We have the biggest penises. We are the master race

We have the biggest penises. We are the master race.

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I know this is bait but im going to respond to it anyway.
Why should that make you the master race your whole population has an iq of 100, you havent accomplished anything

Ur a fucking hoax nigger.

You're missing the point.

Umad whiteboi?

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Why should I care? Do I care that a horse has a bigger penis than me? Nope. You're just another animal we temporarily think is ok to breed with.

More like 80.

And most have an average or small dick on top of that. And are short, and do nothing with their lives.

Except for breeding with white women.

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good, take the race traitors. They are even lower than you.

> (You)
>Except for breeding with white women.

Okay.. the fact the they have to pay a ridiculous amount to pornstars to even get them to fuck black guys on top bbn of the fact that most won't do it says otherwise.

>race traders
Lol, we are not living in the 50's anymore. You baiting bastard.

oh I'M the baiting bastard, not the OP and his stupid copy pasta nigger thread

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While humans may have the largest penises of all primates, niggers are not humans.

Why doesn’t Op just admit he wants to get fucked hard in the ass by a nigger ?

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Master of what?

If whales have six foot penises, why aren’t they considered master race?
>muh dik


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>black people have a big dick
this is a myth. dick size is related to ethnicity, not race. studies done in usa have shown that average dick size of black men there is same as of white men. on the other hand studies done in europe showed that hungarians on average have much bigger dicks than spaniards for example. that myth is double edged sword. on one side wast majority of people think you have big dick, on the other side, unless you are in 88 percentile, you have average sized dick and your partner likely expected more

you can tell this was written by a sad white boy

so you have found yourself in my post and you are going full ad hominem? im guessing you are virgin black with sub 6 dick. sucks to not live up to anyone's expectations doesnt it? at least nobody aside from your parents know the truth

Big dicks, no money.

Not a problem for white women. The white beta cuck pays for her while she fucks the black alpha bull.

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Big black penises are beautiful.