose to worry about a random woman's body they have the right to decide for them

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Because 80 percent of women are total idiots, that's why they love fucking niggers too, similar iq ranges

Why do people think that if they chose to worry about a random legal issue they have the right to decide for them

We are saying you never had a right the decide in the first place
This chicken came before the egg my friend.

It’s the same shit for any moral choice. Too many people doing the wrong thing? Make a law enforcing a punishment for that thing.


people should stop having sex.

Feminism taught them to never, ever be responsible for their actions.

Why do you hate common sense abortion control?

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Thats not what women think
It is a right to control your own body
It isn't a baby, it doesn't cry and poop and live on its own. It's a cellular parasite.
If the woman decides to put it in the it follows she can decide to take it out. Forcing your dramatic opinions on the situation doesn't change that reality.

Here's a question.
Say you had the choice to save one thing. Only, one thing.
>An underdeveloped fetus that is 3 weeks old
>A newborn that is 3 weeks old.

Remember, choose one, and only one.
What would you pick?


Rape does exist you dipshit

why can't you discuss anything without false equivalency and spam?




>common sense abortion control

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By definition a fetus isn’t a parasite. This is why we need lawmakers to stop immoral decisions. People think they can take whatever actions they want and never have to deal with the consequences


Is save the pregnant woman, since that is two separate lives and 2>1

Woman here. Please commit tidepod in stomach.

>a fetus isn't a parasite
well, it certainly can't survive on its own independently, now can it?

Since when is Yea Forums filled with right-wing boomers who give a fuck?
The absolute state of you all. Kill yourselves.

>people controlling things must be controlled and restricted

So what I'm hearing is it isn't profitable

If I abandon my kids they would die. Still not the definition of a parasite

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Wtf are you even asking? your phrasing is trash.

Immoral decisions? You know where you are, bro?

Sorry you don’t know what responsibility is

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>they chose

weird word to use

By definitiien it literally is. But you're going to ignore that. Because your opinion needs to be right. Because


That's not the definition of a parasite

If you believe in forcing women to keep babies alive, I assume you're also for government handouts to help sustain the life of the child that you're forcing to be brought into the world?

We don't even do anything like this for guns, how do you think this will work.
Responded to bait. 8/8

>femanon here, don't you dare try to say we can be responsible


Look up the definition of parasite idiot. I’ll wait

Does it hurt to come out of your echo chamber and realize once again you are losing?

Why do idiot men think that if they choose to nail some random roastie without protection, they have the right to flee the implied commitment and responsibility to the idiot spawn that results?

You damn well know they won't.
>You want the wall built so bad?
>Have it built between Church and State

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I believe in people growing the fuck up and taking responsibility for their actions. Accidentally got pregnant? You fucking know where babies come from, sack up and act like a big girl.

Am I supposed to care about a womans baby?
I'm not the one who got railed with handcuffs on and nutted inside of cause the dude and girl was too stupid to use protection. Your crotchlets are not my concern.

>We don't even do anything like this for guns

Tell that to Commiefornians.

>implying anyone cares about black babies.

>Caring about """killing""" babies

In my opinion I don't think it's morally equivalent murder until the kids about 5 years old but to each their own I guess

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you are the one who saysI am wrong. you are. the one trying to hang up the thread on the definition of parasite like its a lynchkey detail. Its not. Its a dependent growth a woman can remove. It cant live alone. Laws are already set up to handle the spread of idiots. A bunch of crying idiots aren't going to. change them

OP wants everyone to be a virgin like himself. They abort when they just wanted a dick, not a baby. Idiot.

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>What is commiefornia
>What is Jew York
>What is Chicago

This is an echo chamber. But for real, this is Yea Forums. There was a time when people just posted pictures of aborted fetus' for a laugh.

All children are parasites.

There are no consequences to those who don't buy into some retarded "a fetus is a life form on par with an actual baby" bullshit. You're imposing your own made-up moralistic consequences, which not everyone believes. So feel free to never have an abortion, if that's what your belief tells you. My beliefs tell me there should be a lot more abortions in the world, because there's too many fucking drug addicts and crazy motherfuckers having kids that shouldn't be having them.

Also, prohibition has never worked. For anything. People just find less safe, less legal ways to seize autonomy over their own bodies.

