>ITT: We talk about why government has no business passing moral laws.
Sex Workers
>ITT: We talk about why government has no business passing moral laws.
Sex Workers
>Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat shit! Filth is my politics! Filth is my life!
>We actually don't have that tech yet. There needs to be a certain level of development before a fetus can be transitioned into incubation. I think the youngest to survive is about 22 weeks at this point.
>The relevance of life support is that we're talking about people whose bodies won't support life on their own. And yes, taking someone off life support is murder, if they have a possibility of recovering. If their brain is no longer functioning, and there's no chance of it regaining function, then they're already dead. If the person consents to being taken off life support, that's a different story.
>It's not retarded. I care about your actions, and the results of your actions, not your thoughts. If he wants laws passed because he's a Jew, great. As long as he comes up with legitimate secular reasons for those laws, I'll agree. As soon as he starts trying to pass a law that has no justification outside of his religious values, I'll fight him on it.
>Not that complicated user.
You here moralfag
That also applies to cake baking, misgendering trannies, insensitive speech, right?
Or does it just apply to the liberal cause du jour?
Nazism is socialism, tho, as is facism.
Otherwise, pretty accurate.
false comparisons but thanks for trying sport.
but fascism =/= socialism
Exact accurate comparison. Gov't regulating speech, and dictating who people have to do business with are the exact same thing.
You claiming it's false does not make it so.
Leftists indignation is very selective, and absent objectivity.
Needs of the state trump respect for liberty in the name of a supposed greater good in both.
They are the same. The only differences are in the minds of their proponents.
The many serving the few.
They are the same.
You can't discriminate against people on the basis of, race, religion, Creed, sexual orientation, sex, or ethnicity. Sorry faggot.
But how you get there is diffrant and that matters.
>can't discriminate
>calls those who disagree faggot
Nice b8
>Bu-bu-bu-but free speech.
Lurn the difference between discrimination and speech.
Well at least this is a rational reply, so I'll give the same.
I disagree with you because the ends in both are the same. Diminished liberty. More of the revenue we generate stolen by the state.
higher crime, and greater punishments for defending ourselves.
While kinda on the topic becuase it's been pretty big news recently: why should I give a shit about abortions? I consider myself semi right wing, but I really don't see why pol and the rest of right America gives a shit about it, if anything I would imagine them being pro abortion, Idk I'm kinda confused about it, (is it just becuase they are killing "children"??) anyone care to explain/give their option on it?
Facts don't care about your feelings
>not an argument
Abortion is a red herring social issue meant to distract us from more pressing problems.
The left and right are both guilty of this.
I see this, but still fascism has certain traits that socialism doesn't. The personality modes are diffrant.
Totally agree, it's the only thing I've been seeing online the past few days
Pretty sure I'm not obligated to care about anyone
so, unless they think that they specifically did something more clever than I/you can keep up with, you shouldn't care
You're also right in that there are differences. But to me, they all seem to be overt, vs subversively implemented.
Hitler/Mussolini vs The Fabian socialism of western Europe.
I do not personally believe the one is more dangerous than the other.
Government has no business passing any laws.
Yeah, just got in. Good to see yous guys again.
Hitler is always a tough example because of how extreme he took it. The final solution is certainly not indicative to fascism. People who link the two are retarted.
Meh yeah socialism can be bad but you do have the socialist Scandinavian countries that have found the balance.
one off
No u
Nah, u
You American?
The middle is missing a few things, but I can't argue that.
The main point is that, yes. The 2 parties are halves of one awful whole.
I am.
∩ ON
WHo has the day then? Everything needs boundaries or humans take advantage. We are assholes, everyone off us. If there wasn’t a force putting regulations for these topics listed, the world would be a clown college.
I wasn't linking the final solution to fascism, but was referring to his rise.
People who call people retards based on assumptions are retarded.
Trips confirms. Classic duopoly. Two firms in cooperation to net Monopoly benefits.
Third party is the only way to bust them up.
Agreed, but would that party be extreme left, extreme right, or centrist?
That was a broad statement not explicitly directed at you. Lord you got triggered.
Sadly, too few people have the stones to vote 3rd party.
On top of that, my personal POV leans heavy libertarian, and almost 100% of libertarian candidates are fucking imbeciles.
On a good note, I love in one of the most blue states in the union, where my vote doesn't matter, so I vote nothing but 3rd party here.
If for no other reason than to show others there are SOME like minded people out there who don't buy the idiotic "Wasted Vote," argument.
Perhaps, but switch our positions, take into account that it's in type and not spoken, and ask yourself if you would have thought the same thing.
