Fuck you, men

Fuck you, men

Now that abortion will be banned, dumpster babies, unsafe abortions, rape kids and incest kids will be a thing again. I'm starting to think Republicans are the old geezer versions of online trolls... that would really explain Trump in SO many ways. All you pro-lifers can now move to 'bama where you'll have zero women willing to fuck you. But then that won't matter as there's clearly a correlation between pro-life and pro-trap.

Seriously, fuck you jackasses

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You know the governor of Alabama is a woman right?

thats not how you wear a shoe dummy

Cry more you liberal faggot!

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Not wrong. We should a let the south be it's own thing so the north can worry about progress and the south can live in the 1800s



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abortion for convenience SHOULD be illegal. however it's still legal for medical emergencies like ectopic pregnancy. nobody should be allowed to just kill another living creature just cuz it might fuck with their lifestyle, even if it's in their own bodies. to prevent such situations there's always tried and true methods such as using condoms and this new thing they invented recently called closing your fucking legs for more than 5 minutes a day

Preach on man. Sound like a lot of your personal religious views.

Freedom of religion also needs to include FREEDOM FROM RELIGION

i'm not even religious, it's just a logical standpoint based on decency. okay, so some slutty chick "doesn't want" a kid cuz it keeps her from doing what she wants in life, so she has it killed. I guess by that logic, if I don't want some fat dude in front of me in line at the checkout because him being there is preventing me from getting home quicker to do what i want, i get to kill him to get him out of my way? it doesn't work that way. Look, up until a certain point a fetus has little difference from a tumor, and can be taken care of with medicines and not some doctor digging around with a pair of forceps, but quite early on it gets a heartbeat, thereby becoming alive in its own right. if it's not legal for me to kill some jackass for being an obstacle, it likewise shouldn't be legal for me to kill a living critter living in my body for being an obstacle to my lifestyle.

lol, you treated every political advance as a social revolution, you pushed the left so far left the average man from the 50's would be considered a centrist and your precious "alt right" barely exists even if you write tome after tome about it's supposed demonology. the actual supply of hate in the western world doesn't even meet a tenth of the demand of your sorry ideology hungrily puts forth. that you're calling modern men is a serious, almost autistic social gaffe that will set everything back and be remembered as perhaps one of the most autistic and dreadful moments in the history of your "gender", if you even have one anymore in all this confusion.

so really, you just failed the mirror test, you lack the awareness inherent in a chimpanzee. you saw your own extreme morality in a mirror and were generally startled. i hardly agree with the deep south, but to see you leap like a cat exposed to the blast of an air horn is probably worth their suffering. you deserve this massive setback, you will not ponder it and charge on, deserving of more setbacks that I'm sure are forthcoming.

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Maybe we can build a wall around Georgia, Bama, and the other backwoods dumbfuck states that try to ban abortion.
They’re gonna have to do something with all those dumbfucks overbreeding more dumbfucks.

Maybe they can pray it away......
Or ask for even more federal aid to build more orphanages and prisons.

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don't get me wrong though, i'm all for birth control pills, shots and implants. I consider that just another form of protection like a condom or diaphragm, it prevents the kid from existing in the first place. But if you fuck without protection of any sort to prevent it, you should live with the consequences of your actions, which happens to be a child. If you really really don't want a kid, put the kid up for adoption after birth, whatever, but killing a kid just to selfishly cover up your own fuckups is wrong.

Fuck the inbred south and fuck anyone that tries to take freedoms away.



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woman introduced the bill and woman signed it but blame men

>Republican women
Traps are more of a woman then they are.

OMG ALL THOSE TARD AND DEFORMED BABIES that will not get binned... my taxes are never going to hep improve our schools are they.? just going to pay for a twisted wretch to drool....

wait if you are forced to have a kid that would have been deformed do you have to try to keep it alive or can you ask the doctors to let it die? do you have to sell your house for the medical care of a kid who will die in three weeks and cost more than you make in a lifetime in medical fees?

This is fucking hilarious.

People are complainkng about rape babies when their actual fucking concern is to have a guarantee that they can gut an unborn baby just because they feel like it.

Oh yeah, remember the other extreme where people would abort down syndrome kids, when the poor saps are able to live relatively normal lives today ?

You get the child you fucking get. You don"t want it ? Go ahead and fucking strangle it.

Femanon here.
I personally love the shitstorm that starts everytime some poor faggot makes one of these anti women threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I've made everyone and chuckle a bit.

You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.

Sure, you'll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it's just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can't really complain.

After all, we do pretty much run the show.
Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, buy us houses and cars and clothes, sign prenups that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass.

Got a kid with a girl? Don't fool yourself, it's HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she'll take it and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.

