Redpill me on Billie Eilish

Redpill me on Billie Eilish

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Cute nose + puberty = bulbous nigger nose

LOL my dumbass friend was like "she's an industry plant, bro"
It's important to mention that he listens to Joe Rogan religiously and thinks Break Bad is the greatest show of all time and has a Joker tattoo from the Dark Knight

Emo nigger wanabe.

It's for kids who never heard Bjork or nine inch nails.

You talk like Bjork and NIN are these super niche artists with only a few thousand fans

she's nonironically scottish and irish too

must be 56% though because america

Looks like she smells like blue cheese. She's got a couple good tracks. If she actually made a deal with the devil, the music would be more solid

She's aight. Not spectacular, not bad. Has said that she dresses unconventionally because she's trying to avoid getting sexualized by the industry, which I can understand. A music fan could do worse.

Is it possible to be ironically Scottish and Irish?

Just some weirdo who stands for all the other weird girls you find on discord. This culture style is shit and she’s not even cute.

Bullshit excuse


>nine inch nails

remember when trent reznor decided that he was tired of being a forgotten 90's faggot and joined the anti trump bandwagon?

The new celebrity that is being spammed on Yea Forums everyday. We also have Andy Sixx spam, Ellen Page spam, and a bunch of other D-list celebrities taking up a million threads currently. Isn't be just so random and varied?

He seems like a retard but also a twink so i'd fuck him up the butt for sure

so deep and edgy!! i, myself, have never even heard of bjork or nine inch nails :000 wow! how dark and mysterious are you!!!
goodness im in literal AWE at how unknown your music taste is!!!

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Billie Eilish makes me sad. She’s a product of a lot of the negative aspects of our society, which is not her fault at all. What saddens me is that she wallows in it and has made it her identity unironically; she’s “the bad guy”, and that’s it. No real twist, no positive underlying message, just "woo bad aspects of society!"

Really explains why she wears tons of makeup and always does glamour shots. She's a fucking tool and so are you if you believe her bullshit.

Are you 5 or something? Some people are just miserable and disgusting. Very few people have an underlying positive side to them. Life isn't a movie.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day user

industry plant just like lana del ray

Steve -O smile I see

Are you projecting or something? If society was so incredibly shit then general quality of life and people's sensibilities wouldn't have steadily improved for all walks of life over the millennia (there are few exceptions but I mean we're talking forward and left of the bell curve here)
Unfortunately user most people ultimately are just people with there being more good than bad otherwise we'd be more destructive than constructive due to machiavellian dickery
Better yourself ya cynical toad


I'm high and I love humanity, so yeah, I'm basically a 5-year-old. I just wish we wouldn't glorify the internalisation and personification of these negative societal aspects

Nope. Remember when we had a functional adult occupying the office?

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She makes music for girls who think they’re capable of murder, but in reality are too afraid to ask for more ketchup

Pretty accurate

Those are the ones most likely to do it.

let me guess,you think fake tears obama was a functional adult?

You're making a lot of obviously wrong assumptions there. Quality of life has improved a lot of the past few centuries. We can all be happy that we can expect to live past 30 but with all this extra time to live, most of us tend to occupy it with a bunch of depressing shit. I really don't know what world you live on where any of what you said is even remotely true. I feel that you are just really young.

he didn't say they aren't known, just alluding to that they are older artists, hence kids don't know/care about them

>Obama was the only 3 or 4 presidents the zoomer was alive for
>he thinks that means everybody's talking about him when they say things were better pre-Trump
Every time.

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She doesn't sing. She talks. Or kinda whisper sings. It's very gimmicky. It will last an album. Maybe two...but unless she can actually sing she's not going to be around. That's not to say she's not. She doesn't need to sing particularly well. Studio magic can make up for a lot. But what she's doing now isn't going to last long.

I get why people like her but as an older user and seeing gimmicky acts come and go it's kinda annoying. I'm told she writes her own music? Or least collaborates with other people If so it's not bad. Popular music desperately needs need writers and it's a good thing even if it's not something you particularly like. The industry needs the variety.

Also her "weirdo-chick" shtick is an act as well. She's not particularly attractive so I'm thinking this image she's cultivated was actually a pretty brilliant way to access an niche. It makes her come across as far more relateable and obtainable to young people.

Cool tracks but she's just too monotone not in like an interesting way just a retarded way

Banks is better, cuter and less edgy. So don't bother with this trash.


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I really fucking hope those face tattoos aren't real

Compared to Trump? Yes. So was Bush senior and junior.

the single most talented artist in the industry right now

>compared to trump

oh right,another idiot who think's obama is any better then trump.there both piles of liberal shit,the only difference is that obama was honest about it

not that it matters,your probably some 16 year old kid who isnt old enough for his opinion on presidents to matter anyway

prefer kids listening to her than that tekashi 69 garbage

Not the other guy but try caramel smooth heaven, cocainejesus, and dj poolboi. Nascar aloe if you like punk stuff

The sad children's Grimes

I should also add bili Irish is not so low-key a Thot taking advantage of the sadboi scene

this is a sad time to be an artist , musician especially

literally no innovation can happen anymore, we've peaked and everything now is a retread. Maybe a little tweak on an obscure sub genre but everything's been done

like that greta van fleet shit that's so popular but i look at it and it just shrug, somebody should tell those dudes led zeppelin did it better 40+ years ago

eilish is good at what she does, but theres nothing particularly new or interesting about it , it's just good and it works. guess thats all we can ask for anymore..


