Let's start.
Let's start
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Fuck this is wrong...
I take it you just got a new doll
So I was out the other day, and when I came back, I found Ah!,T'noko crying her beautiful lizard eyes out.
"Whattsa matter, my pretty alien girl?" I asked, deeply troubled. "Why are you crying?"
Sniffing, Ah!,T'noko lifted her head and looked at me with those gorgeous lizard eyes of her.
"I-I..." she started. "Yes, yes?" I encourged her.
"I went to Yea Forums /b and posted some photos of myself!" she told me. "Uh-oh..."
"...and?" I encourged her but already knew hat she would say.
"And they HATED me!" she bawled. "They said I was weird and they didn't know why the fuck I was green and they said all sorts of nasty things about me! Yea Forums HATES me!"
My heart melted. "Oh, my beautiful Ah!,T'noko!" I told her. "I think you are beautiful and that's ALL that matters!" I told her, wiping her tears.
"Who cares if the b/tards don't like you?" "Who cares what a bunch of traps loving b/tards say?" I continued. "They are all a bunch of incel basements dueling fatsos trap loving creeps."
How are you?
And yet here you are posting away lmao
Short hair would look better on her tbh
>my dreams of a bride of frankenstein realdoll are now closer than ever before
this is the future i chose
short hair, huh?
I agree, i think shorter hair would be really hot, The hair draws too much attention off your hot body ;)
all right, i got another wig i should try it on
Yeah really, why don't you try it out?
all right, i will
You must cover you nipples
Ive been waiting on a good doll thread, i need to refill my stash
kitty got my money on monday. how long does it take for them to finish my sasha? can't wait.
that looks delicious. share an english link please?
depends on their back orders. 2-3 days, sometimes 4. shipping is super quick once it starts i got mine in 3 days
wow ok. i'm not expecting to have my sasha next week but it would be such a joy if it so happened. fingers crossed!
they should tell you via email once she is done
Does anyone have a video of there doll?
do you want to join our discord once you get your Sasha? do you want access to forums?
yeah i asked kitty about all the things you guys told me to. she should send me pics when sasha is ready to ship. also extra tpe and so on.
try not to spend too much money on clothes now, eh?
don't throw away the box she came in if you ever need to move her. also,
Go here for degenerate fun h9WmM8Z
shota version please
You are sick
i'd be happy to. questions will probably rise once i get her.
i've already blown like 60€. still need to buy (hair) accessories and perfumes.
of course not my dude.
you just have to make your own
now that's hot. is she sturdy enough to ride her with that on?
what position do you have in mind?
i got the link. i see your post on the last page.
i guess just her on her back and you riding up and down. i guess if you do go to hard she won't break.
Does it matter what brand of mineral oil and corn starch powder you use on TPE dolls? Also how much mineral oil and corn starch powder do you use?
how to browse that
try to get scentless ones. do not use too much. just oil her and let it absorb untill he feels slightly sticky then spread a bit of cornstarch and brush around. do not forget to oil the holes too and around the loins
the guy with the Sasha doll is there too
jesus what the fuck is going on in that catdoll vs dollter thread. hahahah.
well dollter steals and copies catdoll designs and sells cheaper vers of catdoll dolls
wow... that's hot
dollguy? i've seen torrents of his stuff in /t/. so that's the sasha owner.
>a thread full of pedos
no wonder kitty was furious.
it is. that's why i've saved them and admired them while waiting for my own to arrive.
there is 1 more sasha owner -> thats his photos
it's Sasha doll 126cm or 136cm
thanks, wish i saw these when i was single and lived alone
oh ok. she is quite popular i see. btw where do i get the discord link? want me to start a thread here once i have my doll or..?
wait untill you get your doll. yes make an account on ATF and introduce yourself
alright. thanks!
This how y’all look
better than how YOU look
make doll lovers great again!
How much do you whore these out for?
time to tweet how great dolls are
what terminal illness does that guy/you have? hand sure looks unhealthy
most doll lovers will not let you touch their dolls but a few some swap and hold a doll orgy haha
Yeaaah daaaawg
Based and Trumpilled
His face says it all
Can anyone pose one like this?
anyone got the webm with the guy and the blowups ?
come on, lets start
I want a handful of that butt
now that's what we need... nice! so hot. love the look on her face, and the diaper is a nice touch
and here comes Spiderman!
Why are they investigating a sex doll?
Was she an accomplice of a crime?
More! She’s the best
gotta fuck them all!
want mah brown ass, mistah?
fucking hilarious
Probably TSA
Norway, dolls are legal in USA
Derp, it's customs, they would need to check it for smuggling
yes yes yes!
Yaasss I want so bad
Been searching for the past hour. Anyone has a link?
Avatar doll anyone?
I do, show me a little more
seach for catdoll, be blessed
Your a good person
buy me then. Bel, 136cm
Are there any little ones?
damn she is so hot
I. Would. Love. To.
But I think my wife would be a little jealous while I’m dressing up/undressing Bel and fucking her little brains out every night.