Yep, this is the power we hold over you. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you'll be watching, getting hard, and problably crying a tear or two because you know you'll always be a forever alone faggot.

yay infanticide is going to be on the rise again...
were a developed country and that is embarrassing.

Nice copypasta.

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Then you go to jail for murder you selfish bitch. Keep your legs closed hoe!!! Hahahahahhaa

Abortion is legalized murder.

uh so? it is not going to stop somone killing a unwanted deformed or rape baby. teens putting baby parts in a blender because they dont want it is going to happen now that there is not a safe way to off a unwanted burden.

you act like people willing to kill will not be willing to kill?

>abortion is legalized murder

you say that like murder shouldn't be legal

adoption only happens regularly for white male children. the rest become tax burdens. sometimes for life. good job destroying your society for your ill thought through moral jollies.

I used to masturbate onto birds at a local park. Not a thing that I'm particularly proud of but I became quite good at it. I was taking zinc supplements so I was shooting massive loads and it became something of a sport to me. For anyone interested here is your best strategy. first, you need to find an isolated spot so you don't become a sex offender. I found a short kind of channel area where I saw the pigeons would congregate. Next, you arouse yourself. I was usually content with envisioning the occasional jogging lady coming over and taking a shit on my chest and that was enough to fuel the fire but if you're not as sexually charged as me just take some porn on the go. After you're good an horny, you get some bread. My pigeons preferred white bread but healthier birds might have a taste for honey wheat or maybe even multigrain. Fat, unhealthy birds are slower and easier to hit so remember that. Once you are seated on the bench and ready to do the deed, whip your roosevelt out and scatter bread out within a few feet of you. use your judgement based on how far you know you can cum. I was a lonely and depraved soul who could hit targets the size of a thimble at distances up to 4 feet. You wait for the pigeons to begin eating and to get comfortable with your presence. At this point, you want to coo gently and talk sensually to them to gain their trust. Now you're finally ready to cum on your bird. This is a tough part because the rapid motion of masturbation is very frightening to the birds, so you have to be subtle. Once you master a technique, you simply wind it up and let it go, aiming depending on your past cumming experiences. I always came high so I would aim for the neck of the bird and catch it right in the face. It's an extremely satisfying and erotic feeling, seeing those birds reel around covered in cum and maybe even transporting it to other places in the city.

Why isn't this illegal? How come I'm allowed to jerk off and cum onto a rag? Millions of my sperm babies just die and don't get a chance at life!

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Killing children for convenience, because you couldnt keep your legs closed, is not acceptable.

I honestly cant believe a law against killing babies has you this mad.

That's a cool get. You're still a dumb faggot though.

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I think we should be able to legally abort someone from conception until the time they actually die. No age limit. I finally get tired of your shit and your my kid, aborted. What's the difference. And I'm all for equal rights, if Dad doesn't want the child should be able to abort as well.

when your kid abandons a rape baby at a fire-station drop box and walks away i hope your in the drivers seat to hold her hand.

Its payback for banning booze when women got the right to vote!

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Not op but if you care so much about the deaths of children, hand out birth control at no cost for every teen. Oh wait I'm sure your mushpile of a brain believes in waiting for marriage. So there is this dan Carlin podcast called suffer the children right. You know they used to throw unwanted baby's in outhouses and the trash. There is records of clergy men hearing babys crying all the way down the street, from the trash or just left on the side of the road. Yeah let's go back to that instead of just terminating a bunch of fucking cells. Idiots.

With that legal system. Who needs willing?

Look man. I know this is hard for you, but even a person conceived from rape deserves a chance at life. I wouldnt expect my daughter to raise it, and we would put it up for adoption, but killing a baby just isnt acceptable.

I think better sex ed is a good idea. So are free condoms. Hormonal birth control can have negative side effects so I think its usefulness depends on the individual woman in question. Abstinence also works. You dont have to have sex, and if you have sex there are potential consequences.

If women are equal, and responsible adults, why cant they pay for their own birth control?

youre retarded. This isn't about men making laws about women. This is representatives not acting in the interest of the majority. It doesn't matter that a man or woman made this legislation because there are men who are prochoice and women who are prolife. it doesn't matter that its a man because its not a part of anything, they are first and foremost representatives, ones that men AND women voted for, to handle the issues they wanted or needed handled but dont have the knack or time to do it themselves. Its not because they're men, its because they are right wing representatives that follow a mentality of prochoice. This is a partisan issue not a sex issue you vitriolic cunt but go off, spread your misunderstanding of the situation

you do realize that one of the reasons rape babies are killed it because of the pretty good possibility that those rapey violent criminal genes will be carried on? so your precious life is a pile of shit in the shape of a person?


nobody deserves a chance at life. there are too many people on the earth to sustain it.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: l8vitezie4

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So why was male birth control taken off the market? Considering the whole dudes not wearing condoms tends to be the reason for pregnancy. Or what about free snipping your balls, only a thirty percent chance that's permanent. Abstinence has never worked and I say that as someone who was exposed to it for 12 years in all boys catholic school. Even there fucking was happening. Just because you are incapable of being laid don't think other suffer like you do. Everyone will have sex if given the opportunity and the woman is cute enough. But Again taking away bodily autonomy should be the last thing on your list.