I'm assuming those are all artist names? they all sound like you made them up

>we've peaked

no we haven't. we're just ruled by jews so no one is allowed to do anything with jews ruining it

Young artist who makes edgy-ish music about being depressed that teens are supposed to "relate" to. Most of the music is slow and she mumble/soft sings quite a bit to give off a sad vibe. Dresses quite oddly under the guise of not wanting to be sexualized but in reality she just looks ugly and obnoxious with her fashion sense. Probably a lot more artists in her genre that are better but because she jumped on the trend and rode the wave first. In like a year from now, the media hype around her will probably die out like Halsey or Dua Lipa and she'll just be a successful but ultimately generic artist

She's an industry plant working with professionals that are paid by her parents. What can we REALLY expected?

Greta van fleet is a fucking joke and only edgy hipsters that are too cool for LED ZEP listen to that faggot shit.

there is still so much space to innovate music, it's just a matter of time.

actually quite talented girl who tries too hard and may have a chance at redemption if she chills a bit now that she already has achieved fame

Emo acting chubby thot jumping on the depression hype train

I love how a simple discussion on Billie Eilish has become a debate about society.

You probably don't have a wide taste in music. Spanish and Brazilian music has done really well and is influencing a lot of American music. British rap/grime has been continuing to stand out in quality above US rap. Rock music and it's various sub genres have produced a lot of great bands but unfortunately modern rock isn't played a lot on the radio. Even among American rappers, artists like Vi Seconds, Kaan, and Joyner Lucas have done well at combining story telling and word play. If you ever reach a point where you think the current stuff is unoriginal or trash, you just need to expand your horizon and explore farther and deeper into genres

no idea who she is so I looked her up. she's fucking 17? Who the fuck gives a shit what a 17 year old is doing, do people actually look up to her or something?

lol fucking bringing me back with that puppet

I'm not going to be douche because you can't know what you don't know. But you should go down some music wormholes. Led Zepplin is iconic.

joyner lucas is just some retard who doesnt realize that 8 years of nigboppers making song after song about obama already drove people away from rap music because they were tired of the politics

>Led Zeppelin
no shit, I'm almost 40, I grew up listening them. I was referring to the artists that were listed, that I've never heard of

Lana del Rey + xxxtentacion had a music baby little girls lose their mind because they always wanted a lana del Rey type to do emo rap shit. She also dresses like a Pokemon villain

Shes specifically targeted to 13 year old girls so

what? new technology comes out everyday that can rethink the way we act creatively and the output we have

13%of the population!!!quack!!!!

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Joyner is just an example, I'm not saying you HAVE to like him. If you like hearing politics in rap, listen to Joyner, Akala, Lowkey, Immortal Technique, etc. If you prefer listening to punchline heavy, wordplay rap, try Vi Seconds or Kaan. If you like listening to something with a caribbean/dancehall feel try Stefflon Don. The whole point I'm trying to make is that it's ignorant to make a blanket statement that (insert genre) is trash because you only listened to a handful of people. Or that all music is bad because you listened to a few things inside your bubble and didn't like it. There is something out there for everyone to like, new artists are springing up constantly, some innovative, some generic. You're bound to find something

I'm with you dude, teenagers are useless

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lol..Dude, she is a bought likes and followers e-fame created waste. She will be Billie who in 2 years. You fucking idiots just soak up whatever the fuck is spilled on the floor for you to walk through. They know this, so they push shit like her out. Social media creates pure shit and she is a steaming pile of it.

Stop talking shit.
Learn to think.

She makes music for who all 'pop' shit music producers make music for. Tween girls. You fuckers let 11-16 yr old girls choose your music.

I took a listen and I didn't understand it. I was a touring musician for about 5 years, relatively successful. It was my full time job, and I made money doing it. Most nights were 1200+ people venues and we played some festivals with 5,000+ people.

I've literally seen it all throughout the years before and after my "success" in music for a while. With that said, I don't understand Billie Ellish. Something about it doesn't even sound like music to me. It's more like cringey ASMR with a garageband beat underneath it.

I think I'm old now.

Ahhh yes, quality response from a strawman to a well thought argument *claps slowly*

She is one of my Tinder matches so fuck you all.

some of her tunes have pretty amazing production values
lots of her tracks have accessible but catchy motifs and themes
she has some brilliant engineers behind her and that translates to some quite great sounding pop music
one of her tracks i heard recently is mainly a guitar following her voice or vice versa, i thought it sounded pretty nice. some vocal effect tricks really spiced it up and removed the simplicity for a moment at a time.

most of her tracks are shit, themes are shit. but through her album i did hear acoustic music, 808 trap style bullshit, some more obviously pop style stuff, some jokey vibes as well.
there was little consistency in terms of quality, approach and content.
>garageband beat underneath it
they are mixed and produced to perform incredibly well on all playback devices because it is pop music. i agree with the ASMR bullshit, i mean she barely even sings shes more notating some words.
maybe the beats are lame as fuck ye, but to reduce them to "garageband" bypasses the fact that they are obviously very well made - which obviously has nothign to do with her - but its still her name on the track.

Did you see a banner at the top of this forum saying "Your worthless opinion valued here"???

no but i do see someone asking to be red pilled on billie eilish
are you mad because theres a lot of meritable reasons to her success beyond her paying for likes and being an obvious industry plant?

Led zepplin is 40 year old content I've heard before it's good but it gets old

She's a fucking meme that appears everyday on Yea Forums. She's only a musician to those stupid enough to listen to nigger talk.

what does that have to do with anything i said
>those stupid enough to listen to nigger talk
or you could just be someone who listens to the radio and isnt involved in music in any way other than background noise, which is the vast majority of people?
or it could be interesting to someone like myself who produces music for other people?
or people could just like it because they like it?

>everyday on Yea Forums
>2019 coming to Yea Forums every day
kek ur a faggot

> British rap stands out in quality above US rap
> Even among American rappers... have done well at combining story telling and word play.

