YLYL-Get 404'd edition

YLYL-Get 404'd edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 4837583XD Savage lol 08052019102927.jpg (539x671, 69K)

well this is off to a terrible fucking start

Thread is shit

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off by one, losers

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old fag here to save the day

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So do these unironically contain unfunny pics or are all of you from leddit?


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Thanks for the normie tier thread. Why not stop fucking spamming YLYL and contribute to one of the other hundred ones you post all day?

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>ask bf to grab hair while fucking me
>hes too nice to be rough


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>had guy cum in my mouth
>legit almost threw up right infront of him

I think he was a veggie, fucking disgusting


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Will these ever go away? Normie memes are the worst

Attached: 1539944492718.jpg (400x344, 51K)

You have to be gentle tho otherwise it hurts

Attached: penis-chan.jpg (404x711, 70K)

Attached: Jews with their golem.jpg (500x624, 188K)

ever since memes have become mainstream ylyl threads have always been shit. we just have to wait for another shift in humor.



Why not your face? I thought people prefer that? He came early?

in what world is this funny? look i hate muslims and human kind for that matter but despite all of that this pic is still heartbreaking

How come you never see black school shooters?

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Why has Yea Forums gone to shit first the trap and Cuckholding threads now these terrible YLYL threads

Attached: 1554912047608s.jpg (115x125, 3K)

When the banana memes are gone but the ylyl threads are still shit

Kecky Becky.

There is a dentist who works here at 1 dash 519 this 474 number 4800 who gives brain injuries and seizures to patients he doesn't want to treat any more, including women and elderly people.

He induces a concussion then strangles the patient to cut off blood supply to brain

The RCDSO has allowed him to do this to people for 20 years!

Attached: 1556303959290.png (800x881, 745K)

>I thought people prefer that?
Are you an alien?

Other kids at school call me "Facts Man."
First off I'm 18, by "other kids" i mean other highschoolers since we're in year 12. I got into an argument with a leftist and was spitting off crime statistics and economic data like Ben fucking Shapiro. I then ended it with "and facts dont care about your feelings". No one really knew Ben Shapiro so they didn't know i got it all off him. They always laugh when i speak to show support for me (kind of like how whenever the bully talks in a movie, his friends laugh to show their on his side, like not laughing at him but laughing to support him). They also all call me "facts man" and whenever they see me in the hall they say "hey facts man!" since I'm all about facts, not feelings.

A liberal also got spit on one time by someone on the third floor. They spat down and it happened to hit a Liberal, they say it was accident but i think they did it since that liberal opposed me. I think they did it for the same reason they call me "facts man". It's outta respect

Attached: 1557988531823.jpg (360x360, 20K)

we can hope

He will be fineeeee, he got his freedom back

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Shaking my head that kids IN A SCHOOL think there's something weird about facts.


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I lost



Fuck off nigger

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Someone's having a great first day on 4chin. Nice post kiddo, you're fitting in nicely.

Damn we have a humour scienceologist in the thread.

Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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Another OC

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Anotha one

Attached: PicsArt_05-13-02.27.12.jpg (1875x2170, 258K)

>look i hate muslims and human kind for that matter
15 years old retard detected

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Attached: April_Fools.gif (588x588, 54K)

Satan sucking dick over here.

>White cucks

Someone post the dude hanging upside down from his sack. Wanna show someone

Go and find it on Google you twat.

Pls send user

Whores get nothing

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I can see the sadness in his eyes

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>There is a dentist blablabla
wtf is this shit?
nypa in all fields!



i dontt have my glasses on and thats a lot of text.
You're Fact man huh?
Wait a minute lemme get that and read that post.

I've read it.


I have a weird question but it's out of personal curiosity.
Have you ever traveled outside of the united states?

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4 eyes

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Because blacks drop out before they learn to shoot.

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404 this server https h9WmM8Z someone linked this shit here and I can’t report the illegal stuff fast enough

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Don’t go here please

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I'm retarded, what is it?

Kill yourself please
Hang yourself asap

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Nigger no nigging

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Someone didn't go to school today huh lil bro?

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Yea sure go laugh at James Charles or who ever the fuck he is memes

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kek'd...nice once user

>don't know what the joke means

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So edgy, could you fuck off, nobody think you are funny.

I lost

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Tf is it? Wont load

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Attached: hoers.gif (352x288, 354K)

Teh fuck is Yea Forums?


Nose envy is a terrible thing.


