I deserve to make $15/hr

>I deserve to make $15/hr

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Classcucking faggot.
Stay on your knees and keep licking boots you little serf pig

uwu tycoon senpai please cull the masses with your economic policy uwu

That made absolutely no sense and made me kek


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Tbf minimum should be 20

Great Idea, I want to pay $18 for a fucking order of fries from mcdonalds after I go grocery shopping and spend $1000 or shit that used to cost $50.

6oure being hyperbolic. It wouldn't be that dramatic.

I been trying to find some ppl to hire at $15 but I can't find anyone that would work for that little that can actually do basic tasks and learn basic skills and show up on time everyday.

Look here asshole, people deserve a living wage.

They are worth less than $5 an hour though.

Do they tho?

and guess what happens? inflation
prices go up

Where does OP work? I used to work at YouTube admin for about $18 until I just didn't show up.


Good (:

If wages are negotiable, why are people agreeing to work for below livable wages? It's like they don't even want what they're asking for.

Move out of detroit then. Even the best factory jobs in my area start out at $12.50-14 an hour. And I live in Kentucky, so there's obviously no one being hired at these jobs with with any level of education. You think McDicks is gonna pay even dumber workers more than that to make quarter pounders all day?

because poverty is slightly better than starvation, you absolute dumb fuck.

fucking christ, does the taste of leather ever leave your mouth?



If they aren't starving anymore, then it's a livable wage isn't it?

>Let me accept this job that'll eat my resources and gains me little.
>I won't do it for more, I'll accept less, then complain about my decisions.


sometime macdonald the only place hire a nigga

Who me? Nah I make $90k. I am just saying that it is impossible for me to hire the positions I need filled at $15/hr. I have 10 good jobs that are impossible to hire for. There is no such thing as a sober responsible person that will work for 15. I either have to hire a college grad at $50k a year or have unfilled good jobs. Blacks aren't capable and whites can't stop smoking weed.

>make $8.50/hr
>only cook on shift all the time
>literally do everything in the kitchen. Alone
>get fired
>find job making $11/hr making macaroni and dropping French fries

You'd think they'd be grateful in that case instead of effectively endangering their own employment.

have you tried not being a nigger and a faggot

I said move out of fucking detroit.

What job and where do you live?


He already served 2 terms, he can't run again, dipstick.


Wow user, that’s pretty racist.


Sure. I mean, just a Quarter Pounder with soda and fries costs $12 (in Norway).

It's a laboratory. Highschool diploma is all that's "required", and by required I mean we never check.

$15 an hour is what I pay for general lab duties that require half a brain.

Cannot find anyone to take these jobs. Nobody that would do them can stay sober. Everyone else with a college diploma wants too much.

These jobs are literally impossible to fill.

Please die, thanks!

general location, please. that is very different from my local job market

They aren't gonna make an exception for him to run again just so he can ruin the fucking economy again.

>sugar tax
>fat tax
>plastic tax
No fucking shit it's 12 bucks

That's the issue they pretend doesn't exist. If you pay shit, you get shit. They complain abiut the service they got as OP did, and wonder why the people doing those jobs have no incentive to perform well. They're also the same idiots that depend waiters earning 50+ an hour as long as the employer isn't the one paying them.
Shit makes no sense

Could you repeat that statement in english please?

>somehow insisting people get better skills to demand more pay but refuse the persons ability to trade money to attain new skills.
What's it like being so unself aware?

Niggers gonna nig regardless of if you pay them $8/hr or $20/hr.

I make $15 an hour just in allowances on top of my base rate of $45 plus overtime penalties

"hurdur people should try to do things on there own"
>Try to collectively bargain
"noooo! That's not the kind of freedom I want. I just want to be able to own slaves!"

Which mcdicks do you work for?

My occupation would exist in any metro area worldwide.

Step 1 - get sober and stay sober
Step 2 - be white, even if you're a nigger, pretend and talk white
Step 3 - show up on time, don't run your mouth, learn the job

Nobody can make it past all 3 steps.

He is saying that you think someone who works hard should get paid more. Well it goes to follow if your employer refuses you to pay you more even if you do work hard. Why would you work hard? There is no financial incentive.
Then you use their lack of working hard for little pay as an example of why they don't deserve higher pay....

You forgot about "lie to your employer about your education" whilst simultaneously arguing that the reason for your success comes from your work ethic?

>Poverty detected.
Are you retarded by choice or by circumstance? You missed the point entirely.

I talked to a random grocery store shelf stocker the other day and he said they made $9/hr. I just don't understand why they wouldn't want a $15/hr job instead.

Is it because these people didn't have father's growing up?

Are you putting words in my mouth? Or are you generalizing here?

You're still larping about offering $15/hr jobs that no one can hold?

>Maccers isn’t a career choice. It’s for 16 year olds abd retirees.

They don't work hard though. They aren't worth a penny more than the legally required minimum - which should be lowered.

Sir you ASKED for onion ON your burger..

So you're just a 15 year old staying up all night now that it's Saturday? Good to know, since the rest of us have actual jobs to goto after we sober up.

