Since conservatives always preach about being pro life...

since conservatives always preach about being pro life,we should give them all the babies from unwanted pregnancies and they can raise bible thumpers better make extra room in your house's

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conservatives version of a free america=freedom,except if your gay or want an abortion

Yes we should. These dumb faggots cry kill the poor and save their babies. Fucking idiots.

Oh look another lefty bitching about abortions again.

Please remember that you left wing harpies having been crying for equality for a fucking century now. Well guess what cunts? You finally fucking got it! Men have NEVER had the right to choose wether they want a baby or not and are required by law to take care of it financially it a woman wants to keep it and have the time they don’t even get the rights to see it when they want. Women have been trapping men financially with babies for fucking decades and now you that you’ve got equality to men you’re trapped too.

Also keep in mind you love to call all conservatives nazis and racists. And nazi’s are almost universally condemned for their practice of eugenics. Well probably the two states with the highest black abortion rates have now had been banned so guess what more black babies! You left wing cunts should be fucking praising us less you acknowledge your hypocrisy.

And lastly why do you like abortion anyways? It’s pretty much the most capitalistic move a person could make. Why would you wanna take care of some little shit that doesn’t work or provide an ounce of contribution to society?

Funny thing is. I myself support abortion but watching you faggots cry is worth it. Get fucked. I have zero sympathy for you.

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>another lefty

haha,you bible thumping christfags are the ones who make abortion into a big issue

i really could care less about the issue,but you conservatards sure seem to care

>men have never had the right to choose wether they want a baby or not

actually,they do.its called not sticking your dick into a women's vagina.retard,not that it matters,you'll never have kids in your life anyway,your just a fat pimple faced neckbeard who still with his parents and posts on Yea Forums all day

>i myself support abortion

dont worry,voting for trump was worth it to watch you fags cry about him

I don’t believe in god dumbass and quite frankly I think the abortion law is stupid. But if it makes you faggots suffer and maybe leave my country i’ll vote to keep it.

Cool then tell women to et complaining because that means they have a choice too. And it’s to not have sex. Checkmate faggot

yeah but you dont get shot

Got em

>maybe leave my country

im not going anywhere faggot,but dont worry.eventually were gonna kick you fags out right after the niggers and liberals

How do conservatives think their taxes pay for abortions and not for the living children that dont get aborted lmfao

Dont worry all the old fucks like him will be dead in the next 20 years and all these stupid meme babbys wont be smart enough to carry their torch

says the welfare abusing leftist,if only you paid taxes maybe then you'd be considered a contributing member of society instead of a parasite

Kek, go for it.
The second amendment will likely deter you from having any balls at all to show up at my house less you want a fucking .357 between the eyes. I welcome you to show up any time my friend.

May your false god bless this country

I’m in my 20’s cry more

Way to not answer the question shit for brains lmfao

And youre also too retarded to read, which was my point all along dipshit

You implied I was old and I informed you I wasn’t. You were just broad enough with your wording that now you are trying to imply i’m a “meme baby” you’re not fooling anyone.

if the whore mothers pay child support, sure why not?

only white babies, though. the others can be killed without worry

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I second this notion

You are a meme babby, a newfag, 80% retarded, and your ego is about 3 sizes too big for them shoes, boy. Kill your fucking self.

And i’m still beating you.
Whats it feel like?

Pfffftahahaha kys

Nah I’d rather stick around and make sure my vote for Trump in 2020 goes through. The man still has a lot of work to do.

Remember when you all said you’d leave the country if he won? God I sure hope you follow through with it this time instead of making empty threats

Currently, taxpayers are already paying for the mistakes made by irresponsible people. Instead, why dont we put the responsibility on the shoulders of the consenting adults that made the mistake?

They already did that by unfairly forcing the financial burden on men.

Has trump's government expanded federal authority or decentralized power?
Do democratic presidents expand federal authority or decentralize power?
When the outcome is the same, do the names of the "opposing parties" matter?

Women don't have control over your orgasm. Aim better. Hit the tits, not the cervix.

Men that voluntarily had sex, the main way to procreate. Seems like their mistake to me. Dont wanna pay for a baby? Dont have a baby.

Actually they do. By saying no to sex.
Your still a fucking hypocrite bud.

