

Take or give requests
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try drawing a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired

systemax.jp/en/sai/ (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it)
clipstudio.net/en (Clip Studio Paint Pro, $49.99, also sorta popular)
medibangpaint.com/en/ (MediaBang Paint, Freeware)
krita.org/ (Krita, Freeware)
firealpaca.com/en (Firealpaca, Freeware)
sketchbook.com/ (Sketchbook, $30/year or free version, often used on mobile)

(IC Sticky w/ Drawing Guide for Beginners link)
drawabox.com/ (Learn to Draw)
alexhays.com/loomis/ (Loomis)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.

artprompts.org/ (Art Prompts)

reddit.com/r/stylus/wiki/index (List of Tablets)
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend

Previous thread:

Attached: images (1).jpg (435x600, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting a comic of this girl getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad

Attached: wg3_hyousi1200.jpg (845x1200, 926K)

>No Edition
What are you, the anti-fun police?

i miss drawings made by drawfags in OP

me 2

Roll call thread!
Who's with us, drawfriends and newfriends welcome

Requesting Tio and Manako doing nude yoga. I’d love it to be more cute than lewd, but I’d still love them to be nude

Attached: 2E609E7D-106A-4D29-AC2A-AC447D6511D0.jpg (1000x667, 145K)

no u

How bout her? Doing/wearing anything fun

Attached: 23K.png (509x655, 157K)

What about stoner edition?

Attached: 10.jpg (1000x1000, 289K)

I'm drawing the Woody blueberry myself, because I feel like it.

Attached: Woody-woodpecker1.jpg (502x790, 66K)

Any edition, I dont give a shit. But the edition has to be stated in the OP. Deciding one now is worthless. Worst OP in a while.
OP is a faggot

Ttorrr; I'm actually starting to figure out the shit I've been missing :,)
Is my breakthrough imminent?


Attached: 1392361747.eyeofcalamity_vpocketvalentine.png (1200x1200, 849K)

Now taking suggestions for what edition this thread should be

its too late. the damage is done. there is no saving us. this is boring edition.

beep boop

Attached: r.png (1000x1000, 109K)

Boring Edition it is then

The hole in your chest... Is that a handle in there? What happens if I grab and twist?

Scratch that, my program quit on me and I lost a good chunk of progress.

Someone just please draw this for me.

for you

this thread is now about RICE.

Attached: !aiio.png (500x500, 87K)


ok weeb

it is not

Attached: r.png (1000x1000, 118K)

An indention.... Can I push it?


Gotta go. Here's what I got so far.

Attached: doods.jpg (1280x720, 377K)

I haven't had rice in awhile...
I should
does it shoot a laser?

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 74K)

yes yes, rice is for all. all is for rice.

i do not know what a weeb is but i shall accept this title with pride

rice will make you big and strong like not me. and will also stave off hunger so you won't be tempted to eat your dog.

Attached: !aiio.png (500x500, 80K)

Rice really is so good. Can eat it plain, can smoosh it up and roast it! It can do SO many things... Truly. The best edible substance.


You are a beautiful and an amazing person

Requesting panda girl's breasts slipping out of her top and her blushing

Attached: e3d05e5f27ba3ee4dcfa2788965c56f1.png (494x857, 374K)

So what did I miss?
What did I miss?
Drawthreads my home sweet home I wanna give you a kiss

Attached: narancia1.jpg (768x848, 109K)

I wanna eat out horse pussy and shove my arm, shoulder deep, into it.
I wanna lick its dirty asshole and also shove my arm up that.

im tired n sleepy n wanna die

>stave off hunger so you won't be tempted to eat your dog.
it is a hard knock life for sure
idk not much. decaf did something to a fish(?)

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 113K)

no you may not

it's... just an indentation

Attached: r.png (1000x1000, 138K)

Oh? If it's just an indention, why can't I press it? What's it really do? Cuz now I gotta press it!



Attached: 1552377488136.gif (765x830, 1.54M)

Requesting girl Fry peeing while squatting because, you know, she is a girl.

