Buy/sell women like chattel FANTASY

Buy/sell women like chattel FANTASY.

First, roll to determine budget, and then go ahead and buy/sell your women.

00-20: 20K
21-40: 40K
41-60: 60K
61-80: 80K
81-99: 100K

Attached: 4F4F9922-95E2-43D5-87F4-EFC0C31BB9AC.jpg (640x853, 52K)

Roll and selling Asian whore

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I’ll buy for 10K. Could use an Asian whore around the house


Prime PAWG.

Attached: l81X5IT.jpg (498x960, 110K)

Ehhh, 1K

Can anyone top that? Cmon, she’s a right little hoe

5K going once



rolling and selling

Attached: 43607088_10215061783512576_2747775653410504704_n.jpg (720x960, 69K)

Id facefuck. 4K.

She looks fun. 6K.

6K going once...

surely we can get a bigger bid than that

Attached: aye2.jpg (598x747, 53K)


Can she see out of both eyes?

Oh shit... got me reconsidering, lol. Any ass shots? Bitch is hot af


Attached: 070160016.jpg (720x960, 63K)

Attached: 0984809.png (594x750, 516K)

Damn what a steal. Sold for 10k


11K is the highest bid so far

Attached: 6500616011.jpg (718x485, 61K)

Selling my sons stupid bitch girlfriend.
Roll 99 for nudes I took off his phone
Tell me how you’d use your newly bought whore

Attached: 61D64551-9F71-475E-B3AD-0B2C692665CD.jpg (498x624, 97K)

You got fleeced

wtb anything

you know, if you'd left it at the first sentence, I might have cared.

8K highest bid so far! Going once!!!

Going once

Rolling and selling

Attached: 9F371489-6B08-4EF9-9E27-AE8F3C4D8BBC.jpg (1125x1381, 408K)

8K. I’d impregnate the bitch.


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3K for santa’s hoe

So close to a self roll

Sold! Any special planes for ayesha?

Attached: 984098408.jpg (491x718, 83K)

Would not pull out

I think she’s worth a little bit more...

Attached: 424BA078-CDB7-44C6-82FE-D2C4DC9924CE.jpg (526x1097, 180K)

I’d anally penetrate her and then make her suck me dry every night forsure.



8K going twice!

A good choice user!

Attached: Ayesha (43).jpg (540x720, 59K)

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Rewarded here’s Amber’s tits

Attached: A4AAC9F5-80BA-40C5-91D9-2DF742FA7A2C.png (750x1334, 1.59M)


6K for Asian spinner going once!

Attached: 703F34B9-3202-41D4-818A-D13D2C265B2A.jpg (378x928, 83K)

Roll. Selling as well

Attached: jm (9).jpg (670x960, 86K)

here’s another for my self trips

Attached: 6ED454C7-196E-4311-A4F6-15256D4E697F.png (750x1334, 1005K)

Fuck that’s hot. Am I still in the lead with 8K? Any more nudes op?



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Roll and selling the GF

Attached: image1 (1).jpg (2016x1512, 845K)

Sold to the man with a nice 69 at the end of his post number. 6k it is

Sold! What are you gunna do to the nerdy hoe?

Damn user, that's quite a price. any plans for her?

Attached: 11836685_670356676433856_451012235212091921_n.jpg (640x960, 35K)

Still leading w 8k, here’s her ass

Attached: B2514339-A7EB-460B-BA76-BFCD1ABCE64D.png (750x1334, 1.55M)

That's my garbage skank. She's the one I pee on when the toilet is full

She's going to make a nice little breeding slave

10k here

almost tempted, but no

Attached: 4351-544a312fd120b.jpg (600x600, 154K)

10k is new leader

Attached: 4701B4CB-F1AC-4566-B18E-05486A6A118E.png (750x1334, 973K)


Well now wait, what’s her age?


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6K going once!