Conservatives are the ones supporting Foster homes, religious orgs normally take care of those children with no help other than voluntary contributions from certain churches

Don't want to be forced todo have a baby? Say no to the dick ir get it wrapped in latex

Not much of an issue of concern to me and I think this conversation would need to go on a are by case basis with heavy context and a rather detailed knowledge of history and intertwining consequences of laws to be properly discussed. Something i’m sure a democrat could not handle.

They don't want murderers and degenerates in their America... Sounds terrible?

Lol fine by me. Guess women will start being starved for dick

they don't give 2 shits once they are born.

>be liberal
>dont want American born babies
>want dumb Mexicans and their dumb babies instead
>be culturally cucked
>go get filet-o-fish at McDonalds for lunch
>mmmmm I'm lovin' it

Lmfao you basic bitch meme lord faggot, potus is a figurehead and if you still havent figured that out then my original judgement of you is 100% correct go trigger some libruls to regain your composure you massive faggot

>Trymp Iz ah fygyr hyd HRRRRRRRR
Honest to god I didn’t know you were one of THOSE kinds of faggots. I bet you are the kind of faggots that thinks there is a secret group in charge of society who tells him what to do. I would have taken you alot less serious had a I known you were this kind of retarded. Have a nice day my friend.

Trump 2020 “get ass blasted”

>reeee reality git out trump 2020 memes memes memes

You're an actual idiot, don't quit your day job of mopping up puke at Arbys

I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a Republican. Both parties expand government power. I am for decentralization.
Both parties borrow money from private banks at increasing levels every single term. The interest from these loans is paid by the labor of yourself, your children, your children children. All into private hands. The next 5 day work week you work, remember that 1 of those days wages go directly to the pockets of the very small group of people that your Republican and democratic presidents borrow money from. Working without pay, at gunpoint, is slavery. Dems and reps support and solidify this authority against you.

If I told women the same thing in the first place “don’t get pregnant in the first place slut” I’m apparently sexist tho

Rightists (especially the religious freaks) are nothing more than the taliban. They have a lot more in common with the Middle East and radical Islam than they think.

if you use this same argument against a woman it is sexism
just kill yourself you dumb mouthbreathing motherfucker.

Dont tempt my grandparents with a good time


I never realised people thought of abortions like a luxurious cornerstone of a certain lifestyle and culture like how gays think of butt sex.

You set the parameters of a male getting no choice. I was speaking to that. You're back pedaling. This is intellectially cowardly.

Theres so much to unpack here user.
Non of what you are saying is necessarily wrong but rather that argue the intricacies of each detail I’d find it much simpler to just ask you if you think you could do better than the current system. And if so how?
I’d love to hear your detailed plan.


We have a winner

Please explain how i’m back pedaling user.
I think the real issue hear is your inability to acknowledge your own hypocrisy. If you wanna be an adult acknowledge what you said. Theres no back pedaling on my part. I’m dimply pointing out your hypocrisy. Both sides can say no to sex while men simultaneously still don’t have the legal ability to deny responsibility for a child. The are separate issues that are related but can still be intellectually mutually exclusive

Jesus arguing with you faggots is like fucking pulling teeth

And you public school educated libtard better learn how to make a plural

Did that sound good in your head or do you just repeat random things you've heard?

>Dont wanna pay for a baby? Dont have a baby.

Says the Christfag that wants to legislate morality. The way conservatives act towards children once they're born says it all:

>no neonatal care
>no day care
>no Head Start
>no school lunch
>no food stamps
>no welfare

See, used to be, the threat that "GAAAAWD IZZ WATCHIN' YOO!@" was all they had to say, and it was usually enough to guilt most normal people out of having sex.

Then the 60's came, and with it, the two-pronged middle finger to "God": the birth control pill and seriously questioning theism. One of the reasons these cretins love the 50's so much; the pill wasn't around yet, there were no niggers on tv & everybody feared the Christian fairy tale Sky Daddy.

So now, since the Buy Bull & its collection of horseshit no longer has sway over people with the urge to merge, the Christfags needed another tactic to guilt people into not having sex. So they adopted the "I care about fetuses" tactic. Unfortunately, the label they gave that (bowel) movement is sorta disingenuous. "Pro-life" doesn't describe it accurately. EVERYONE is "Pro-life". Why? Because we're living! That's all the proof you need!

No, a more descriptive term for their shenanigans is the inverse of the people who support reproductive freedom: "Anti-Choice." Some of them even give a nod to this totalitarianism with slogans like "it's not a choice, it's a baby." So I guess they're not completely dishonest.