Yes, I know I am super hot
get her a guy doll
buy me and put me in a storage facility and come visit me and we can cum together
thats what this guy did
girl scout
i would totally buy you if you were a lovely 16 year old virgin doll.
but i totally cant risk prison for a 8 year old doll like pic. also i dont think she would deliver good sex
16 you say?
I am 16
what the fuck is this nigger shit with unrealistic huge tits
hi there
You must be some kind of polymer psychic to be able to affix an arbitrary age to an inanimate object
i would if i didn't think the wife would catch me.
it's a rhododendron
how is she gonna catch you?
I've been waiting for years for enough money and the design to get one of these. I think I would be happy with this one, if not one with a little smaller of a chest.
You seem like an expert. Where would you recommend I get started if I want to buy one of these for the first time and start to dip my toes in this world?
That is a great idea, but I’d also have to figure out somewhere to ship her to. Definitely couldn’t be my own house, or try to explain to someone I know that I need a large mysterious package delivered to their house for me.
Do you hate orange man?
Where can I get her
the 100cm ones are good one to start with
she is Molly original 126cm from HG doll
how gay
arrange for a pick up.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: ex47rpk5qo
Thank you kindly. You mean this:
Just want to confirm. Also is there a way to 'sort by loli'
i did one of these pickups for a 'friend' fuck it.. never again
you have to go to the customs office and explain to them whats inside. the looks on them faces
yes that is their aliexpress store. they don't show pics of loli dolls there, but you can still order them. they also have a website that shows loli dolls. i don't think there is a way to show just the lolis, but you can look for the DH168 Bel and Molly and all the catdolls
"Mannequin for a children's clothing store"
"It's for my an art project for school."
they only have 2 loli dolls: Molly 126cm and bel 132cm
mannequin is better
sir. these are not that heavy and made out of cheap plastic.
try again
>It's for my an art project for school
are you a teacher? do you want us to report you to the police? sorry i asked. police already here
That's fucked. They gotta make it so hard on the loli lovers. Do you have the website that shows the loli dolls?
pay attention! I have built a voice generator for my doll. With 4 sensors on / in the body, I can program what sounds loud. For example: Uncle, what are you doing, ohhh, no. That hurts! a.s.o;
I secretly recorded the sounds in the hospital. Are you interested in it?
yes please.
I think I see it now. On the page where you make a 'custom' doll? Would be nice if something explained what these things meant.
You forgot the spoon and the airplane
yeah it's the rules on aliexpress that don't let them show the loli dolls. just search hgdoll
that that's where you can pay for a loli doll, just tell them the one you want and pay the right amount
thats why we are here to answer questions. what things you want explained?
Are they actually illegal? If they're illegal it would be dumb to explain. But then you just say.
"Yeah it's a weird store owner he thinks this doll would get people's attention better because it's more lifelike and he's just my client"
"Yeah it's a weird art class that deals with strange representations of the human form"
Suck a dick
they are illiegal in Canada, Uk, Norway, Australia. legal in USA, Germany, most of EU
Now you
legal as in... you just disappear without anyone knowing why instead of getting a public court case declaring you a filthy pedofile
lost 2 friends that way
Noone in the US has gone to jail for a doll itself.
now now children, behave yourselves.
I TOLD you legals as in legal to purchase and own.
Thanks! It's much appreciated. So I'm guessing the ones pictured aren't "ones" so much as customization?
Those eyes are nice. Are they just the normal blue eyes, or are they special?
Are the eyes generally replaceable? What about the hair? And do you recommend the replaceable vaginas?
what do you mean by customization exactly? you choose the eye color, the skin color, standing feet or not.
>you just disappear without anyone knowing why
What are you on about
"hairs" are wigs. yes eyes are easily replaceable. you choose the eye color
I will post it here, soon:
You can get the sound here:
Theoretically, you can use 12 sensors-01 and 4 analog sensors, but 4 will do. It works like a small SPS;
For example:
These dolls, can you tell what they are? Or like, the base model? Since the hair and eyes can be changed.
Also, what's the difference between standing and normal foot? What do you recommend?
same doll ->, diff wig
What do you to to affix the wigs? Tape? Seems like it might be fairly fun to swap out eyes and wigs, then.
wigs itself have a fixation
Molly 126cm EVO 799892868
Bel 132cm 799891552
Moly 126cm original 799887668
People like you are why all the normies cant stop REEEEing
Your their justification for thought policing
choose standing of you want her to stand
Are the mouths adjustable? How is this one emotion? Is she frozen in this expression?
no and frozen. you also cant really do oral sex as they start looking like frogs
Sounds good, who would want a doll that couldn't stand?
no, the mouths are frozen, but you can buy teeth and make the mouth open and give ehr a diff expression with teeth and tongue
well standing option was just added several years ago. before they weren't "standing"
oh yes put on a diff wig and eyes and it looks totally like a diff doll
i. had one with the standing option. the only plus is that it can stand. you never need it to stand other than for pictures.
sex with a standing doll. not at 126cm height. not even at 150cm....
and then standing for fotos without the standing option is not really harder than the standing option. it just means you cant let her stand for hours or days
no, this doll has variable face, eyes and mouth
just say it like reality: you buy more than one head and swap heads
I'm no Casanova but I still have some self-respect. Sex dolls are pathetic.
