Fresh bed for your favorite celeb Pt.2

Fresh bed for your favorite celeb Pt.2

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anyone want to see a scary lili

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I wanna stroke for a celeb cumslut~

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Is that some Sersh?

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goodnight beautiful anons

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Yes that prime Irish pussy. I want to eat her ass.

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Night night friend

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I'd eat her pussy and arse while she bit my pillow

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.. ..... . ..... ..

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Please oh please make me get off, I want to tie my cock off at the balls with a USB cable and make it swollen and hard as a steel rod and abuse it silly with slathered precum to the encouragement of a celeb cumslut. I want to stroke and fuck so bad.

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are you sure its very scary

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Who dis? Emrata?


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How about you just warm up by not posting fucking trannies. Work up from there.

No its the titty-cavewoman fairy

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My heart can handle it

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This deserves more pixels.

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!!! ! !! ! !!!

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I loved her in "Dicks of Stone".

Thank you

Eeeek! Too spooky

dont say I didnt warn ya

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I want to stroke and cum for this elf-girl.

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Sam Jackslon isnt in his 40s either. What does that prove? Best case - post op.

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Can I do it on her face?

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I'd rather you be my Sersh and let me do it all over your face...

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Nah. Sersh is my Sersh

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... . . .. . . ...

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>fucking trannies
Cara fucks all the things, and can even magically grow boobs overnight

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Well I need someone to be my cum hungry personal Sersh.

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Most LIKELY scenario, however....

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I would double-penetrate a fleshlight with Cara and fuck it until we both exploded inside all over each other's cocks.

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Implant, HRT, finally getting that pesky factotum removed - who knows how these things happen?

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i laff'd

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any fun weekend plans

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Fag murder. You?

Mmmm. Dirty pillows.

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Not really, just more work days

And a sequel.

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what do you do

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Glory hole.operator at the bus terminal. You?

I wanna cum for Sersha~~~~~

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The pay sucks but it beats going to bed hungry every night.

Chicky ranch

that sounds fun but probably hard

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Best little whorehouse in Texas!

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>when you play a game for the 5th time and still get goosebumps at certain points

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what game
Im confused

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It can be and the early start time is a pain. So i'll need to say goodnight for now qt. Hope you have a good comfy night.

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Contemplate compassion

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sweet dreams mj

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Hey you write me

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I want to motorboat Liz

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Very underrated

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Sexually? Yeah, that much is clear.

I'm sure your work at the whorehouse is both fun and hard.

Likewise, forcefully too

I just don't fucking get it

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Ditto for fucking her puppies

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I was busy thinking bout boys

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Wew. Hottest thing about her?

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.. .. . .. ..

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Big tits of course

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Add her pretty face and personality too that. So bitchy and confident

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There is an off chance she'll see this, so I really want her to know, I WOULD EAT HER PERIOD WASTE ALL DAY.

Do you think she'd be so confident as I face fucked her?

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..... ... .....

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Kek, she ain't. I would fuck her relentlessly though

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Nope, and that's what makes it so hot

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why did no one tell me charli xcx is so good

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Sarah playing dead is hot too.

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It'd feel really good for me. For her? I don't care

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So hot
I'd eat her cunt right there

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You got Kik or discord user? Sounds like we're in tune so far

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Regurgitate love

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Still here?

What's the problem? Does Liz not like sucking dick in public?

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oh vicky

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Chav bimbo slag time

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. . . ... ... . . . ... ... . . .

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When the captcha gets in the way and some pics fail to load it does lol

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Tulisa > all

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I was gonna read that, but then I saw the big titties you posted

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Early Tulisa was so damn fit

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Well if you got Kik or disc there's plenty more where that came from

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. . .. . .

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check em

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Oh user, you gotta offer more than a little cleavage

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Do you wanna or not?

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Helen Flanagan is another good bimbo.

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Yes, I wanna grab her wet hair and get that mouth on my cock

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Not quite chavvy enough

... . .. . ...

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Jodie Marsh then.

Although she did supposedly fuck Kerry Katona...

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Sershy give me your instagram or snapchat or something.

Scarlett fucking hates me.

Kik or discord then?

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What are you hoping for user?

Seriously? Story?

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Lol what would you do with her snap?

talk to her duh.

Babs makes me.......
Touch Myself.......

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You mean dick pics?

Give disc

Her dick pics?


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To chat? Pretty obvious user. If you don't wanna then just say so that I'm not wasting time

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... ... ...

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They moved in together, officially because of some bodybuilding shit, but it was widely implied they were fucking. It lasted like a few months, if that.

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Touch myself makes me......

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I wanna chat but I'm not sure if you're good yet

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Kerry has nice tits, not gonna lie
I would fuck her based on the last time I saw her years ago

Absolutely disgusting

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Were they fucking or not?

I won't send you dick pics Sershy unless you ask.

Her face has got ugly recently, but I'd still fuck her from behind.

Pic not related

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YES they are fucking

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Well the only way you're gonna know it's by chatting through it kek, not like you can't block me or something if I ain't "gud"

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Yikes... - __ - Dropped.

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I'm not 100% convinced, but it's kind of well known that Sophie likes pussy, so it's possible.

Do they let boys in the middle?

Why are chavs so hot?

I like to make it all about me soz

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Dunno, but they just are.

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just 2 lesbians licking away

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wish I was sleepy

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They all have, bro. They all have.

I've had to accept this.

Only thing wrong here is those damn fake titties

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IIRC Sophie is bi and Maisie is lesbian.

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Anyone else?

I quite like fake tits in some cases. Others I quite like chubby chav girls. Pic related.

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Maisie has a long-term boyfriend

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That's a tad too fat for me but I get it

She split up with the guy she was with for ages (the non famous guy called Ollie or something?)

I hope video of her being violated by Harvey eventually leaks.

both are bi - but are exclusive to each other as dykes

He was still hitting it for ages. Bet she cheated a lot

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Stroking for goddess

How would you know this?

Adele is like a hitter version of Gemma

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>you just know Hyland tried

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oh yeah

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Sophie supposedly had a thing with Hailee Stienfeld. And also with the girl who played Myranda in GoT.

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Now Adele is a fat bitch I'd spit roast all night like a pig

. . .

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>Implying Sophie would say no

god damn it sershy gimmie snap!!! >:[


Snap: jack_yaco19

she has a new girlfriend


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fucking lame anons in this thread

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Not sure I buy Chastain liking pussy.

It's a hot thought though.

Really want a threesome where I fuck her while she eats pussy.

What the hell is going on in this thread?

I dont wanna go to school I just wanna break the rules
going to the disco tech getting high and getting recked

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Embrace the bisexual chav girl takeover

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Imagine fucking those rock hard chav tits

take benadryl

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..... . . . .....

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I really don't like Emma, but I would totally hatefuck her

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lol, interesting feelings.

I've squirted quite a lot of loads to the thought.

next i guess

pedo thread lol



dont have any

I’m so upset that such a loser is the only one who gets to climb those mountains with his dick