Far left. But they habe to appeal to disenfranchised right-wing voters. To take that base from Trump. If there was an election to do it. This is the one. Becasue no progresses votes for try p again in 2020. Many people did the protest vote in 2016 won't do it again this go around.
So there is an opening. Most main stream candidates already Centrist.
Pence, a conservative Catholic, would like to ban birth control.
That should pair nicely with his abortion ban.
Speaking only for myself, I could never be so disenfranchised to vote for a party proposing more centralized government, higher taxes, regulations on speech, and open borders.
I did not vote Trump in 2016, but I was fucking stoked to see Hillary lost.
I think just continuing to vote third party is a good strategy as it does put the numbers out there for people to see. im in Georgia and no third party is winning here.
>libertarian candidates are fucking imbeciles
That's the fucking truth. Some are out right wing bats. I'm a Libertarian-socialist...
Can you source that? I never heard him say that.
>centralized government, higher taxes, regulations on speech, and open borders.
Aside from taxes none of that is true.
I think it'd be tough for a far-left party to really appeal to conservatives. Just on a moral level, I'm sure they can promise lots of stuff for working class people, but I'm not sure that's enough. The far left has been committing social suicide, alienating everyone who isn't immediately on board with any constructionist post-modernist thinking. You think they can reel that back?
I'd love to hear how you can be a libertarian socialist. The one is the antithesis of the other.
Libertarians are for less gov't.
Socialists are not.
Not that nigger. Minimum Pence's is for companies opting out of providing it.
Not that user, and not a socialist at all, but I'd guess it has elements of both without incorporating every tenant of either.
>post-modernist thinking
Which is not a ban, right?
Sounds more like a free market solution to me.
Listen to Noam Chomsky talk about it. Sorry you are not well read.
Heath care is a right sorry. Not some mythical
>free market
Health care is not a right. It is a service rendered for pay.
I really don't aurge with people who buy in to 'the free market' so here's this. Don't expect me to reply.
Why do you hate American values?
>We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I know exactly what it means. Here's a little rundown in case you were confused. I'm not referring to the art movement, I'm referring to the philosophy.
a) I give no shit whether you reply or not.
b) I am not taking your homework assignment.
c) Sticking your head in the sand and pretending a free market that we used to have isn't how America rose to the most powerful on Earth in the least amount of time, does not legitimize leftist fantasy.
Pick one
Having trouble finding the part where it says for a central government to regulate a rendered service.
Slaves is how we rose to power.
Then the entire industrial World being depleted post WWII. Now they've all cought up.
>try again.
I never used the word feminist, and neither does that article. What's your point?
Not knowing basic conlaw.
While true, slaves had far too big a hand in it, it was contained to the south, and bought on a free market from other Africans. America didn't start slavery. Africans did.
Emphasis on con.
You just aren't very good at it.
>i don't argue with THEM
Well why not? Do you think they'll just convince themselves? If you can prove that free markets don't work, you really ought to. Their vote counts just as much as yours does.
Actually, depends on where you live. If you live in a red or blue state, your vote is worth much less than someone who lives in a swing state.
Omg, I can't help it you have no fucking clue what you are taking about and I called you shit. Conceded the point.
You said here
>The far left has been committing social suicide, alienating everyone who isn't immediately on board with any constructionist post-modernist thinking
Feminist ideology is on the far left. Therefore what you said is retarted. You heard Jordan Peterson say it once and think it means something when in fact it doesn't.
Fuck why do I have to explain your own thoughts to you?
> If you live in a red or blue state, your vote is worth much less than someone who lives in a swing state.
Truth. I live in a blue state. My vote would mean just as much as if I voted for a penguin.
Look at this retard lol
Healthcare is a right.
Your argument is equivalent to "I know you are, but what am I?"
Conservatives feign concern for social health via abortion then turn their neck and screech about how direct references to welfare of the people in our constitution are somehow immune to the same logic. Are you worried about public health or not? If the government has no right to regulate a rendered service then abortion shouldn't be regulated. Cyclical bullshit conservative logic cherry picks issues specifically to sow division because they need you to be mad and uninformed in order to rake in their money
I'm libertarian conservative, and pro choice. I don't believe gov't has the right to regulate a persons decision to keep a child. I don't actually believe pro life people are conservative for that reason. They want government regulation when it's something they agree with.
>Well why not? Do you think they'll just convince themselves? If you can prove that free markets don't work, you really ought to. Their vote counts just as much as yours does.
What is motivated reasoning in confirmation bias. They are fundamentalist. Sorry. I have ample confidence in my ability to debate failures of free market capitalism.