Attached: Gfryt (2).jpg (2556x2016, 868K)

Why do girls always go after the Chads? I'm a nice guy and I can treat them so well, yet they always go after the a-hole who will break their hearts. Sigh. I guess I'm just meant to be alone forever. Nice guys really do finish last...

Attached: woeow.png (400x500, 44K)

.... Damnit user im just a 12 y/o....
Should never have asked...

Isn't that everyone in this thread? Come on Yea Forumsrother we are here with you

I mean, it wouldn't surprise me that about Decaf
He dumb and smelly

Attached: narancia.jpg (768x774, 97K)

Requesting this.
Also who is this drawfag?

Attached: 1549508651506.jpg (1212x1178, 124K)

You literally got this last thread. Why are you requesting again? Just for shits?


>im just a 12 y/o


What makes you think that's a drawfag

Missed it, thanks for the tip. But sure i'll request again.

I want to molest a dead horse.

You fucking ingrate.

youre retarded

at lest limit it to once a day. Even musumefag has that much decency.

Requesting anti-fry-fag propaganda

well it looks cool
>hey, come into the bath with me, Aniki
>we can make a weird robot soup~
while that may be true he does have redeeming qualities
has nice HAIR

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 81K)

The character user, the character

.... You do you user

Attached: wurm.jpg (768x661, 68K)

I had it in an old folder called drawfags with requests and facepics
I kinda think its Hero but im dumb so who knows
Also another request this chad dressed as one of the traps

Attached: traps'.jpg (1024x898, 89K)

I've heard rumors that bun was lost in that hair for months... Sounds like mean hair to me. He makes good coffee tho. But only decaf.

>Nive hair
>He never showers
I fail to see your logic here turbo

Attached: demonwurm.jpg (768x834, 125K)

because i don't want your disgusting skin oils on my case

that sounds like a bad idea for several reasons

Attached: r.png (1000x1000, 89K)

*licks the palm of your robohand*
Oh? But you're willing to touch me still? What if I go into the bath with Turbo. Can I push it then?

That's the most retarded robot I ever seen. All you can do is get taller.

But he can also reach insane distances with his hands. And maybe he shoots lasers. Maybe.

I mean yeah
but why should we deny ourselves human pleasures due to the dangers of the thing?
just don't stay in too long homie
nah nah
the human body produces oils for your hair keeping it clean
look it up
shoulda brought a map
also don't touch it. rules 1 and 2

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 106K)

>a map
Where.... Where do I get one... I need to go in. I need to find the drawfriends we've lost.

Requesting somebody draw this downblouse...

Attached: 190753.jpg (1294x2014, 1.16M)

Attached: monmusu x.png (1258x1000, 26K)

An opportunity lost. You could have had Tio goring Manako's eye out with her horn.

Are robots gay?

A lewd for ants, maybe?

just rocky

Why though?

Abortion is a human right.

Killa all dem future doctors n shiet

Imagine how many baby Hitlers we've saved the world from.
Imagine how abortion is the only thing keeping New York from turning into Africa.

I love abortion.

Its a gamble
We could have been killing all those future "good" politicians
Maybe someone who archives world peace

The abortion laws of Alabama and Georgia were timed. The Supreme Court now has 5 justices that are anti-abortion. If the state law gets tossed up to the Supreme Court, there's a chance it stays in place and Roe Vs. Wade is overturned.

Anyone could archive world peace. No one can achieve world peace.

Salutations hopefully everyone is doing well. Any simple drawing requests for me?

Attached: Siegmund the cursed-1.png (1000x1000, 168K)

at least my limbs are easily replaceable

you can't even do that
how does that make you feel

i don't see anything pleasurable about immersion in fluids

wow i draw robot tiddy and this is the treatment i get

Attached: r.png (1000x1000, 119K)

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: rrhegy9pwi

Attached: 71def9.png (400x400, 870)

DOES THIS MEAN I CAN KEEP YOUR HAND? I want it. I've infested it with my germs. So it's mine now right? I can display it in my house and use it to get stuff off the top shelf?

I am doing well sir :) can I request some dragon fire? I wish to be entertained!