Nigga wut are you talking about. Rap isn't even music. It's basically a crude and primitive version of poetry with some background shitty music. It's art, not gonna argue about that. But taking it seriously as music, let alone as a musical achievement or god forbid as a current peak in music is ridiculous. All good modern rock and metal is basically a clone of older stuff, with some rare exceptions.

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hey bro its not my fault i only get so much internet time after my dad fucks me its either fortnite or Yea Forums and i usually choose Yea Forums to hang out with my b/ros. dont see why that makes me a faggot

Do you have to stand in shit before you believe it's shit? Can't just look at shit and know it is shit?

Maybe if you treated pop music like trolls/memes you wouldn't look like an idiot all the time.

Obviously a pop music troll that you don't listen to(click on post).

>Rap isn't even music
what defines something as music instead of just art?

She's a musical TROLL and you fell for the troll.

Fucking imbecile.

music has a MELODY

rap music has no melody so it is slam poetry.....some sort of fucked up poetry but music it is not.

how i have fallen for a troll?
i am not a fan of hers, i have only listened to her music at bars where i do not influence the music, do you want me to rip out my ears and never work in the industry again? or shall i just accurately dissect how the engineers have made a very successful album.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm is gregorian chanting music? it is the origin of nearly all music in modern history and is literally defined by the not having a melody.
also are drums musical? you could claim that drums play some sort of chords but thats just posturing.
what about noise art, is that music? that is nearly again defined by a lack of melody but instead a progression of harmonics.
explain to me how any of what you said is obvious, give me your reasons, articulate them.

>but to reduce them to "garageband" bypasses the fact that they are obviously very well made

Not really, to be fair if you know what you're doing you can actually make some really legit tracks on garage band. What I meant is it sounds amateur; not necessarily in the production/mixing/mastering department - more like, in the actual beat department. It's really.... easy. Slow. Boring. Not musical. Where is the hook? the catch? The thing that music is supposed to do... get you .... moving? Even sad, depressing, emo, screamo, whatever music usually is musical whether you like those genres or not. Even main stream pop (Ariana Grande, Justin beebs, etc etc) has dynamics and a musical quality in the structure and execution of it. There's no dynamics to her "music". It's like a straight ride on a railroad through the midwest looking at corn fields.

look at this guy over here. the sole decider of what is or isnt music. do the AMA's contact you with their ideas for winners every year?

>hmmmmmmmmmmmm is gregorian chanting music?
>no it's fucking chanting
never was music, we had to chant at school, it only became "music" to a few faggots that wanted to troll kiddies. Never once heard it referred to as music until it was released in the pop charts by Jews. The same Jews that released slam poetry in the pop charts.

Art includes both music and poetry. The main emphasis in rap has never been on singing or instrumental, but always on the lyrics, and the lyrics alone are what can and is appreciated in rap as art, therefore it leans towards poetry more than it does towards music. It's clearly a combination of both, but hey Pink Floyd's lyrics are 10 times better than any rap artist's lyrics, yet they are not defined as poetry, because the music is even better, and they have a lot of popular instrumental parts as well. Name one rapper known for instrumental music - you can't, because 99.9% of the time its some stolen tune written by someone else. Rappers can't sing, they can't play instruments, all they can do is rap - therefore rap is not music, but mostly poetry with music for background.

>explain to me how any of what you said is obvious, give me your reasons, articulate them

F F F Fuck you motherfucker, yeah fuck you.
F F F F Fuck Fuck you motherfucker, yeah fuck you.
Yo Yo Yo Bitch is sucking cocks, motherfucker. motherfucker fuck you.

I articulated them in rap music so you would be able to understand.

I thought this was someone describing me until you got to the joker tat

>i have only listened to her music at bars
So they managed to get you out of your basement to troll you?
God tier troll...kek

she's pretty and I want to marry her

well thats just impressively untrue.
the tune i talked about originally is very mainly a vocal and a guitar, it has huge perceived dynamic range.
it absolutely does not sound amateur, slow and easy make it boring? i would propose to you that there are millions of people who listen to music you would consider slow and easy every single day and that your opinion is (probably) worth no more than theirs, or mine.
>It's like a straight ride on a railroad through the midwest looking at corn fields.
i would entirely disagree, again in my original post i talked about how the themes and content are totally inconsistent, ranging from obvious trap influences to acoustic (i know its simple but that is meaningless) music.
the hook/catch is present just where you would expect it to be, mainly because it follows the structure of pop music. A B A C A B C, or whatever retarded pattern she has used

answer me these questions please
>what do you mean by dynamics
>what traits of structure make something musical or unmusical?
>what does liking or disliking particular music have to do with it being music?
>why do you think music is supposed to get you moving?
im interested to hear your answers

do you have a learning disability or just physically incapable of articulating your thoughts beyond satire and irony?
>Art includes both music and poetry.
what about the infinite amount of music that has no poetry, music is absolutely not defined by anything you said.
i dont really know how to approach what you said, its legitimately just baseless opinion that is obviously false.
something being music has nothing to do with technical merit, it has nothing to do with skill involved. it is art.
do you not go to places where they play music.... or drive listening to the radio....?

overrated butterface wigger

fucking her way up the ladder.

Music is only part of art. By your logic a painting can also be music because its art. Besides ad hominem there is nothing you can say to refute my argument. I will only say this... You can enjoy music without good lyrics, or without lyrics at all. Can you enjoy rap without lyrics? No, because it wouldn't be rap but just a plain a plain beat. It would be like watching an action movie, but with a blank screen and audio only. Im not saying rap can't have artistic value, but it mostly doesnt. Music sucks, singing is not present, and the lyrical content barely goes beyond ''pssy money weed ooga booga''.