That's my point. Why would you work hard if you have no financial incentive to work hard. They cap pay at McDonald's you can do the work of twice the average McDonald's employee. You'll never make twice as much

He's a fucking kid who doesn't understand anything about having a job. Give him a break.

>eats McDonald's, complains about quality
When did you get lobotomized, user?

It's not a larp though. Any job paying 15 isn't meant for a drugged out white trash hippy and definitely not for a nig.

But your point is that the $8/hr drugged out nigs deserve $15. So you're making my point for me, your communism is killing the better jobs. Just hired a college grad last week for $52k/yr ($26/hr) because I had to and could not find a non college educated person that would work - those ppl want to be poor and stoned.

Inflation already happened. Wages should've increased to glance, but they didn't. Now you've been convinced that higher pay means higher prices, when the reality is you already have the higher prices, just with no wage increase

>Goddamnit I knew hiring philosophy majors was a mistake even though so many applied

That's not how it works. I don't pay more in the hopes that you get your act together and do what I'm paying you to do. You're paid to do a job. Do it.

I never stated a point, don't fucking stick your shitty middle schooler words in my mouth. I was agreeing with you before, you fucking 13 year old.

I spotted a fellow KYfag in the Wild. Holy shit.

>Works at McDonald's, expects career advancement
Icepick Lobotomy, eh?


yea im sure your job ad didn't ask for the stars and the heavens.

That's quite a tantrum. Transorbital lobotomy could help with that!

I know you. You're the guy up the street who lives in the house made entirely out of doors, who constantly makes door puns to anyone walking by.

in this thread a bunch of pussy faggots
Minimum Wage should be no less than $300.00 an hour.
let make rent affordable again.

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See, if theyre doing the same work they should get the same pay, thats your problem.
When i get hired for a job with someone else and they automaticly get almost double the pay because of a piece of paper for the same job it seems obvious to me that the employer already decided who he likes more and once the guy making less figures it out hes gonna start slacking. And youll notice it more since your already biased, which reinforces the stereotype etc. etc.

I don't mean niggers
Easier if we could just imprison them at birth. The only way most blacks can function is under an institution.

Maybe you should offer more

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Since you aren't me, you're the one putting words in my mouth you otherfag

I know it's hard being 13, but you just need to know that in a few years, you'll be be done with puberty. Maybe then, you can actually have a proper debate on this shithole if it still exists.

But anybody that will work hard won't stay in those jobs because the pay is shit.
You pay shit you get shit. That shouldn't be difficult to understand

Those Pepsi/coke/beer Merchandisers you see make $15/h on average. Wonder what happens to these typical $15 jobs when the minimum wage jobs gets upped that much

I am. I'm doing the job at what my current rate is. What, do you think I'm going to do a great job for free? Pay me more first, then we'll talk. I'm the meantime. Onions on your hamburger fag. Got a problem with it? Get somebody else to do it. Ohhhhhhh, except you pay minimum wage 2 which means that nobody is going to work much harder, are they?
You're the one buying labor. If you're not willing to pay more money for quality labor. Suck a dick. I ain't a charity.

>reee xdd younger than me xddd younger than me reee i can escape embarrassment by changing the subject xddddd

If you truly believe that, then you must also refuse to tip servants based on the sake logic.
Do you tip poor plate carriers?

No, I was the one putting words in my own mouth, not you.

Yeah, why try hard at all of there is no realistic career advancement right?

My mind is no Fortress.
It is an open pasture plagued by internecine conflict and chicken.

I don't/can't put out job ads because I don't want thousands of stoned hippies calling me for a job they can't keep.

Your maturity level is clearly showing. I didn't even read your drivel, because it's clear that you're an angsty teen who is experiencing changes with his body right now. Just masturbate like everyone else and everything will be ok.

Nah, this is a one way street. Employers should be able to make the most demands and pay the least and if people don't meet those demands. It's not the employers fault. It's lazy workers who should be grateful for such a shit job.

And your answer to reducing living costs and inflation, is by inadvertently increasing them through unnatural wage hikes?

no they don't. Fuck you. No one inherently deserves anything fuck face. We don't even deserve to be alive. If I wanted to come kill you right fucking now I could, and there'd be nothing that would happen to me except I'd be punished by a system of individuals who decided for you that you deserve to be alive, but that's it. Without those people guess what happens? Nothing that's what, because you don't matter, I don't matter. No one deserves anything since we just exist.

So how about you suck my ass, slave-kun

You're just trying to sound impressive for children, in reality you do your job properly or get fired. Cry more, burger cuck.

You realize there is multiple departments if people that need to be employed to keep that shit running right?
It's actually cheaper to employ people because they can do other work in between serving and cooking

>reee didn't read i'm so not embarrassed XDD

Oh lord, the edge. Go read some fucking foucault fag and learn some humility. You do sound like you're 13.

You should get over that. If I had a guy at $15 that did the job I would fire every college grad.