Well excuuuuuuuuse me Princess me English not very good

send requests
and also send characters to draw my aliens ocs cosplaying as them

Attached: aliendudes.png (996x562, 33K)

Why would anyone want to be a tall faggot machine like you?


> tfw you're in voice chat with someone who hasn't stopped talking about anime for 20 minutes
kill me

Attached: Untitled-1.png (400x400, 8K)

Is this lewd enough?

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-200306_Gallery.jpg (720x1280, 362K)

Good afternoon, thread.

Attached: Cacogirl-DildoSitLines.jpg (750x1000, 257K)

Tell them to shut up and take it to a text channel. Unless you're the odd one out in the convo, then take your ass outta voice chat. But I'm assuming it's the former.

i have literally never seen you enjoy the company of females

Attached: !.png (500x500, 139K)

Aliens with this girl with dem big peepees

Good afternoon! How are you doing??

> tell them to shut up
that doesn't work

>odd one out
it's a 1v1 at the moment

> take your ass outta voice chat
I like to chill and hear people's voices that aren't work-related at the end of the day. I can't leave.

Attached: Untitled-1.png (400x400, 16K)

Hi Tri.
What naughty things would you like to see?

Then why u bitchin

You owner? Or close with server owner? Tell them to just make a private call. That it's a bit much and you'd rather just relax in non-anime chat for a while. If they can't respect that, they're assholes. Boot them from the server. Zero tolerance. Be a true dictator.

You did good

Okay. Haven't slept.
Meds are strong.

Uh... Lactation, maybe?

post your discord i shall join

i like to bitch i guess

ah yes, the iron fist of removing people i disagree with


Attached: Untitled-1.png (400x400, 14K)

>trying to learn to draw
>have plenty of time at work
>too embarrassed someone will look and see me drawing
How do I get over this stupid fear?

I can only imitate it with magic so hope you can enjoy!
Salutations True
Wasn't expecting this but thanks!

Attached: ignite.png (768x768, 769K)


Attached: kici.jpg (482x364, 29K)

Tempted to join... But also don't want to socialize... What's the server size? The focus? Is it just a drawfag server or a random server or what?
Just do it and don't draw weird shit. You're the only person in your way. Kick your own ass.

Indeed. Perhaps a certain planning where their spouses cheat and get preggers could re-time things. If only there was such a mastermind.

Awwh, I can understand the feeling
Well, whacha looking for? Fulfilling some requests or just hanging out?

Are you trying to draw porn?
If the answer is "yes", well that's a given. If your answer is "no", you are just anti social like the rest of us.

I enjoyed the pyrotechnics mister, thank you!
You must be a great wizard

the type of people who judge people who draw bad are the type of people who laugh at fat people for going to the gym.
those people are assholes, you don't give a shit about what they think.

it cool, hav good day.

Attached: !xndr.png (800x800, 384K)

Invite expired user kun

Go to sleep my child

most people that dont draw, their drawings look childish no matter what. so either way you're doing better than them cause you're trying. (unless they do happen to draw, then you're fucked)

Hey there, Sieg-
Whoa. Magic fire.

Just lurking around.

Majestic X is back

Requesting this panda girl getting her boobs groped

Attached: 20c0e77f75937b3b97f4bf4dfeab91d3.png (764x1178, 996K)

it's 10:24 in morning... though sleep does sound good.

why are you telling me this, tell them that.

that sounds like a superhero name, i am far from it.

Attached: !xndr.png (500x500, 85K)


Attached: bruhmomenttt.png (1212x1178, 766K)

Just lurking? Alright, take it easy so you can get some sleep later :)

>if you could sticc any oc/avatar drawfag who would they, or it, be?

>avatar you would want a drink with?

>avatar you want to protecc the most?

>mvp avatar?


Its 9:26pm here

I am ready to GET


nice try. This is how it's done.


You look super today :)






Requesting a drawing of him holding the gun and making an awkward pose.

Attached: my adopted oc.png (209x248, 47K)

Why should I bother living?

lol wtf

>if you could sticc any oc/avatar drawfag who would they, or it, be?
Idk if you mean fuck or thr opposite of thicc do.... I'll just say trinket

>avatar you would want a drink with?
Prolly decaf. Playn vidya

>avatar you want to protecc the most?

