Should Americans be allowed to own Machine gun?I don't feel safe enough with AK 15.I need something stronger...

Should Americans be allowed to own Machine gun?I don't feel safe enough with AK 15.I need something stronger,with more rounds and faster shootings.
M134 submachine gun for example.

There is no way to defend ourselfs from the potential Leftist Government's tyranny without real weapon.

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we should each be given an RPG from the government.

Ak15 is good rifle comrade

we need anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons for civilian use

Sure it is,but what if you are up agaisnt this?

Attached: Real gun.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

All gun are Machine gun. Machine is an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.


ak 47's are communist rifles,own an ar 15 like the rest of us patriots

How else are we supposed to stop bombings from attack helicopters when the Government sends them?Clearly not with a handgun.

Attached: Bombings.jpg (1920x1080, 664K)

damn,ive seen .50 cal bullets in real life and those look bigger,is it just the picture or what

Does you autism physically manifest as a stand or is it more like an aura?

20mm maybe?

Instead of talking about gun control we should be talking about expanding gun rights to incluide more powerful weapons.
This is how a REAL weapon looks.

Attached: Powerful gun.jpg (768x512, 83K)


OP's troll rated 7/10.
> all assholes respond
> OP's faggotry continues unabated.

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What? Weapons that aren't fully automatic aren't machine guns.Machine gun can shoot many bullets from a single trigger,not just one like a regular gun.

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I don't feel safe enough with a fully automatic machine gun. I think need a nuclear weapon to feel safe.

>ESL level language skills

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First off. Why should the government be allowed to own weapons the citizens cant? Second that gun is $20000, not very many people could afford it.

Dumbfuck, if the Government wants to take you out, NOTHING is going to stop them. A paranoid douchenozzle like you shouldn't be allowed any kind of weapon.

Nukes for defense did worked for me desu.Without them I would have been killed,maybe, who knows.
And they told me to learn martial arts instead.I feel more safe with a Nuke,desu.

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You're missing the principle so hard it's almost as if you're doing so purposefully.

Depends.Some rebels in history were able to topple the Government and replace the regime.

If we fall under a Leftist tyranny in 20-30 years or so,if many, many people rise up,the Government will become divided between themselves and murder of a civilian population will only turn more people agaisnt them.

But in either way,we need a stronger weapon.

I am from a country with weapons restrictions and I think that if you distrust your government in that way just move or vote so that the government can not possess that power

Fucking learn English before you try to make troll topics you fucking sandnigger, no amount of online trolling will unmolest you.

I am not calling for the abolishment of the Government, I am calling for the replacement of political system.I live in South America,in a country where Leftists have ruined everything and only non-Government people that own the weapon are narco cartels.
If civilians are heavily armed,we would have change this shit already.