Getting so frustrated you have to pretend to be someone that argued against you in order to change what they said.
What a pathetic faggot

Here’s a reccomendation. Remove minimum wage entirely and allow unions to discuss and negotiate prices with businesses. This already works in Sweden.

The only thing you.out in your mouth is your dad's dick

Just rub a few out already, why are you so angry? You don't even know who the fuck I am and you replied to me in error thinking I was someone else.

You've got some major issues, huh?

It's like you didn't grasp anything that you just replied to.
Inflation HAS happened. Wages sgkukdve gradually increased to keep the balance, but they haven't for decades.
You're getting fucked and being told to defend it

Lol, that's what I thought. You don't actually believe in free market capitalism because you like the idea of buying labor but you don't like the idea that someone has to sell it to you. As soon as people want to negotiate the price of their labor. You want to cry to the nanny guberment to bust some unionist heads until dem mean old poors know that they don't deserve more of your piggy bank and should just be happy to be a slave, I mean, worker at all!
Such a faggot.

interesting thing about these; no one likes to use them. These things will never replace the current system because if you want to pay with cash you can't use them, if you want some special order you can't use them, and they generally take longer than just ordering from the register. I use to work in fast food and we had 6 kiosks that hardly anyone ever fucking used. In fact, the people who always used them were the employees, because the owner said we had to use them whenever possible to "promote their use" to customers in the hopes that the customers would see us using them, and want to use them too, but that never happened.

They just aren't convenient. Also they don't cook the burgers or assemble the sandwiches.

Are you just going to pretend to be everyone making a fool of you in the thread until you feel you're a winner?

>work in Chinese restaurant
>Scratch kitchen, so everything is made from raw ingredients unlike other Chinese restaurants
>Do Asian fusion, so cooking 5 cuisines at once
>Basically working as a sous chef earning the wage of a prep cook
>Work 65 hours a week for salary of $510/week

Yeah the US job market kinda sucks, at least in the culinary field


The economy isn't a cake. Just because someone makes more doesn't mean you make less.

What a fucking potato.
When you pretend to be me, in relation to a post I made, don't be salty when you get called out in it Timmy

How about you suck my dick slave-kun

The people that carry that food to the fatties earn more because for some reason people think they deserve more than the person who cooked the meal

this thread is full of fucking jews that defend low pay.
fucking hell

it's still sad, because the sandwiches are so easy to make. How do you fuck up a simple process so much that you put the onions on the ouside of the bun like holy shit

You should be earning overtime. $510 is probably still more than more of the trolls in this thread earn every week though, yet they still claim to have 10 $15 an hour positions open, and get extremely hostile when someone questions them about it.

I can't, that would be pedophilia.

Fuck off, me.


You think a single location chinese restaurant can form a union?

imagine earning ANY money for putting a piece of cancer meat between two pieces of bread, the should think themselves lucky.

I have kind of a fucked up situation going on because I haven't been able to hold a job for a few years due to homelessness, but if you calculate it to hourly pay they're basically paying me 7.50 an hour which is far below the range of pay for my experience. And not to mention illegal as fuck lol. I kind if can't complain rn tho, cause these chinks we're even willing to hire me

Is 8t that surprising considering Jews control American media and government?
It's easier to convince someone they don't deserve something before they think about it

Ikr? It's like I make a server's wage without tips lol, and I live in the most expensive area in the country somehow these server kids are still bitching

In reality though, no. Government has made it impossible to properly unionize anymore.

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Hey man, I'm 21 years old. I use to work in fast food when I was a teenager. It sucks. The pay is not that bad if you work full time though. i had enough money to pay rent for a decent apartment, high speed internet, and car insurance, plus buy my food AND afford whatever shit I wanted for my computer. I wasn't exactly putting away half my check for retirement or some shit, but I was doing more than scraping by on $11.50 an hour. For me, it was more than a livable wage.

But people make bad decisions. It's NOT a livable wage if you are trying to support a family, or trying to buy a house, but you've never been able to comfortably do that even working full time on minimum wage.

Minimum wage is not bad pay, at least here in Washington, you just need to make good choices in life.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to go to jail for having an underage shitter like you sucking my dick.

Yeah, no one is buying that shit. We all know you're another 13 year old here on a saturday shitposting spree from australia.

Going to be perfectly honest, having multiple years of experience in the restaurant industry if you were to ever quit or organize a strike, they'd have some Hispanic scab doing the work temporarily until they find a long term slave. The kitchen is like that. Just like there's infinite niches to be filled, there's infinite people available to fill them.

maybe you should hump my dad

Minimum wage is 7.25 where I live. Rent in the ghetto is 600 a month. I live in a small city. McDonald's doesn't pay any of their employees more then 9 here.

That's why the best action is direct action.

Why would you limit it to your job? The bigger the union, the stronger it is.

How is it impossible?

gone are the days when a butcher has enough money to raise a family and retire.

man that shit sucks. I got a decent apartment for 500 a month, all utilities included, less than a mile from where I work. I work full time and make about 1600 a month after taxes. Washington is pretty dope. You should move your ass here ASAP; just avoid Seattle and the surrounding areas since those places are shitholes.