What I have no confidence is is people's ability to be open-minded on the issue. And review the facts.
>never heard of TERFs
You really should learn to take a loss better than this. No need to get so asshurt. 3rd wave feminists tend to be on the left, sure. But that's not the only sect of feminism. That doesn't change the fact that the far left ALSO argues for trans rights, and approaches things from a post-modernist, moral relativist perspective. Adam Conover is a great example of just my point.
see this post
That's my line, you self-contradictory faggot.
That sounds pretty open minded!
Then why bother coming into these threads in the first place? Genuinely curious. If you're that cynical, why bother trying?
Both post are mine. Why is your point here?
>I'm a psychogoly major and some things are just fact sorry.
Yeah, I figured that might go over your head. My point is that leftists have self-contradictory views. You just said it before I could.
It requires the other to be an honest broker.
Leftists like him love bloviating their imagined intellectual superiority.
they have no agenda, no desire to make the world a better place.
just a forum to unfurl their peacock feathers, and pat themselves on the back.
You forgot to add
>first year
>some things are just facts
True, just nothing you say.
That didn't answer my question.
So you have no point. You moved the goal post when I called you out. I'm not a leftist, bit also not fucking retarted.
You do get that postmodernism doesn't believe in any grand narrative right? That's why you can't be a feminist postmodernist. Femininist involves a grand narrative.
I'm not a leftist. And you post is a fine confirmation to my hypothesis. Oops you don't agree with me so you are the other. So I don't need to listen to you.
That's why I don't debate you fool's. You always take it there. Just like daddy Ben Shapiro.
>implying I give a fuck.
Why do you think anyone gives a fuck who you decide to debate?
Who the fuck do you think you are, kid?
10 minutes from now, I'll finish my morning coffee, take a dump and a shower and forget you exist.
>Thinking I owe you shit.
Incorrect. Nazism is nationalism that uses socialism in its name to appeal to a wider audience while not in any way representing socialism in its actions.
Fascism is not associated with socialism at all.
Says more about me then you.
I didn't move any goalpost, I made two separate points. Stop repeating things you heard on Yea Forums.
Both points I stand behind, by the way.
>Point, the first:
Leftists alienate everyone who doesn't support a postmodernist view
>Point, the second:
Leftists have self-contradictory views
Meaning, I agree. Feminists tend to not believe in post-modernism. Less so with 3rd wave, but it's still not a fully constructionist ideology. But since they're more concerned with being leftists, they'll ignore that glaring contradiction so they can claim victim status, and get free shit from big daddy.
the ol' "not real socialism," argument.
Where did you go retard?
You litearly have no clue what postmodernism means.
When did I say you owe me an answer. Just pointed out that you didn't provide one. But now I see why. You just come here to shitpost and bait conservatives.
Good on ya.
Well, since you have no argument, I guess we're done here.
Oh you mean the accepted understaing of the ideological differences of the two? Yeah your right pal...
Sorry, you're not exactly my highest priority. I've got more important shitposting to do.
A ground rule for an aurgment is Both people agreeing on a set of facts. You choose to not understand the facts of the case. So yes we have no argument. Keep following Peterson and see where that leads you.
>bullshit spewed by dishonest socialists
Read a political science book. Go to college. Take a class.
Imo it should be legal for everyone, I can't care less what people do with their own life
Yes. I like my girls like a microwave, everything I put inside dies.
>Sex Workers
Yeah, as long the price is fair and there is no abusive pimp behind the scene
Everyone who wants heroin has heroin, you cannot ban a drug and an unregulated market is evidently worse than a regulated. Make everything legal and put a high tax on it and you reduce crime plus earn enough money for state funded rehab centres.
Right, cuz there's no bias in college...
>Read shit by a bunch of people I agree with! If it's in a book, it HAS to be true!
That makes you an anarchist.
How do you feel about deplatforming of certain celebrities on YouTube Facebook Instagram Twitter?
Cite a source then
To some degree but not necessarily.
OP is an idiot, The purpose of government is to enforce moral laws.
No murdering
No Slavery
No Raping
No stealing
On and on . . .
OP just wants to pretend moral laws are bad because he wants to take it up the ass and pretend it's ok.
OP here,
It's OK if I take it up the ass from a feminine penis.
Basic consent is not a moral issue. Any law seeking to govern the activities of consenting adults is not the role of government.
Thx u try again.
Do they cum in you?
OP here,
It's OK if I take you cock up the ass.
No, that would be gay, unless of course it was feminine cum.
The role of government is whatever they say it is.
Try to tell them otherwise.