There are lots of sixteen-year-olds that would make better presidents than Trump. He's a fucking man-child.

it is an interesting idea that rap of any kind (hip hop, grime, trap) is no longer rap when you remove the lyrics. it is a very literal understanding.
throughout your comments there are ridiculous tangents, nonsensical opinions confounded by bias and naivety. you obviously have no understanding of creating or analysing music.
>music sucks
>singing is not present
>lyrical content
>cant sing
>cant play instruments
>therefore rap is not music
>musical achievement
>basically a clone of older stuff
>artistic values
more like autistic values
it is not ad hominem to be able to identify that the person you are talking to is not presenting anything to debate but instead just putting forward opinions as fact.

Here I thought rammstein was a shit band. An ongoing joke is that I would listen to Novembers doom. I handpicked that band from some mu faggots list of good heavy metal bands. I swear that is the only one I can stand to listen to because of the joke.

obama was a man child to,guess since he was a didnt care

No bitch there is nothing interesting to or wrong with girls that wear Nintendo candytoy shit and walk around like that.

Hipster faggotry, borderline pedo worship

Keep throwing them ad hominems. Let me know when you actually try to refute anything I have said.

you havent put forward anything to refute besides the incredibly literal statement that rap is no longer rap when the vocals are removed.

>what do you mean by dynamics
>tries to explain what dynamics are to me

I just can't tonight user. Sorry, too much troll.

Looks like a man tbh

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You have no friends lol

She's OK.

Her brother produces the tracks, which they record at home, I think (maybe all past tense)? That seems legit, and I think the production is stylish. Her delivery sounds a bit like she's been drinking codeine, but she does a good job with a limited instrument.

Lyrics seem pretty dumb, but she's 17. Every 17 yr old is at least sort of dumb.

One of her tracks does indeed sound like Human Behavior. But the vocals couldn't be more different, and the production is very contemporary (whereas when Björk's debut came out it seemed a lot less modish, and it's noticeably a little dated now--Ms. Gudmundsdottir's aesthetic is definitely more avant-garde and less pop, anyhow).

She's gonna be replaced with the "next act" in less than a year

Hes not wrong, rogan is alright and breaking bad is alright too, joker tats are fucking cringe though.

i asked because the way you talk about dynamics is very obviously not the actual meaning of dynamics, it made me wonder if you are talking about something else that you are calling dynamics, i mean you referrenced dynamics alongside structure as if they are in some way related beyond the fact that space has more dynamics typically?
and the album contains tracks that have lots of dynamic range, and some tracks that have been clipped into the LUFS war.

you still didnt answer the question of what do you mean by dynamics, because if you are talking about the literal definition (difference between highest and lowest points of volume over time) then you are an idiot.

fat bitch whore who fucks niggers. used as a jew puppet whore to further push white girls into degeneracy.

did i mention FAT BITCH? she's a fat bitch. she hides her ugly asses body under all that baggy nigger clothes shit. she's disgusting. pay no attention to the fat girl who fucks niggers on purpose.

Yes, and I proved it. Can you rap without music? Yes, you can. Therefore music is not essential for rap. Trap and grime are deviations of rap. Hip hop was the original, and it does not require music, but rapping was essential. And since rapping is closer to reading poetry, than to actual singing, hip hop is closer to poetry than it is to music. Lyrical content and delivering it was and always will be the main thing about rap, instrumentals and beats were always the background, and if you consider trap to be of high musical value and the peak of music then you're either retarded, or musicaly handicapped.Probably both.

Holy shit you're a faggot.

she IS an industry plant. she writes none of her music. she is incredibly ugly to me, but some people think her ugly fat face is attractive, so they are using that. they're selling her photoshopped eyes and overproduced videos as good music. her songs are 3 chord charlie horseshit and she has no talent other than squatting on nigger dicks.

because that's all she does. she fucks niggers. non stop.

she's also unironically 200 lbs and a complete fat pig.


she didnt write any of it. her brother did. he's written all her 'hits'.

she's a fat bitch nigger fucking jew slave whore puppet with no talent expect whispering into a mic. don't be retarded, she is garbage. and i don't say this cause she's gotten popular. if people can't see how shit she is, they are retarded too.

you proved nothing beyond having a serious lack of understanding of music beyond a literal interpretation of the words used to describe it. i'm sure you conduct the rest of your life in a similar fashion. good luck with that. ill continue writing hits.

no,. stupid. she's an over-privelaged, came-from-money, fatass dumb white whore who literally fucks niggers. she has nothing to be sad about. she's never gone hungry (obviously). she's not a musician.

>I'm high

get back to bagging my groceries.

She's the whore of top pedo music producers in the industry

You have been unable to refute anything, which is certainly don't claim to be an indicator that I'm correct, however even on the top of my head I can think of several arguments for why hip hop is actually music. Besides, I never said it wasn't music - I said it's a combination of music and poetry, where poetry is essential, and music is not, which means it should be classified as ... well why classify it all, lets just call it what it is - rap. This is all just semantics . However my point was, for a combination of both lyrical and musical elements, it fails to deliver in each of them. In terms of instrumentals its just plain and boring beats, devoid of any complexity. In terms of lyrics, 99% of it just some negro's ego trip. If you wanna go for the 1%, go ahead buddy, but it will never amount to anything written by rock bands in the past - Lennon, Floyd, etc. And now for the actual art part of the music - the way it makes you feel, the atmosphere - well I can't make a statement about how good it is as an art, because art in itself is beyond good and bad, but I can make statements about the people who listen to it, and there by extract some overall judgement about its artistic merits. So, popular rap is for plebs and gangster wannabes, and the obscure stuff is for hipsters and fags. Just like pop and commercial rock, it appeals to the lowest and most plain needs and attitudes towards life, typically held by the plebs, or by plebs who try too hard not to be plebs(aka hipsters).