But it begs the question: Is a fetus a human being? Care to answer? Because I'd like to know, if a fetus IS a human being:

>how come when there's a miscarriage they don't have a funeral?
>how come the census doesn't count them?
>why do people say "we have two children and one on the way" instead of saying "we have three children"?


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I used to use that exact phrase on the message board for a metal band back in like 2005 & never lost the habit. Didn't see anyone else use it, fysa

Follow the constitution instead of shit on it. all powers not expressly granted to the feds, are state's. All this bickering about social issues that aren't even the fed's purview will be dealt with at state level.
Congressmen/Senators convicted of corruption or collusion with corporations (this includes the federal reserve) shall be put to firing squad.
All citizens will be made aware of jury nullification (this being the people's greatest power. One American can check and balance the supreme court, and therefore the entire government)
Use money, not currency. Currency is inflated or stagnated by the very people we borrow it from.

>Implying people shouldn't be responsible for their own actions
It's always someone else's fault

>Dont have a baby.

That's what the abortion is for, shit for brains.

does that mean single, straight males will be allowed to adopt?

We don't want to pay for the welfare either. Youre an idiot with that arguement. We dont want to have abortions, we don't want to pay for your socialist programs either.

Fucking god damnit pedobear

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So no solution is your solution?

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Fuck the South. This is their revenge for losing the Civil War.

I never said I was against abortion. I'm adamantly in favor of abortion. Margaret sanger was a saint, doing God's work.
What you misinterpreted was that taxpayers shouldn't be held accountable for a private individual's mistake.
If I open a business and it fails, do all my neighbors owe me money? No.
Single mothers account for the VAST majority of abortions. Children should not be raised by single mothers. Welfare needs reformed to disincentivize single motherhood.

lol, 1 extra kid in a house with 12 children and 4 moms, you got them cornered!

>if we don't get what we want, we'll just raise our kids to live on welfare!
The problem here is you, try fixing yourself up and we won't have baby murderers or social parasites. Or you could just continue the cycle of gubment checks and misery because its just the path of least resistance, granted to you by people who actually contribute so that leeches can leech.

And yes. A fetus is a human being. The poor decision was made at the time of conception, the state of the new human is irrelevant to me. You wanna murder your child, go for it. Majority of criminals come from single parent homes. Weed them out.

Never said I was against abortion, dumbfuck.

it takes two to tango, pay for half bitch

every leftist stands for muslims, you don't have a say in the matter, your masters will it.
over 80%muslim women are oppressed in the world currently
muslim countries are the only countries that still have slavery
the prophet muhamid was a pedo, a slave owner, a rapist and a mass murderer of people.
the reason America had slaves was because muslims sold the slaves to americans. muslims began conquering Africa over 1000 years ago and began raising Africans to be slaves for almost the entire thousand years (no americans didn't round em up, nobody woulda bought a disobedient slave. they were all already raised as such)
so every leftist like yourself looks like a fucking dumbass when you talk about religion.....or anything else for that matter cause everything u stand for and support is just like this scenario

Why do meme babies pretend their taxes pay for abortions? I have paid for 3 abortions and the fucking state didnt help at all.

No. You have choices. Dont have sex, which you are already doing. Use birth control. Use condoms. Adoption. Or even crazier, keep the kid you made if you were dumb enough to make it.

You are free to make bad decisions, why are you entitled to tax money for this one? Plus it's murder.

totally logical, just dump your responsibilities onto someone else xauae you couldn't keep it in your pants.

3 condoms wouldve been cheaper

Your taxes are spent, dont matter where they go. You are the one who has no say and thats why youre so fucking mad you confirmation biased yourself with memes on social media and forgot how the world actually works. Fuck you stupid, kill yourself.

Aside from tax money that funded Obamacare discounts and Medicaid, planned parenthood receives tax payer money and does abortions. Get it?

Pretty much

>since conservatives always preach about being pro life,we should give them all the babies from unwanted pregnancies and they can raise bible thumpers better make extra room in your house's
*I support murdering children

Please use a spell checker.

Yeah.. if a mother and father want to pay half, go for it. It's not my kid, I'm not paying for it. You made me mistake, not me.

So youre just pretending taxes pay for abortion because organizations you dont like recieve tax dollars? Planned parenthood does WAY more than abortions you brainlet.

