If you say you aren't attracted to him, you're kidding yourself

If you say you aren't attracted to him, you're kidding yourself.

Attached: 800px-Bilal_hassani_NRJ_Reims_79785.jpg (800x993, 167K)

kys fag, quit trying to cope with your gayness

what a disgusting looking human being

I'm proud of my gayness actually.

that is not an attractive human. If you're attracted to that you have something wrong with you. Are you a shit skin or something?

post an attractive human then.

I could do his makeup and he would be 5 times prettier.

kek good thread

are you a makeup artist

Stop projecting your gayness onto others, poofta.

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vous penser vraiment quil aurais fais leuro vison sil etait pas comme sa physiquement

i put it into translator and didnt understand it

a girl on your picture is cute too, i'll give you that

im gay

im bi

A perk of being a girl, not a bloke playing at being one.

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if a person wants to play a girl there's no right in the world so stop her/him

im pan

im nb

Just don't act surprised when other men can tell right away that you're one as well and don't wish to associate with you any further, much less find you attractive.

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