>mvp avatar?


where do you intend to go with this flattery user?

hello from other side of world.

Attached: !xndr.png (500x500, 98K)

Good evening, drawthread. How's it hanging?

Attached: coolest in town.png (600x600, 6K)

no it contains trade secret technology
i'll destroy it

why would anyone want to be a puny weak meatbag like you

just because you weren't there doesn't m-- you know what i don't have to prove anything to you

Attached: r.png (1000x1000, 95K)

>where do you intend to go with this flattery user?
between your legs?

I wanna see the cute chimera blush

Because they wouldn't be a faggot like you

Tch... Then it'd be a shame to know I stole a finger huh?
>shouts this from half a mile away
>sprints at the speed of zero stamina weeb

not much, hby

Attached: cooler than coolest in town.png (1500x1412, 18K)


hey guys what's going on?

Attached: warmest in town.png (1500x1412, 15K)

That nigga voland dont even post

Fuck off shitbrain

My magic abilities seem to be increased while under this form, probably a side effect from the potion. Even then Katrina is truly the great one with magic.
Alright you too
Yup, though ice is more of my forte

Attached: care taking an upset kobold.png (768x768, 116K)

>*firagas with you*
try it hombre~
though i've moved onto new and....significantly drier things
the D E E P W E B
(or just like....ask 'Caf yerself)
2.all of them
3.none. too much responsibility
4.Trinket. so versatile
5.dunno...bun maybe

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 117K)

>ask 'Caf yerself
Okay.. Guess I'll have to ready my spare kidney again..... Again.

wowww, that makes you a furry.

what is there to blush about?

Attached: !.png (800x800, 220K)

Requesting a space ape alpaca chilling on a lava rich wasteland.

But me laik him

Well that's a given, cant say much more than that

I'm not a crip
I'm not a blood
But I do know
That you can check these dubs


Attached: checkem.png (546x568, 8K)

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: 0ci45nyjuh

Attached: 251c39.png (400x400, 877)

Ahh I see you're men of culture

Attached: nothing to see here.jpg (500x500, 18K)


Attached: 1551830718064.png (2500x2500, 231K)

Attached: trilac.png (510x664, 200K)

You fuckin suck

>wowww, that makes you a furry.
i'm woke. Furries > people

You both fuckin suck now get out of my thread

Time to do something productive? NO, drawing time!
Hmu with some reqs

Attached: MENACING.png (600x600, 43K)

don't make me get the spray bottle user.
besides, i'm in a public place right now so no lewd. soz.

Attached: !xndr.png (500x500, 110K)

public place? werent you just trying to sleep like 3 hours ago?

In asian countries everywhere is a public place with all this surveillance.

Whoever drew Arizona Tea girl thanks, i just shaded her.

Attached: sketch-1558140347095.png (1080x1080, 383K)

draw Decimator Goddard doing a jojo pose

Attached: Decimator_Goddard.png (1152x864, 928K)

Impressive, truly technology at a fast rate
You have any spare spray bottles I may have?

Attached: natural.png (768x768, 177K)

big titty catgirl breastfeeding a dude pls

You do guro?

requesting this boy having a great time with his dad (dad's design is up to you)

Attached: fsiofioednswo (2).jpg (1384x1908, 320K)


What is up, fellow scholars of the art?

Attached: sketch-1558145444244.png (1080x1080, 24K)



will think about this one...

what. it's morning here. i just want to sleep forever though.

if i draw it mega small then people won't know what the fuck i'm drawing when they walk past.

i do not friend. although i may hav caved in and drawn a mini-lewd. oop.

Attached: !xndr.png (500x500, 89K)

Draw Bruno Mars wearing the One Punch Man outfit.

Like i said before, not much really. Just trying to make some art here.

Attached: dickest in town.png (1500x1412, 13K)

Guys explain to me why Sieg looks better than normal and why I want to fuck his ass more than usual?

Look at his broken hands, that should calm you down

Can someone draw user pulling down female pikachu's tube top down?

