Why’re you single?
Why’re you single?
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Too ugly and poor.
It's not worth the time or effort.
ex cheated on me
You should've killed her.
girlfriend dumped me
Dating is a Jewish plot.
Living is a Jewish plot.
Because I'm smart.
Get married and get your life ruined.
In five years you'll have a divorce and lose your house and monys.
>Trusting women
Pick one
Do I need to be in a relationship?
Why do you give a shit you intrusive fuck?
Getting my shit together and don't want to burden anyone
Small dick, and it ruins my self confidence
t. incel
>My unicorn would never take me to the cleaners in court
Honestly, idk.
No desire to be in a relationship.
Because I dislike most people I meet and it's hard for me to find people I like and respect. The irony is that I'm actually quite good with women because I'm good at pretending to be a normal person.
social anxiety + small dick (14cm)
My house is disgusting. Like literally, black lines of dirt and dead bugs around the edges of the floor, garbage everywhere. I'm a good guy and done well with women, but my life is in a downward spiral.
cuz I like to fuck sluts
im not. pic related gf.
Because I have no self confidence or self esteem. Have friends who are girls but aside from becoming friends I don’t know how to interact with girls.
I plan to, one day
because i think western culture has leveraged laws and policies that give women an unfair advantage over men, i dont trust women, they are evil,
MGTOW all the way
super ultra incel
All thanks to that ass wipe Christ she won't get held accountable.
im not
I have been MKUltra'd
A lot of faggy replies for a common answer. Cuz you don't try harder idiots. Get a girl of your own league if you want a relationship. If you want to fuck only, go to the brothel.
Staying single is the best if you know how to enjoy it
have you tried to talk like a normal person would do Actually caring about their life and what they have to say ?
Got raped by 3 first dates so trauma for life
3, eh? Rape me once...
nah you're incel
Cuz i'm a tard who believes that there are non-"wine-enthusiast", non-hoe girls out there
Prove it faggot
Because I love cocaine more than women.
At least Cocaine won't hire a lawyer.
because i got dumped and i have a shit personality
I think I have a hard time letting people get close. I seem to be fine when I'm with the lads but meeting new people is tedious, only because people are toxic.
Hate women.
And it would never try to "save me".
happened to me. Wife left me for some dude.
Lost the house, savings, and am in terrible debt. But whatevvvvver.
ITT people hating women forgetting you can be a faggot too.
I recently went on a break with my girl of a year and about 3 months. Initially It had been her idea because she thought I wasn't giving us enough effort, and let me say although I could have called more often, I'm just busy
Women are faggots that live on easy mode.
No you're right people are fucking cancerous and I came to the exact same conclusion. Most days I spend my time alone but for some odd reason people like me and want to hang out with me.
Same here buddy. Too introverted to function. She would text me and I don't know what to say other than haha or lol
Gf dumped me :(
Poverty + I don't go out with non-virgins since I'm old fashioned and I loathe the idea of being cucked (going out with a used girl is the same as being cucked) + suicidal and I would be a downer.
My life became so shit, I can't really relate with people anymore.
Everyone of them is fucking depressing and don't give a shit if you care about them or not.
I'm 5'5". Nough said. I've had girls flirt with me, but I'll never accept this height even if a woman could accept me. I'll always be a little boy in my head even with limb lengthening surgeries.
This retard god predestined my suicide.
Because I'm closeted transgender and I won't ever find love if i don't come out
>I'll never accept this height even if a woman could accept me
I know that feeling.
Of course I'd like a woman showing attraction towards me, but at the same time I'd genuinely think there must be something wrong with her for that to happen.
I avoid relationships like the plague.
Ugly, borderline autistic, unfunny, uninteresting
Would rather kick a woman to death and stamp on her head
Cuz i got bullied most of my life, fell into depression and have extreme anxiety, cant talk to no one i dont know, talking to strangers is a no go id rather die.. and overall i dont know how to talk to girls and what about..
fucking hivemind, was going to post this
Ex is crazy and expects everything while providing nothing
Because I'm a alco
Friendly reminder.
Relationships never work. Theyre boring. You put in effort and get fuck all back. Sex is a waste of time. Every girl is the same. Eventually they leave with all the shit you gave them, including your time. Im a firm believer in born alone = die alone. If theres no need for emotional support, theres no need for a relationship, period.
This guy gets it
Because, I'm scared.
you actually are children if you think like this. men don’t sit home and fret about their appearances. under 6’ manlets is a meme anyway dumbasses.
>looking for any reason whatsoever to hate myself so i have an excuse to not live my life
>under 6’ manlets is a meme
I'm 5'5 motherfucker, not "just" under 6.
I look like a kid playing dress up.
because she dont live in my hood ;)
I work crazy hours, and don't see the point in a committed relationship right now. Single serving pussy is easy to come by.
