Would you kill a puppy for 18 billion dollars?

Would you kill a puppy for 18 billion dollars?

Attached: puppy.png (560x536, 546K)

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18 billion is a ridiculous amount of money so i would yes.

Absolutely not.
What worth is a dollar in a world where this would happen?


in what fucking perfect world do you live in faggot

you are a fucking idiot if you choose not to


Depends on the kind of puppy. It if was a pitbull puppy hell yeah i would.

sure dude

I'd do it for free. Dogs are nigger animals.

it's worth a fucking dollar

Next time try with a more plausible amount
14 bi is way too much

i would do anything that wouldn't immediately kill me for 18 billion so yes

i would start shelters to help with my guilt but that'd be a drop in the bucket of the money i now have

18 Billion Dollars huh? Well, there's no sugar coating this, I'm gonna - I would kill it. Are you fucking kidding me? I would smash the living shit out of that for 18 billion. I'd do it on live television. I would Batista the shit out of that thing. I would not have any regrets. I would look at its disfigured face as I'm doing it. And I'd just be thinking about that 18 billion baby.

I mean to start off with, the price is too high. 18 billion dollars? I would without a doubt smash a puppy to death for 10 grand, 10 grand easy. But for 18 billion? For 18 billion I would take that fucker to my foot, and just slam it against the treadmill. Jeez, for 18 billion I would attach it to a rope and just smack it. I would kill 18 billion dogs for 18 billion Dollars. I would smash the fuck out of that thing. It probably doesn't even have memories yet, and if does the only thing it'll remember is my foot. I'd do it for 10 thousand, easy. 10 thousand. If anyone's got ten thousand Dollars lying around.

This is a stupid question. 18 billion. Are you kidding me? Time to put on the old Timberlands, you know what I'm saying? I'm not crazy, right, I'm not the crazy one here for thinking "wow 18 billion dollars". Let me smash the fuck-

You realise using the money I get from slamming the fuck out this puppy I can use to justify my actions. Using that 18 billion Dollars I can maybe donate one or two million to like some World Puppy Foundation. I could buy a breeding farm and raise billions of puppies, to make up for that one loss. In fact only good can come from smashing the fuck out of this thing.

In all seriousness... no probably not. Life is invaluable. Except for liberals, niggers, and every other idiot thats a cancer to society now days

Niggers are animals dawg

I'd do it for 5 mil, let alone 18 bil

you are a normalfag arent you? fucking phoneposter also. fuck off kys

Yes. Fuck that puppy. 18 BILLION dollars? I'd do it for 18 THOUSAND dollars. Dogs die by the thousands due to overbreeding anyway. Killing one, to advance myself? You guys really need to get your fucking priorities straight. If you're worried about the doggo, 18 billion dollars? He'd GLADLY take that bullet for you to live high and happy forever.

I would gladly shot to death any pitbull,but only adults
A puppy is always innocent

For $18? Sure.


yes. and then build massive no-kill sanctuaries for all dogs without homes, while simultaneously funding the eradication of all cats

This guy is my spirit animal

just spreading the truth young man

I'd step on him, but not enough to hurt or kill him. Duh, ez pz.

no, a life is more important than money



you could save a lot of puppies with that money so yes.

yes, but I'd feel bad. although I'd be able to do more good with the money than with the live puppy. the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.



The $18B, in addition to whatever utility it might have for myself, would enable me to help out countless other dogs that might have otherwise met untimely ends in exchange.

I'd take great pains to make sure it was done quickly and painlessly, but I'd do it without hesitation. Way to take one for the team, Hero Pupper.

Force isn't specified. Just headpat with the feet.

Attached: bdc.gif (500x360, 1005K)

the picture doesn’t say kill so yes i would lightly step on the puppy for 18 billion dollars

I would puree a puppy and drink it for $18 billion.

I would kill 18 billion puppies for 18 billion dollars

I like how you guys think.

Couldn't happen. Even if you killed a puppy every second, it would take you around 570 years to complete.

>I would gladly shot to death any pitbull,but only adults
Id stomp the baby pitbull into the pavement if i was given 18 billion dollars and by any pitbull it has to be all or you don't mean it (baby pitbuls exist.
>A puppy is always innocent
Not a pitbull puppy now this is the kind of innocent puppy i would never stomp into the ground

Attached: best-food-for-pug-puppies.jpg (1200x1400, 206K)

I could give 10 billion dollars to animal shelters around the world and still have enough to pay for everyone I know for the rest of their lives. So yes.


I'd kill a sack full of puppies for $50.

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18 billion is too expensive for me. I'd pay maximum 100 dollar

This man gets it

I'll punt the fucker into traffic for that much.
Spend a billion on dog programs for my sins and live easy.

Yes, With the money, other puppy lives will be saved. That puppy will die a hero.

I'd do it, and then use part of the money to set up a mercenary hit squad to shoot on sight any people who mistreat, poach, or torture animals

Just step on it? Hard enough to wound it? Hard enough to kill it? Cause yes.

Stop undercutting me you broke ass nigga as part of Business you keep the cost of Labor high (not cut it) for your own profit and gain.

Absolutely. I would murder the fuck out of it. Hell, I would dissect it piece by piece for that.

Even if I had to stomp all future puppies I see out and about. Stomp every little dog being walked on the sidewalk. just compensate the owners with a suitcase of cash. not the worst deal ever made

It was funny when Frank did it. Not so much when you do it ;^)

Of course you dipshit, I'd do it for a couple million too

I'm no pussy...I would do it for $38 and a bus pass.

Yea with that kinda $$ I cud save the life of 18 million dogs and make money as I'm doing it one pup sucks as it is but a mother dog I'd like to eat a pup at birth any way

id stomp that little fucker like he was on fire


Yea, you could save many many more lives with that wealth

I'd grind him into a pulp, dry it and fucking smoke it for $50

Yes but it would have to be a pit bull. If it were another breed, I would not have the heart to. I love dogs (except pit bulls).

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