Hey boys and girls, i want a quick and painless suicide, any suggestions? Bonus points for style.
Hey boys and girls, i want a quick and painless suicide, any suggestions? Bonus points for style
helium, look up "exit bag". quick, without pain or fear
OP here, current plans are just to pull some sick flips off of a tall building. I like roller coasters so that might be fun.
Just enjoy the ride OP, hit the road and drive recklessly on mountains or do something crazy and see what happens. Walk through niggertown at midnight wearing drag and dancing to Whitney Houston. If you really want to die then at leaat don't be such a panty waste about it.
You should do "The Awesome". Basically, you take cheese wire and make a noose, tie it to a bridge and put your head in the noose. Then, you glue your hands to the side of your head and jump. The cheese wire cleanly severs your head but because of the hand glue, it looks like you pulled your own head off.
That's what I call style.
Inject glow stick liquid in your arm.
AIDs, kill yourself getting a medical problem. Someone is going to get one anyway and die that way. At least the gays and europeans will pretend they give a shit about you dying and you'll have a bit of sympathy sounding stuff from people while you try to prevent it happening and waste away. At least if you catch the fag disease a rich person might worry about catching it too and start some kind of donation fund about it. If you want certain death just crowd source it and ask a bunch of anonymous people, maybe get a job where there is an illegal drug trade and disagree with a gang of dealers. Move to a communist country and say communism isn't working. You have so many options here it's rather astounding you could bother to ask.
drink hydrocholoric acid
you sound like u need a stiff dick
base score: 50
death guarantee bonus: +10
painlessness bonus: +20
base score: 60
showmanship points: –50
total score: 10/100 "amateur"
be gay in uganda
I already have one of those most of the time. Thanks anyway. Maybe ask a fag or european for some sympathetic words if your horny or dying from some fag disease you caught doing horny stuff?
base score: 50
death guarantee bonus: 0
painlessness bonus: 0
total base score: 50
showmanship points: 0
total score: 50/100 "average"
Well that sounds slow and not very fun. Yeah i know there are alot of options but i figured /b would know some decent shit. Like:
Pretty good way to go out, i would say the easiest. I'll keep that in mind.
Sounds like alot of work and ive heard of this before, the result is pretty cool though and i was kinda planning on jumping anyways.
base score: 50
death guarantee bonus: +10
painlessness bonus: +10
base score: 70
showmanship points: max (50)
total score: 120/100 "legendary"
>Pretty good way to go out, i would say the easiest. I'll keep that in mind.
Well there are rumors that is a very consumerist item that is hard to replenish. It's used industrially by a lot of people. When someone got wind of people killing themselves with it, it maybe got rumors of being diluted. Why don't you just get the aids if you're going to die slow enough to get other peoples opinions about it, it's probably easier to catch the aids than the cancer. The only way you can possibly give yourself cancer and die of it is if you had to read your posts.
Don't go out with a bag over your head OP, it's so unstyleful and pathetic. You don't want the last thing you see to be the wall of your man cave right?
parents think I want to die now
Tie a noose with steel cable, tie around your neck and yeet off a bridge. You'll get decapitated and your body will wash away, no cleanup.
The problem with the aids thing is i have find somebody to fuck, or fuck me, and that already is an issue.
You're right user. That would be pretty shit. You know... I always wanted to fly a plane, something special about looking up at the night sky and seeing those flashing lights pass over head. Maybe im just an autistic fuck but it can't be too hard after that guy did it in seattle. Unoriginal sure but... Would be cool.
Fly it in a big tower once you're at it for maximum style points
>The problem with the aids thing is i have find somebody to fuck, or fuck me, and that already is an issue.
Okay did you get the impression I'm a fag or European when I mentioned the sympathy thing? I guess you don't understand the cancer joke, because I'm going to die from catching it from you before you die at this rate.
I should crash that shit into area 51. Im boud to get some anti air shot at me, maybe some jets chasing me as i nose dive into the buildings. Fuck that sounds awesome actually.
Or just walk into area51 it's a lot easier. However small chance that you're gonna get used as human experiment material
Getting hit by truck-kun is a great way to go...
If you want to be used as human experiment, just join the foundation as a D-rank ;)