Is an intentional car crash a viable method of suicide

Is an intentional car crash a viable method of suicide

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Only if you go head on above 120mph into a rigid structure like a bridge support.
You would be best off shooting yourself in the head right before impact to double make sure you mcfucking die.
Or you could just passive an hero by suffocation with literally any gas that isn't CO2 or O2.

Crash into a tree doing 70mph. 80mph just to be sure. You'll never know when you hit it.

Or cut carotid artery or stab your heart

That's not even close to fast enough.

Gas sounds better to be honest. I heard Helium is good, but that stuff is rare and often diluted with other elements. Know of any good alternatives?

I spent 3 weeks formed at a talk hospital and can tell you no, no it is not. 2 other patients tried and failed

Mental hospital not talk...

You can fall into coma and wake up in hospital

No, cars are too safe now.

Just be a man and hang yourself, faggot. Or even better, do a Brenton Tarrant and kill a bunch of muzzies.

It is if you don't wear a seat belt into a solid wall

Why not just try some drugs?

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There is no God. I've been unemployed a year and diagnosed bipolar 1 with 3 attempts. Why do you even want to die?

friend of mine tried that:
he lost one of legs and his brain can't combine the information of his eyes anymore

Why do you want to die OP? You've got a car and no will to live. Road trip to somewhere beautiful

Just drive off a bridge, moron. Put one side of your car parallel to the guard rail at highway speed and you’ll flip right over it.

Car crashes are chaotic enough that you might die, you might be seriously and permanently injured, or you might walk out fine.
As a method of suicide they're very unreliable.

No. You'll kill someone else possibly. Don't kill yourself in such a selfish manner

You aren't feeling very suicidal if you decide to wear a seat belt you goon. It's extremely rare anyway that people survive motorway speed collisions with trees. Even wearing a belt. Don't be a cunt and crash into someone else and fuck up their whole happy life.

>Road trip to somewhere beautiful

Do and see what? You will just be going some where on your own, no one to have fun with. I've lived and worked in beautiful places and it's not enough any more.

You is Stoopid lulz

>Faggot has a car and a life but that's not good enough for him
Jack ass, give me your car and your money if you feel like offing yourself. Absolute bullshit that assholes like you who have everything think it's not enough so they need to end themselves.

Youve never road tripped with me before! Come hangout with a fellow suicidal? I'll show you some things you haven't seen or experienced.

>I'll show you some things you haven't seen or experienced.

I've being all over the world, I've taken all the drugs, I've worked dangerous and exciting jobs and I earn good money. Or I did. I've had sex with good women, but I've never known what it's like to have a friend. No one ever wants to be around me for long.

I'm giving myself another month. If nothing changes I've found a high enough bridge over water. I've had enough.

Kik chat? Periwinklett - I mean why the fuck not right?

It's really not. It's a good way to get disabled, not a good way to die.

balloon helium is diluted with oxygen specifically to save lives.
Go to a welding supply and grab some 100% argon or 100% helium.
You want to make sure you don't burst a fucking lung though, you don't want the gas coming out any harder than a normal exhale.

I drove my car square into a concrete light pole at 50 MPH, the pole collapsed down the center and split the car in two. I sat there in the drivers seat and watched it fall. I opened the drivers door and emerged without a scratch.

Where you from? Kik me lol periwinklett. I've also been to 10 countries and have... am going through shit. Let's chat

That's how my friend offed himself - crashed his car at 80mph into a concrete wall. Apparently died on impact according to the cops.

>died on impact according to the cops.
Only a fucking idiot takes a cops word for anything.
The cops tell everyone that their loved ones died painlessly and instantly. It's a manipulation tactic that all military, emergency, and medical personnel use.

You describe traits of a typical charismatic psychopath. In case you're not lying, why are you tired of living? Just go on like that, trying to fill the hole in your chest. Eventually you'll find something to fill it. And if not, you've had more joy in life than many other specimen. In fact, most potential existences end up in condoms, carpets and tampons. You should be grateful to exist you stupid cunt. If nothing helps, at least do some gas shit and don't destroy your body. Donate it to scientific institutes so that students play with it.

Dunno, I was on the scene before they took away the body and his head was basically a mashed into a goo. I don't think the cop was pulling a fast one on me

cousin of an EMT here, this guy is correct.

Trying to commit suicide by car is the worst idea ever.

I don't know what year this was, but no civilian would have been allowed near enough to see the body within the last 40 years.
They block with trucks and cars and put up big sheets hide the victims. They also sheet the bodies as they're moved to ambulances.

>I'm sorry sir, but little timmy hit the wall doing 80
>Yeah, pretty fucked
>His eyes were out, he was chocking on blood, I can only assume the gurgling noises were infact screams of pain, he looked in pain anyway
>Medics worked on him for a good 5 minutes
>He was loosing blood so fast though, seriously it was fucking everywhere, so morphine couldn't work properly
>Yeah, well anyway, gotta go see the next family, sorry about little, errr Terry? Yeah, seemed like a good kid anway

You could be a writer. That story was engaging and hilarious.

Too risky. That pic tho. Album cover?

Autism, but yep. “He died instantly.” As reported in the media. People need to sleep, so not going to hear, “He suffered for an hour then died.”