On that note.... I’m out


Attached: SocialLiberalismInANutshell.jpg (750x683, 47K)

>Yea Forums used to be good.

Welcome, newfriend.

Attached: 20022DAA-DF10-401C-A429-BE333FDFC90B.jpg (1125x2303, 342K)

You are 100% gay

Attached: AAB35A3B-D5A0-4A91-A9B9-28420FD8B783.jpg (597x750, 85K)

Thats kind of dark man

Attached: NightmareFuel.jpg (720x759, 48K)

Attached: pokee.jpg (1000x5000, 320K)

>that fucking file name
baneposting never dies

That's fucking brilliant.

What the fuck are you talking about
The YLYL threads arent funny since somewhat around 2010-2012
Way longer than the whole trap and cuckholding threads...
Is this bait? Are you just retarded? A newfag?
I dont understand
Plez go eway

I don't get it.

Attached: 1544479250760.png (581x387, 567K)

It is so small she has to close her eyes a little bit to actually see it
I guess

Attached: smallbanana.jpg (512x512, 45K)

>i hate muslims

Attached: 1531344795681.jpg (762x785, 193K)

Attached: 1556288519497.png (1146x694, 281K)

We live in confusing times.

Please tell me someone has that webm of the Muslim girls making out in the elevator as soon as the door closes! I've been meaning to ask for that for a long time and this reminded me. Please?

Who the fuck is this retard?

Attached: reg keyhoe and his marimba queens.jpg (482x350, 75K)

guaranteed (You)s

Attached: flatchestedtannedgirl.png (176x230, 72K)

David Davidson.

We know you don't.

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I agree.

Attached: ban1.jpg (1360x768, 417K)

Attached: images - 2019-05-16T200312.351.jpg (462x664, 62K)

I just choked on my drink to this infantile shit

Fucking funny

Attached: dogs-playing-poker.jpg (1024x768, 201K)

Who's "we"?

LMAO, my fucking sides.

I'll be there for youuuuuuu
I'm just heading to the store
I'll be there for youuuuuuu
I'll never pay child support

Attached: japanese shit.jpg (747x556, 150K)

that post was 10 years ago

ooof. the incels have really taken over in here

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Still not funny ya cunt.

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what is it?

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Hey Yea Forums, how do you feel about this man and his 13 year old girlfriend? Keep in mind that he's been to jail for giving his own grandfather a ball massage on a train.

Attached: received_1996474427063035.jpg (958x960, 142K)

Is that Nick Kroll?

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How do you make these GIFS?

too much dedication to the meemee

first laugh i had in this thread

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God these niggers will steal any bicycle no matter what condition it is in.

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I got excited, you faggot.

Best post

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Of course we're not going to fix user's posting behavior, he is a juvenile and is showing how big and tough he is by posting on the internet. Soon, user will have to leave school and look for employment. That will be more than enough to teach user how unbelievably immature he was and how he wasted his youth trying to be edgy and cool. user is neither.

She looks like she has Alzheimer's and had forgotten what chairs are for.

Have a bicycle seat with a remote operated taser, or some form of electrical discharge.

Attached: 1450388619624.gif (349x310, 83K)

I fucking hated penis inspection day

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This is either America or the Middle East.

fuqq :D:D

You first take a already existing .gif file
then you layer some shit over the stuff already existing
post on Yea Forums


Attached: 1556798760447.jpg (500x547, 34K)

Wow be careful you don't cut yourself on that edge kid

based >Girl poster

Attached: 2428053-wada.jpg (257x283, 17K)

My mom is dead and died in her sleep ironically lol. I hope so anyway. I'm pretty sure I got the dosage right.

What do you use to do it? Photoshop?

Attached: 1449692890063.gif (320x240, 373K)

Well, to be honest, I thought she said she wanted to see a demonstration. I could have been wrong about that tho -

Attached: tinamou_b.jpg (800x540, 163K)

Attached: 1448992303488.gif (300x225, 199K)

are you high? do you think that was fact based?

I dont create those.
I dont think photoshop would be a good way. maybe that adobe or some software especially created for these
but i believe there are also easier ways in gimp (or something) for example. so photoshop eventually does the trick as well


Attached: 1448993132587.gif (161x120, 2M)

just found this on my information library
hope it does help

Attached: how to make animated gifs.gif (598x590, 122K)

Oh ok thanks.

Yea Forums need to give him a beating.

