My buddy's wife is hot, we always flirt and shit when we see each other. Buddy is out of town on business, do I try to fuck her??
My buddy's wife is hot, we always flirt and shit when we see each other. Buddy is out of town on business...
no you moron.
yes, don't be a fag. if its not you its someone else
Solid point
Why not??
Hot chicks like to flirt. It ain't about you. You'll get rejected, she will tell hubby. Get rekt or a least destroy relationship. All flirting will stop, and then you'll just be fapping to your crush in FB pictures you fucking moron.
Go find someone that DOES want to fuck and isn't married to someone already. Why even ask this? Who raised you to be such a fuckup anyway?
Is he the violent sort? Does he own firearms? Because unless I have a compelling fear of impending death that impairs my ability to maintain an erection, I am.knocking the fucking BOTTOM out of that.
Just sit back and let her take the lead. If yes, fuck her. If no, nothing lost.
You're a piece of shit friend. You're a piece of shit person. You could tear apart their marriage. You could tear apart your friendship. Lived could be changed 4evur. It's just not worth it. And if this means nothing to you, over some sex, you're a genuine POS.
Jay Leno?
Text her and post it here.
Seems like he isn’t your buddy.
Bruh.. OP is in fantasy land. This faggot thinks he wants to fuck him, he said flirt. OP doesn't know what being hit on is, because OP is a neckbeard faggot who doesn't get hit on. So anything with tits that says a saucy word at him and he thinks it's a green light. He's gonna get shot down. Hot chicks, at least as hot as OPs pic aren't so rare that he has to risk getting his balls kicked into orbit for some pussy. Go find someone looking for dick OP. She's taken.
He ain't a real nigga smh
>You're a piece of shit friend.
>You're a piece of shit person.
>You could tear apart their marriage.
she is "tearing apart their marriage" by being a filthy whore its 100% her fault
>You could tear apart your friendship.
if he gets caught
>Lived could be changed 4evur. It's just not worth it. And if this means nothing to you, over some sex, you're a genuine POS.
and what about her faggot? stop womaning so hard its obvious.
Bunch of sissy faggots around here... what happened to this website.. no spicy jokes or dick picks just fucking white knights giving their shitty white and shiny advices.. guy is obviously not serious and even if he is who the fuck cares... Fuck you all and you OP go for it sharpie in the pooper.
But what is SHE'S looking for dick? Is this a "buddy", a "friend", an "acquaintance", a Bro, a brother? Or just some guy he knows. The penis has no morality.
Hot chicks are all over. Good friends are hard to come by. Choose Wisely
My Grandmother fucked her husbands best friend when my mom was a baby.
>Grams got preggo
>divorced gramps
>married best friend
>had one more kid with bestie
> Grams started fucking around with some other married guy in the neighborhood
So, sure, if you don't really value your friendship. Just don't get that bitch preggers, k?
Just tit fuck those flapjacks.
i love boobs
She's not hot, she's "I know her" hot. You only think she's hot because you know her. She's thin, relatively young, and white. But she has some deep set eyes and some crimson chin jaw action going on. She's not ugly, some might even call her pretty. But she's not hot.
Also, women are literally children. She doesn't know she's being flirtatious. You're going to get shot down hard and you're going to lose your buddy.
Post more pics
You're a man, act like one. Billions of women, you want that one? Complete fall down loser
This dude tryna get OP to be a babydaddy. Who fucking cares what grammy did 40 years ago?
moral of the story is P U L L O U T
You have three options;
1. Contain yourself you sad bastard
2. Denounce your friendship and go to town
3.Find a barslut or call girl
Pick one.
This. If she actually wants to fuck, she'll make the first big move.
How many kids you got?
She's ugly. You could cut a steak with that chin. Do better op
OP...they could be on some hotwife shit, is your friend a jealous possessive person? If not this might be their kink. Has he ever expressed to you how hot she is? Has he expressed to you sexual shit he gets into with his wife? He might be looking to share but cuz of the whole mfm being looked at as gay by a lot of insecure dudes, he might be letting his wife do all the talking. It might be the case. If he really is a friend, just man up and ask him if thats the sort of thing he is into, because you wouldn't mind cuz you find her attractive, but you'll never make a move without his knowledge and ok. If he's really a friend you were honest with him, and you also gave him a heads up that his wife is a flirt behind his back if thats not the case. Win win either way.
And that’s part of why niggers are niggers
I get it. Trying to give sage advice here, get ya dick wet kinda thing. Problem is... OP is the kind of beta that DOES NOT KNOW when chicks hit on him. A complete faggot. She ain't gonna toss him a freebee or MMF or anything like that because she wouldn't fuck him if he was the last cock for a thousand miles. Buddy is gonna curb stomp him and that'll be that.
If thats the case, then at least he'll solve his faggotry problem and learn not to post his buddy's wife on the chans and think he has a shot with women who are nice to him cuz their husband is their friend. Either way problem is solved all the way around.