>”Absolve me of responsibility and let me kill my baby”
>”then absolve me of responsibility and pay me to raise my child”
What is it with liberals and wanting to act like children their entire fucking lives

Okay, and tell me how that helps someone with no job and no money? How does that help society? Having an uneducated, homeless baby be born is the fastest way to guarantee a life of abuse, neglect, and eventually crime. You are shooting yourself in the foot and you don't even realize it. Don't come crying to me when the destitute niggers who you refuse to let be aborted start mugging whitey for their gibsmedats.

you're wrong, I know you're wrong. the need to post this thread everyday and keep arguing and spam anytime someone makes a reasonable point shows how flimsy this whole debate is

What is it with religious people and worshipping a fetus then stop caring about it after birth?

Parasites belong to a different species. Babies are babies. It’s what fucking happens when people have sex. If you don’t understand/can’t handle that, don’t fucking do it

This guy sounds like American brain like a dropped pie

>New York
Ah, yes. Fine examples of where there are absolutely no guns and/or gun violence, because,you know, prohibition works, and all.

Fucking idiots.

A few things I've wanted to say, but I've kept my mouth shut.
My mother had me circumsized. Nobody bats an eye. It's my fucking body, she mutilated it as soon as I was born. I'm fucking furious at her for that, and the only way she could have done worse by me is if she had me killed.

It's not YOUR BODY, it's a separate body inside of yours. If you don't want to carry a child for 9 months, then kill yourself. That's the best form of abortion, remove two parasites at once. God knows you're not going to raise your little cum-stain properly anyway, but I for one think that child's life is far more precious than the whore carrying it.

If bacteria in space is considered life, then a fetus should be as well, and at least that fetus has potential, unlike the whore-mom trying to kill it.

two decent comments and the entire thread has to explode into honk durrr so you can hopefully take advantage of widespread adhd and try again tomorrow

Nice trips.

I feel like everybody should be sterilized from birth so that our species can walk hand in hand into the long dark sunset that it deserves.

People believe they are morally entitled to kill other people. Excuse me if I co to us to support laws to punish murderers

Right? It worked absolutely so well with the prohibition of alcohol. What makes people think the same with firearms of all kinds will yield better results?

Bacteria in space would live without outside assitance.

Go look up the definition faggot. You won’t because you’re wrong

If you kill yourself, your body will die. Amazingly the "not your body" that "isn't a parasite" will die too

Not this

Most of Yea Forums's existence was nihilistic. A true Yea Forumstard is neither pro-choice nor pro-life, but pro-abortion because fuck babies. Fuck snowflakes and fuck inbred, shortbread, shit for brains red head bible humping degenerates like you. Abortions keep untermensch like you out of the gene pool for decent folk like me, faggot.

Then what is food?

I do care. I support laws for child welfare just as much as I support laws to save a child’s life

Why do people think if they choose to be infected by a parasite they have the right to kill that parasite?

We pull people in vegetative states off of life support on the daily because they have no quality of life. A fetus is not a conscious being, it has no thoughts, feelings or emotions. It has no right to life -- it's a parasite until it leaves the body of the mother.

>If you don’t understand/can’t handle that, don’t fucking do it
This is unrealistic and you know it. This is never, NEVER going to happen. People are never going to not have sex. Period. So instead of living with our heads up our asses, why can we not look into realistic, actually achievable goals which will help ALL OF SOCIETY? This issue is not about any one person, or helping sluts to sleep around. This is about preventing the lowest class of people in America from growing and growing and growing, while providing nothing of value in return and draining resources that could have been used to improve other areas of society.

Fuck you for not starting with “why”

A fetus is not a child.

I won't because I don't have to. "lol your wrong" isn't an argument

>True Yea Forumstard

Western feminists are the most spoiled, self entitled people in human history.

Attached: spoiled rich commie feminist.jpg (1768x2500, 608K)

Leaving a vegetable alive would not some day give it a quality of life.

OK, awesome, good on you.
Buuut what about all those kids that are in foster care / up for adoption that no one else seems to have thought of? What about all those kids that suffered a form of abuse that rendered them near broken beyond repair?
I don't hear conservatives mention any of that let alone put any effort into supporting them.

You’re right, it’s never going to happen just like people will never not steal rape and murder. But we will have laws to punish immorality

Part of an organism's enviroment.

Hardly considering you fucking butthurt faggots are raiding it every minute of the day and losing at each attempt. Theres a difference between the prevail of an ideology through scrutiny and simply forcing silence upon the opposition. For example reddit quite literally makes it impossible for you to offer a conservative opinion because you’ll get downvoted if you offer a opinion different from the norm there and then you are unable to post if you are down voted by just a few people. On the other hand you can say whatever you fucking want on Yea Forums anywhere at any time and the only thing that makes you stand out is what you say. Not other peoples opinion of what you say. This place was accidentally designed to be most likely the most effective method of public discourse ever created in history and yet here were are flooded with porn. Funny how life works. Maybe it’s sort of like an art piece with a deeper meaning.