I'm 23 from CT bro, you don't have to believe me, but it's the internet so fucking whatever I guess

You think he's gonna form the local chinese take-out union?

I use the ones at the McD’s across from my work all the time. You can use them to customize the items you order and if there’s a line at the cashier (which there always is due to there only being one) I get my order in before those other people. So there...

It's difficult to move from one state to another when you don't make any money to save up. I'm currently saving busy to fix up the car and pray I don't get pulled over.

That's no different from $20.50 an hour union auto worker jobs. They're about to go on strike, and the company brings in shadows to watch all the employees until they finally strike.

No, I'm saying they should have a state-wide chefs union.

Also wtf is prestigious or bragworthy about earning $510 a week

Get a better job then.

Are you that desperate for something to try to be cocky about?

Most chefs organize a deal with the business investors of the restaurant, and agree upon a predetermined salary with the business owners, so that's an unlikely scenario. We've got too many spics in the industry willing to work for dirt cheap. I'm not hating on their experience or anything, but they totally fuck up the job market by agreeing to work for any amount of money regardless of experience. They're like serfs.

Yo thinking of going to school in WA.whats good?

Nah, just getting fucked in the labor market for now

Just do your chores, junior. Mommy will give you your $5 a week.

Look up union busting. Employers have crazy advantages when dealing with unions, and unions don't have the same advantages.

>When you take 1 week of psychology and suddenly think you can cold read anyone

Easy fix, set a federal maximum wage tied to the lowest payed employee in a business. Set it at like 100%, you pay him 7.25$ an hour congrats on your 14.50 Mr.Ceo man.

You need to go back

Unless you're a farmer, no hand-outs!

It's a good idea. Mondragon does it that way. I think the CEOs can only make 6 times the lowest paid employee?

Then every order should be presented to look like it does on the menu picture, and getting an order wrong, ignoring requests for condiments or extra napkins should be fireable offenses.

You both should shut the fuck up.

I honestly wouldn't know since I never went to college.

Bumped on the thread thinking someone came on a burger. Disapointed.

He was douchebag to the staff and acted like a chimpy nig.
A mistake that obvious is made on purpose for a reason

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Why don't spics unionize too?

And the public have been conditioned to defend tipping to the death, and oppose you earning higher to the death.
Interesting that both those things benefit the employer and hurt the worker.
The system works.so well people have been taught to fight against their own interests.
They don't know why, but they do it because they've been told to do it.
Must be all that freedom we are constantly told about

Meh, maybe at shitteir establishment. Worked fine dining in New Orleans and you cant find decent willing to put in the hours of a kitchen.

Bruh you wouldn't have to. The Ceo of the company is making so much fucking money that you could pay all the employees 15 an hour and he would still be making bank. I believe the statistic is like ceo makes over 100 times as much per hour

Naw player, with the area. I know the school is good.

The fucking truth. I've worked both BOH and FOH in high-end establishments.

Cooks get screwed, so do servers when it's slow. and like you said, it only benefits the owners.

Only delusional fools think tipping is a good idea.

"Right-to-work". That's fucked up. Way to go America!

Except it's on the bun, not the hburger.

i r8 this b8 1/8

improve your qualifications and apply for a job that pays that much then, faggot. and if you still aren't getting paid that amount, negotiate with the employer.

>”Im so stupid I don’t understand basic concepts like context.”

Facts, it's a hectic industry, and one that's hard to negotiate with. With the climate in my area a restaurant is lucky to survive even if they hire cooks and foh staff at minimum wage, but simultaneously they'll be looking for experience worthy of a NYC restaurant

Yeah the industry is fucked, unless you do something like the French Laundry.

the most honest response

Economics says that the jobs can be filled with appropriate candidates if you offer more money.


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I need the McDonald's guy to make 15/hr so that employers who currently pay 15/hr can't use it as an excuse for why they can't pay more. In my field people there's a demand for college graduates and starting wage is STILL around $15/hr, now I'm only making $22/hr and I only take the occasional course (so I can get out of this industry, college is fucking expensive though so prefers is ridiculously slow. That added to minimal time off means I don't really have time for it anyhow).

CEOs make like 20k/hour (adjusted from the standard yearly salary for CEOs, split between 45-40hr weeks to allow for vacation.) There's no reason to raise The bottom line to make up for higher low tier party rates when there is such a massive disparity of wages between the bottom and the top. I mean REALLY, the CEO makes the same in an hour as as an entire region of employees makes in 2-weeks.... EVERY HOUR!

>$11.50 an hour
That $300 take home a week. That's more than enough to live with a roommate or gf.


You're wrong, the ppl in this thread are unemployable. It's a microcosm of America.
t. $90,000/year

Why cant it be a McDonald's girl you ass hole?

Because if people are working full time they shouldn't be shit poor. The working poor can work hard and still be drowning in debt. Hard work should warrant a good payout. A lot of people think it already does, so they view poverty as personal failure. To those people, capitalism is God: Righteous but merciful, the one and only, the creator of everything, and absolutely infallible.

