Fellow anons I am curious if anyone else is unable to enjoy cannabis...

Fellow anons I am curious if anyone else is unable to enjoy cannabis? The come up after 2 hits always freaks me out and I start pacing. I'm jealous of people who chill out while I always seem to freak when it hits me. Why

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don't worry about it. weed isn't worth getting into anyway. i'm sober now and i'm glad that i left that shit behind. it's a lot less harmful than people think.

Try smoking it without tobacco
Then try vaping it

I just wish I had some outlet. I hate drinking and it seems all anyone ever wants to do is be high of drunk.

This, the dependency on weed can be very real for many people.

I've tried both. It's like no matter how I use it, as soon as I get high I flip my shit.

Where you from?


weed isn't for everybody, you're not missing out on much: it's habit forming and a waste of time monged out on the sofa for hours unless you smoke a shitload and go on a mild giggly trip, in which case you may as well just be a big boy/girl and eat some LSD. you could try smoking something with a higher CBD content but results may vary.

That's what I'm thinking lately. Maybe it's just not my thing.

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Maybe try saying to yourself.
I am so excited, look how excited I am
Hi there heart, hello crazy thoughts, glad we are all one here.
Be of good cheer and calm everyone..
For what we thought was fear is actually excitement...
Or maybe trust your fear and don't get high, and follow what thoughts allow you to take a deep calm breath and not thoughts which cause you pain and confusion and shut downedness
Jesus Christ is the way.
Believing is seeing.

yoooo i can relate, it's weird tho cus I used to smoke all the time, and i took a break for a couple of weeks and when I tried to smoke with my boyz agian I got hyper focused on my heartbeat and convinced myself i was having a heart attack

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Ugh it's like that every time .I feel like I'm losing my mind.

you smoked yourself out, son. two weeks is a very reasonable T break.

lol nigga calm down like what the fuck lol

Can 2 hits be enough to smoke me out?

weed is fucking addictive

Only way I can enjoy weed is when I am completely void of stress and alone or with someone I am close to that is also high. Other than that, I just get anxious or think bad thoughts.

Kratom otoh is awesome for relaxing for me. Eases stress, makes me more social, and I can still function.

yea it was prolly me greening out, all the weed that my friends get is potent as shit and they only use bongs, I tried doing a tiny (like very tiny bowl) after the experience and it just isnt the same as before. But anway, OP try a wax pen, I hit one once or twice recently and it didnt put me in a bad place, but it was a concert, so maybe i was distracted.

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you could try kratom, salvia (stay away from the extracts though, those fuckers are evil) or kava kava if you're keeping it legal; shrooms, lsd, diazepam, ketamine, whatever you fancy if you dgaf about the cops and can handle your easily misued substances. smoke some crack and go to war with the local homeless legion.

dont try salvia

CBD is very good for anxiety, research cannabis thoroughly before engaging in it.

Practice mindfulness when sober. You probably have minor issues with things like anxiety already, so cannabis bolsters it up.
Always be careful. Things like cannabis can be wonderful tools for people if used in the right context.

Please try and Ignore any of the morons who attempt to gatekeep things like cannabis, which is usually mainly due to the fact that they were too irresponsible and ignorant to not have issues with it in the past.

>Weed is too addicitve.
>Weed gives you schizophrenia

Stuff like that. By the looks of it, many of said people are already here.

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Meant for

likely, depending on the weed, your sensitivity and hit size. .1 of the good shit in a vape has me good, and that's with a tolerance after smoking every night for weeks on end and a relatively low sensitivity. a friend of mine can only smoke like half a small joint before calling it quits. some people are more prone to anxiety on THC than others, errybody be different.

handle yourself, it's pretty awesome if you don't overdo it. wicked mad stuff.

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Find a good indica. OR Take cbd before and after you smoke.

Yeah fuck that shit! At least acid or shrooms o knew where the fuck I was. Saliva freaked me the fuck out, and I’ve done a lot of acid!!

Don’t do dabs. Way too strong for my old ass.

you choice who you follow,search pro & con weed,its effects on young damaging some in brain function for life,harmless say others & piles of data health benefits of weed
make up your mind
out here,weed is contributory in job deficits concentration attention to duties,short term long term memory temperament,alertness,,weed in 30 somethings who hang out panhandliing & thieving at convenience stores

eh, i used to really enjoy smoking it til i started doing other drugs, now i cannabis just gets me high but i'm sitting there like "now what?"

You over think. I start to have panic attacks some times but if I don't focus on my increased heart rate I don't freak out. Weed can't hurt you remember that. And take smaller hits spaced out over time, that will help.

Rah obviously staying sober ain't doing too much for your grammar and formatting is it? Maybe you could do with some change in brain function lol

Anyway the effect on youth isn't necessarily "brain damage for life" the studies shown unusual grey matter movements - again not necessarily brain damage - the jury is still out on the impact on brain function
Although it is associated with with higher emotional instability with use in youth although I'd arguably say this is more due to the fact that people smoking ganj continuously from adolescence are the type more likely to be medicating for mental issues - hence the emotional instability
Also - if it really was so damaging to mental function do you not think the medical community would be clamouring for greater restrictions/an immediate halt to the legislation movements for it?

Well taking spit to get high should freak you user to be honest

Try cbd

weed is really a shit tier drug, save your money for better drugs or don't do drugs at all

>The come up after 2 hits always freaks me out and I start pacing
How new are you to smoking?
Anxiety and paranoia are pretty normal the first few times you smoke, even if you havent smoked in a long time.
My advice would be find something to distract you when you're high the first dozen times or so, like a funny tv show or a video game.

Eventually you get used to the feeling and you relax. Some people get it again though if they're around too many people/strangers or are in public or are just too high for the situation. I can be high say... in a busy kitchen in a hostel while I cook some dinner but my buddy who's been smoking way longer than me cant. He has to go chill in the dorm or something until it's less busy.

I got to a point where I could reliably take up to 100mg of edibles and go to the pub with friends, but one time I decided to try 150mg. The pub was too busy, there was nowhere to sit and my friends hadn't arrived yet so I had a little freak-out but I was good in the end.