Abstinence workss... Especially when saying it while been raped.

They do already and most have some form. I'm just saying if you want to prevent abortions birth control for males and females should be everywhere. It should be free because free means less dead babies which is why you are violating the concept of you own your own body, to save mindless, thoughtless and unable to survive on its own cell blobs. Remember you own your property, your body is your property?

Pregnancy resulting from rape is extremely rare. Using it as an excuse for a bunch of irresponsible women to get abortions for the sake of convenience is a scapegoat.

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Go KYS troll.

*citation needed

Says the one sentence reply. Arguing in an abortion thread the pro choice arugement. I'm sorry woman don't like you, don't violate the laws of private property cause you don't get the concept of getting laid/ sex without a condom.

When does a "blob of cells" become a person?

I also think it's interesting that your argument is "allow abortion or there will be lots of dead babies". Bad news bro, abortion kills babies.

I'm the one who said use a condom. Use the pill. Pull out. Cum anywhere other than in her. It's not hard man.

My point is that women use abortion as a contraceptive, because it's more convenient to kill a baby than it is to raise it. Killing children for the sake of convenience is bad. Why is this hard for you?


When it can survive on its own outside a human body. An baby that cannot do that is not a person. Hence why I don't consider it a dead baby. It was a possible baby. Personhood requires your ability to breathe and live on your own. Until then it is a bunch of cells that is living rent free in a woman's uterus. The rule is pay rent or quit, there is no squatters rights.

why is it hard for you to believe people will kill for convenience?

Killing children for the sake of convenience is bad.


sell me on this idea in a logical way.

>Personhood requires the ability to breathe and love on your own

If you get into a car accident and need to be kept alive with a ventilator and feeding tube, do you still have rights or can we just end your life as a matter of convenience. After all, it costs a lot of time, money, and labor to keep you alive...

It's not hard for me to believe. I am opposed to it though.

Who is this hypothetical woman? Like have you discussed abortions with any woman in your life? Or is this just another uninformed opinion? No one one wants to get an abortion, I hope you would be able to understand that, if not from trama from the cost. Like I have heard of this hypothetical woman so many times and never met her. And I agree use a condom and pull out. But also male birth control, it was taken off the market cause it made men emotional( which it does to women and seems like a double standard). Fuck that, dudes usually wanna do the fucking creampies anyway. If this was handed out free to our problem would be solved without resorting to violent use of the government to deny bodily autonomy.

Lol the only way I could know I have beaten you more is if you resorted to God as your defense. But here green text jpegs are the last defense of a desperate man with no argument or point. Just what his daddy and church told him.

The Catholic Church usually tells people to take them off the ventilation and let them see if they breathe. Then God chosen to save them, if not it was meant to be. They also don't like kill them on pain killers which seems fucked up. If you are a vegetable you are not a person.Considering the whole do no harm oath of docotors , I don't think they will kill them for convenience. Again this concept of convenient abortion, so have you gone to planned parenthood ever or no? I can tell you it is far from convenient from the wait alone. But yes if you cannot maintain your own health you are basically dead and a nonperson. If I was that body I hope my friends and family would say their goodbyes and let me die, because it would strain them and their finicial resources for basically a realistic picture that cannot talk and shits the bed.

You're also talking a lot about a hypothetical man who takes off a condom mid coitus or who refuses to use birth control. Dont fuck that guy, then you dont have a problem.

The male birth control thing was never on the market. It didnt make it through clinical trials. Regardless, if a woman doesnt want to get pregnant, then she should take birth control and require her partner to use a condom. Simple.

If she has a failure of birth control, she can take plan B to prevent conception.

There are a lot of steps before an abortion, a lot of chances for her to take responsibility.

Oh, and the hypothetical woman I'm talking about is every woman who has used abortion as a means of contraception following risky sex.

Don’t like abortion.....don’t have one.
It should be a personal choice.

Legislating your personal beliefs, based on your personal religion, onto society is way more abhorrent than abortion.

stay toasty roasty

You make a lot of assumptions and you get very emotional. Maybe you need to chill out.

You're out here telling me you want to live in a world where people in the ICU can be killed at will and have no rights? You're fucking nuts.

