The attacks against this Administration need to stop

The attacks against this Administration need to stop.

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That's technically spam and a violation of this site's Global Rules.

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>shit-tier shoop

The attacks of faggots trying to get us to join a discord server need to stop.

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>The attacks against this Administration need to stop.

Agreed! Let's get the rest of the arrests and convictions going...

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only a guilty power freak would use that as vote fodder.

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get it to stop fucking up. simple.

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Good illustration of how the right is all lies and scare tactics when they say that the dems want 'open borders'

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I disagree.
The attacks actually make him stronger.

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trump is the best thing that happened to this shithole country in decades

if every faggot politician gave 3 grand off the top of their salary to help feed cloth educate and or better the american people, and instead of campagning, devoted that time to farming or picking up trash, or literally ANYTHING else, maybe the American people wouldnt be so fucking pigeonholed into a rigged bullshit conglomerate machine that doesnt give a fuck about them.

oh wait i forgot, nobody gives a fuck about life and just wants to be blown on a yacht. fucking crabs the lot of em.

Sure Boris, as soon as the other 12 felonies
redacted from the Mueller report go from "on-going matters" to "Trump indictments".

Even as a slightly left-of-center citizen I agree with this sentiment. Obama's deportation rates were way higher than other recent administrations. Could be that they felt safer trying to enter, but I don't know that for sure. Still, it's glossed over easily.

Trump needs to be frog marched out of the white house in chains and hanged as a traitor.

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well maybe if this administration wasn't so useless and corrupt...

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Trump's going to prison

FLOTUS was an illegal alien.
Barron is an anchor-baby.
Together they're responsible for chain immigration, bringing in scummy shithole-country people who don't speak English.

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Trump's not even our president right now. How can he be re-elected?

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thank you from proving dems don't want open borders

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OK this is what I'm talking about. Until we sign the deal with North Korea and complete the mission against Iran, mocking the President like this should be ILLEGAL.

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you want an open anus

>durr i iz klevver

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If Hillary had won the presidency, would you still be telling us that mocking the President like this should be ILLEGAL?

Would you claim "the attacks against this Administration need to stop"?

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>If Hillary had won the presidency

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>what if I told you
>Obama was a NIGGER

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>the NIGGER did it

>Why did you elect a NIGGER America?

you have an open anus

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it's funny because he's not building the wall

the facts against this administration need to stop

Why is he being such a pussy about Iraq? I always thought he was tough, now he's just taking it from the libs and backing down. He's basically a white Obama.

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Tell him to ACT like a president, and not a snobbish child, and the maybe he'll be treated a little better. Presidents don't cast open insults via social media. Teenagers do.

Your babydick won't fit tho

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your anus is too stretched out?

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>23 schizophrenics

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you know a little too much about gay buttsex lol

The President has RIGHTS.

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Yeah, a meal and a cell.

and yet you're the one with the gaping anus


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This administration is what complete foreign control over the US government looks like. We are under attack from billionaires. There is no hope

yet you didn't have any problem when the Clintons were doing it...

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>durr clinton durr

Yeah we have no problem with legal trackable donations, user. I'm glad you brought this up.

>donations from foreign counties
time to stop posting kid

To be fair, nobody liked Hilary.

except they weren't all disclosed, and therefore not legal or trackable. i'm glad you brought this up.

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They are all the same you dumb cunt. It's the same motherfuckers all invested into the same shit. Republicans just don't care while they rape you. Dems throw some shit to the poor while they do it.

Honestly don't care for Obama and I consider myself pretty liberal. He's another center-left career politician that hails to the almighty dollar.

Honestly not sure what going to happen. The dems have so many people running and its ridiculous. What about trump appeals to you? How has improved your life personally? Honest question.

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whats weirder is someone spent more than 5 mins making this.

the frothe from the act of anal sex is called "santorum"

I like you

this guy gets it

When the prices at WalMart skyrocket and all the dollar stores close, because of Trump's tariffs, his popularity is going to crash harder then when he starts bombing Iran.
His inbred base is going to want heads. This is where it will all fall apart.
My money is on Florida Man shoots Trump in the face because the figured out he was lied to and can't afford Bud light this paycheck.


Drunk. Sry.

What were the posts?

Turns out 790000000 was more responded to than the 800000000

why skyrocket? very interesting narrative. I think thats possible considering all the shit at walmart comes from china and we know how trump is with china.