Attached: 080b1e5fb3b6e56565fa613c84cfa420.png (2368x1968, 517K)

I understand. Also I usually tend to cave in every once in a while too, so I can see where you're coming from.
Oh no not this again, I still have no idea how you people find me attractive

Attached: weakened gaze.png (1000x1000, 327K)

such is the way of the forbidden fruit user.

Attached: !xndr.png (500x500, 107K)

If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless

there we go

Attached: good time.png (435x311, 11K)

smoll lewds, nice. Bold move, to draw it in public place, imagine someone saw that.

>MF DOOM mask
isn't that exactly the same as the helmet from Gladiator?

wonderful, thank you

Yeah, just the face part of the mask

Attached: aea70d9a25abfdf9a584eacf212eb40a.640x303x1.jpg (640x303, 40K)

go to bed u shit

This is what I have so far (I'm the OR who wanted to draw it himself). Any advice/tips for inking/lineart?

Attached: WoodyBerry.png (1600x1200, 211K)

The only way to do a thing, is to do it.

Your lines are too afraid. Sketchy. Messy. Do long, smooth strokes. Try to get yourself to learning to draw as little total lines as possible.

Any simple drawing requests for me?
After what happened recently I'm going back to the forbidden fruit ways

Attached: Full body.png (768x768, 58K)

Try to do smooth lines/not so many hairy lines unless it's for fur in which case can be a hard pass.
So Practice better line confidence
Otherwise you're fine. Are you going for fat or inflated? Think about the weight of the thing you're drawing and about how things fold around it

Show more leg! I'm a leg man and I desire you to draw more leg so you can git moar gud

Also what he said. Look into the gravity of things. The bottom of the body should probably be a flat line and- actually just go look up water balloons

Well it's meant to be a sketch.

Also, I'm still not sure how to fully use Krita.
I could go all night long about why drawing intimidates me and I'm worried that I'll never be good, but I don't wanna drag the thread down.

No, even as a sketch we can tell you don't have confidence in how you draw. But that's natural. You're still learning and it's okay to be in this stage. With enough practice, I'm sure you'll git gud.
Also definitely play around with your software. Just experiment. Push buttons.

Hmmm... what door should I pick? Help me, /drawthread/

Attached: the hardest choices require the strongest wills.png (500x500, 9K)

Nono what you're feeling is perfectly natural dude
That kind of....."fearless drawing"
We all have to figure it out. So don't sweat it

The secret door behind you! Door 0!

Tbh, it's why I prefer to get people to draw for me. I wouldn't mind learning, but putting forth the effort to practice is just...eh, you know?

Just draw a little every day. Even if it's just some stick figures. You'll progress slowly, but it's still progress. Even if it's just a bunch of shapes or aimless lines. A little every day.

why not both?

what are you?

Aight, let's peek what's behind door #1 first then

What do I see?

>File: !xndr.png (89 KB, 500x500)
i gotta different approach... just zoom in super close to the canvas so that nobody can see the context.
...i mean, i'd still hold my back to a wall or something anyway, so i'm the only one to see and know what i'm drawing, but hey. that's just me.

Attached: shadow86.png (410x340, 13K)

Attached: doorknob.png (500x500, 10K)

Wait, I just inadvertantly sent everyone a dick pic again didn't I?

Fucking holograms, man.

Attached: shadow86.png (410x340, 7K)

Oh boy, please no ass pirates.


Requesting a conjoinment of a busty Gardevoir and a big hips Lopunny.


Attached: 20190517_221459(0).jpg (3264x2448, 1.91M)

Requesting a wardrobe mslfunction between these two chars

Attached: 094a8a205c5046abeef1251ac94150c3.jpg (1205x1280, 263K)

hmmmm the outlook is not promising, sorry

Attached: quick peek.png (500x500, 17K)

LOL! Laughed pretty hard at this.

Let's take a quick peek at door #2. What do I see?

Attached: maybe this one will be different.png (500x500, 13K)

dead thread?

Very large women.

Loli rape dungeon

been dead for a few hours, still up somehow.

no matter what happens, i still love you.