>Don't agree with murder? Dont kill anyone?

You're right, we shouldn't legislate anything. Rules are for pussies.

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Why are libertarians like this? Society does need some laws to function. "Dont kill babies" is a pretty good fucking law.

people largely do what they want. your pile of neatly filed papers saying no dont do that

does not do much.

So go to Google, then go to you porn. Then search unwanted creampies public agent. While this is fake, does show the fetish and idea is out there enough for someone to act it out as a fetish.

You clearly don't understand how period are effected by just general stress and how often a woman can miss a period for that, not know she is pregnant cause she did the whole pull out method, and then already be passed the ban date on the most recent abortion bill in Alabama. Which the governor admitted is unenforceable and is basically just trying to overturn 40 years of case history.

As for personal responsiblity, considering you don't understand bodily autonomy or the NAP I doubt you understand anything about Individuality or what rights are.

Dude I'm in a bath tub reading, you are reading into this as emotional not me. I am as chill as can be. And I think anyone who is unable to move and lives in a person that is there body would want to die. I also don't consider cells that have never had any experiences, thoughts or feelings a person over someone who lived a life and was in an accident. You are taking away rights of a person, to protect a possible person. Seems pretty dumb.


there are too many people.

>Awe damn it...I can't kill my baby anymore...fucking baby hating Republicans

Grow the fuck up cunt

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Women that get abortions are too fucking ignorant to realize it's murder so white men have to step up to try and stop it. If you don't want men doing everything don't be such loose cunts that let their pussies get cumfilled

Listen, I understand just fine, even though you type like a schizophrenic. Yes, stress, or diet, or illness, or birth control and other medications can affect the frequency and duration of periods. Sometimes a woman is going to miss a period, think nothing of it, and find out she is pregnant. (Not sure why she would not just visit her gynecologist or take a pregnancy test to be sure) The occasional consequence of sex is that you make a baby, which then has to be cared for. That's life.

But then again... Their lord and savior is by product of a rape...

There's a magical thing called adoption that doesn't require you to lose all your money

You're in the bathtub reading, at 8 in the morning?

Or are you not an American? If you're not an American, why are you commenting on American laws?

It’s literally only in the shitstain that is Alabama shut the fuck up

but you do. see only a small portion get adopted. those people need food and shelter and your society colapses into desperation and crime or you pay for them their whole lives.

Well if it's rape or incest you can easily get an early abortion or take plan b it's not like the woman wouldn't know what to do. If more women went to the hospital after rapes and incest cases there would be more rapes reported to the police as well.

how do you know Republicans aren't internet trolls?

Yeah except they want to reimplant an ectopic pregnancy and as a woman who has had numerous ones, abortion should be fucking legal. I've been raped and I got pregnant from that and you know how fast I went to get an abortion? As soon as I knew I was pregnant. Glad I don't live in bama cause I'd kill myself before having an incest or rape child. abortion should be legal, kma

Because unless you are actively trying to have a child, you would assume it is just stress and not a child. Human beings have sex for pleasure too, so don't see why you have this religious view that sex is procreation entirely. But again someone who never has to deal with such an issue can always hold the absolutist opinion, because it doesn't effect them. As for schizophrenic writing, dude your a dipshit arguing pro-life on the asshole of the Internet. Like yes I am talking to you to help give numbers to OP, but do you acutually think I am trying to change your mind? Do you think you are worth that? Like you hangout here because you have no social value or skills lol. It's not like you matter. I just rather not hear stupid people talk outloud and would shame them for not respecting rights of individuals, when they claim they are protecting the rights of individual babies. Only thing that will help you is a basic ethics class, and sorry bro for that you gotta pay me.

>Fuck...now that blacks are seen as human beings I guess my buddies and I will have to dress in all white and lynch them.

This is how you sound right now

I am an American. I broke my ribs , so kind of out of commission. Also know that there is nothing to be done about broken ribs other than resting. Hence soaking in a bath.

You are wrong, retard. At least in the case in Alabama, the disgusting Republicans made it clear that you know you are pregnant from your rapist, you can't get an abortion. Republicans are so disgusting.

You got a source for that there, sport?

Gospel of Luke has Mary giving consent before the Immaculate Conception.

>And Mary said, "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word."

I am an American who broke his ribs. This is kind of what I am suppose to be doing, resting and taking it easy.