How does this guy have one with an expression, then?
And is it just me or does the picture of 132 bel have boobs?
Or minutes, i stood mine (technically non standing) once without shoes and ended up with permanent dimples in the soles.
And mine is silicone.
Tpe will deform immediately with all the weight concentrated down like that and while most of the time the foot should eventually reform, it can end up permanently distorted since tpe isnt good at supporting pressure like that.
Yes, but nevertheless the facial expressions are variable, and the mouth too. She even has a tongue.
yes bel does have boobs this is Bel
molly are flat chest
HG dolls sell dolls by several manufacturers so the dolls are made by diff designers, thats why some have diff expressions
Ooooh fun so the heads come off? Wait that sounds wrong.
Lol people fuck these??? Wtf is wrong with you.
sh is a Molly EVO ->, , she is Molly original ->
Derp got the order confused so that one is
Moly 126cm original 799887668
I wonder if my girlfriend is going to be super weirded out when I get one of these.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: i042mx6xyq
seriously i am still unhappy with the junk being sold. i wish i could just mould my own loli sex doll.
at least it would contain some nice augmentations and robotic stuff. not this sound only shit
Bel as Gwen
You can, your just too lazy to
no. the materials i can order are not TPE and are totally unusable for dolls. i did my research
tell her it's for research
I'll tell her it's for 3somes lol
Silicone is perfectly orderable and useable. Softness is extremly adjustable and if your talking about robotics TPE would be difficult to work with even in a factory setting
i must suck at research, the silicone i can order is just for moulding. not medical grade (as needed for sex toys) or anything
fucking lol
Thanks, yeah I derped and got confused. What would you say is the difference between Molly EVO and Molly original? I feel like I like the look of the original better because it doesn't look quite so Asian, but also I think we've established that it's a different head.
Where do they sell new heads, by the way?
EVO is a new skeleton that can bend sideways and shrug its shoulders
Smooth-on has several platinum cure options. Its what ive looked into for designing my own inserts and possible full body projects
>fuck off captcha
when will skelleton be able to have proper spine agumentation, not that hollow back bullshit all of them do?
pic related . i want to sex a doll in that position
you buy the heads from the same manufacturer. usually u do not mix heads from diff manufacturers
smooth on. yeah no. none of their silicone stuff is medical grade or meant for practical use
their silicon is specifically meant for moulds
As soon as they figure out how to do it without the doll collapsing on itself/cheap
why dont you design a doll then and go work for a doll manufacturer?
Just because they dont specifically call out "you can use this for sextoys" doesnt mean its not enough. A good way to look for suitable materials is to search out ppl making custom dildoes.
There is some ponyfag making onaholes out of it, though i dont know what formula hes using off my head.
currently in the process to trying out if motors vs linear actuators or fancy designs can be used as muscles.
i am totally against hydraulics
still their softers material is totally unusable. it would make nice breasts from the hardness. but its like glue
do you know
Fuck she is beautiful. I want her to sit on my face.
Is there a discord for dollbros? And do you need a doll to join?
no i dont give a shit about realdoll robotics that cost the consumer 10k for electronics/material that is worth 100$
go fuck these bastards for all i care
Can anyone identify the head, then?
yes and yes
MOLLY ORIGINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOLD YOU 10 FUKKEN TIMES
I like the exclusivity. Do people need to identify themselves anything beyond that?
Not realdoll, unlike those hacks DS is going all out.
>we added speakers and shitty actuators to a head and hooked it up to alexa
>we robo now
Oh, I thought that was just the body. You're saying it's the same head as this?
Pardon me for being incredulous it just looks very different to me.
I bought my dolls in Regensburg, Germany.
i have not seen any of the 'all outs' yet. they are all the same head shit and sound, no exception
you know why? because its either hydraulics or motors with insane gear ratios. BOTH are shit slow
"Fuckslave, what was the score of the Yankees game last night?"
Is that your doll? Are you sixbillygun?
yes each doll even the same model looks different in diff photos
if you have a doll, give proof it's yours
last post
So, timestamped pic? I would guess a receipt wouldn't cut it, not exactly a fun picture to share either.
Can I ask how big this discord is, or is that privileged information?
Molly is both a head and a body. The Molly body can use Sei head also. Bel is a body and a head
if you want general dolls forum, meaning adult dolls, try dollforum.com
the problem is they DO NOT allow loli dolls
So cute. I’d have some fun
yes agree, she is total cutie
>adult dolls
yes a time stamped photo works
Guess I missed it, oh well.
she is Molly body with Sei head honey color
If someone opens a new thread, I will post my dolls
if you pay attention, you can find some links
Last question if you're still here
Does Molly EVO and Molly Original have the same head?
why don't YOU make a new thread with yoru dolls?