Anyways as per customary tradition i’m now going to request that you commit suicide.

What you people don't seem to understand is that the type of person who is likely to get an abortion is not the kind of person who we would want reproducing in the first place. This is not a hard concept to grasp. They are literally trying to improve the world by self-selecting themselves out of the gene pool, yet you retards are trying to force them back into it. You are literally and unironically cucking yourselves by doing this, since you are diluting the presence of your own genes.
I cannot even imagine being so cucked.

exactly, but trolls have to hyper post the exact same as hyperspeech in real life because they have jack to say. ten conversations about what a parasite isn't because of how interested any of these trolls are in real discussion

Point me to a thread where it’s controversial to want someone to not beat the shit out of a child. I’ll go tell people why it’s wrong to abuse children

>But we will have laws to punish immorality
Ah, so now we get to the crux of the issue. SEX = BAD because sky daddy said so.

they understand it's called giggling and flinging shit

Nice false equivalency. The point is that fetuses are *not* people, they're sacks of cells growing inside a woman's uterus. No one is entitled, morally or otherwise, to end another's life. (Unless you want to get into the whole debate of "do murderers forfeit their right to bodily autonomy when they seize that of another person" but that's another discussion) Because people are autonomous of our own lives; fetuses have life insofar as they are organic, biological matter. But they are not alive in the sense of any sort of bodily autonomy; the woman is.

In short, fetuses are not people yet. When they come out that birth canal, start feeding and breathing without the mother's body, then they are babies, AKA people. But again, since you're so fucking dense, abortion is not equivalent to murder.

And? It's an unconscious, unfeeling, unthinking parasite until the moment it leaves the womb of the mother. Denying it the chance to live is no different than denying a seed the chance to grow. Additionally, overpopulation is becoming a massive problem across the world and will continue to become unsustainable as time moves forward. Abortion is the only moral choice, abort more fetuses.

No, murder is bad because it’s bad

you should just connect a hose from your ass to nose

I agree, less abortions do mean more left wing dumb cunt genes in the gene pool

Not to mention niggers

Why is it bad again? I'll wait.

Wrong. Pregnancy and birth rates are on a decline

You haven’t killed yourself yet?
Whats the hold up?

Aye, my childfree nigga. It's what we deserve.

Don't forget about good ol' marijuana prohibition. Because NOBODY I know smokes weed. Definitely not me, right this minute.

because women shouldn't have the right to decide anything at all you fucking moron

Because people have a right to life and no one has the right to remove that life. As a society we have rules and laws in place that says a person forfeits their life with certain actions. A fetus takes no such action and so cannot have its life removed

>On the other hand you can say whatever you fucking want on Yea Forums anywhere at any time and the only thing that makes you stand out is what you say. Not other peoples opinion of what you say.
>and yet here we are flooded with porn

Here we exercise our right to free will, and this is the result. Bunch of autistic faggots engaging turbobutthurt over the most trivial topics in society.

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Good, then someone somewhere is doing something right.

niggers you mean

>a pimple takes no such action

because it isn't a person

>>Why do women think
>>women think
I see no evidence of this op.

Yeah, tell that to people that go around blowing shit up in social gatherings, people that go to random mosques and synagogues for target practice, see what they think of that.

I wouldn't say the argument between bodily autonomy and right to life is a trivial topic. However I suppose the majority of 4chans posters are male, so the topic in general is really kind of irrelevant to them at large.

Nice meme.

Life and birth is a simple and commonly understood process. A fetus becomes a person in normal circumstances and so for the purpose of morality it is a person. That doesn’t change outside of rare natural incidents.

with a very obvious forced traffic narrative. autists and bots

And those people are punished, just like women and doctors who also end lives are punished

False equivalency. Violently ending the life of another conscious, feeling, thinking human being is not the same as aborting a fetus -- an unfeeling, unthinking parasite.

You're acting like women don't feel guilty after have justifiable abortions. I think that's consequence enough, considering fetuses aren't babies - they ARE parasites, by definition. I know this because I looked it up, like you were too fucking stupid to do, boomerfag

>oranges to apples
found the christfag

Already covered this. A fetus is a person when it comes to morality because, without action with exception of rare natural cases, that fetus will become a person.

>a fetus becomes a peeson because of yellow cheese and so therefore it is a person

are people really so stupid and attention deficit that arguing like this works?