No it isn't, because it's not a kid up to a certain point. I'm certain if you had a daughter who was raped and was too ashamed to tell you up to the point where you started noticing her changing that you wouldn't make her live with someone else's mistake and immorality

Yes you can, if it doesn't have a heartbeat. But if you're raped then you'd know to get that shit checked.

the increase in adoption ready infants will not match demand. foster children tend statistically to have more problems becoming self sufficient adults, your society is burdened by them you pay higher taxes, your property value goes down from rising crime rates, your local businesses suffer from economic unstability from all the poor, your job pays you less because there are more desperate cheap labor. you pay. you definitely pay for unwanted children.

Dam double post. Need to charge my phone.

You keep putting words in my mouth. This isnt about a religious view, and of course people have sex for pleasure. But as someone who has been doing that for going on 15 years now, I also know that sex causes babies, on purpose or by accident. If you have sex, then you have to know that is something that could happen and be prepared for it.

Seriously though, you should take your meds and stop listening to the voices.

I'm going to invest in coat hanger companies now.

Why is preventing pregnancy only the womams job

does this not reflect the actions of people? that it happens does not matter how I sound. truth is purer than opinion

She can deliver the baby and put it up for adoption.

Regardless, that one case doesnt make all abortions moral or right.

>keep em poor
>cut welfare
A highly abused system that should have been terminated 3 generations ago
>cut social security
A system that you will always pay into and never get your return

>keep em sick
>repeal obamacare
This hasn't been in effect for very long so repealing it shouldn't disturb much. It literally just fucked anyone who wasn't a lowlife piece of shit, and didn't even help them much

>keep em stupid
>net neutrality
Everyone knew this was a joke

>control the women
>cut pay for tipped workers
Shouldn't this be specifically waitresses? Also seems like it would be keep em poor but lol. The minimum wage class needs to get paid low dollar so the cost of living will go down. If you raise it so they make more per year just increases prices and their taxes.
>close planned parenthood
Fuck yes. These are the bill nye retards that think there are infinite genders and sexualities. It's an org that promotes mental illness

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Democrats actually want abortions banned.

They have been failing in elections, and they need more voters. Thats why they need more minorities....banning abortions is the second step. The first step is getting the voting age down to 16.

Next thing, Paco from Mexico will be able to vote from Mexico city via the interwebs.

Again idiot, in the case in Alabama, disgusting Republicans made it clear that you can't abort if you know you are pregnant. Learn to read.

3 out of the 4 things I suggested are the man's job.

>use a condom
>pull out
>cum anywhere besides her pussy

Why cant you read?

> and can put it up for adoption
So Republicans suddenly want more children put through social services? You fucks have zero morals. Literally just believe whatever your GOP leaders want you to believe....

So you'd make your let's say, 12 year old daughter bring that pregnancy to term? Wow. Way to fuck up her life and that rape babies.


OP is retarded

Trips for truth...YES

I don't have to put words in your mouth, you give the game away by how you respond. Oh 15 years wow. I guess that makes you an expert and you totally understand how a woman's body works to vote reps in to make laws for it. Sorry only religion could be a defense for being this fucking stupid and inconsistent in your own moral code. Hence why I was like you need an ethics class. Sorry not on meds, you can wish things but that doesn't make them true. And I'm sorry I don't post up to the standards of shit posters on Yea Forums, oh the humiliation. Either way you aren't worth the air you waste on that lack of thought. And for real. Community college philosophy classes is pretty cheap.

So, what prevents this hypothetical raped woman from either buying a plan B pill or going to a hospital to deal with the issue on the day it happens, and not before she's 20+ weeks pregnant?

You're not wrong. Im all for abortion because we need to kill all the nigger babies we can but whores need to close their legs too

Nice bait

Yeah, sure, but I have been with men who "forgot to pull out" and as I am significantly smaller, I can't just push the guy off me. So it comes down to it being only my job to prevent pregnancy and that's fucked up

I like how you all act like there's an epidemic of 12 year old girls being forced to carry rape babies and that is why we need unrestricted abortion.

In reality, nearly all abortions are sought our as a means of contraception by women in their 20s and 30s who conceived by accident during consensual sex. Find a new dead horse to beat.

Shouldn't it be legal atleast for certain months and then when the proper fetus is formed or something it should be illegal

Plan B isn't meant to be used as a continual contraceptive and can also cause bleeding. missed periods, early periods and late periods. Also, you want a woman to pay more after she's been raped and hurt? What the fuck it's like you think rape is painless or something fuck

you do not understand. read the other reply.

>You pay for unwanted children

A vast minority of abortions are due to rape or incest....if women would stop using abortion as birth control we wouldn't have nearly as bad a problem

I was raped at 17. I got pregnant from that. 12 isn't that fucking far off buddy

I've been consistent this whole time. Killing babies is wrong. That's why it should be illegal.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

What I said stands though, the "abortion is necessary in the case if rape" argument is not an adequate defense for the vast majority of women who seek abortion for convenience.

