What was Yea Forums like 15 years ago?
Educate me o ancient fags
What was Yea Forums like 15 years ago?
Educate me o ancient fags
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just like it's today
but with less porn
Pretty much this except everyone was 13 pretending to be 20 and all the memes fit the mid two thousands better. Also less porn.
It was actually decent.
That 2222 wasn't decent
Yea Forums had occasional CP
Memes hadn't evolved as much, some of them were pretty surreal, like a picture of a mountain with some nuts and bolt superimposed on it with the caption "LOL! HARBL PLEASE"
It wasn't shit
It was shit, but at least it wasn't as gay as it is now
Not joking.
Moot was reported to his ISP for cp less than 24 hours after Yea Forums starte in 2003.
Way more cp. Way less "pics you shouldn't share", porn, and reddit-tier bullshit. Raids were accomplished. History was made. Attention whores were told "tits or gtfo". Baww threads unified us in our darkest hours. We waged stupid wars over Boxxxy and Chloe. We only posted gifs, webms didn't exist. We sabotaged Taylor Swift contests, got Mountain Dew to name their product Hitler Did Nothing Wrong. We closed the pool. We posted original content. We waged terrorism on tumblr. We started #cutforbieber on Twitter. We were a fucking force to be reckoned with. WT Snacks was our bro. Moot was our champion. We did everything for the lulz. Nothing else mattered. I miss those days.
Mostly shit, but actually funny or new at times
I don't even remember the last time it was either, it's all just porn and /pol/ shit now
We made history. We changed the world. We did amazing things. And we were United.
It was very witty, sharp, funny, at times brilliant. No furies, no faggotry, no sjws, no rate my dick, no traps, no loli, no shota, no bitches posting unchallenged, no endless posting of the same fucking story...i told you i was getting 150 mil, train explosion, blah blah blah.
Like the rest of the world, Yea Forums was killed by millenitards and zoomers dance on its grave.
Says the turd not even alive then
i started browsing about 11 years ago, there use to be less porn and more original shitpost
I wasn't here at that point.
Been here for 12 years.
It wasn't much better than it is now... all it was, was 30% CP threads that stayed up till post limit, original funny threads, raid threads, and shit memes before they were known as memes.
Yea Forums has always been shit, it's just a lot more shit now.
The mods used to have a great sense of humour back in the day.
>no loli, no shota
We raided our schools websites often bomb it with porn and other crazy shit. In that time all school even small gymnasiums had there own websites. And the pizza was a cupple of threads everyday. The gore was same ammunt as today I think. I have been here since about 06
coming up soon?
idk if im just retarded but i do remenber quite a bit of porn on here back then, sure there was no cucks or people with as weird sexual fetishes as they have now but there was still porn.
>no loli, no shota
There was 2d and 3d loli and shota aplenty, you fucking zoomer.
Just as shitty as it is now.
B has allways been bad
All of that happened 15 years ago?
I must have Alzheimer's or something.
I know man B fucking sucks
No it was not. You didn’t have the same shit spamming. When you did it lasted for a week and a few months later something new would start getting spammed. The board was actually
Moderated for stupid shit like that.
is there any new underground site? like b was I dont say it has to be good but with no reddit fags
Pretty much the same except everything was more random and epic. Memes were dank and fresh. Oh, Lord. Who can forget Milhouse?
I got 2 words for you.
Uncopypastable triforces.
I remember it being better but it was a long time ago, I'm nearly 40 now and the memories of this place are leaving me.
Nice pasta, newfag
This was considered quality memeage now we have Andy shit threads along with “white people like black pee pee”. This board isn’t even a shell of itself anymore