Attached: shadow86.png (1423x578, 56K)

who is this shadow?


no idea, couldn't care less about irl goods.

but do u love me enough to lemme smash


uh oh

Attached: hell naw.png (500x500, 16K)


Anymore simple drawing requests for me?
Most leg I'm willing to show
Oh ok

Attached: legs.png (768x768, 137K)

It's more paternal than anything. But don't let me stop you.

Attached: shadow86.png (1423x578, 44K)

Fell asleep... Thanks!
I appreciate it.
Feels weird, requesting.

Woody Woodpecker blown up like a blueberry?

Like but better.

well here i go then
*spreads bird cheeks*
buckle up fuckboi

Uh oh indeed.

Sup ya Yea Forumsastards. Should I draw something or go fuddle about in Minecraft for a bit?

Attached: sumfehg.png (600x550, 71K)

who are you again?

draw me an anatomically correct skeleton

He works for Nickelodeon, posts here regularly.

I second this

Draw yourself trying to dig your way out of a hole.

i don't think Hero ever shared a picture of her face so doubtful

>tfw dog farts

An oldfag who totters back in very occasionally.
Oh yeah sure, I'm on that there Conquistador Zum project, definitely.

Attached: sumfehg.png (600x550, 78K)

Girls won't give a nice guy like me a chance...I don't get it! I'm such a nice guy!

Attached: waw.png (600x600, 51K)

I would love to draw your characters and requests when you're on!

I wonder who it is why did i not save the name uwu
Im 100% sure its a drawfag tho.

Attached: 1550195498254.jpg (960x626, 36K)

are you Rhone

I just realized, missed a bunch of (You)s lol

Attached: one punch mars.png (500x500, 11K)


you will just ask them to have sex with some other man while you wear a dress and cry in the corner anyhow so what does it matter?

What happened man, saw you here posting this morning

it's probably for the best that you don't know. threads have had enough of this doxing drawma BS lately

I was with you until the dress part. And then a good finish after, but why am I wearing a dress? And I knew you wouldn't understand...no one understands how nice of a guy I am. I deserve a gf! I'm soooo nice!

Attached: yh.png (800x600, 60K)

it's definitely a faggot that draws

it's just not a drawfag that frequents the threads. maybe someone prominent with a patreon or twitter or something.

I've been watching a lot r/niceguy readings on youtube and decided I'm going to be a nice guy. Looks like a fun existence!

please commit unliving

requesting shitstain in lingerie

really you are working on invader sim that is very rad

At least he is not reposting his shit lol

What's wrong with reddit?
That's disgusting.

Attached: shitsonstuff.png (800x600, 81K)

Oh come on. You know you'd look good in panties.

>why am I wearing a dress?
because it adds to your humiliation and any girl who is into cucking some one would likely be into humiliation sex too

Oh nah, good dude tho seems like.
gonna take me a few.
Hey man, go pay someone to do it like a decent god fearing pervert.

Attached: sumfehg.png (600x550, 203K)

Any odrawing requests for me at all?
Gonna have to pass, subject matter is not something I'm interested in

Attached: Battle Kobold.png (768x768, 103K)

>What's wrong with reddit?
Oh nothing, except that it's a shithole full of awhoring retards farming internet points like it means jack shit.

Also mods are 99% faggots.

Don't sweat it, nobody else is, either.

>gonna take me a few.
was essentially meant as a skill challenge for ttorr but take your time

>go pay someone
No thanks

Attached: 72e8029b6bd728d241b63e7bce72193db8bcf4cf7afd4ae92c137907e5fd4f33.jpg (562x800, 352K)

My proportions are still bad.

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Straight down was actually fairly safe if you did a two block stagger thing.
And even if you did a single straight down, odds are you'd safely hit bedrock.

What lost the most diamond stacks was overhead lava lakes when mining two blocks above bedrock.
That shit gets you every fucking time.

not shitstain but reddit is just this place but with like and dislike buttons it has the same amount of faggotry and the same caliber of shitty mods.

honestly better than i expected

I actually don't know that!
I can see what you mean, but I can't say I'd dig it.
If you say so!

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Can you draw ocelot topless and embarrassed?

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Only one way to find out, really....