Rent $600, you pay your half in one week (300), utilities 200, you have budget food for 100. You have $600 a month free for a car and savings.

The "working poor" are stoned out of their minds and addicted to various controled substances and can't hold down a job.

You can't afford a quarter sack a week like that though bro. Why even live?

Yeah, the true believers of capliatistism truly treat it like a religion. In dose require magical thinking to be a true believer.
>Invisible Hand of the marketplace.

What is most bizarre is the fact most True Believers are middle class best. Most are low middle class. They get fucked hardest by the system. Yet fully buy into it.

Sure they are.

Why not emulate what they do before you claim it's impossible.

Why is it so hard to train ppl how to be white?

Brainwashed leftist poorfag that thinks communism is the answer

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$100.00 a month for food ok.
$600.00 rent, yeah in Hicksville USA.

>What gas money?
>What about health insurance?
>What about car insurance?
>What about incidentals (clothes, cleaning supplies, etc)?
>What about money to have a fucking life (see at least a movie or have one nice meal a month)?

>Maybe $100.00-$250.00 saved a month.

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>Turing point.

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>Turning Point USA
>Calls me brainwashed
I'm not condoning communism as much as I'm renouncing anarcho-capitalism. The world isn't white and black. Every functioning economy is mixed. There are points of failure in capitalism, that's where the public sector should come in. Capitalism is a powerful machine, but without a steering wheel it'll run you off a cliff in no time.

>What about money to have a fucking life
Live within your lifestyle.

Sorry, wrong user.
I was thinking of the invisible hand exactly. They think market forces are self regulating in every aspect. It just doesn't work in practice. I think those who are voting against their interests think that they are voting in favor of their future interests.

Helicopter rides is the only way to fix *people* like you

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No I'm tottaly there. Full communism is impractical in our society given that it is not agrarian based. No serious people's were advocating for communism.

Call me a libertarian-socialist

>Turning Point USA
>Calls me brainwashed
I'm not condoning communism as much as I'm renouncing anarcho-capitalism. The world isn't white and black. Every functioning economy is mixed. There are points of failure in capitalism, that's where the public sector should come in. Capitalism is a powerful machine, but without a steering wheel it'll run you off a cliff in no time.

I'm a quality engineer in a developing country and only make 4€/hr

No shit its why i said one movie a month you nigger. Why to address the other points cuck boi.

You couldn't pay me enough to work with the human garbage that eats fast food. Typically people are forced to work here because of criminal records. $9/hour is fucked

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Niggers like him are natural commies. It's jealousy of those who tried in school and care about their lives.

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In Ontario it's $14

Subway, walk, car pool

If you save enough buy a car for $1000 that has a good engine/trans and fix it up - most men can accomplish this if they had a father.

>not an argument

( I'm the same nig nog here)

Absolutely, what is ironic about many of these people thinking. Is how they say nah we shouldn't have socialism/communism cuz of human nature.
>but hey let's give laissez-faire a try.

I believe they're absolutely thinking of their future interest. Many buy into the myth that if my bosses doesn't have to pay tax or worry about regulations they will pass the saved money on to me.

We saw that play out with the last round of GOP tax cuts.
>stockbuy back.

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>Typically people are forced to work here because of criminal records.
Bingo. These are unemployable dregs that think they deserve good wages for no work.

>b/c tools are free right?

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Inflation happens regardless. It's a function of a growing economy. You're dumb, learn how basic practical economics work.

You're an idiot.

Or you could just look and see that it ruins every country that tries it.

It's bitch work. Dealing with the general public is tiring. I'm all for raising the minimum as it would give the employer more reasons to automate.

But at least I can save up around 300€ a month

>wages, (has job)
>for no work

Pick one and try harder

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I went to a yard sale this morning and there was anytool you needed. Could have replenished my entire toolset for $20 probably.

Coyle Craig Crash Cruz Cubbison Cullen Cummings Dag Damien Dan Dane Danger Daniel Daniels Danny Darrel Darren Darryl Daryl Dave David Davis Dawson Deag Death Deb Debbie Deborah Deckard Declan Deitrick Delaney Dell Dennis Denton Deschain Deth Diana Diane DiAngelo Diaz Dick DiMaggio Dinolt DJ Django Dom DoEddie Eddy Edwards Elena Eli Eliana Elijah Elizabeth Ella Ellie Elliot Elliott Emil Emile Emily Emma Erectus Eric Erik Erin Ernest Ernie Ethan Eugene Eva Evan Evans Evelyn Everdeen Everett Felipe Ferret Fifi Finn Finster Fiona Fisher Flag Flagg Flash Flores Flynn Foster Fox Fragile Francis Franke Freeman Frost Fuck Fucker Fuckface Furiosa Fury Gabriel Gabriella Gardiner Gary Gavin Gene George Georgia Gerry Gianna Gil Glen Gomez Gonzalez Goose Gordon Graber Grace Grant Gravato Gray Grayson Greco Green Greene Grey Griffin Grognak Paluba Gryphon Gutierrez Guy Hackman Hailey Hall Ham Hamilton Hamm Hammer Hammett Hamrick Han Hannah Hans Harden Hardi

