This fish species is 400 million year old

this fish species is 400 million year old
and it still exists

Attached: Z6050569-Coelacanth_fish.jpg (800x799, 104K)

nobody cares

cool, thanks user!


There is evidence that humans were in north America 130000 years ago.

do you like Hamburger Lady by Throbbing Gristle?

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this is a pokemon called relicanth

Really makes you wonder what the ocean contains.

probably a lot of water and fish

if you can not appreciate this you are literal low iq brutes

its not. it simply has ancestor-bros looking similar. ancient coelacanth look as similar to this one in the same way early humanoids have similar features to extant humans

This is so common knowledge that it has a pokemon based off of it. I remember reading about this when I was in 6th grade with an interest in cryptozoology.

This is the fish that proves evolution, its flappers are mind evolving into legs.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

>probably a lot of water and fish
oh and a lot of poop.


calm down plebbit

Not only was your post the coolest, but you rolled a 69. Have a fantastic day.

It won't have sex with you either.

Prove it.

If they say so, goy.

The same as your mom.

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