Well, to be fair. most of the time the ones being uncivil are the authoritarian leftists trying to push their ideology on this website. The are especially uncivil when presented with logic

So, why is a miscarriage considered murder to some? even though the woman had no control of such event due to an autoimmune reaction?

2 points of discussion:

>Is it not fair to say that by having the government outlaw abortion, they are in a way controlling people's sex habits? Is that good or bad?
>If a baby is considered human life at the moment of conception, why doesn't the mother get commodities such as carpool privileges, maternity pay before the baby is born, etc?

Laws are not meant to be moralistic codes but legalistic codes based on ideas of property and rights of autonomy, at least in America. Impose your moralistic codes on yourself, faggot. Not everyone has to live the same morals as you. Rape, murder, theft, etc., are illegal in this country not for your fucking Christian ethics but for reasons of individual liberty, bodily autonomy, and rights to property.

That's called an opinion

Learn to pronounce
an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense
>another species
You’re a goddamn idiot. I’m done talking to you

my dad was the result of the soviet reproductive policy that abortion would be illegal.

seeing things in a strictly scientific sense is kind of reductionist. it is, of course, all about politics, whether or not abortion should be illegal, because as a social policy it has a lot of consequences, some obviously bad, but some possibly not so obviously good.

and part of growing up is seeing how things aren't just science. it's a framework for thinking, for sure, and a good one at that. but there are people living today who were the beneficiaries of a no-abortions policy. many liberal immigrant people like me. i just inhabit reality, whose fabric is complicated, and i know not to mouth off about shit with serious personal consequences.

so even though i personally believe that abortion should be legal, i understand that the policy question of how do you make it safer and easier to raise a family, and how to basically ensure that we achieve a replacement population rate REGARDLESS of what political interventions can be passed today, is a serious question and not one that can be answered by litigated when life begins or ends nor by litigating women's rights.

It isn't unless you're stupid

well in this case,
Those appear to be GOP majority states...

>looks at Georgia

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Emphasis on 'will become', but has not yet. We as a species deny the natural order of things every microsecond of our existence. We deny the life of things around us to enrich our lives in a thousand different ways -- convenience, sustenance, infrastructure, etc. What you're describing has nothing to do with morality because there is no morality to our existence as a species. You just want to cherry pick what natural orders of the universe to allow to continue.

You lost a democratic election user. Nobody is forcing anything on you. You simply lost the vote. Cry more might I add. If you don’t like it move to a shit hole like LA and pay $2500 a month to live in a closet with a toilet and a sleeping bag for all i fucking care

Killing a pregnant woman is double murder. It’s illegal in almost every country to execute a pregnant woman because the fetus is its own person. Telling yourself a fetus isn’t a person so that women don’t have to take responsibility for anything in their life doesn’t change the fact that a fetus is a fucking person in any other situation and you’re just a retarded faggot

wow what a vain little shit, the definition basically shows people are right on about a fetus being a parasite, but m'lady can mark his internet win board because of the word species, like his pedantic ass actually BELIEVES what he is saying.

Also guy, it doesn't yet have a species as a cell clump. Parasite

Women have unilateral control over their reproduction or lack thereof. There is nothing, no legislation, no threat, nothing, that can change this.

Woman wants baby, man does not == She wins.
Woman doesn't want baby, man does == She wins.

Get over it. Let bitches have their birth control and abortion. Fight the fight that needs fighting: the elimination of financial support from men for a woman's decision.

>talking to user like. he is giving you the time of day and fair consideration after. he says cells are people because the.

Good for you? Were abortion legal where/when your father came, there's a major chance you'd still be here today. All it gives is the freedom of choice.

And I'm not talking just scientifically. I'm not sure the people harping on about parasites are truly knowledgeable of what they're talking about. I'm talking legally. There is no basis for an anti-abortion law in America because of muh morality. Just like there's no reason for the prohibition of guns, alcohol, and marijuana, in America. It's unconstitutional for reasons of personal property and individual liberties of bodily autonomy. Fuck your morals, you can follow them, but I don't have to.

It has human dna and is classified a human. You’re like a fucking flat earthed, thinking arguing and tiny little individual point makes you right, but looking at the big picture makes you a goddamn retard with stupid opinions contrary to reality


Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
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MSG_ID: 1f5odhpyhu

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I simply pointed out that they're GOP states. I didn't mention anything about "oh fuck we lost the vote reee", retard. I was also pointing out that they're not left authoritarian libtards.
fucking. brainlet.
but i don't expect you to understand that, because you hold your shitty opinions high in value.