Harold Harper Harris Harry Haschart Hasenbuhler Hastings Hawk Hawke Hazel Henning Henry Herbert Hicks Hill Hines Holly Holmes Hook Hopgood Houle Howard Hudson Hughes Humongous Humungus Hyun Ian Ilya Imperator Indiana Indy Isaac Isabella Isabelle Isaiah Ist Istvan J.P. Jack Jackson Jacob Jag Jake James Jangjoon Jasmine Jason Jay Jayce Jayden Jeff Jeffery Jen Jenkins Jennifer Jeremiah Jeremy Jerry Jerusalem Jess

Jessica Jessie Jet Jim Jimmy Joan Joe Joel Joey John Johnson Jon Jonathan Jones JonPaul Jordan Jordyn Joseph Josh Joshua Josiah JP Juan Julia Julian Juliana Justin Kaela Kaelyn Kaitlyn Kal KalEl Kaneda Kate Katharine Katherine Katniss Kauffman Kayla Kaylee Keira Kelley Kelly Kelvin Ken Kennedy Kenshin Kevin Kim King Kirk Knight Krietz Kuhlmann Kurt Kylie Lafferty Lamb Landon Lane Langlois Laura Lauren Laurie Layla Lea Leah Lederer Lee Leo Leon Les Leslie Levi Lewis Li Liam Liesegang Lila Liliana Lillian Lily

Scandinavian Europe, and totally not because of other nations dicking in their systems? Like oh maybe American sanctions. Durr

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Sure kid, post photos or is didn't happen.

Oil, breaks, radiator. Lot of easy thing but for $1000 you are buying a car that would hopefully last 1 year before blowing up. Then you sank money into parts for a car that got replaced anyway.
Buying $1000 cars for the rest of your life is not smart

You must have really shitty poorfag tools then.

If you call standing up and putting the fries in a paper holder - "work" then you are pampered. The jobs with Mexicans are getting pay $20 an hour and involve actual work. Can you afford boots, hardhat? Show up at a construction job with them on and fond the white guy. Say with a straight face you want $20/hr and you've done x, y & z before even if you haven't.

I doubt you'd last a week, but again, why is it so hard to train niggers to be white?

Seattle raised minimum wage and the world hasn't ended up there, what gives? is everyone just full of shit and don't want to see other people succeed? i think so.

Cool strawman bro.

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Sounds about right.

Yea Forums is mostly 16 year olds with no real world experience

Honestly, if they actually manage to get a minimum wage of $15/hr implemented, all that will do is speed up the making of fully automated burger preparation machines by 10 years or so.
Let them have it, they're fucked wither way.

Those are 95% white countries
I agree, but a $1000 car that lasts only one year is equivalent to an $85/month car payment verses that new car...and it would very likely last way longer if you check things like exhaust blowing blue smoke or skipping trans.

Brakes at a shop $500, brakes at AutoZone $15. Radiator at a shop $750 at AutoZone $150.

There's 100 YouTube vids for every problem that ever happened to every makemodel of car.

Fucking grow up and be a man.

No. It's just that yard sales have super cheap prices. Usually an entire tool bag full of wrenches screw drivers hammers etc can be had for $5-10.

Yes, I agree. These are pampered 15yo commie kids mid rebellion against their single mom.

>brakes at AutoZone $15
>radiator, ... AutoZone $150.

Try harder nigger, what is call 'opportunity cost' your labour, ok not yours becasue you are a NEET, but reels people labour has value.

>thanks for conceding socialism works

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Commie? Yea Forums is 90% republican edgy 16 year olds. I bet you are one of them


Good luck doing car maintenance with only "wrenches screw drivers hammers."

Also you are lying. You don't see chap 'snap on' tools at yard sales. Try again nigger.

I know you are but what am i?

That $1000 car ends up costing you another thousand by the time it blows. You might get 30k miles before it's done. Going to replace the bad shocks or worn bearings or just deal with it? Or the defective air bags on this piece of shit chevy cavalier death trap

I can't make out a point in that post or coherency.

Lets fix a car right now you fatherless waste.
My posts last digit
1-2 Ford
3-4 Dodge
5-6 Nissan
7-8 Toyota
9-0 Honda
My posts 2nd from last digit
1-2 brakes
3-4 radiator
5-6 fuel pump
7-8 alternator
9-0 water pump

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Chemistryfag here, you're absolutely fucking right us college grads don't want your shitty slap in the face offer of 15 an hour for our BS in a hard science. You have any idea how shit it is seeing what's available as an entry level job for someone with a chem, bio, or biochem degree? You get done with school and some fuckin shit ass staffing agency starts sending you snapshots of jobs that "require" a BS in one of those 3 and are advertising 14-16 an hour, literally like not even 30k a year, it's fucked. You want someone with a degree because you think they'll be less of a fuck up? Pay them what they deserve.

I do all my own car work friend. Try harder.

>Ford brakes

Literally$15 on AutoZone website. You need a socket set and a C clamp.

Where did you go to school?