I do have a say. It's called voting, big guy. Alabama and Georgia tax money isnt going to abortion, through voting for bills you get to decide where the money goes. And there it doesn't go to abortions. You are clueless about the world or government. Tell your mom hi for me though.

they can continue to do birth control. just stop abortions.
ramp up that norplant for everyone program

Or not fuck raw if you don't want the responsibility of raising a kid.

What else do they do? They don't do mammograms like they claim. They only do sonograms in preparation for abortion. What else do they do?

Your whole life is dunning kreuger, kill yourself,

Every Republican borrows money from the same private individuals (at interest, which you pay with your federal income tax, coincidentally sponsored and passed by the same individuals 2 years prior)
Social issues are not explicitly granted to to the feds in the constitution, therefore are states rights. If California wants to suck Muslim dick, let them?

>anything they say is fake news to get gibs from muh taxes

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That implies the ability to think ahead or delay gratification. Hedonist degenerates don't possess that. Shit plan b would be cheaper.

Where in the constitution does it say that feds have authority over abortion? It doesnt. Therefore, up to the states and their individual citizens.

so get rid of the green?
its such a small factor, why bother, just eliminate it

>you bible thumpers better make extra room in your house's

of course it's no surprise to see such wild gaps in logic or reasoning from someone who couldn't even grasp the difference between possessive and plural. it's "houses" since it doesn't belong to the house, it's plural not possessive you eternal fucktard brainlet.

Deal, but liberals need to share their homes with illegal immigrants and conservatives no longer pay any taxation towards the welfare state.

Those are all things I agree with (except for money over currency) but I don’t see how they would fix
> Both parties borrow money from private banks at increasing levels every single term. The interest from these loans is paid by the labor of yourself, your children, your children children. All into private hands. The next 5 day work week you work, remember that 1 of those days wages go directly to the pockets of the very small group of people that your Republican and democratic presidents borrow money from. Working without pay, at gunpoint, is slavery. Dems and reps support and solidify this authority against you.

All you are doing is stating general truths out of context and expecting people to agree with you not because you have sound logic and a convincing argument but because you are stating facts that sound bad out of context but are merely just the lessor of two evils. Your answer in no way what so ever logically followed your original statement well except for the currency bit which just so happens to be the one thing you said that is arguable and with a knowledge of basic economics is false. You can’t have the power to fix an economy when things on occasion go bad if you use “money” instead of currency. The feds ability to change the interest rate is what allows it to provide stimulus to the economy when it needs stimulus to get out of the occasional bad spot. For example, lower interest rates mean businesses borrow more money and use that money to to R&D, make more warehouses and products and subsequently provide more jobs to go along with them. More money in peoples hands and more products being made means more tax revenue and quality of life improvements. And it also means it helps pay down and money borrowed from the government. This is introductory macro economics. Then again, I probably went to a better university than you.

That graph isn't close to the numbers I've seen, where did it come from? I'd love to check where they got their numbers and compare their legitimacy against where I got mine.

homeboy just used lovely charts dot com right now

Here let me use brainlet tactic because its all you seek to understand
If its such a small factor, why bother eliminating it?

Grammar nazis have always been cancer

fine. lets eliminate the primary care and testing cause its takes up too much funding
or do you have a stance you actually wanna take

This chart existing alone proves that it is fake news. Planned parenthood doesn't keep track of the women it provides services to.

The only way your graph would be valid is with the caption "this is made up"

Ok well then they’ll just sell right back to you through adoption.

It came from google fucking images my nigga, because im not constantly pretending everyone is lying to me about super important numbers that run my life behind the scenes

Meanwhile youve never heard of bills.

republican ? um, idk what youre talkin about. are you saying theres an individual running around and only giving loans to republicans and every republican knows about this person ?
social issues ? California ? all leftists, not just California cunts

>says the assblasted brainlet who has been wrong his entire life

just face the facts, every thought you've ever had has been inferior to the thoughts of someone who can actually understand concepts. literally everything you "think" is wrong. just give up because you're too fucking dumb to contribute to any relevant conversation.

Yes, now pretend i still live with mommy

I think grammar nazis should kill themsleves and im right about that lol kys stupid faget

but you do

They can get free primary care and every other service through Medicaid. So eliminate the whole graph and turn the money towards healthcare for everyone and not just irresponsible mothers. Your turn.