She fucks niggers

Stop stealing Instagram memes

every single thing you are STILL saying is just opinion and not based in any fact. every single thing you have said from beginning to end is subjective and other people could claim the exact same thing but in reverse.
it oozes out of your writing in every single detail, every single one of which, is in fact just your opinion and nothing more.

ok tru but how you gonna say all that junk and think youre superior out here? all you neckbeard and soyboy goonies are too much

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my sides

I like bad guy because the tune at the chorus reminds me of Crash Bandicoot for some reason.

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Of course it's an opinion you filthy trash, but an opinion with arguments, for which you have no counter-arguments. Sure, when it comes to art its subjective. But Im not saying its bad art, there is no bad art,just trash people - and most people into rap are either trash plebs or hipsters. Take one rap song of the trending list on youtube - give it to a real musician and aks him about his opinion. He will immediately tell you the level of talent it takes for the musical part is that of gorilla with a drums set. Take an expert on literature, or philosophy, and ask him about his opinion on the lyrics - he will laugh at you. There is nothing wrong in liking rap - it just means you're probably not very bright as an individual. But don't make claims about rap as if Kanye is the next Mozart. It's just some filthy nig nog's street gansta bullshit that was taken and promoted by hungry for cash producers who make music that appeals to the lowest in man, because it sells more.

Wtf is this thing? Go the fuck away nasty ass creature

ugly loser geek

No point in paying attention to this untalented whore. Nothing even remotely musical comes from this autistic bitch. Please die. Thanks.

Isn't she Elon Musk's girlfriend?

She seems to have a solid gimmick, but I don’t know if she can actually sing. Kind of a sleepy autotuned Lorde.

They are a ridiculously good Led Zeppelin cover band. That guys voice is spot on. Problem is, we’ve already heard it and it was better the first time. Maybe take that voice and add some hip hop like Aerosmith did with Public Enemy and you might be into something

They're not

you kept asking me to refute something that is entirely your opinion there was nothing to refute there was no fact
i didnt make any claims about rap, YOU DID.
you wanna talk about rap being this and that defined by your grade A 10/10 autistic understanding of something
you slapped them out again and again all the while i told you that i cant even address what your saying because you are not even remotely addressable because you are just spewing out opinions as if they are in any way relevant to anything other than your own retardation
what was originally being talked about was billie eilish you giagantic, maximum autism faggot

fuck you obnoxious retard you cant even comprehend what ive been saying for like 5 posts straight which is that I CANT REFUTE WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT SAYING ANYTHING OF VALUE YOU ARE JUST SIMPLY WRITING YOUR OPINIONS ON AN UNRELATED TOPIC AND THEN QUALIFYING THEM AS FACT

legit an hero you are a worthless dog with no artistic understanding, jaded by a lack of appreciation of art and limited by an inartistic mind that cannot think outside of its of its own, ill fitting definitions
not only are you artistically a genuine spastic, but your lack of ability to be critical within your own designated language is laughable
kill yourself

Billie Eilish you're white. Fucking embrace it instead of being something your not

Underrated kek for the dad fucker

you should be listening to yung pinch

how do you know? she might just be Irish + Scottish ironically

Name the top 10 rap tracks from the 90s that niggers still listen to????

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Toppest kek. You just proved all my statements to be valid, by showing yourself as a hard raging faggot when confronted about his faggotry, which is reflected in your musical taste as well. If all of this was just an opinion by a random person on the internet, you would have moved on and let it go. But no, you had to bite the bait every time to prove me wrong, because truth hurts, and deep down you realize rap is for plebs and pretentious fags such as yourself.Thanks for proving my point faggot. Keep listening to pseudo-gangsters "singing" about "muh pussy, $$$ weed" and thinking its good music. Just know you're braindead scum with zero spiritual and intellectual depth to experience music on a non-normie level.

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She's cute and i like her voice

i havent even remotely said anything about my music taste it has nothing to do with anyones music taste but again you attack and attack the same bullshit when i havent even remotely said anything about it
it doesnt matter if its good or not its still music you retard
you have nothing of value, you have no artistic mind, you have no point, just opinions coupled with a blatant lack of understanding of music
go have a wank over some 40 year old rock music you insufferable cretin

But getting dicked down by all the negro artist

He can't. That would be like asking if all those Apple fags still use their first Iphone. Iphones were not build to last - they were a product, meant to be consumed fast and become obsolete when the next one comes out. Same thing with popular rap - its a oneday hit, the next week is forgotten, because it holds 0 artistic value, it speaks nothing to the eternal human soul. It's just garbage for quick bucks. And this faggot talks British rap being better than US rap, bla bla this bla bla that, as if he's talking about the new Golden Age of music, as if its not all consumer negro-garbage pseudo music all together.

for the Germans

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i didnt even bring up or continue to talk about rap you genuine remedial nor do i listen to it but fuck me you couldnt see a point if someone stabbed you in the eye

Yeah, we’ve all seen the meme. Also, checked.

Name the top 10 rap tracks from the 90s that niggers still listen to or take your nigger trash slam poetry AKA rap and stick it up your ass.

I stated my opinion about rap.You replied to my statement about rap not being music. I gave you my reasoning, and you did nothing but throwing ad hominem. If its just an opinion, why did you refute it as untrue and didn't provide any counter-arguments? I think its because you got offended, because I attacked this pathetic excuse for a music genre, with which you associate with? If you didn't have the need to prove my statement wrong, then why did you even try, fuckin imbecile? And all you did was say it's my opinion. Yes, it is my opinion, and I presented my case. All you did was " Hurr durr well yeah that's just like your opinion man". Then let me have my opinion you fuckkin wigger. If you want to challenge my arguments, provide some counter arguments, not some stupid, vague shittalking about how I don't understand music.

i did let you have your opinion i did for 5 posts straight while trying to have a conversation with other people about things related to the topic at hand but you just sperged out about rap and i carried on replying
you told me about ad hominem even though from the very beginning i told you it was just your opinion, an opinion centered around an uninformed view of music.
>challenge my arguments
theres nothing to challenge you fucking autist its clear you dont understand anything about music because of the constant barrage comparisons to things that are entirely unrelated you cant even understand the point of a comparison, let alone where it is apt to use one.