We should honestly have both. A woman should be able to choose at what point in their life, if at all, they become a mother. As should a man have the right to choose at what point their life, if at all, they become a father. Neither should have any control over their autonomy in either such case.

>there is nothing, no legislation
There is now

Hey I like it when you simply don't respond to any post while calling everyone wrong and asking them to respond to you.

Fetuses aren't babies. Otherwise we wouldn't need the word fetus

So does a banana. lol lol cuck incel you're wrong lol

It’s a stage of human life you retarded fuck

My sperm has human DNA, does that mean fapping is killing untold millions of potential men and women? What about when I fuck my wife with the intention of impregnating her, only of those sperm cells is going to win that race, the other million or so aren't going to make it -- but we just call that natural selection, right?

you think that shit will survive appeal?

You're assuming anyone here arguing pro life actually cares about. anyone lol

Leave a sperm alone and tell me when it turns into a baby without any other influence. I’ll wait.

Yup, each time you bust a nut, you're basically committing genocide, you sick bastard.

If you were looking at the big picture you would see that the only right choice in this situation would be to abort MORE unborn fetuses. This planet doesn't need more people, we're dealing with overpopulation already. Nobody needs to procreate and most people simply shouldn't at all.

No it isn't. It's a stage of fetal development. Moran.

Probably not.

One of the few sane posts ITT

Fuck I’m done talking to you


Cells in the process of fetal development do not, and should not, constitute as a human.

Inner city school graduate

Why do faggots post cancerous bait threads on Yea Forums instead of killing themselves like they should?

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Go listen to/read a discussion on population and you would know that human population is declining, not rising, and will eventually settle out as a number a little lower than it is now

Explain how a sack of globby cells represents a human and how it has more rights than the host mother. I'll wait.

And yet leave them alone and they will become a thinking feeling individual person, unlike an individual sperm and unlike an individual egg.

I appreciate that. A fetus is not yet a person capable of living without constant support. Something unliving is not killed, its continued growth and nutrient depletion is terminated

They get attention for being gay.

Good, let's keep it that way by aborting more unborn fetuses so we can put our situation as a species into one that is more sustainable than it currently is.

Denying the natural course of cell development should not be a crime.

Killing ones self is the most moral choice a person can make.

When it comes to morality and discussing the consequences of action against something, you’re comparing action to inaction, right to wrong. Take no action and it’s a person, therefor take action against it and you are eliminating that person. It would not exist if not for your action. As for woman’s right, I’m not answering a stupid fucking question since women have more rights than a fetus

>denying cell development is not a crime
It is now

>go listen to people talk and you would know the future

I am pretty sure that's what causes most of you to be deluded, believing in random hearsay

Whats your point then user? If you just stating random facts you’ve failed to convince anyone of anything (especially me)

What gives your ass a right to live more than the baby?

You don’t mean shit dude, just because you can’t cope with that doesn’t mean the rest of us are going to falsely assign valve to your or anyone else life.

God forbid another one of his precious children not get to walk this fucking earth huh?

If you can’t understand that predictions can be made from trends I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing here. Abortion rights must be way the fuck over your head

What you meant to say is he is assuming left wingers would ever fight for mens rights even though they are all for “eqwalaT”

Because that’s how democracy works fucktard

>I am not going to answer your question because it can't be answered and shows how disheveled my opinion is but I will start talking about another unrelated thing that amounts to a large collection of words

like Yea Forums gives a rats ass about how others should be impressed.

I said what I meant. Pro life is shock opinion and an excuse to feel involved. There's no actual care for life.

>they're god given rights
Oh fuck, here we go again. Here we go again!
The 'God' Excuse. Where a man has no real answers and no arguments, it must had come from 'God' as a last refuge.

>if you don't believe what I do obviously you're stupid lalala I know everything and can never learn anything ever again


Thats just a fucking opinion it’s not an argument
Opinions are like asses user everybody's got one and they are all shitty. When you formulate an actual argument you can come back and see if somebody cares.

Pretty much humans in general.

>remember the last. post where I didn't respond, wrote my own assuming post and responded to that so I couldn't look wrong?

>still can't answer the question and must resort to detouring the question about something else that doesn't answer jack shit

Let abortion be legal but if a woman kills your baby then you get to kill her.

God you are sad. Just stuck in vain little twat mode. Yeah, it's an opinion. There was never any argument and I just stated something. You need to get laid bad.

Can't argue. Young generation definitely masters it though.