Feds dont change interest rates. Dont even have a say. The federal reserve does. Big difference. Why is there boom and bust every 10 years if they have so much control? If they have so much control, and things consistently do boom and bust, it suggests to me that its not all coincidence like you like to believe. I didnt have TAs or professors at my school. Every course was taught by a doctor, from freshman to capstone. Never had a class larger than 20 students. Spent 3 years working directly for 3 doctors previously from NASA, in a group of 3 students including me. Tutorial one on one, with a doctor, 1 hour a day, 4 days a week. Nice try.

My stance is it doesnt fucking matter at all that planned parenthood gets some of your taxes and arguing about where parts of the sum go doesnt detract from the sum being taken which should be you dumb fucks whole entire point. "Taxation is theft" except you turned it into "taxation for social welfare programs is theft"

Now pretend im overweight

Just as soon as you make room for all the illegal immigrant kids at the border fuckface. Better clear out that junkroom.

>brainlet projects his suicidal ideation onto me

lol, i hit a nerve there? there's no place in public discourse for fucktard faggots like you. accept it. or kill yourself like everyone here knows you're considering.

Dont pay your federal income tax, see who's pretending when you get a gun pointed at your face on your way to jail.

Thats what riled you up? How do you get upset over that but killing babies is fine? Maybe cause the baby isn't you. That's likely all you are concerned with, that and your mom not knocking before she goes in your room.

but you are

Go back to gaia you stupid grammar nazi fuck, its where retards like you have always belonged

where did i say that again?

Got eeemmmm

Now pretend i am unemployed

and it should be preventive, not reactive

no, mcdonalds is employment

Oh kay fiiiiine user, not (You), ((((you))))

Taxation is part of the issue. The other part is the murdering babies.

Every Democrat and every Republican knows. They all borrow from the same people. It's called the federal reserve. The private individuals that set the interest rates at which you, not the government, pays them back. The same individuals that paid for the federal income tax.

>its where retards like you have

>retards like you
oh yeah because i'm the one who everything i write is objectively incorrect. oh wait that's you.

everyone observe this assblasted actual retard in his natural state

How dare you imply that i would work at mcdonalds, what do you think i am, a nigger?

nope. cause im not your user.
i have no problem with PP
i have a huge problem with PP abortions
pay for that shit yourself. all for the norplant for all

So youre already on gaia, go figure

dont have to be black to be a nigger

i don't even know what that is, so it's clear you're projecting your insecurities about being on there to me. awkward actual retard

“The fed” user not the fed”s” sorry for my use of economic slang. When i say “the fed” I mean the federal reserve as in the federal bank that loans money to all the other banks and uses it interest rate to influence the interest rates of other banks and then subsequently influences the economy.

Funny you’d say that because if your professors worked for nasa they probably weren’t economists. I went to an ivy league. All my profs were doctors too and I had small classes as well. Seems that there is a difference in specialty as mine is in finance and accounting. (I have a masters degree) your specialty likely lies in something more stem based.
Sorry friendo but I could tell you wern’t worth your salt when you didn’t recognize the slang for the fed I mistook you for somebody more experienced in this type of conversation

Nobody cares that you're a faggot. Literally nobody.

Pls fgt kys

The federal reserve is not a federal bank. Furthest thing from it. I dont tow the status quo like you, and that's fine. May the chains of slavery rest lightly upon you.

i'm sorry that you suffer with suicidal ideation, retard faggot user.

Jesus user. Just accept you fucking lost this one and move on bud. You’re embaressing yourself.

>”da fydaryl rasurva Isn a bynk”
Holy shit you are retarded.
Please don’t talk economics on this board ever again

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Just stop talking

>why is there boom and busy every few years.
Why does my dog lick his balls every few days an not every day user?
It’s the natural state of things. Everything breaks from time to time and needs repair faggot. Having the federal reserve is better than not having it. Are you suggesting we get rid of the fed? What are you gonna do when things inevitably go bad again? Just let people starve to death?

Everybody thinks they should dictate morality. The left isn't any different.
Tell me, how do you explain the blatant double standard? I have zero say in whether she gets an abortion. It's still my child. Half of my DNA went into creating it. I'm the one who gets to pay for it for the next 18 years of its life.
I get no say. Leftists did this. Can you not see how you are a hypocrite dictating morality?
Probably not. Kill yourself.

If conservatives are so pro life why do they steadfastly oppose most policies that actually save lives and focus on forcing women to give birth against their will?

>How to engage in a logical fallacy and look like a self-righteous faggot while you're doing it

Take notes

Because wimmens are evil whores and should be punished