Alright yeah I didn't really read up on the bill at all and mostly just learned about it from coworkers. I guess Georgia has the heartbeat bill. Sorry
ayyy lmao

this will not happen.
people as a large group are generally irresponsible.

hence abortion.

without it massive amounts of people who have statistically shitty poor crime infested mentally ill dependent futures dragging your society down by the very nutsacks that bore them.

Also that's not what I said. I said your 12 year old DAUGHTER. Not just some random 12 year old. Can you fucking read

I'm gonna assume you hold the classical liberal opinion of negative rights, small government, and markets and free association yes? Imposing a government restriction on abortions is not consistent with that mindset, in fact it is against it. The government's job is to protect trade and people from violence. That is it. Also before you answer well abortion is violence on a fetus, is taking out cancer violence against those clusters of cells? They are just trying to live too. Again you need some philosophy so you learn the importance of consistency in ALL your ideas with your ethical/ political code. If you like a reading list John Stuart Mill on liberty is a good place to start.

So do you think that the baby chose to be a product of rape?

REeally, if you were to ask that person, if they were a product of rape, are they glad to be alive instead of chopped up and sucked out, what do they feel their response would be?

Think of the children here, who are the real victims of rape.

Age has nothing to do with rape.
A raping of a 12 yr old is just as evil as one of a 100 year old.

But they DONT. Abortions are PAINFUL. VERY PAINFUL. Women don't just go to get this procedure without thinking about it first. They don't hand them out in a fucking back alley. Abortion, at least for me and 4 ectopic pregnancies I've had, plus the rape. I never want to have to suffer through that again and I'm certain most other women don't want to bleed from their crotch for like two weeks, extreme pain, cramping, excessive blood loss. It's not fun. Both the pill and the actual procedure. Don't act like you can just go pick one up at the pharmacy. It's a medical procedure with a lot of risks. Less now that it's been legalized and can be performed safely without harming the mother.

You are correct but are missing my point.

+1 on the painful, especially when your mom uses a coat hanger.

As someone who literally had my mother die because of a car accident, while she was pregnant with me ,and my dad had to make the choice between her or me. Choose the person you know and their health/ wellbeing over the person who has yet to be. Only reason I am alive is luck and sometimes I wish I was fucking dead. Especially in the world where we are going back to coat hanger abortions.

I cant believe that libtards wants marginalize the rapey-rape act.

I'm opposed to abortion dude. You're arguing with the wrong guy. Go back and read it again and be less of a nigger.

OP is a faggot, only banned in one state but yet comes here and talks like it banned globally. Upset much? Just go to the neighboring state and kill that child, we don’t need your offspring on this planet.

I want abortion to be legal. It needs to be. We aren't a developing country. We need to give women the right to choose. What if it's a man demanding that a woman get an abortion? What would you say then? Would the woman not have a choice at all?

That gif is hot

Asshole, so your mom gave up her life for you and you wish you were dead.
Fuck you pal....they should have chose her with your attitude.

If I was your dad right now I would punch you in the mouth.

Go look at the numbers. My point is that women who could otherwise become mothers are choosing to end their pregnancies because it's more convenient for them than raising a kid. When I say convenience, I'm not saying it's easy to go through an abortion. I'm saying that women are choosing to get abortions because they would rather do that than carry a baby.

I support you.

You can wish in one hand and abort in the other and see what gets filled first.
Its about time they stopped killing the unborn.

Well there you have it...its not about life but a womens choice.

Women logic there!

>user doesnt understand why user feels guilty that his is alive and his mother isnt
Kek, empathy not a thing for you?

Why do we need to give women the right to choose to kill babies?

So they can keep getting laid on Tinder every weekend? So they can pursue some middle management office job? Tell me why.

Shes a schizophrenic woman who has had 5 abortions. So no... no empathy at all.

Don't forget women can vote too, and constitute half the world's population.

So maybe you should say fuck women as well.

>Why do we need to give women the right to choose to kill babies?

We dont thats the fallacy. It was a huge mistake giving them the choice. Women make emotional decisions and not logical ones.

Its science.

Where are you getting this from?

My dad chose my mom. She died anyway. I lived out of luck and in all honesty my dad was never the same from what my brothers told me. I was not worth the breaking of a man and family. Especially considering my dad would lose his long term job and be forced to work three to provide for us. But yeah sure get judgement over the Internet over a horrible choice you never had to make. Thanks to the pregnancy she had pre-eclampsia and had a seized up to crash into a tree. So I'm literally the reason she is dead, for the whole family to be worse off. Yeah it wasn't worth it. Just so I get to live through global warming and ethnic cleansing. Woooo. Also fun fact she never knew she was pregnant for all the antiabortion a woman should know thing.

