Hey /b what do you guys think about this girl. YouTube account called soph

Hey /b what do you guys think about this girl. YouTube account called soph.
Personally I think she is a cringey young girl who thinks swearing makes her cooler/seem mature, she also seems like she thinks she’s way smarter than she is and I think this will hurt her in the long run and she will look back on this part of her life with regret. I blame the parents personally, and Yea Forums she is straight from b birthed with pol. Not saying I disagree with everything she says I just wish I was a kid so I could beat her up for being a faggy little Melvin.

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Stupid shit her brother is making her do

She’ll regret it later when she can’t get a job

I don’t know much about her, does she have a brother is he so lame as to make his little sister do shit like this?

>Implying she won't be propaganda minister later


Her videos are still up on JewTube, proof of controlled opposition, also she looks like Ben Shapiro

(((They))) abduct and raise armies of children who they use as phycic generators to sustain this reality and defeat any threats through the astral plane

(((These))) children are now all augmented to inerface with the BEAST quantum computational hivemind and sentient world simulation

Shes a literal child. Her videos are neither funny, insightful or rhetorical. It’s just distastefully grasping at any possible archetype or stereotype about a group of people that seemingly arbitrarily pops up into her head in an attempt to be offensive and argumentative like a literal child, who parrots everything they read on /pol/ because it’s edgy, profane and obscene and falsely reinforces her sense of maturity over her fellow zoomer peers because she look at offensive, NSFW edgy adult-oriented garbage all day, which is considered repulsive and degenerate even by most healthy adults and is merely being pandered by bitter, ignorant incel manchildren who’ve already wasted away their youth and have very little purpose or reason to live. She will never directly name the Jew, more specifically the Talmud but takes shots at Sharia laws all day.

To Soph: Poor little child. I’m so sorry your parents are incapable of raising you to become a functionally healthy, happy human being so you rely on this cesspool for guidance, information, validation and attention. It’s not as much your fault as it is these predators’ for being sick fucks and fueling it, though. Please reach out to your school’s counselors for help. You’re only 14, and there’s so much more to reality, life, and humanity than what the losers on this imageboard have indoctrinated you to believe.

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she's a cringy retard and her dad is creepy as all fuck.


needs more ((()))

I thought that was a picture of Alia from the new Dune movie they're making.

Too lazy to watch vid and read long comments. What kind of content does she post

you seem to care a bit more than needed.

Damn Bene Gesarit witch.

Man this place is full of faggots now.

tryhard alt right bullshit

lol butthurt

She loves joking about rape.... maybe we can show her how funny it is.

Easy there edgelord

she looks like fucking ben shapiro lmao

plus shes not even a cute loli anymore

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agreed its definitely forced, vaporubboy if anyone's interested, but the fact remains that for edgy content it's actually pretty good. just kind of undermined when it's coming from a "14 year old comedian" from youtube/bitchute

the entire collection of my thoughts about her are thus:

she once appeared on the dick show where digibro was the in-studio guest, and they fucking roasted him about him liking lolicon/being a pedo and it was hilarious