>it is not ad hominem to be able to identify that the person you are talking to is not presenting anything to debate but instead just putting forward opinions as fact.
that summaries everything, i not saying it again

i hope you get raped by niggers and you can tell them about what is and isnt music

There is no point in lying here, you goddamn ape. And you're clearly listening to rap, first because you were talking about it in specific artists, and most of all because you got so butthurt when I said its not even music.

You sound like me at age 13 you little bitch ass bitch

It's NOT fucking music OR art because it does not stand the test of time.

Fuck off and get jiggy with it like in Will Smith's masterpiece from the 90s

If you had power in the music industry or any other industry how would you push your agenda? How would you push teens into a direction? By making the mass feel like everyone else does it. I'm 100% sure that likes, views and even comments on social media are partly Bots to push certain things. You guys complain about stupid things getting fame? I think the fame starts artificially until it reaches a point where normie and those who complain about those normies do the rest

I like her and her music. Unique sound

I've heard all the music there is.

> God doesn't exist
"hurr durr this is just an opinion by someone with no understanding of how things work, there is nothing to challenge here"
Goddamn you're stupid
>an opinion centered around an uninformed view of music.
Then inform me absolute cockgobler

i never mentioned any artists you fucking spastic there was a bunch of people in the thread
not once have i even alluded to my own music taste but you most certainly have and have gone on to describe your sentiments very clearly - every single one of which is founded in a lack of understanding of the creation, arrangement and articulation of music and solidified by a worship of pretentious music favoured by old men and teenagers alike.
not only are you uninformed, you're delusional and apparently incapable of using Yea Forums properly or understanding that you spoke to multiple people.

again, get raped by niggers and you can tell them how the rhythm of their dicks isnt music because you dont like it

>I like her and her music. Unique sound
Her best song is "Lovely Girl" by a band called The Black Eyed Peas She writes most of the lyrics on her phone and sometimes writes them down on the table because she loves to write on her phone She was raised Catholic, but became an atheist after going through the Catholic church's divorce process Was born and raised outside of Philadelphia in her native country of Guatemala, but moved to Philadelphia in 2006 Married Michael Krasmar who is in the band Nino & the Black Eyed Peas, who had been touring together since 2010 and started playing in a local band called Rook Says she was only interested in writing her own music because she grew up listening to the bands when they were in Philly She went on to perform and become a solo artist She was awarded a gold medal by the Olympic team in the 2010 Vancouver Olympics in which she shared a gold medal to lead Britain She has an eight-year-old son named Max who she married in 2012 She is known for her ability

there is nothing to inform
again you go with a retarded comparison that means absolutely nothing, no shared variables, no confounding point to be compared - just a blanket uninformed statement to support your narrative.

whatever faggot

get raped by niggers im sure nick mason will save you

Well then you're both equally retarded, how could I have known?
Again I ask, what is lacking in my understanding of music? Did I say its not art - no. Did I say it its more similar to poetry than music, yes. Did I say why - I did. Tell me why it isn't. Tell me how it doesn't appeal to low IQ population?

Yes, there is nothing to inform, because all you do is spout the same ad hominem bullshit over and over.

Jew that wants to be nigger

The guy who does not like rap music won the argument, he gave a valid argument that other music could exist without lyrics while rap can not.
You failed to refute it or any of his other arguments and just wanted to argue- what is art, what is is and other bollocks, when that didn't work you just kept on and on with the adhominem because you knew you had no real argument.

You probably suck niggers' cocks so there's that too

its not ad hominem its identifying that your only spewing opinions i cant fight your opinions because they are your own and have just as much merit as my own reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
you didnt say it was more similar you said it wasnt music at all if within your own criteria, criteria which in its own right makes the whole argument irrelevant - which i've said from the beginning isnt something i can refute because its nonsensical
maybe it does appeal to certain IQ audiences i dont know or care i care about the integrity of music which you are just taking a blatant shit all over because of your lack of understanding of what is and isnt musical, seemingly because your opinions of certain genres are so deeply embedded that you create a fictional situation in which you declassify it as music

fuck you niggers with your logical fucking fallacies ive got a degree in music i work in a studio i engineer tracks ranging from classical to trap, from 20db dynamic range to 0.3 dynamic range, from -20 lufs to -3 lufs ive engineered and mixed sounds for unity engine and Fmod ive mastered through ssl, neve, audient and digital workstations, ive worked with dolby atmos, ive recorded orchestras and composed for them using both samples and sibelius; ive written a thesis on perceived distortion characteristics and their impacts on timbre

ive over 100 confirmed kills reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuck you

She reminds me this puppet

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Everything we say is an opinion you literal pile of human garbage. People discuss things and give arguments because some opinions are closer to the truth than others.Yes, I did say, by my own criteria rap isn't music, because once again, while it may contain musical elements, they are not necessary for something to be called rap - ERGO not music. You can put music background on any poet - so then, is it music or poetry, and as I stated, depends on the emphasis. The emphasis in rap is on lyrics, not on music. Therefore - not music. What part of this is so hard to understand? The part where it hurts your feelings and you dont want to admit its garbage? So what if you have a degree in music. I have 2 degrees in philosophy and psychology. Doesn't mean shit. All that matters are the arguments at hand, for which you can't provide any reasonable rebuttal besides "It's just your opinion".


