Based on this pic and your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

Based on this pic and your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

Attached: 1556142002583.jpg (1400x1039, 2M)


Top left

So you're like 54? Hi dad


Top right/bottom left

Late millennial.

How old?

zoomer gang rise up

Attached: 1555643352036.gif (300x250, 483K)

Core millennial reporting in

Just about old enough to remember 9/11, even though I'm not American.

Late Gen Xer oldfag here.

So you're like 40?

38. Been browsing Yea Forums occasionally since i was in my 20s. Never really broke the habit.


The last generation with real men.

I'm turning 44 this year

38 is kinda gen x because you were 5-9 (early childhood) in that era, but it's kinda early millennial too because you were 9-12 (late childhood) in that era.

ta fuck op not even listing mine

Based on the picture in the OP, that's where I fall. I recognize and loved most of the stuff in that square. There are some things in the early millennial square that I loved too, but fewer of them.

I'm a mix of late gen x and early millennial. I'm a middle child of history, apparently.

So you're like 37?

33, actually.

Late millenial, but I recognize a shit ton of core millenials

So you were like 0-3 in the gen x era, and probably wouldn't remember it, but say it was part of your childhood. But are you talking about reruns?

Early millennial

"Core Gen-X" reporting in,


For an east european I got a little Early Gen X and Core Gen X then Late Gen X and Early millennial in one pack.

Early zoomer, rip

i grew up with a lot of late millenial stuff tho