>a shithole full of awhoring retards farming internet points
Hey, that doesn't sound too far off from Yea Forums drawthread avatarfags

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In order to find where I stand user kun I'm going to try to draw a lewd to the absolute best of my ability. If it's anything less than my maximum potential I might have to give up art entirely.

Ah shucks, I don't have any female clothing. Or panties or anything. I guess we just won't know. Darn! I was totally gonna try too!

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no no ttorr keep drawing skeletals in different positions and from different angles it will help you with anatomy by showing you if what your drawing is broken or not

What about all that lingerie you lent to decaf a while back?

>this new edge
>I deserve a gf! i'm soooo nice!
what other redeeming qualities do you think you have? what have you got going on?

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>Hey, that doesn't sound too far off from Yea Forums drawthread repeat request fags
there i fixed it for you

Show robot in bikini.

Imagine if everyone on the site were like avatarfags. Pretty much reddit. Oh, and the hivemind for the dislike/like bullshit.

>Imagine if everyone on the site were like avatarfags
On other boards, we call them namefags and tripfags, and they're thoroughly disliked. Only reason avatarfags exist on Yea Forums is because mods don't give a shit about this board.

what exactly do you mean by avatar fags?

I don't recall that.
Edge? Perish the thought. I'm just sick of girls treating me like garbage because I'm nice and I care about more than just their bodies. I'm really nice, and that should be enough.

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It's basically someone who posts with an avatar, a character they've either made themselves or took from something else, and use it in an image every time they post.

See Shitstain for example:
That character he posts is his avatar. It's a bannable offense according to >>>global/rules/13 , but it's rarely enforced here on Yea Forums.

Fucked that up, sorry.

you have to treat them like garbage and be selfish sure feminists will hate you but normie girls will want to sit on your pee pee

ah your one of those guys. i get that the weebs who pretend to be anime girls in the waifu threads are cringe worthy but drawthreads are a different scenario altogether. and a lot of these so called avatarfags your complaining about regularly take requests.they just pass over repeat requests or outright garbage requests that belong over in or

They seldom take requests unless it involves their avatar which doesn't count as request taking. Save for one or two like Kahl or Trinket, but I don't consider them avatarfags.

Can Yea Forums count to 5?

>implying implications
avatarfags seldom take requests, specially if those don't include their avatars.

I'll start:



well what do you desire anyway? do you desire? similar interests? nothing in common at all? that thing called love or just sex?

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Based and drawthreadpilled

>avatarfags seldom take requests, specially if those don't include their avatars.
you are forgetting a multitude of regulars who take requests
this is disproved conjecture you guys need to get over yourselves stop laying it on thick just because your mad about people not drawing for you.

eh i like skulls n shit so
man I haven't played for years until recently, and that's the fucking truth. too much fucking lava, goddamn.
sorry fam that was my sarcasm voice. I admire the shit out of animators, I don't have anywhere near that level of patience.

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>taking requests

Very, very seldom. Like once a week he'll take 1 request.

Literal whos.

I can probably give you him.
I'm not gonna sit there and name off everyone who is and isn't a drawfag or avatarfag.

most of those take 1 request a day AT BEST, and 2 out of 3 times it's only if it contains their avatar.
Stop kissing their asses, they're just awhores.

>still laying it on thick because of being ass mad
you are dumb as fuck there are archives that can be gone back to to prove you wrong but you know you do you and enjoy your delusions


I couldn't imagine kissing some fat, greasy men's asses on Yea Forums just because they can shit out a semi-decent doodle here an there. You're pathetic.

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>assuming everyone who comes here and draws is a man in 2019
like i said before enjoy your delusions. i guess it some how comforts you ?

>More projecting

Even in the off chance a female happens along, you're never going to get in her pants by whiteknighting for her faggotry. You're like those emasculated, beta boys on dumblr championing feminism because you think it's gonna get you on their good side and eventually in their pants. It isn't, and you won't.

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yeah their totally projecting you get them frog posting avatar fag


don't worry frog poster is already in both new threads shitting up the place with his delusions

yeah i don't want into anyones pants male or female i'm just here to make requests and have some fun but shits like you ruin it for everyone