>we say is an opinion
no, it isnt
>some opinions are closer to the truth than others
not in an entirely subjective topic
>while it may contain musical elements, they are not necessary for something to be called rap - ERGO not music.
this is absolutely false and is nothing more than your opinion
>You can put music background on any poet - so then, is it music or poetry,
it is both
>depends on the emphasis
no it depends on intent
>The emphasis in rap is on lyrics, not on music. Therefore - not music.
its nothing to do with emphasis and even if it was it is still music regardless of your retarded opinions
>What part of this is so hard to understand?
there is nothing to understand you are just spouting opinions contained in a fictional narrative and calling them fact
>you dont want to admit its garbage?
i dont give a fuck if its garbage opinions are irrelevant
>I have 2 degrees in philosophy and psychology. Doesn't mean shit.
it means you probably know fuck all about constructing and analysing music and that you probably got a fucking 3rd because you are clearly incapable of constructing a decent comparison, which is one of the main features of composing a question
>for which you can't provide any reasonable rebuttal besides "It's just your opinion".
there is no argument at hand

as if you have a degree in psych you couldn't understand the aims of a question if your life depended on it you've used like 4 different ridiculous comparisons that dont compare any variables, have no confounding features or central thesis but instead are just absolute bullshit irrelevancies that you make up on the spot to support your fictitious opinions

>emphasis in rap is on lyrics, not on music. Therefore - not music
>emphasis in rap is on lyrics, not on music. Therefore - not music
fucking braindead kys


>everything is an opinion
wew lad

Nice one line counter-arguments fag, Totally proved me wrong

> no it isn't
Thats a nice opinion
> not in an entirely subjective topic
It's not entirely subjective, unless you wanna drag the focus too far out, which is really unproductive. You can take your grandma's farts and call them music. The thing is tho, rap sounds closer to your grandma's farts than to anything with actual composition and melody. Rap may pass for a music to a bunch of cavemen, but not to anyone who has any understanding and appreciation of music.
>this is absolutely false and is nothing more than your opinion
Prove me wrong then with something more than just the contrary opinion
> no it depends on intent
Maybe you intended for this to be a rational argument, but simply intending it, doesn't make it rational.Same applies to music. Otherwise simply bashing the piano will turn everyone into Bethoven.
> its nothing to do with emphasis and even if it was it is still music regardless of your retarded opinions
Like I said, it could be interpreted as music, if you had only 2 brain cells, in which case everything can be music, at which point whats the point of calling it music at all.
>as if you have a degree in psych you couldn't understand the aims of a question if your life depended on it you've used like 4 different ridiculous comparisons that dont compare any variables, have no confounding features or central thesis but instead are just absolute bullshit irrelevancies that you make up on the spot to support your fictitious opinions
This is just bullshit. I'm setting a criteria and making a distinction for what can be called music and what cannot, by using logic, which is what people using their brains do. Just because something is called to be something, doesn't mean it is that something.
If your criteria for calling something music includes rap, that's fine with me, Im just saying you have pretty low standards, which explains why you're retarded.

white chicks who only fuck black guys are the least attractive form of female, with that being said sauce?

>If your criteria for calling something music includes rap, that's fine with me
>low standards, which explains why you're retarded.

>mine are the defining standards even though there are copious amounts of examples that is obviously accepted as music that directly counter my pretentious opinions

you're right and every standard or definition of music is wrong, your opinions are golden and are the defining characteristics of all classifications, even though everything is simply opinions and there are no classifications
one day you will truly pioneer a new age of audio and secure a new era of music not written by or for niggers, casting away all influences not formulated by your own faggotry
we will see thousands of dad rock bands flood the market while invidually assessed and allowed by the great user of our time, blessed be him - who has allowed us to enjoy music once again, ushering a new age of flanged guitars and drug induced retardations
you are the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. the guardian of music, the artisan of sound, the keeper of the quality and the bestower of quality
we eagerly await to dawn of the faggot where we can truly be told what is and what isnt music, just what ive always wanted - a man with taste to determine what i like, even though every single thing is opinion, except the word of our saviour, which is also fact and opinion.

Stop misrepresenting my arguments you silly cunt. You can have your opinions and you can like whatever the fuckk you want. I'm not to decide what is art or what you call and enjoy as music . Like I said, you can listen to your grandma's farts and call it music. Anything can be art, and you can enjoy it as long as it induces some sort of excitement in your soul. Somehow tho, If "Oooga booga bitches, guns, dolla signs" excites your soul, I'm forced to think you might be gigantic nigger faggot.

trips confirm btw

>dont misrepresent me
>but you are a nigger loving faggot who loves ooga booga music

im forced to think that you are a pathetic man who thinks he has some monolithic opinion on something he cannot even remotely understand without applying logical gymnastics to keep his opinion above board even though there are millions of people who disagree with you

>complains about being misrepresented after asked not to misrepresent
> misrepresents in doing so

I'm not saying you listen to rap. It was a hypothetical situation you dense kike.

>im not retarded i was just pretending
>you dense kike

> millions of people who disagree with you

You mean millions of brainwashed 12 y/o asswipes, niggers, plebs and hipster trash who imagine themselves as cool, hip, and gangsta, just because Mr.Schlomostein has told them its trendy ? Yeah, there are plenty of those. Good thing I'm not posting this on Reddit or Facebook. Or am I?

It was meant to be hypothetical, as you said you don't listen to rap earlier. Might be just phrased wrong tho, English is not my first language.

She’s a lesbian “””artist””” that is paying off at least 50 people to shill her on this board in particular. She probably sees money in this demographic or Avenue or of promotion and it’s super obvious. No way in the fuck your average Yea Forumstard likes this chick THAT much.