We know you think you are crushing it. But it's honestly pathetic.

Look I have interns for that, but the majority of the work can be done by nobody's. I don't hate guys like you, I'm just trying to make money and keep the lights on.

My point was if one of these retards itt complaining wanted a better job, I have 10 open positions for a $15/hr job with no physical work and no degree required---and NOBODY WANTS IT.

Hear hear. I used to be one of them. Thankfully, I grew out of it.

There is literally no excuse. The bulk of your problems originated when your single mother left your dad and you were raised fatherless and ignorant. I'm sorry this happened to you. There's a way out and it doesn't involve excuses.

That's not how ot works at all

That's somewhat unimportant and I don't want to reveal more information about myself. It's got nothing to do with where I went to school, these openings I see aren't tailored to me because of where I got my degree, it's what's available within a 50ish mile radius. I know I played it wrong, and should have been trying to get placed somewhere before I finished school, that doesn't change the fact that a chemistry is worth more than scraping your ballsack on the poverty line.

Fair, I understand.

I'm in college now nigger for free. All i had to dp was kill some rag heads. Jokes on you.

Also helped my dad run a Maritime research company , so that's another wiff.

>so tell me about the person who molested you? Why are you so insecure?

>you need a socket set and a C clamp.
Not always the case. For the newer vechiles you may need a bi-directional scan tool to tell either the PCM or body module the brakes have been changed. Not like the old cars.

The CEO is the girl though.

Friend, if you think posting your school is going to ID you I must say I think you are full of shit.

Oh cool, my bad.

It won't, but there's literally no reason it could be important relating to the point I was making and I would prefer to omit it.

It offsets the problem. It works in Seattle since hardly anywhere else does it. If it's nationwide then if everyone makes at least $15 then it's no different to what it is now years down the line.

Realistically what needs to happen are things that prevent rent going up due to some people in the area making a considerable amount. That's what you got around Seattle due to Amazon, Microsoft, etc etc. Whose gonna work at mcds for $10 when a single bedroom is $1500 near the Seattle area?

I’m planning to buy this scanner is it overkill?

Autel Maxisys MS906BT Upgraded Version Of MS906 DS708 DS808 Bluetooth ECU Coding Diagnostic Tool OBD2 Scanner Code Reader OBDII Scan Tool amazon.com/dp/B01CJFIMSU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3Qa4CbZKAPZM2

Why are you advertising it as a job that requires a degree? Educated people aren't desperate enough to do your shitty job, and uneducated people must be dishonest enough to make up a degree when they apply for the job. You're filtering away qualified people.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: 35dqg020nm

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and yet here I stand, ya lil bitch

Wrong. If you took the entire salary of Wal-Marts CEO and distributed it to every Wal-Mart employee they'd be 10 dollars richer.

>I went to an expensive school and am too good to pay my dues by putting in a year at an entry level position

I just wanted to know to see what "Prestige" it had. Im a STEAM major.

>Newer Vehicles
>$1,000 vehicle

I don't think he is, he's commenting on the fact that the only people consistently competent and responsible enough to be able to learn the job and pass a drug test tend to be college grads that know they're worth more than he's willing to pay.

Oof, he fell for the "college will always get you a better job" meme. Sorry my man.

If you don't have a high school diploma and nobody ever calls to check, why tell the truth or bother getting a ged? You could even say you have a degree in psychology or something irrelevant, NOBODY EVER CHECKS EVER. LITERALLY. Make up a fake resume and there is no downside.

CEO of McDonalds doesn't make much relatively to other companies, if you were to take away his entire income and redistribute to all other workers in the company they would get a 2-3 cent increase in their hourly wage.

>2.2 million associates around the world - 1.5 million in the U.S. alone.

>Walmart CEO Doug McMillon's total pay was nearly $24 million last year.

Meh $16 but add say the top 20% of the compnay and bet it shakes out to $200-$700.

Kinda what it sounds like

I had my school paid for by the GI bill after 4 years active duty and feel that as a degree holding 32 year old with a decade of work experience I should probably get paid something approaching a decent living. And I am putting time in at am entry level shit gig, but temp work blows, and you're at the mercy of corporate directives as to when they decide to take you off contract work.

Why would you say that it's a requirement if it's not a requirement? What's the point?

That's where you fucked up. kys commie

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Rent where I live is close to 1k for 1 room. A studio/efficiency apartment can run from 700-1200 dependant on locality. Utilities that are needed for work are cell phone (contact), electricity (contact/health), water (health/hygiene), garbage (hygiene), transportation(obviously), insurance (required in the US), low quality food (health-debatably), laundry(hygiene again), and the rest towards incidentals (repair work, medical problems, slightly better food, internet).

Usually rent is handled over 2 paychecks, not because of stupidity, but because rent is ALWAYS bigger than inflation supports. People tend to group up to abate the cost of living slightly (though shared habitation presents its own problems.)

It has none, it was a decent program but not a big name school, I just didn't realize that if I wanted to actually make any money from chem that I'd either need a masters/phd or to have specialized in polymer chemistry.