Attached: 93BF3F4E-C525-4433-AD2A-F4CBAE657E43.jpg (478x874, 132K)


Attached: 13321783_10153758199940892_2246533926646896084_n.jpg (943x960, 108K)

Freshly 18

Attached: 489D97F7-59D6-4B37-9DD5-EB743A9D5230.jpg (720x960, 195K)

Wait, I meant twice.. lol

Selling this white slut

Attached: 23558090_1906244689389671_650880110_o.jpg (2048x1536, 231K)

needs more face

I'll take both for 10K


Attached: IMG_2652.jpg (942x937, 54K)


Attached: 27711400_2008093372538135_56089690_o.jpg (1212x1616, 127K)

$500 unless you have more pics

tons, can do way better than 500

Attached: 27746996_2011895545491251_860297423_o.jpg (1529x2048, 197K)



Attached: 60006.png (598x726, 1.01M)

All yours

Why the fuck would this cutie stick a rivet in her face? I want my money back.

Attached: jack_disgusted.jpg (258x316, 21K)

any more pics?

only 3k for this ass?

Attached: 26540435_1970967122917427_83452955_o.jpg (1536x2048, 173K)

Even if i didn't think you are the guy posting stupidly low bids in a really poor attempt to derail the thread, no refunds.

3 dollars

Attached: IMG_2656.jpg (1030x1586, 684K)

its a starting bid, just to throw off the $40 bullshit that's floating.

Nice, I'll get some good milage out of her

10k going once

Attached: C5172D36-5D22-49B6-8680-1FF3A923661E.png (750x1334, 1.84M)


3K going once

Attached: 26194546_1964077023606437_834479541_o.jpg (1616x1200, 141K)



Selling, package deal.

Attached: 11.jpg (957x960, 295K)

10k. who are they to each other?



rolling for money




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Attached: IMG_2651.jpg (640x630, 64K)

Disorganized, bad vision, only has plans on Sundays. 1k


Selling her

witch one?


Attached: 2018-07-17_16.16.41.jpg (1078x1026, 913K)


Attached: ddgvt.png (850x1132, 881K)


They're close friends.

Going once!

Too low.
I want at least 5k for this 20 year old cutie

it looks like it will bitch at him the hole time it is around your lucky he is giving you that much

Convince me. Another pic.

No need for samefagging.

6K going once

Attached: 27710772_2008145519199587_824027629_o (1).jpg (1200x1616, 95K)

Selling those two

Attached: 2018-07-23_17.23.46.jpg (1036x1212, 602K)

Attached: 161.jpg (473x593, 76K)

want her?]


Attached: ff.jpg (720x960, 182K)

what is there relation to one another?

not same fagging

Attached: not same fagging.png (650x400, 38K)

Bank roll

Attached: 2018-08-01_01.38.31.jpg (1080x1122, 652K)

Maybeb going for a trade?

Rolling and selling this cute korean slut

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Attached: 1558086226003.jpg (1200x900, 261K)

I’ll take
Does she come with a head?


How much?

Attached: bc7.jpg (1386x1386, 169K)

All take her

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selling or trade

Attached: 132.jpg (663x894, 147K)

Selling her

Attached: 2018-07-26_23.42.42.jpg (1080x1270, 781K)

I have here ass

Attached: 1557703910743.gif (395x350, 2M)

3k sounds good

Attached: 163.jpg (469x589, 31K)

Without the head, 1k.

Attached: 1552355584408s.jpg (228x250, 7K)

Attached: 1549693888380.jpg (600x600, 33K)

Attached: 1549173144518s.jpg (140x250, 5K)

pleasure doing business with you

Enjoy her called Amber, tiny but im sure you will have your fun

Attached: 113.jpg (393x507, 80K)

Anyone want to set up a discord or something to continue the game?

hahaha. She does but she only wears it sometimes

Attached: 26695622_1978730652141074_237491694_o (1).jpg (1440x1932, 176K)

Bad deal


Attached: huiojlk;.png (290x643, 286K)

got any more nudes you could post of her

She only really posted these 2 on her insta and she now deleted them as well.

Attached: 165.jpg (541x553, 29K)

But i want at least 6k onto her.
You are about to buy a pawg and a ballett dancer in combination

thanks thats good enough


Attached: sam (112).jpg (2847x1621, 1.16M)


thats the final 1

Attached: 132.jpg (241x525, 25K)

12k for what?


Attached: yytyre.jpg (632x1063, 184K)

pawg and ballet dancer

or 8k for the ballet dancer

Selling petite Asian hoe

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Attached: 38030635_490832304678124_155423553498382336_n.jpg (960x960, 293K)

3k for the slut

The fuck is wrong with her feet


Attached: 1536091196995.jpg (1080x1353, 74K)

3K for the Filipina spinner... going once

Attached: 1E81D5C1-D3B9-4D84-86CF-FF8CC7E84B31.jpg (1536x2048, 260K)

4K. She like getting facefucked?