>Women make emotional decisions and not logical ones.

Imagine being this retarded

An erection

No, it's not about it being a choice. It's about having TWO people make the decision. What if the guy fucks her, gets her pregnant and then leave? Is it still her choice to raise the kid she didn't want but is forced to and now the father of that baby decides he wants nothing to do with the mother. Now you've brought a child into this world who will sap that mother's finances so quick it's disgusting and the father is nowhere to be found. So now the mother and child have to suffer because of 1 personal choice that wasn't made with a family interest in mind but was merely made for his convenience because he didn't want to pull out.

You uh... you ever met a woman?

Why do we give men the choice to ruin a woman's life via a cream pie

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

Yes, have you?

Maybe that woman should be on the pill.

I feel like abortions should be mandatory until you can prove you can provide for a baby

Maybe that man should use a fucking condom

Maybe pills dont work 100% of the time, maybe females are human and forget to take a pill every day. Maybe the pill costs too much or they cant get it because biblefags are influencing out gov

So many soon to be divorced couples want to adopt a meth crack addicted child in this country.

Its cheaper to have the kid and give it up for adoption than to have it aborted...

You wont go to hell for killing a child
You will increase the economy by having the divorced father having to work harder to pay alimony
MILFs are hot AF and give it up easier...and you dont have to cuddle after.
You get bigger government because you need larger social services divisions.

I dont know why Democrats arent all in for banning abortions....no abortions mean larger governments!

I agree, he should. Most men do, because they know if they knock a woman up, they have to pay child support.

I don't fully agree with you, but I do feel finances should be looked at with raising a child. Kids are VERY EXPENSIVE. So is prenatal care. And having the kid in the hospital. You got like 30k? No? Guess you're not having your kid in a hospital.

A 1996 study of 44 cases of rape-related pregnancy estimated that in the United States, the pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45).[10][12] A 1987 study also found a 5% pregnancy rate from rape among 18- to 24-year-old college students in the US.[13] A 2005 study placed the rape-related pregnancy rate at around 3–5%.[14]

The bill was also introduced by a woman.

You won't go to hell because hell doesn't exist.

True, this is why plan B exists.


We have DNA testing now. So dumpster babies will be identified to the parent, who will go to prison.

Get patrolled, Thot.

Plan B is only highly effective up to 3 days after unprotected sex, also it's expensive. So what's your next option?

So your mom had pre-clampsia, knew the risks and decided to drive herself that day, not only endangering herself and you as a fetus, but everyone else on the road.

And your dad did nothing to stop her doing this.

I can tell you come from a family of morons.
we should all punch your family in the mouth to put some smartz into you.

Saying abortion lowers crime is like saying murder lowers stupidity rates... it's a fucked up way of looking at killing people

That's assuming she know the pill didnt work this time she took it. That's assuming he was honest with her that when he pulled out not quite in time he told her. That's assuming where she is she can get it. That's assuming where she is its affordable. Plan b has like 36-48hr window to work and also doesnt always work

Listen, you're talking about three or four layers of contraceptive failing at this point.

But either way, if you get to that point then you're having a baby. Congratulations!

Its all a plot anyway for social libtards to destroy the family unit, run this country into the ground so that they can have the state raise people and let communism win.

Fucking commies.

Tell you what. If you're that worried about pregnancy, there are a lot of other sexual acts you can try that dont have a risk of pregnancy. You could also try abstinence.

Lol "men" as in plural? As in you're just another whore who can't keep her legs shut?


Jesus if chicks would only learn to give a decent blowjob instead of spreading their legs.

Most of women dont even cum during sex, so why are they having it?

Telling people not to do something doesnt work. Shit it's illegal to use guns for murder but people still do it

Oh so you can't read. Sorry bro let me break it down again. They had been trying for years for another kid, my mom was told she most likely would never have another kid. She did not know she was pregnant and drove. Sorry I didnt know you were a judgemental prick who could not read as well. People do only remember the first or last thing you say. Also if you wanna know the whole why didn't she go to the doctor / find out this was when my dad lost his job and had no Healthcare, cause America is stupid. Remember take breathes every few seconds or you will suffocate to death.

Abstinence works yes. But telling people to be abstinent doesnt

I'm kinda feeling like I'm the only guy in the world who will turn down sex if I dont have a condom, or if she isnt on the pill. Like... I'm not trying to pay 18 years of child support, so I have safe sex. Do other people not fucking think about this shit? You can always get some pussy another time...

You have a million options to prevent having a baby before you get to the point where you need to get your womb hoovered. Why are you so hell bent on killing babies?

Use a condom you whore.

Republicans can be two things....

