Guess what was in this bag before I mercy stomped the poor fucker into oblivion

Guess what was in this bag before I mercy stomped the poor fucker into oblivion.

Attached: Screenshot_20190516-180616_Gallery.jpg (951x1352, 657K)

pepe :((


Two slugs.

a fetus?

Baby rat.


Mature mouse.


Can i see it too! (:

>woah guys I'm so edgy Haha please give me attention my dad raped me

Close, it was a baby.

super fucking obviously not op/10

Suuuuuure, Op.

Well edgymcgee?

your small balls

Wait a second, file name "screenshot."

Haha you dumbass, what'd you pull that picture off of?

Eyy 69's

Original file was too large to post so I screenshot it and cropped it

Ight so are you this guy or nah

Monitoring thread.

Attached: death.jpg (640x1216, 31K)


Doubt anyone is gonna get it

Was the closest. It's a baby gopher that my dog brought me. It was half dead when I found it so I sent the fucker to Valhalla with the heel of my boot

Attached: Gopher.jpg (1080x1242, 830K)


Yeah it looked like it has some rodent eyes. Well done OP. It has been purged.