Because the idea that a fetus has more rights than a woman is so fucking absurd it doesn’t deserve a response. Go look up the the universal declaration of human rights you absolute ignorant mother fucker. The fact that you think the shit you say is relevant or profound is fucking mind boggling.

>hasn't even asked a question, depending on a series of argument tricks being dumb as fuck and having no interest in topic

As a '91, pretty much disgusted. But, it is what it is.

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>probably doesn't know how to determine whether or not it's just an argument for the sake of arguing

>I don’t know that 2+2=4 but I’m going to enter a debate on calculus theory
Have some general fucking knowledge on the way the world works before you enter a discussion you fucking idiot

You realize you're wailing at someone who agreed genius

I just love the chicago is so bad it doesn't even need a shitty nickname to make it sound worse.


>somebody responded to that guy and made the thread seem like not shit

If you weren't convinced they were retarded, here's a shit attempt at greentext

Too many people replying to the wrong person and getting their pussies knotted for the wrong reasons. Guess this discussion is fucked. Op out

So basically you can’t back up what you believe with logic. You are just as bad as christ niggers

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
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Any woman who believes this isn't a woman. Date a real woman who loves babies.


>haha I win this argument no one was having about nothing

great job

probably replying to themselves wouldn't be surprised if there are non bots in this thread

abortions aren't that bad in my opinion

they choose to remove the fetus they put in

simple stuff. its like pressing the refund button instead of selecting a soda

forcing poor living conditions sounds worse

If women have a right to control their bodies, why don't fetuses have a right to grow up?

Why do conservatives only argue with memes, lies and appeals to emotion?

No woman believes a fetus is a baby until it's born. They might be dumb, but not that dumb

They don't. No universal statement made here is true.

Okay.... keep telling yourself that.

We don't care about your body, you psycho bitch, we care about your child.

The left is terrified because they are losing the war on abortion. Due to natural selection, soon we will have majority support. Those that want to still kill babies can do so on their own fucking side.

the thing depending on her body to live

so pro life, much concern, very humanity

well what if they don't choose? why are they being forced to ruin their lives for 18+ years because some selfish idiots don't want to "kill people"

>because the sky is blue, soon we will win

lol what


You are losing the war on abortion. Our generation will not tolerate the slaughter of innocent children any longer. You will have to go elsewhere to do so.

fellow '91
hoping that gen Z turns out to be redpilled and address the cuckdom we have wrought

based trips

Because they care so much and it isn't about having control moreso than improving life quality, promise

You fucking responded to me user. You didn’t just say it. You clearly thought it was an argument. Faggot

your generation can't start a lawnmower kek

Just because I don't think you can kill your baby (like you can't kill any other human), doesn't mean I am responsible to pay for it or raise it. We already have plenty of welfare anyway. The responsibility is yours. And that's why HOES ARE MAD, because if there's one thing they hate, it's accepting responsibility.

92 here in the same boat bro

Second rate dipshits. Ok, no abortion - now you have to pay upkeep and maintenance on them from point of conception. No escape. Love your life now? Where are your "men's rights" now when paying child support? Lucky for you that acorns are not oak trees - so the involuntary bondage can be removed and more mature and settled ones can have kids who don't grow up in squalor, abuse and neglect. The whole debate is a masturbation exercise by psycho control freaks with no real interest in social good - just social control and manipulation to divide and conquer. Glad you love being used and played!

I can not only start a lawn mower, I can pick one up and beat you over the head with one. On top of that, I'm also highly intelligent and successful.

>trust me

yuh huh

Yea Forums is counterculture. Abortion is currently celebrated by the establishment, so we are against it to trigger whores and normies. This is a sad comment on society, but it's currently more edgy to want to protect children's lives then to want to kill them

you definitely won twice buddy, its a banner day

who do you think the types of people who typically get abortions? you think its middle to upper class people who can afford a family or poor people who do it out of neccessity? just know that by being a massive moralfag over some shitty kid who hasnt been born you are creating a generation of low income (predominantly black) kids who will likely grow to be criminals or end up on welfare.

Keep your moral faggotry out of politics.

it isn't celebrated
It is not sad
Fetuses aren't children

It isn't. They know it isn't. There is no real care

Abortion kill a ton of niggers why would anyone be against that?

based lol this lol

No doubt. If you were here i’d make you suck my dick for losing that bad. No sex because you arn’t aloud yo abort my baby slut


>I am not responsible for my opinions nor do they have to be based in realism


Bleach now


>haha poop tendies

Pro lifers

What an idiot

Because God fags. Fetus is perfect and without sin until born and then becomes full of evil and sin but can't be saved until they get the Jeebus words and maybe a dip in magic water. .Because a fetus is a perfect "cause". It has no demands, no need to actually be supported, No need to actually feed, clothe, shelter or otherwise take responsibility aside from being selfrighteous. It can't correct errors and misperceptions so you can project whatever fantasy onto it.