Im not your bro pal

lol...so you were a coma baby?
Explains the low IQ

People kill living creatures because it fucks with thier lifestyle all the time. Ever eat meat? Flush a goldfish? Dont want to take care of a cat anymore? As long as it is humane its the same shit

Stop being such a pussy pretending fetuses are somehow human. They arent.

I'm not your pal buddy! Also yes you wouldn't be cause you don't understand basic ethics/ consistency and yet preach on the internet ( if you are the dude from earlier).

Using the term baby implies it has been born. Also no one wants late term abortions except in extreme cases. The problem is having no option. It's not your place to decide what others can do with their bodies. It should be up to the mother, doctor and father if he is present

Ok so you cant kill tapeworms, botflies, viruses or any other living creatures that rely on your body for sustenance now. Same shit

No I was premature. Also I have degrees and went to private schools where if you flunked any classes you were kicked out. But yes everyone who disagrees with your dipshit opinion is dumb. And you are smart... cause you can troll on the internet? Sorry life is complicated and apparently out of your reach to conceptualize.

Too bad I'm a woman and it's up to men to provide the condom when I'm providing my pussy on birth control. Don't make pregnancy only my concern

This. i like this link too


He's reaching so far. I fully support you.

Meanwhile there's a 2+ year waitlist for adopting babies because so few women give babies up for adoption. And women can get financial aid if planning to adopt.

So really you just want to kill the baby.

Btw incest doesn't actually make babies deformed. It just increases the odds of genetic issues if the family has them to begin with.

Also the baby didn't rape you. Why kill the baby?

And finally the answer to "hurr why is the punishment for abortion worse than the punishment for rape?": Because abortion is killing an innocent baby. Rape isn't killing an innocent baby.

Bonus: I'm pro choice but angry liberal women's crocodile tears are delightful.

Consenual sex means approving of what is happening. Make the guy wear a condom or don't have sex.

lol some pussy hugger is mad™ for no reason

That is a fair answer. I will give you that.

Support is dumb and who cares I'm another dumb fuck taking up resources. Just stop making laws for other people's bodies for non persons.


Fuck man I closed my legs for 6 minutes and im still pregnant plz help

Rant rant rant tl;dr get some pussy fude

I'd be willing to to bet that 95% of the pro-lifers in this thread are trap loving, incel soy boys. It feels like sad fags that can't get laid trying to control women in the only way they possibly can, voting Republican. Fucking pathetic. Kek

Two year waiting list my ass. Let's see some proof fag.

I don't give a shit about america or your parody you call politics
but abortion is wrong
and anyone who thinks different is wrong, and has had jewcuck opinions rotting their fucked head.
Instead of giving your women abortions like sample crackers in supermarkets,
maybe teach your women not to sleep around, and maybe how to behave properly, and maybe even defend themselves against there >Rapists< that are apparently an epidemic.
and maybe teach your men to be decent people too.
I swear every day I wake up thankful I wasn't born in that fuck bucket you call a country.

What shit hole country are you from?

Hoes mad

you got 2 months to kill your child asshole, dont like it? take a bus to a blue state

Literally kill yourself you pathetic fuck

how much are you getting paid for this slander you utter faggot

Shut up and sit on it

Attached: 20190511_212855.jpg (1080x657, 325K)

>yay infanticide is going to be on the rise again...
>were a developed country and that is embarrassing.

the United States already has the same infant mortality rates as 3rd world nations like Quatar and Serbia, with about 6 deaths per 1000 births.
Alabama, with 7.4 deaths per 1000, is even worse, on par with Lebanon, and Russia.

The US also has the dubious honor of having the highest maternal death rate in the developed world, its national average of 28.8 per 100,000 has increased by more than 25% in the last 20 years - while every other developed nation's statistics have fallen. Georgia, with 46.2 maternal deaths per 100,000, in fact rates worse than Tukmenistan (42), Brazil (44), and Palestine (45 per 100,000)

Yes, you are safer giving birth in the Gaza Strip, then you are in Georgia.

The US is supposed to be a developed country. Safe, legal abortion is not embarrassing. Having states where there is a greater maternal death rate than Palestine, and hither infant mortality than Quatar is what is embarrassing.

Wrong foot

Ok.... can’t believe you haven’t been asked yet.
Also, being a trap doesn’t make you a woman

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: nfhqtjntw

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HOT gib more

You know the rape was your fault right? You created the situation, the fact you can't own up to that makes you a child who shouldn't be making adult decisions

Is this what people mean when they say “shoe on head”?

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: yh4y8vuaqg

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i was saying now that safe legal abortion is not on the table more will be holding their mewling squalls under water till the bubbles stop because safe legal abortion is not on the table

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truth is not opinion even when super icky