Because God knows what the fuck does she want
so much cowardice and boohoo someone hurt me once so fuck half the human population for life. cry moar you fucking children. quit being giant pussies and live your lives before you find out you have stage 4 cancer and maybe a few years to live like i did.
don’t be jelly
yeah and you’re the only guy ever in history to be short right. there are millions alive like you doing just fine and countless dead who lived great lives. excuses.
Damn. This thread gives me hope. Y'all are sad.
Down syndrome incarnate
Statistics want a word with you. m.imgur.com
Unlike you, I am objective and I look at the numbers. Not only that , but you completely missed when I basically said "I don't care if a woman accepts me. I won't accept this height regardless".
Not that user but
Big difference. And again, educate yourself
Well im not that bad looking but i cant ask a girl out
That's an easy one to answer .. I'm not too ugly, but I'm 52 and my divorce 7 years back ruined me financially. In other words I'm too old and especially too poor to attract the opposite sex. The encounters I've had since the divorce, she ran off the moment she found out I was pretty much broke.
Because wives and girlfriends are gay.
Damn right
if im average looking and 6'4 will i get results on tinder
Didn't have a life where I could go out and work in on a relationship, now I have the time, but really just don't care. Caring about another human being, just so I can fuck them, seems like an undesirable trade off.
A friend that I can fuck, pfft I have friends and I have porn, what do I need a relationship for?
Women are the physical manifestation of every negative emotion one can ever experience.
I'm 34 and have been on here since I was 18, I thought I was old, how the fuck did you get on here man?
I don't feel it's worth my time.
It's not the case of finding someone, if I wanted, I'd find someone straight away. It's also not any kind of hate towards women or anything.
I've been in relationships and what was common in all of them was how much time you have to spend on it. You have to meet at least once or twice a week, talk almost daily to your significant other, not to mention all the extra things you have to put your effort in.
The thing with me is that I have many passions. One of them is enough to be invested in full time. So if I had to choose between a relationship and any of them, I wouldn't think twice. I just don't have any extra time to spend.
Yeah, I know I'm writing this on a fucking imageboard and on Yea Forums for that matter, which are a definition of timewasting, but things like that, that make me unwind, also have a place in my schedule because I'd go crazy otherwise. And having someone, meeting with them, isn't really relaxing. More like taxing imo
imagine porn but in real life, idk about you but that sounds tight as fuck
>imagine porn but in real life
fucking a real person? that creepy af lol
Its womens fault
That’s easy doesn’t mean they’ll like you back.
As my friend once told me, my face looks like a combination of a turtle and a rat. Combine that with being 6'5", and having the build of Jack Skellington, and a receeding hairline, and yeah. I never get matches on Tinder ever except fat bitches that want me to thin out their offspring.
Don't be fooled by there attractive exteriors.
haha, pretty much the same here, but i stopped caring long time ago. from time to time i go to luxus escorts, cum buckets, and am back to doing whatever i enjoy :) life is good
Pumping away until you cum, seems mundane and cannot live up imagination and visual stimuli. Plus you have to talk to the chick afterwards and beforehand bleh. Hookers seem like a viable option, but all the stds. At least my hand is safe ;-)
that's what my mom died of.. her doctor didn't find ANYTHING wrong with her in years and years, only when it was way too late and cancer had spread everywhere.
Idk My ex gf lives in another country maybe 3 years ago and we still in contact send pics, nudes and etc maybe this year she come here to stay with me but I’m 19yo and no have money to support her (No have money to support me lmao) and I don’t like any other girl to be in a relationship ;/
Kek turtle and rat.
I was trying to combine the ninja turtles and master splinter together. Unfortunately it wasn't what I was expecting
The girls I like look like this
Sex is great. Is it the only thing you should care about life? Of course not. Stop being sperglords bros and get your dicks wet, 90% of getting a girl is having the confidence in yourself to do so
Let me help you with that
Lol oh shit you look like a cartoon character my nigga. But you ain't ugly so stop being a bitch
I honestly thought you would look worse. I mean you look average so like whatevs really
Yummy more
yeah, they gave my mom the cure and it worked, but only because it was starting to fuck up her body. it's apparently the price of a house, but only if you're american, in russia it's $450 and in africa it's $7. they won the lawsuit about how that's "hostage pricing", mainly because they keep hoping the firm will do more research I think because that's a wrong conclusion, it's obvious hostage pricing and it fucks me over for not being one of the white people who has protestant money.
but yeah, real volcel, not gonna do this to anyone else, it's wrong
>receeding hairline
the fuck you are talking about
lack of confidence, trust issues and no motivation to do anything about it
be fat => no confidence => no friends => stay home alone all day => eat => lose some weight => notice you have the smallest dick on planet earth => I won't be able to please a girl anyways => eat again => get fat =>
never ending cycle