You get to adopt all the unwanted children broken from a life of abuse.

No we need more broken children

Why do non-women think an undeveloped embryo is a baby?

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Too much free time, not enough problems

Imagine supporting murder and thinking you are correct. Liberal logic.

Human life begins at conception, and my gender has nothing to do with it.

Imagine never growing past highschool

That'd be liberals

If we want to get rid of niggers we should just kill or repatriate them all regardless of age. Killing white babies to also kill some black ones is retarded

human life begins at breathing and your concern with things that were previously fine means your sexual gender is probably female unless you're gay

>we should actually murder instead of approved medical procedures

shill logic

Why don't you tell us what you actually believe, instead of some fake shit that you know everyone will ignore.

That would be anyone who has to run around crying murder about things that aren't their own problem

>Human life begins at conception

Incorrect. Cell division and ferilization is not human life. It is a chemical reaction that has no properties of human life distinguishable from that of any other cellular organism

This is what happens when we refuse to teach basic sciences in school. We begin making blanket equivalencies based on ignorance.

Abortion is amazing! It stops retarded fucks like most of you from ever existing. Not my body so I don't give a fuck if a woman decides to end the life of a fetus because she doesnt want to care for it. Simple as that. Bodily autonomy you faggots, learn something.



>hes still supporting murder and trying to claim the high ground

Its not murder.

This irony that you would make such an ignorant statement will probably be lost on you, but I can assure you that I have blown loads with drops of cum that were smarter than you, and you are probably some 19 yo year one biology student who doesn't know wtf he is talking about.

It's not murder, and it's not your issue

>yeah well you can't come to my birthday party

well crap

And what is so very wonderful about a human life? Look at all the suicidal /bt-ards. Look at all the whiners and Advice seekers and unhappy traps and self hating trap likers. Niggers, Sandniggers and the sad little "daway"'ers. Addicts and asshats. All the hunger for rrekt and gore made of suffering and pain by those desperate to feel something. Is a human better than a dog or cat? A whale? A cow? Really, which has greater value to /b? Human or cheeseburger?

t. Pro murderer

only niggers though
When the embryo has it's own HUMAN DNA, it distinguishable human life. Any other timeline is completely arbitrary. How about you learn some basic biology?

>lalala murder I can't hear you lol

Top pro life debator

>Really, which has greater value to /b?
Triggering whores and liberals

Except it isn't because abortion isn't murder. That's your opinion and the reason things are voted on

That's a high-quality, well thought out response. Well done, you must be proud.

You're desire to pay for the food stamps and wellfare of these unwanted, entitled, self-important future street urchins is an embarassment to society.

Humans are raping the planet, abortion is necessary at this day and age. Maybe 500 years ago when everyone died at 30 abortion was a terrible choice but now I am hoping to see mass human extinction.

If you want an abortion in a non medical emergency situation you should have to have a hysterectomy/neutered. You obviously cant be trusted to be responsible for your own reproduction. If you want kids in the future adopt.

That's the exact opposite of what is occuring. Liberal/whore trolls

the shit i took has human dna in it as well. does that make it a person?

My cum has human DNA. That doesn't make it a human life.

You're welcome to continue making yourself look foolish if you like. Also happy to give you some cum, too. Y'know, if you want to experiment on your own.

That's a semi valid opinion

Nope! I'm just saying that if we are executing people so we don't have to pay for it, we should tell it like it is, instead of this shit because it is easy.

TBH if it goes to SC, there is some chance Roe v Wade would be overturned with the current SC composition. Just imagine the butthurt

But it isn’t separate from your own or unique like a fetuses is user

It's a very valid option. Niggers stop having kids and we generate a pool of kidless parent to start taking in the parentless kids.

How about no and women just keep getting abortions? Easy.

Two abortion related threads in a row?

So what happened recently that had to do with abortion?

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I don't get anti abortion channers.

That's kinda retarded.

Like if I knock some bitch up I don't give a shit about I don't want that child support, doc bring out that vacuum.

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How bout kill yourself faggot

Chicks dig baby killing.

