What the hell is wrong with my girlfriend’s outer labia...

What the hell is wrong with my girlfriend’s outer labia? She used to pull on her labia as a kid so her flaps being long isn’t abnormal to her. However, there are visible dots when you stretch it. Is this something to worry about? Is she possibly fucking another dude? Is she not showering enough? I need answers Yea Forums

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Those look like a boxer's cauliflower ears. Shattered collagen.

Got any more ?

Look like fordyce spots to me

She might be fucking other dudes but those spots would have nothing to do with it

Fake. That's not human.

Confirmed for riding the cock carousel.

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fordyce spots...

You're both going to die.

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Medfag here, any other symptoms like itch and tightening of the skin? Could also be early stages of lichen sclerosus/planus. But if she’s had these for a longer time like previous anons said, it could be fordyce spots.

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