He was sentenced to 10 years prison sentence for child pornography

He was sentenced to 10 years prison sentence for child pornography.

What will happen him in prison. Will he survive?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=youtuber sentenced 10 years

If he was only doing a couple of years, I think he may have been fine but I can't imagine any scenario where he doesn't get beaten or raped at least once. it just does not seem feasible.

He'll be the one twerking

He'll probably just stay in protective custody the whole time. Nothing will happen to him except the mental damage of staying in a cell 23 hours a day and not talking to anyone but the guards.

but why would he get special treatment? He barely has celebrity status. would they only separate him because of the nature of what he got put in prison for?

>Faggot looking dude in jail, plus he's there for a cp related crime
He's not coming out alive

I hope he gets raped once a day by Big Bubba until he builds up enough courage to kill himself. Fuck that pedo


people at high risk of getting the shit beat out of them are usually in protective custody, i believe. mainly kiddy fiddlers

yeah that would make sense. I don't know though dude, 10 years in prison I feel like at some point some how in some fashion he's going to get his ass beat.

He's fucked no matter what. Amazing what people will risk for a little fleeting pleasure. I fear prison more than death.

honestly, all this kid had to do was just jerk off in private to the fantasy of it and not do anything.

Pedos are a known target in prison which means when they are attacked, lawyers a lined up to take the case because it will be settled because itt could have been prevented. To protect taxpayers money the prisons just keep them away from gp to make sure nobody hurts them.

Humans seem incapable of controlling their emotions. This is the root cause of most problems in people's lives.

Of course he will. He’ll be put with the other kiddy diddlers. They don’t ever get put in with gen pop specifically for that very reason. They have separate times do shit. A guard would have to tell inmates out side of this kids special circle and basically arrange a time for him to get beat/raped/killed. You faggots watch too many movies

>You will never go to prison in the pedo wing where you and all the other twinks get to pretend you are little boys and girls for the friendly big black pedo men


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Yeah in Indiana they have a separate prison for chomos. He'll probably still end up in a fight or two until he learns the way things work but he'll probably survive it.

He is kind of cute though. He could become someones gf.

Even when I was in county jail, they secluded people like this. And encourage them to lie about why they're in there. Tho some guards will tell people so it starts shit. You're their entertainment.


its literally written in the fucking OP. he was sentenced to 10 years for child porn.

are you retarded?

Yeah but who the fuck is him you fucking retard, a youtuber or something?

Here you go, user.
lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=youtuber sentenced 10 years

>10 years for fucking pictures
Laws are gay, bro

Scarring children for life solely so you can bust a nut is gay bro.
How selfish and pathetic can you be?

roided up prisoners are going to really give this boi a anal battering

see this

>10 years for pictures

>be me a 12-13 years old in the 90s
>friend gave me nudes pics of 12 to 15 years old girls some from russia/ukraine/france and others in a floppy disc even named it "lil Chicks"
>jacked off to that for years
>CD Writer came ..nice copy all my floppy disc to
the CD
>as years goes by and i completely forgot about it 2000/2004/2006
>we moved to our new home
>boxes everywhere
>my father found the CD called "lil Chicks" and see everything
>he gave me the "YOU SICK FUCK LOOKs"
>he was really mad
>i could not explained to him at first becuse i don't even remember this shit
>he did not talked to me for a month
>until i saw the pics my selfie fuck i remember that floppy disc
>finally i explained to him how that happened
>he told me that he was planning to turn me in to the police all that time
> i got off that weird part of my life

Attached: 160308193141-gbs-floppy-disk-super-tease.jpg (1100x619, 136K)

When he leaves, he’ll have a pink sock the size of Texas