Celebs you'd love to hate fuck

Celebs you'd love to hate fuck

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Love to feel Haliee's Steinfeld lips on my cock

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Hate fuck? I'd just "regular" fuck her until my god damn dick fell off.

100% this nasty slut. And not cleaned up classy miley - I want the trashiest miley possible

Rebecca Black

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I totally agree.

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I wanna do Amy Lee doggy style and pull on that jet black hair as she sings for me

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God damn, those tits

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Love her tiny tits and she has a face made for slapping. It would be a fun, rough night.

Pre-baby, obviously

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Lmao look at this virgin

I'd slap her face...with my cock!

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You have to be a virgin to have sexual fantasies?

Love to bend over Hilary Duff and ram my thick cock deep inside her warm cunt

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hate fuck?
better be a dyke.

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She reminds me of a young abe vigoda

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Miley Ray is Thor's ass whore

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110% But i'd make her wear a Pig nose, Pig ears and a one of those pig tail butt plugs. I'd fish hook her mouth, choke her, slap her, whip her, make her squeal like a pig and then piss all over her like the whore pig she is.

Jessica Nigri

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No. Miley Ray is Thor's BROTHER'S ass whore.

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Fuck yes.

Now that Foy is 18, I want to destroy her anally.

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Classic Babe

Can I jerk in the corner whilst you do this?

Duff is THICC

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And brutally choke-fuck her.

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Only if you say "no homo" when you cum

Alice Eve is waiting for her thoat to be filled by a massive cock

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Unff titties

I would suck her tits all night while she bounces on top of me

She looks incredible here

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Me on the right

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I bet she likes it rough like most feminists. I would pelvic thrust her into the right of the political compass

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Lohan is such a slut

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Imagine having the freedom to choose any female to have sexual intercourse with and then choosing Emma Watson

She actually looks pretty good for a 50 year old woman.


Good choice, user.

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Madelaine Petsch lips would feel amazing

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Would cum so fast....

A lot of people seem to be posting chicks they find hot - don't forget the HATE part of the hatefuck

Can't stand this cunt, hence I'd like to have violent sex with her.

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Prime candidate for a hatefuck. You know it would be 10/10

Another great choice. Can't stand this bitch and would love to see her choking on a cock. Preferably mine

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Easy choice

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That body would milk you dry

The red dress pics are just pure fucking perfection

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I really like the idea of hate sex with a chav bimbo.

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I'd rather worship her feet while she gets dicked down tbh...

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I just want to fuck her - hate or otherwise

Yup. Looks like a faggot all right.

Oh god this. But I doubt I could hurt her with my dick

Tomi Lahren. I feel like this one doesn't need any sort of explanation.

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Imagine how full of herself she is...her annoyingly deep sexy voice... being a bitch while hatefucking her...making fun of your cock or body

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Found the teenage cucklord. Tomi is sexy and smart

HATE + fuck
Kylie next

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I don't like her at all. I would totally hate fuck her face and fondle her tits

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Yes. Can only get off to her if imagine raping her.


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Excellent choices. Would be mindblowing.


Rip that dress off her with your fucking teeth

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Get on my level faggots

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I wish

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Don't sex the monke you sick boy

Hands all over that cunts body. Have to gag her to shut her the fuck up.

This mentally handicapped liberal retard needs to be fucked

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Imagine squeezing her cute thin neck until she goes limp.

And then fucking her dead body.

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katy wants to get rap ed

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Hate her. Love that body.

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sounds fun user, just make sure u nut before she gets cold.

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Hard in the mouth, so we don't have to hear her talk. The noises I want to hear from her is gagging

body deserves to be roughed up

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Proud only of her udders

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She so beautiful.

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Oh I definitely would.

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would make a mess out of this face

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Such a glorious set of tits...

Hey are you a SJSS member?

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I need to hatefuck Snooki’s chubby ass so hard

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maybe make her a hucow

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Duff is so hot

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I flip between hating and loving this chick, either way I throb

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You don't hate fuck The Duff. You treat her like a queen

She knows that body is all she is worth. Its shameful how much I lust for her and despise her.

same, worth giving her a black eye before fucking her holes

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Who isn’t?

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since 2008

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Getting to fuck her and use that body, is almost worth listening to that cunt.

we are over on /HR/ there is always a SJSS (scar-jew stroke squad) thread firing. You should join us.

She looks hot with long blonde hair

oh yeah I posted in that one a few weeks ago

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No hate. Punishment for getting married.

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may have to gag her if she keeps yapping
would you still abuse her dyke style face?

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fuck yeah man. We are trying to grow the SJSS.
Feel free to stop over to the scar jew threads on /hr/ for a stroke anytime.

Gay monke fucker
Don't sex the animals you sick boy

I was there when all the anons were trying to cum to her 10 times in a week, I didn't make it though

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Oh god, that body and gagged...that sounds perfect user

How far did you make it?

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Are there any actresses that havent had an abortion? I've seen it from all of them on Twitter and Insta.

Those exec's knocking them all up? (even Milana? fucking hell...)

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its what this dumb whore deserves

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thx bro

about 5 or 6 I think

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Does she count as a celeb?

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Some baby could have feed on these, but instead it got aborted?

Poor kid.

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I'm starting a SJSS challenge next week in the thread sometime probaby. Have a few days off, might make an event out of it and see if any SJSS members want to join in. See how many loads of Goyim Juice we can extract for our Jew Queen over a few days again.

so should I hold off on my nut until then?

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Not really IMO but I'd hate fuck her too.

