Alone on a Friday night

Alone on a Friday night.
What movie should I watch?

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It's Thursday morning, you fucking idiot.

Paul Blart, mall cop.

is it friday yet anywhere in the world?

pulp fiction
not everybody lives in the superior country you fucking idiot

nigga is u rarted?

I dunno what the fuck timezone you're in that you're a day and a half ahead of me, but watch Jet Li's "Hero" on Netflix.

the invitation its really good

Friday morning in east Asia and Australia

being john malkovich

home alone on a Friday night? god you're pathetic

>not everybody lives in the superior country you fucking idiot

Still, in no country in the world is it Friday night right now.

Watching home alone outside of Christmas time? Gay as fug

watch some porn, who cares, treat yourself you lonely fag

it's friday in some places, just super early in the morning

>superior country
>this level of delusion

Wow worst bait or this nigger is actually in a basement with no light.

nigga are you on the moon

He might be in one of the Middle East countries that counts weeks differently

wait nevermind i am fucking retarded i'm sorry

Dude, I'm off today but I work on Friday (tomorrow)
This nearly gave me a heart attack. I would probably lose my job if I just forgot to come in.

>I would probably lose my job if I just forgot to come in
why are americans so cruel to each other

Warrior (2011)
Good flick.

I knew a woman who got fired because she missed work due to being hospitalized for a couple of days.

Thank god I'm european.

You work or get fired that's how it works almost everywhere.

>Thank god I'm european.
said no one ever

John wick 3 comes out Friday

fuck off eurofag

Jesus Christ dude. I think you're the first person in history to say that

nigger there's no way i'd get fired over missing a day. you are coping

lol he looks just like me
also, watch Pineapple Express

Strange Circus

Keep coping for living in the shithole that is burgerland retards.

its thursday you retard

Nice try satan.

just because his post ends in 666 doesn't mean he's satan

Why should I care about your devil worshiping opinion? You still haven't even managed to remove yourself from this situation, you are nobody of importance.

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>doesn't mean he's satan
hmm, something satan would say, no thanks satan almost got me fooled

Lol you're a brainwashed idiot

how long has it been since a muslim raped you or one of your loved ones?

Pretty sure his governments just raped him today

Whatever you gonna watch, stay away from latest haloween. I watched it last night and i felt insulted, and still having issues dealing with john carpenter could've been okay with that.

After never missing a day of work for 2 years, I got fired because I called in sick with pneumonia- Temp 104F, on antibiotics. Luckily I had 2 bosses, so I called the other one who promptly unfired me. If it hadn't been for him, I'd have been ass out.

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Hold on you guys. OPs next post is still getting approval by his masters to make sure there isn't any hate speech in it

meanwhile in america you lose your livelihood if your father said "the n word" before you were born

Nope that's retarded as fuck lol. Saying nigger is only illegal in Californias liberal arts colleges

Nobody watches Nascar anymore.


>saying nigger doesn't have consequences in europe
are you retarded eurocuck bitch?

>mfw my country is such a shithole that saying nigger is people's last worry

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>these copes

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why would ANY country besides shitmuttmerica care about saying nigger? that poster is delulu. that's the only word for a black in some countries. slav countries still have comedy sketch shows on primetime tv that feature blackface. that mutt is just mad and lashing out at people who have it better than he does.

Don't English folk also get really trigger when somebody says nigger tho?

hmm you're right, they probably do