America votes for a huge fucking wall

>america votes for a huge fucking wall
>years later they might, perhaps, get a fence

get your shit together

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Nigga Germany had its tanks inspected and turned out none of them were capable of combat. England and France the only Euro countries with a military that isn't a joke
>le surrendermonkey
Go fail at invading Grenada again thicboi
If the Russian cunts move in those castles won't do shit.

>Germany had its tanks inspected and turned out none of them were capable of combat

Still no source
Still no wall
But still a cuck.

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I'm a Euro, ruskie savages are gonna invade and only Finland is surviving it this time

Foreign military: Hi CIA, tell me all your military secrets
>CIA agent: Okey! *gives secrets*
Foreign military: Thanks faggot
>CIA agent: I'm a transgender now!
Foreign military: yeah,... whatever

I think that's just your paranoia going on.

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Sounds about right.

Nope I voted for sniper towers and instant death to tressesers


Only war I'd fight for our shit government would have to be on our own soil.

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what are you smoking not one single thing is accurate about that picture expect the flags lol

envy the US much
Kill yourself

Sounds like something a pussy would say.

moose per capity is the only true measurement of a country's success
>think about it
>no i mean really think about it

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Get bent faggot

>stay mad

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You seem like the mad one. Isn't it time you bend over for your masters?

No honestly whats with this concept that Russia is suddenly going to invade nearby European countries? Most of the annexations that have occurred are now over for hundreds of years now. Plus, if Russia was to ever invade, it would probably be for the better. Since most western European nations have fallen to absolute corruption and degeneracy. All the 'blind' patriots, this includes those serving in the army, and gender-queer individuals would be destroyed.

You are kinky. You have a dominance complex. What else are you repressing? Show me your cock daddy.

WTF is this fsggot blue flag anyway I keep seeing it. It doesn't seem to be any fucking country that has ever won a war.

This is a retarded image, and so are the comments in this dumbass thread.
Shit bait, but since you're likely a retarded Americunt, you should know that the European Union is not a country.

Must be nice not having as many kikes in your govt that won't push your tax money to foreign aid and not on your countries development

So if someone doesnt wanna fight a pointless war theyre pussys? No war after the civil war was even worth it. Yes even ww2 for the U.S. is fucking pointless. The middle east is a dumb fucking shit show and benefits americans in no way. Retards really say "the troops are fighting for our freedom" how exactly is killing some ISIS helping anyone here. Thats so fucking dumb

So you agree that you as a collective group have won no wars?

>Losing both the culture war and religious war this fucking hard

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well glad we got Brittain.
but yeah, point music is going to america

I have a masters degree and make more in a month than most people make in a year. And I can't tell you where that gay blue and yellow flag is from and I don't fucking care.