She's such a stupid cunt but I'd plow her ass so hard.

this bitch

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Nah. we will start fresh next week. I'll post something on /hr/ in the SJSS thread.

Such a glorious body. Those tits are just irresistible

Maybe they have to abort one offspring for Satan or something.

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Not sure who she is but count me in!

is that Justin Beiber?

Nice joke friend, never heard it before

better get the nipple clamps and milk pump machines ready

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God those nipples would be so sensitive when I'm through with them. Clamps would be agony.

They always blame men for it, but women make up a larger share of the voting population. They're fighting each other and they dont even know it.

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alright, in the meantime I guess I will milk my dick to this jewhore

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Nikki Bella definitely
that fucking whore deserve a night being destroyed by 2 or 3 big cocks

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she deserves the constant pain while someone is rawdogging her asshole

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I've been warming up to gaga the past few weeks

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Fuck yeah. Stroke to the Jew Whore Queen.
I laugh at that fucking CUCK white boy she's "Dating" on SNL. That little bitch is getting cucked so hard

Still trying to wrap my head around abortion at 9 months. You spend that much time growing the thing, and then you NOPE at the finish line?

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That was just you user
Just because you post 10 times doesnt mean 10 people are as retarded as you

Just thinking about how hard I would cum watching those tits bounce while shes in agony...

I guess it's cheaper than the hospital bills.

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39 Posters. The SJSS is strong.

little Ari took her small bum to the salon
this morning to get
her nails as shiny as the sun!

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he must just be happy to fuck her occasionally

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I didn't say it was 10 people that were all doing it

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Body like that belongs to BBC

would be a lovely site to see. Where would you cum? I'd try forcing it all down her throat

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Inside her while she sobbed and begged me not to.

he probably gets foot jobs after she gets home from fucking her Alpha co-stars.

Honestly aside from Tay Tay, the Scar Jew Stroke Squad has big numbers, lots of devoted strokers, everyone in the SJSS is pretty cool too, no memes or shit posting, just pure Jew Queen posting and stroking.

And there's damn near 8 billion of us now, so who's even going to notice?

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reply with a celeb and I'll start collecting her pics

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There's no such thing as abortion at 9 months, retard.

you just know her and Pratt and probably Renner have hooked up.
Is the SJSS fairly new though? Can't say I saw it until a few weeks ago

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Congrats youre in the SJSS now.

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SJSS started Mid April I think? There have two full SJSS threads since, and a kind user on /r/ made our SJSS flag. Great community of Jew Queen strokers.

hell yeah, probably would start pissing in there after I'm done coming

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gal is for love not hate

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I would want to give her a good 4 or 5 loads, then piss on her face.

gonna download everything I see

okay then that sounds about right

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you'd have to hydrate between each load, best to use her face as a toilet at least once or twice

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Behold, Blessed Perfection.

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Teach her what shes worth? I like it

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its like she knows she's making all those dicks twitch


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she definitely knows

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maybe if I feel a bit tired out, gag her mouth completely shut and have her locked down sitting on one of those dragon dildos. Then just go off playing Cod or whatever for a bit

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thats the clip that turned me towards her, just how hot and filthy it is

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Make sure she has something working her clit painfully fast

You've all imagined it

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wont take long before she's completely out of tears

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Thought she was so hot before she started getting nude. Her body just turned out to be meh.

She always remembers Mr. Clamper her grade
9 teacher who forbid her from wearing plastic
nails extensions to class and would thwack
her fingers with a wooden ruler five times
whenever she did! he said little Ari was a bad
girl and was being disciplined and would
continue to be disciplined until she would
listen to his rules! rat ta tat tat he would rap
on rebellious little Ari's knuckles every two
weeks on a Wednesday the day after little Ari
would play at home salon and apply new

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Me too

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Would fuck her with a barbed wire dildo

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I’d smash so hard she’d call me comrade in no time

then the rest of her family..then all of their husband cucks

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You are right user. Maybe we should keep her hydrated?

she can get hydrated... with semen

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She will have plenty of it

The only nignog i've ever jerked off too....


she's by far the sexiest one

What about Nicki?

jerking to rihanna knows no race, also halle berry

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LOL Nicki? I'd rather jerk off to a picture of dog shit then that fucking ghetto hood nigger. She's fucking DISGUSTING. Fucking nigger bleached her skin, plastic surgery, implants.

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what a beautiful little hood rat nigger.

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Great tiddies but

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I'd still nut on her tits

The only black woman worth stroking to.

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hell yeah she's the ultimate hate fuck

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Digits have spoken

oh geeze, may i have some more

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Stop making this DUMB cunt a "Celeb" She's not a "Celeb" she's a stupid fucking attention whore cosplay/camwhore. She does NOT deserve to be in the ranks of some of these fucking QUEENS.

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You might as well stroke to this.

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how can you hate kirsten?

I hate how hard she would make me cum

Sounds like you are mad she is a celeb and makes your cock hard

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Nah. I don't jerk off to dumb cunts. I'd love to knock her fucking teeth out though if that counts?

Its okay to throb for Nigri

she always makes me cum hard I fallen for her trap

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I hate her, but then I look at those tits, or that ass, and I'm painting the ceiling

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>so much mad

love her tits and feet

Those tits are designed to extract cum

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who is this?

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Yum I love republican sluts

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all finished at the salon little Ari felt a terror
come over her! and she remembered she
went two whole long hours without taking a
selfie! little Ari leaving the salon selfie time!

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hazy line some times

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Good choice


Yes but not hate fuck. Daisy is too precious

katie price

Lmao you must be new to the internet. You can find plenty of 9 month abortions, a couple of them from the US