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How about you stop being so mad :^)

That's because you're a nigger tyrone

your cum/shit has your DNA, and is not necessary for your organism to survive. Embryo has it's own unique DNA, making it a distinct human organism, and will obviously not survive if aborted, i.e. killed. Therefore abortion is murder, deal with it

How bout you suck my dick then I wont be

annnnd you couldn't help going full retard, this is why no one even attempts to validate or compliment someone

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Thank you, Russian troll. Your masters applaud you. Whores are those who engage in libertarian free trade of a valued commodity in exchange for money. It is autonomy and liberation if you chose it for yourself and don't have to hide from the oppression of authority. Or you can claim it is all pretend and have someone film it and be a porn star! It is hazardous without birth control, and in fact liberalization of birth control makes it a more viable path -especially with low skill and poor education or low opportunity individuals. Moral fags want kings and nobles and strict hierarchy where no one is really free. Only by making everyone free to make the best choices for themselves and their bodies can we be free. So, women's freedom and liberation is essential. Take your BS "conservative" knuckle dragging primitivism back to your cave.


in the trash it goes

then kill yourself

>That's your opinion and the reason things are voted on

and it got voted on to be banned

fad of the month

i skipped most of these comments cause its just people getting offended, arguing and insulting one another.

it's funny, im a 23 yr old white male that never had a problem with abortion really, more like never had an opinion on it.

but i began thinking recently that abortion is murder. and that it shouldn't be allowed unless there is a very good reason why that person should not have that baby.

basically 1. too poor 2. its a dangerous pregnancy or ofcourse 3. if it was a pregnancy from a rape

its funny how women are freaking out and saying men shouldn't be able to say anything relating to womens bodies.

i think you need help if you think "men are trying to control women" its deeper than that, some people just don't think abortion is right.

yall hoes gotta stop treating sex so casually when another life is involved.

but im a 23 yr old (evil) white male so my opinion doesn't matter lol.

I would rather slurp a freshly vacuumed fetus, but thanks for the offer, faggot !

the opinion doesn't actually exist people just like pooping in their hands

Holy fuck, you're a goddamn fag, dude.


You first, faggot!

>Valid points
>reee full retard
t. Full retard

except it didn't, still available

I mean... sure you can say that, but unlike Tyrone I have 500 bucks to suck out the lil bastard. If I was Tyrone I'd just ghost until I get a court order for child support.

Since when did Yea Forums become a board of sensitive cucks who give a shit about the lives of others? Back in my day before all you newfags, this shit would literally just be keks. Not virgins upset about how if one day they get sex that hoe can't abort their shit genetics.

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Das really gross user

Fair enough

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>but I began thinking about things that had nothing to do with me

and no one cared, the end

that explains a lot

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have you seen babies? they suck bro
women are doing us a favor, as long as they let a few through

>I had a discussion with myself and determined I am right

Good for you

mah nigga here gets it.

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lmao this one chick was arguing that sex is natural and a humans god given right and they should be allowed to get abortions no matter what. so if sex is natural rape is also natural, since its just sex lmao. we should unban rape and then u can have ur abortions lmao.
its funny cause she was also talking about she didnt understand why people thought gay people were evil. so funny. i dont care what anybody does for pleasure. besides scat lul u guyz r nasty. but 2 guys having sex doesn't create life which is what reproduction is for so its meaningless in my opinion. but go get freaky boi.

A nigger with money is still a nigger. Also fuck you new fag I've been here all summer (for 15 goddamn summers)

why do people ask this, have you been living under a rock?

this place has been gayer than a pineapple for years

lmao lel lmao

>I semi agree with your points
>oh you said nigger so I dont anymore
Full retard

>the blinding truth

careful with that.

pro choice points that never get responded to
pro life points that are always the same and have multiple arguments that have to be constantly defended

/abortion threads

If that were true, I assume you'd be less of a lil bitch. But being a wizard must be hard, hopefully one day, with the help of a government, the girl you'll eventually rape because of your shit personality won't be able to abort your lil autist.

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A child breathers it's own air, ingests it's own food and removes it's own waste. A fetus needs a host's lungs, stomach, kidneys and colon.

>I am going to self narrate what happened to prove to myself how great I am

You're doing great

It's probably just me hoping with hope, that we get the autism that I grew up with, rather than the autism we have now.

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>killing humans unjustly isn't murder because
>muh right to murder!


Not immeadiately, because they aren't parasites physically dependant on your body

I'm actually married and dont give a fuck but shit posting is more fun.

>murder! ahhh!

It's a fetus. Humans do things like breathe. Luckily the people who make laws aren't yet dramatic children

I can respect that.

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