>3 years ago lil sis gets diagnosed with depression
>ask dad to get me tested too cause been having suicidal thoughts since i was 5
>he screams at me at "only wanting this since my sister got it"
>finally got diagnosed 5 months ago
>clinical depression, ADHD, and suicidal
>dad only says "whoops" and walks off
>just found out my sister got an ADHD test today
>it took me over a decade to get a test myself but only takes my sister a few weeks
3 years ago lil sis gets diagnosed with depression
lol retard
No one cares
Is there a part 2 or is this the shittiest greentext I've ever seen...
Post pics of sis
being a pussy is not a contest op
life will chew you up and spit you out unless you stop being a soft cunt op
Just fuck her, OP. Have some depressed babies.
You're responsible for everything that happens to you in life. And if you don't accept that you're going to have a very very rough time.
>dear diary...
Nigger no one cares. You sound like a complete pussy.
Post your sister’s feet.
Sniff, sniff, whine, boohoo...bitch
Ur dad is a badass lmfao
Do the world a favour and suck on a bullet no one cares
cry more baby
Bet the OPs dad votes republican
Aye post your sister here so we could avalue the truth of this story
This kids smiling in a literal shithole and you’re keying because daddy loves sissy more
Put some CP on your dad's comp and call the FBI on him
And accuse your dad of molesting your sister and that is the reason she is messed up. And if she denies it you tell them she is just trying to protect him because she has "Stockholm syndrome"
Just be yourself faggot