Attached: 1556315065372.jpg (720x960, 315K)


Attached: 1447357252999.gif (585x390, 926K)

Kecky Becky.

You are welcome
If you use it to create log gifs I will hunt you down and end your existence

Dont even think about it

we need more banana gifs

Attached: 1447358207777.gif (400x277, 496K)

Attached: 6NAouD0.jpg (750x1334, 361K)

What about Ray Pist GIFS?


Attached: images (20).jpg (701x438, 58K)

I'm not sure what you'd want to animate there.
So I go for do it. It is cancer though.

Attached: 1442611976017.webm (400x300, 135K)

Attached: nobler_n.jpg (41x32, 2K)

You should duff up the big bad swastika rapist.

I'm epilaptic and this gave me a seagull.

then why dont they live closer to the water?

Yes dude what ever. I think the real victim is the guy who initiated it and probably keeps posting this shit to this day. Imagine the time he spent on posting something on the internet every day for mulitple hours... and not even one single person gives 1 fucks.

Attached: 1442611776937.gif (250x280, 316K)

fuck i remember hearing about this, guy was covered in blood

there are some sick people in the world

So do you have to be an old user to appreciate all these banana gifs? Is this funny to some people?

Lol, sick of being this guy but this is funny

Can't build houses near the place where the water is probably.


No it wasnt funny back then. It was the raypist or log post of its time.
Maybe 2012...idk
Time is running so damn fast

Excuse me? Where the fuck is this video?

Fuckin lit lmao

Attached: isock.jpg (612x408, 48K)

I'm trying to find it. I don't even remember which thread I saw it in.


I know exactly which you mean. I've never seen any couple that cute together and it's fucking hot. Think I have it on an old phone or so

You should check out my Youtube video about him, I couldn't get rid of the watermark though.


Attached: 1553888066706.jpg (460x461, 45K)

paki loser freak faggot

Why must you point these things out user...


Attached: 1516036188298.jpg (500x500, 107K)


more like when you fat as fuck and cant bend over to tie ur own shoe

It should be the other way around tho

I believe it went to normal shit when all the newfags came...

lmao that would have been last summer though
you must be new here

go away and die

Attached: 1331045596893.gif (150x134, 205K)


Let him mourn his wife's death in peace


Fucking nig nog talk.

Attached: 6636_389689221117493_1235770065_n2.gif (418x272, 1.99M)

aww someones salty

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>300 years from now
>archaeologists so bored they start digging up graveyards

Well Velma can't see so well without her glasses so that's a mixed message there.

Well, okay. But what is the correlation between her bad eyesight and her seeing your penis

man that kid is just such an airhead

I'd love to have her cut my hair

your gf instead of her obviously

is it because new girlfriends wear glasses? or do i have to know the creator of the pic to find it funny? is it just for people who have a new gf with glasses?

What an air head

Maybe Velma doesn't need glasses to make out how big it is?

Damn beat me to it

Sooo, most babies are born white, no matter their race even though it takes a few minutes to gain their true colouration, still born white.


Attached: 69714989.gif (800x430, 564K)

That's most eventually it! At least I cant come up with anything more likely. Just look at her satisfied facial expression, it has to be the solution.

You're thinking of Stewart the Sock, this pic is from something different.

Where do I sign?

Attached: 1556640454453~3.jpg (680x687, 63K)

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: twyaza742s

Still a bad joke if people need 5 minutes to figure it out

Hey no, wait. I'm too stoned.
If Velma doesnt need glasses to make out how big it is ... then what has your gf seeing it the first time to do with it?
What is this shit about

Because your girlfriend doesnt need glasses to figure out how big it is?

Attached: 7.jpg (400x400, 61K)

But what if she does?

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where is the brain? :S Probably some dogs lunch.

No one would notice if you slit your wrists.

omg I lost to this way too hard!

Attached: Utagawa Kuniyoshi umi-bouzu.jpg (2375x3584, 1.64M)

This place has been hacked. Every time I clic on a gif, a banana appears. Some kind of malware I guess.

>when you blah blah blah
ITT: niggers and nigger lovers

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Everyone but you.

Attached: fgsfds1.jpg (200x212, 9K)

Attached: keys.jpg (500x658, 89K)

Leave while you still can

Nice catch user.

that kid isnt fat lol

Attached: 1529350723076.jpg (500x656, 21K)

The fucking bana is back? geez its been a while

I get that too, but did you notice that in the banana's eyes, they read "Poster is a beta cuck fag"?