Hey, I picked up this baggie on the street and was wondering what was in it? Can you Yea Forumsros tell me?

Hey, I picked up this baggie on the street and was wondering what was in it? Can you Yea Forumsros tell me?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 23.48.30.png (810x594, 884K)



shattered glass or meth

Smoke it and find out

Looks like baking soda and powdered sugar.

Could also be ket depends where you live

Eat it and tell us

Dab a tiny bit on your finger then taste it and report

Do a line

OP here: North of the UK, most likely Meth or Ket?

probably crystal meth

Doesnt look too much like coke. Probably meth but I have gladly never run across any to confirm. Grab a pipe and light her up!

crush some of it up and snort a line.

post results

smoking is for plebs

real men snort their meth it lasts longer

Smoke it
Its the best thing you will ever do with your otherwise pointless life

Snorting is for pussies
Real men inject their meth

For the Yea Forumsrits out there: if i were to sell said meth (probably 1g) how much should I sell for?

100% ket mate we don't do meth up here, baggie looks like what I was seeing last sat, if its bitter as well then that's defo it what a find

It's for sure ket and sell for 30 maybe 35 if you're losing it


Looks so crystal though?

Only fiends bump their drugs

Yep good ket is a crystal

You just hit the fuckin jackpot, op. Sprinkle on some aluminum foil, inhale with a straw and enjoy your loot.

looks like ketamine

I'm skint, hopefully selling

>it’s worth $30

30 pounds you dumb cunt

So? Get a fucking job faggot

crystal meth

OP here: should I crush the ket before snorting or just snort it as the larger crystals?

hair dandruff