Everything about this place is so overhyped I can’t even start all Californians worship this fuckin mom and pop...

Everything about this place is so overhyped I can’t even start all Californians worship this fuckin mom and pop burger joint like it’s a fucken shrine if you feel otherwise give me your thoughts

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I could never understand it either. I like 5 guys much better

Nah man this is a marketing survey, no sane person is unironically this angry over fast food. Butcher yourself.

Nope. Hate it.

They are crowded because every day there are thousands of tourists visiting California and they "HAVE TO EXPERIENCE IN AND OUT"

I’m from CA, and live five minutes away from three of these places. It’s great once in a while (like once a month), but if you eat it too much, it just starts to get old. However, a combo there is cheaper and better tasting than any burger at McDonald’s. And if you get fries, ask for them well done, if you like them crispy!

Mondo Burger is soo much better

Big kahuna burger is where it’s at

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California locals don't give a fuck. The transplants who have lived here for a whopping 3 years so they're an expert on everything, might. There are a lot of non-chain burger joints that are way better than In N Out.

>not dining with a clown

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Wtf is in the middle of the burger ? Goat cheese ? A huge fucking onion ? Cardboard ?
Looks disgusting af

Looks damn good to me. What do you think a burger should look like?

Who cares what it looks like lmao

Culver's is #1

Don't bring logic to retards, it's a lost battle.

Obviously you do or you wouldn't have replied.

I like getting a chocolate milkshake and dipping some fries In it. Shits cash.

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Whataburger> in&out

California fag here.. Only like in n out when I’m hung over bro

Welcome to Good Burger home of the Good Burger, may I take your order

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No franchises in my part of the country. I like Five Guys, but we still have two Big Boy restaurants and to me the Big Boy still rules.

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

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