Because I don't want nigger felons blowing my phone up and wasting my time.

The problem is grown ass adults working in the fast food field complaining about not making enough to live off of when "window" is their ideal goal in life. These people should have their wages reduced by $2 an hour or just be culled. It's a child's job, not your grown ass meth head single adult with three kids.

If you're a vet with a degree you should have no problem getting a $50k/year salaried job with benefits and 2 weeks paid vacay a year. Are you actually trying or just in a dope enduced slumber unable to find sobriety?

How does "requiring" a degree stop nigger felons from applying? If you don't want felons applying, say "no felons" instead.

I with you but problem is those will die out. Then there will only be used "newer" vehicles and you will have to deal with it. It's all a scam. All this new bs tech on the vechiles are nothing but a shit ton of money from your pocket. Nobody needs all the useless shit they are putting in these cars.

>A studio/efficiency apartment can run from 700
>I said 600
So we agree. Suck it up bro.
So we agree

Bro any degree now you gatta have a maters or phd. That's like common wisdom.

I don't require a degree, just a HS diploma that we never verify.

You confirm to job requirements, not job confirm to your requirements.

Exactly. You can absolutely cripple the company, and they'll still be getting paid shit wages. Delusional entitled faggots thinking they deserve a living wage while providing nothing even approaching that in value.

Then they are all like "please big government save me from these evil capitalists who want me to work"

Literally Helicopters is the only answer

Currently stuck in the loop of "I like my coworkers and am debating whether or not to go back to school for something better instead of putting hard effort into finding a better gig right this second." Also we've got a cute intern that's gonna start in a couple weeks and I wanna try my luck at getting her to suck my dick.

You do understand the basic concept of wage and vale correct?

Any company turning a profit, is shafting the worker.

Whatever. Why make it a requirement if you don't give a shit about it? It really doesn't make any sense. You don't expect people to fulfill job requirements, you're expecting them to lie about fulfilling the job requirements and you're perfectly happy with it. It makes no sense.

He can't but Michelle can

Problem could be you.

I'm not expecting people to lie. I'm just saying that if any descent white guy that didn't have a HS diploma applied he wouldnt have a problem because we'd never know.

>Keep licking boots
>Gubment, make den gibs me dat! I deserve it. Sheeeeeit

Have you considered lowering the number of openings, raising the requirements for the job and paying more? If you have 10 openings that go unfilled always at 15 an hour, presumably you budgeted for that amount, you could try offering more and just lowering the number of openings. 3 filled positions at a higher wage get more work done than 0 filled positions at the wage you want to pay.

>descent white guy
>No high school diploma

Pick one nigger

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Okay, this must be a larp.

Citation needed.

the people who cry for $15/hr are the same people that wont have that job when it comes cause they will lower there staff to only the best and mostly mangers and cooks

Jealous of my enormous girth?

Rent, medicine, utilities, childcare?

Oh right, you're fucking Nazi and don't care.

>From 700
What are we agreeing to? That you can be 1 step above homeless for the opportunity to make the minimum legal amount a company can get away with paying you? Yeah I guess we agree that 1.2 checks every month JUST goes to rent cost, then the 0.8 of the other check goes to literally everything else. I make 22/hr and I have to pay 850 for a room 10-minutes from the office, their literal excuse for not paying better (our competition pays better with better benefits, but hindsight, you know?) their excuse is that "it's better than McDonald's", but IS IT, I mean is it REALLY? I've been through 4 different vehicles, not because I suck at vehicles just because my guys don't provide for maintenance despite demanding about as much mileage as fucking Uber (@0.50/mile) I typically sink 4k a year into cars, gas not included.

Point is, $15/hour federal minimum means a cascade effect , always will, whether that is GOOD or BAD really depends on those at the top though. They usually take it personal when you suggest that maybe they could, you know, support the infrastructure a little more instead of, say, pulling up the foundations just to build the top up a smidge higher.

What a ridiculous idea. The value of your labor has nothing to do with the profit. Say you're a salesperson. You facilitate the transaction between myself and a customer. That doesn't entitle you to the full profit of that transaction. You didn't take the risk of purchasing the goods, you didn't take the risk of starting the business. Suppose you fail to make the sale and the item has to be discarded. Will you reimburse me for the money lost? No? Then why should you be entitled to ANY of the profits? Your value is determined by what I'm willing to pay.


You can have collective bargaining, or you can have a federal minimum wage. Not both. And if you're going to allow unions, they should be regulated so they don't become little Mafias like they did in the past.

Fuck you amerifags. In Spain I earn 5€ an hour and I don't complain

Well as I said, I have hired a guy at $50k/year, salaried no overtime. That equates to $25/hr. But I require him to work 55-60hrs a week which brings him back down to $16/hr. I'm just amazed that non-degreed folks don't want this job.

So you know nothing about economics. Kool


>1 step above homeless
Adjust your lifestyle, you complain too much and you're actually better off than everyone but me itt

>55-60hrs a week
Get fucked.


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Your words are meaningless.

Kool, still didn't prove you know anything about economics.