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How did they put it? she's a 16 year old girl who sings songs for 12 year old girls that think that they're psychopaths, but are afraid to ask a waitress for more ketchup.

>those pesky kikes brainwashing my women

>home schooled
>parents are failed actors
>both are too stupid to teach her anything
>mom lives in an okay-ish house in highland park
>dad lives in a dilapitated hovel in the bad part of highland park
>Her full name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell
>She never stood a chance.

at least she's making some money now, mom and dads little cash cow. They both likely forced her into the industry. She's essentially Rebecca Black with more edge.

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On the plus side, we're only a year away from seeing her tits every 10 minutes because she wants to prove to everyone she's a grown woman and not the little girl everyone says she is.

Societies degenerate by themselves if left to their own devices. Kikes just make profit out of it.

That image is truly terrifying. You can see behind the fake smile that she was put up to wearing that. It must fucking suck being a celebrity when you have to do shit like this.

Fuck you're filled with spite lmao, is this me from 7th grade? Edgy me is that you?

>those pesky kikes ruining my art WITH ART
>rock flag and eagle RIGHT?

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And she was tortured over that video. And you know it was her mom, living vicariously through her daughter. Took her to a "insta-hit studio", mom told her friends it was going to be fun. And then she's like Yoko Ono at one of the beatles final sessions, telling everyone how to do shit in a screeching voice.

The entirety of L.A.'s non-ghetto mothers should have DCFS and CPS up their ass 24/7. They collectively are incapable of rearing children.

to be fair, i do like to get down on friday

fuck, she's still at it. you'd think she would have learned her lesson.

When you fall off the horse, you get back on and try again. When the horse throws you off, shoots you in the knee and calls you a whore, it's time to put that particular dream to rest.

Overrated under talented

Maybe when she made the song.Certainly not now. 8 years and that image up there is the closest we've come to seeing her tits.

Not sure what you mean by that, but I'm not ameritard?? And I don't think something put out in public for the sole reason of making money can be called art. Then again that's just me.

what the fuck does any of that have to do with getting down on a friday you neet shut in


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Oh i thought that was a euphemism for fucking her.

maybe you should cut out the porn thats clearly rotting your brain away and go get fucked up with some friends to rot your brain instead

To be fair, breaking bad was fucking great, best show ive personally ever seen, but other than that your friend sounds like a fucking retard

>cut the porn out
...i'm going to pretend you didn't say that.

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remove the porn and make music instead its the ultimate chadpill
that way you can be like me and fuck bitches day in day out when im not arguing with borat online about what is and isnt music in a thread on Yea Forums about a pop music industry plant with no talent
the ultimate chadpill is getting down on friday

She's the teenage girl that Tim Burton chose to switch bodies with Freaky Friday style.

She's also the person who has a marketing team that hired you to spam this shit.

she looks like she smells like Cinnamon Gum and B.O.

Attached: billieelish1.jpg (315x428, 15K)

also it is friday so dont forget to get down

I ditched work (Sorta- i telecommute) 4 hours going through 15000+ images in my Yea Forums folder by hand that i've been collecting for the last 10 or so years, sorting out pictures of nude dead women/necro porn and anything that might be slightly illegal into their own folders so I could masturbate more efficiently.

I had my fun in my 20's and early 30's. Now i'm ready for a little "me" time. Me and a crusty sock, surrounded by monitors filled with images of dead women and girls of questionable ages in various states of dress.

That's how >I< get down on Friday.

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thats not getting down on friday thats wanking to dead chicks
to get down on friday you gotta leave the house on a friday
>take chad pill
>acquire bitches
>get down on friday

That's a shop you mongoloid, in the original pic her dress is not sheer lol

That sounds like entirely too much work.

Draw a Venn Diagram with three circles. Write in one circle "Hot Topic," in another "Tumblr," and in the last "'dark,' pothead, R&B." Now, write "Billie Eilish" where the circles intersect.

so does accumalating 15,000 images and sorting them into folders so that you can masturbate more efficiently
imagine the chicks you could dick down with that sort of mental fortitude

is it a he or a she?

This guy sums it up best

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Well, my eyes hurt, I think I saw a demon, and I might have passed out a few times, But I assure you, it was all worth it. And besides, a guy with my looks really can only pull down a munter or a fatfuck without going down to Tijuana and stocking up on a bunch of Rohypnol. I do appreciate the concern, however. It's good to see folks watching out for Yea Forumsros.

take the chadpill my brother
the porn will rot your mind
just like the loose dead snatches you are wanking too
i fkin love sleep dep that shit is hella fun but nigga get your fkin act together and get down on friday
also most importantly
>dont forget to get down on friday

This guy is gon kill himself one day... big time


You literally called it music. Even if it's shitty it's still music.

this is a FRIDAY thread now

If I do, I'm going to do it spectacularly. Gonna go to the observation deck of the Sears tower, go in the bathroom and come out in a Wile-E-Coyote costume with a sign taped to my hand that says "ouch!". I'll shoot out the window and jump down onto.the crowded streets below and live in infamy when someone inevitably takes a picture of me and uploads it to twitter.

make sure you do it on friday


Nu pachemu?

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follow me on lastfm

>Billie Eilish
Is this someone's marketing for this woman and her music? This is the turd time I've seen this bread. I've never heard of her before. I checked out the u2b video, meh.
Now you pushing this again...
this is worse than bait, it's marketing.

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Is it something that bothers you? Why not tweet about it or post up your opinion of her on Instagram? Follow her at or !

Lol. Epic fail. Fuck off out of here with this trash hoe marketing

Ooh, the angry angsty teenager market. That's great target market..