Should it be a crime to knowingly spread HPV and other STDs?

should it be a crime to knowingly spread HPV and other STDs?

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You know you what to do to get answered around here




If you knowing infect so eone with a potentially life altering std, you deserve a bullet in the brain at best and a life in prison at worst to keep you away from the general populace

Yes. People should be physically bullied, but that's my answer to alot of our society's problems.

Ay asshole or slut who knowingly gives someone else an std should be quartered by horses for public viewing and made an example of

you might be able to argue that it *kind of* is, since there are jurisdictions where spitting on someone is considered assault (not battery; "assault" here means "to place another in anticipation of attack") due to risk of contagion.

I'm not a lawyer, but proving the knowingly/willingly part w/STDs is going to be really difficult to the point of infeasible under, say, American courtroom procedure and admissibility requirements for evidence and testimony

all women would be in jail if it was

If someone purposly gives a life changing std to another person, they deserve prison at the very least. Honestly anyone that says otherwise should be castrated and removed from the gene pool along eith the fuckers spreading those stds

Not necessarily, medical records can be used to prove the person was aware that they had an std prior to contaminating another person with it. That should be all the proof any reasonable court/judge/jury should need to order imprisonment

It is, and you must die in pain before spreading consciensly your shit.

This user is correct. I am an attorney, though I don't practice anymore. A law specifically regarding spreading STDs could require general intent rather than specific intent. In that case, the evidence must show that the defendant committed an action that a reasonable person would know would lead to those results. Specific intent concerns the defendant's individual intent/state of mind, and is obviously a higher burden.

Suppose you were somehow able to prove that someone knew they had an STD... So what?

The ultimate challenge is proving that you had sex with them and that you had sex with them during a time when you were not previously infected with the same STD yourself. You also must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you didn't obtain the infection due to your own negligence by not using protection, or that you perhaps conveniently obtained the same STD from someone else by having more than one partner.

I agree that people who knowingly infect others should be a charged criminally, but you need so much evidence or else there's room for abuse. Imagine how many guys that go through a divorce where the woman takes half the house, don't you think he'll be looking for revenge on her? Why not somehow frame her for spreading STDs? Just infect her and yourself, then claim she did it.

If you are sleeping around you should get tested regularly anyways, failing to do so is negligent on your part and at that point you are to blame as well. Shitty people do shitty things but protecting yourself is everyones obligation. Documentation isnt hard and records are easily retrieved from phime companies and doctors. Protect yourself and shit like this is easy to prove. I use protection and get tested after ever partner and keep documentation on who ive fucked and when for this reason. Regardless though, proving that someone had an std before you and them had sex, then showing you have the same std afterwards, as long as you have taken the proper steps to protect youself and have your documentation in order, its easy to prove.

While its shitty to have to do it that way, shitty things happen and shitty people exist. If you are sleeping around and hoeing about, you should take steps to protect yourself and if you dont then some blame rests with you as well

Fo sho

Well said.

fuck off eeeveee is a nice lady

only if women do it

Yes Herpes cunts should die
They should like fuck off and stop sprading herpes FUCKING CUNTS