Kill yourself chris.

I trade her for the asian spinner

Attached: 2018-07-19_12.16.42.jpg (1080x1388, 910K)

Got any other pics? She looks cute but I wanna make sure I get my moneys worth

Attached: 49F3B31B-A5C4-44FA-970D-262E37C3E4DB.jpg (2046x2048, 428K)


Attached: 7.jpg (439x535, 81K)


Attached: hjkl.jpg (720x960, 88K)

8k here

Welp, Asian spinner at 3k going once...

Attached: 68DE15AA-23B1-4416-810A-43E43E371A9D.jpg (1592x2048, 359K)

I think you can get her to the point.
She is worth more!

Attached: 2018-09-15_09.55.26.jpg (974x1286, 783K)


Attached: Jazz (63).jpg (720x540, 60K)



Attached: 9yiuhjk.jpg (750x937, 132K)


Any 16s to 21s

Make it 8k then. That’s a tight bod. Would love to turn her into my fuck slave

she married?

10 k and you own her


Attached: knjlm; 3.jpg (2048x1683, 326K)

6K is the current top bid for the slut. Makes for great breeding and fucking house guests.

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Attached: iji.jpg (750x937, 111K)


Attached: hjkl.jpg (1080x1350, 342K)

8k for 6

50k all 8

Fuck it I’ll splurge. 10k. Hand over the bitch. Her holes are mine.

wow nice, sold ,, enjoy it

Attached: hjbknlm.jpg (867x1086, 131K)

8k on her

Attached: hiu.jpg (729x947, 83K)

Sold for 6K!

Attached: B168B38F-1878-47FA-9904-2BFEA6874479.jpg (1536x2048, 160K)

thought i bought all of them

Good, I need a nice, rapable house maid.

Now selling her sister. Tit doesn’t even fit her overalls

Attached: 5B895C85-2284-4DAA-AC17-AB414DF7437F.jpg (2048x2048, 749K)

ooh i thought you put 50k on just #8 lol, but yeah they're all yours

Attached: knjlm; 3kk.jpg (2048x1683, 506K)

You could rape each sister in front of the other. Interested in her?

Attached: 58460FA9-AF84-4D64-971B-DD4B0E4A0072.jpg (694x703, 462K)

Selling cunt

Attached: Ptfjistme0h~2.jpg (539x800, 67K)

How much for Anna

Attached: 88.jpg (461x571, 40K)

Nah, the one will do for now.

would give my left testicle

Fuck she's hot..I'll bid 11.5 if she'll Domme me.

You got bamboozled user that whore isn’t even worth 500

Nice hips and thick legs.. $500

Sadly sold some time ago.


You guys are bidding and buying these whores at face value . You guys have to see what their tits look like and what their holes look like. Come on anons get with the program if your going to sell a bitch show all her assets show that’s shes worth it

only 300 for her?

Attached: e2pdwkdl.png (567x1056, 793K)

500 sound good for her

Attached: 94.jpg (383x563, 85K)

I don’t hear a higher offer

Great body

Oh yeah, let's have yet another thread where every post is the nude of someone the poster doesn't know or someone screaming for nudes. Yea Forums has a massive shortage of those.



fucking great body on her, bet she had lots of fun at uni

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3k now

Attached: njiinj.jpg (639x960, 57K)



fucking hell way more than expected. sold enjoy the cunt

Attached: 21.jpg (535x537, 109K)


Selling this cum guzzling whore.

Attached: jenni (91).jpg (480x640, 100K)

It's a step towards the deaf mute gymnast nymphomaniac virgin I hope to marry someday..until then this flexible slut will be put into every position possible.


Attached: bgefv.jpg (324x960, 39K)

lol love how you can tell shes a bit of a slut

Attached: hi.jpg (750x749, 34K)

She'll look great with her baby bump.

Attached: 4015237712.jpg (934x1360, 79K)

a bit?! I think we both know she goes full slut under the right conditions.

well she is from Essex, other than ballet does a pretty male filled sport and lives with a group of guys at uni, yeah for sure is full slut under the right conditions

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