You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American.

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2 'muricans

a lesbian american

Half an American

Voluntary Celibates. They get chances at sex but refuse it because they are dumber than an american.

Donald Trump

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African American?

Came here to post this

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your mother when she decided to give birth to you



2 americans

A Russian woman living in America

ur mom when she cums from my 9 inch american dick OP

Much of Europe. Virtually all Muslims.

an american nigger

Foreign faggots who are obsessed with us.

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British People

>european people are inferior

what americans dont realize is there country has been a joke to the outside world ever since they elected donald trump


>implying we give a single Fuck about what your disgusting armpit of a country actually thinks.

OP mad bro?


you wish y was american,esse,y fykin wish

There's an outside world?

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>the outside world
See, there's that phrase again. Your opinions mean nothing, comrade.

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"The rest of the world!"

>Mfw when eurofags think they're any better

An african

Most of Europe.

You actually let Germany run the show...again. With predictably horrible results.

Once is a legit accident, twice is a fluke, three times makes you retarded.


Its unanimous. OP is dumb and a faggot.

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Careful eurofags. Merkel will get pissed and allow more Muslims in.

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a brit

An American of the female sex.

Statutory rape laws

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ha ha

two americans

ur mom

a conservative american

>assuming im a eurofag

World Trade Center



this bot


And i got the punchline baby!

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That is a Jew sucking a babys dick, btw. Normal healthy practice the WHOLE WORLD supports right ???



Throw a dart at a map, anywhere else. Americans are #1.


Sandniggers, India Indians and Africans

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EU niggers, ez

You mean nigger?


we get it, you're racist

a british person


but if i don't say nigger on Yea Forums then all the other kids won't think i'm cool

_African_ American

We could destroy your entire country and kill everyone inside in a matter of hours. Must really frost your ass to know you only exist because we give you permission to exist

a rock

Nig nog fits better.

Non-American Trump supporters.

Better go look at where the concept of zero and advanced mathematics originated, their Conservitard redneck dipshit

Amen bro Amen

2 americans

You act like that's a concept that only they would have come up with. Also, gtfo phonefag.

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Go show a muslim in the middle east a basic algebra problem, let me know how that works out. Furthermore, every invention islam ever came up with in reality was just stolen from the sephardic jews living there.
Im glad the left and islam have joined together. You disgusting fucks can have each other.


a non-American

you know how something is stupid? their ability to look beyond and aspire to greater things. with this knowledge at hand, know that in roughly 2010 36% of americans had valid passports.
thus they find their own circle jerking good enough. common sense would indicate they are either incredibly good at amusing themselves or a large portion of their society is very short sighted and stupid.

>there country

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Someone from Alabama

OP spends his free time thinking about Americans.

Americans spend exactly zero time thinking about OP's shithole country.

Two Americans.

knowledge is not defined by the ability to repeat things in a set environment, rather the ability to adapt and grow. what you are explaining is rather autistic...


your patriotism made my day xD

A Briton

Why slog to some cesspool like your country when we have millions of square "kilometers" of first rate country to explore? You know, the kind of country you wont get mugged at every gas station or arrested for carrying a spoon. BTW fuck you.

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This thread

Faked history.
Go read that mislims translated only already existing knowledge from other real cultures. Today they're the same goatfuckers like 1400 ago

mhmmm the cultural arrogance is strong in this one xD also first rate country? you might wanna take a look around, destroying parks, mutated fish, and having wallmarts every hour drive and highways spanning your entire country isn't exactly a garden of eden xD we wouldn't even know about roads causing asthma if it wasn't for the i5

The roads cause asthma? Are fucking retarded?

interstates in america proved a long time ago that the dust and nonsense from cars caused asthma

guys, look islam did a thing a thousand years ago and hasn't done shit since aside from perfect the roadside bomb.


2 americans


People who unironically generalize.

A non-American.

It's always been a joke,

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Two Americans


A Canadian, not only did we elect a faggot cuck as pm but our country is becoming a muslim filled police state.

>Advanced mathematics
Newton, gauss, euler, Einstein, even Tao basically all modern physics and math has been in the euro-north American domain for a while. I'm not even white and I know this



dis ass

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i'm a faggot

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dis slut

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I guess she's a retard if she's going out in that. That's like asking to be dragged into an alleyway and cummed in.

This gay thread, and your mom. And everyone on the continent of Africa, just by virtue of living in Africa like a bunch of idiots.

This is ez op. This is not hard at all, try a little harder next time ok champ?

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Anyone who is not an American. Duh


That's a trick question. It's like asking to name something fatter than an American. It's common knowledge that there's nothing fatter or dumber than a big, fat, stupid Ameritard.

Careful, some Amerifat might chastise you in the one language he can barely speak.

An African American.

>curry niggers


>there country
why do you do this?



Because we are so ubiquitous and powerful that all you morons strive to learn our language. Face it, English has been the dominant language since the 1800s. The British Empire followed by the US has economically ruled the planet for over 200 years. Maybe there is something about the English language that breeds superiority.