God bless epic games, god bless capitalism

god bless epic games, god bless capitalism

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With Yang i could afford a lot more than 0

Yang bux are a carrot on a stick, inflation will make sure you can't buy shit with your neet bux lel faggot

two of the most cancerous things that exist, but okay

fuck off commie pinko, we're going to shoot you right in the face faggot

I already have fostered a way to get more neet bux than yang is even offering, yet there is no inflation to be seen.

Gosh you know what I wish I had? A more powerful government. They're so efficient and righteous and pure. All states with all powerful governments harbor the happiest people with the highest standards of living.

And your worse than a fucking facist, whats your point besides your panties being up your throat

Communist, socialist, and fascists are on the same end of the spectrum
I---Big govt---------------------------small govt--i

hurr durr muh fassis, zeig heil faggot

Fascism (/ˈfæʃJzəm/) is a form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism


Would you just try reading a sentence this time, its less effort than it takes to type that nonsense out again

It worked well for Mussolini too

Fucking loser

time you went on a holiday in the belsen sun, you can catch the next train if you run

Right wing/left wing is irrelevant.
Centralized power is always the problem. A left wing dictator is the same as a right wing dictator.

It makes no sense to refer to centralized government as being on one end of the spectrum and all dictatorships on the other end. Centralized looses all its meaning and when you invoke spectrum you insinuate 3 points of interest at a minimum, a left, a center, and a right.

It lacks any semantic meaning, its just not comunicating effectively

fuck you nigger

You are nazi scum


Fuck epic they are anti linux gaming


linux is for pedos

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