What was that time in your life that you said: i definetely fucked up this time?
>be me 2 weeks ago >drunk as hell >add random bitch on ig >1 friend in common >hey bitch, nice tits. Would love to suck on them >forgt about it >yesterday >*knock knock* >open the door and 2 cops are there >anonette anonson sue you for sexual harrasment online >wut >going to court next week because of it What's the best thing i can say to the judge? "It wasnt me, i got hacked". I mean, im not going to jail for this.. but still. Also, it turns out that she lives like 15 minutes away from me and if nothing happens in court, ill prabably gonna get jumped by her bf and his friends. Also, share yours stories
Say you were drunk and that you’re an alcoholic and that’s why it happened. Alcoholism is a consider a disease and is protected by law in certain situations. You’ll def have to go to rehab and shit tho. Beats jail i guess
Juan Rodriguez
Just say the truth bro it isnt that hard, also delete your IG and adios!
Samuel Cook
You're actually right. Gonna be awakward to meet the girl tho. I'm kinda scared because of it. I will probably be forced to excuse myself to her.
Owen Barnes
Delete your ig? A screenshot doesn't stand as evidence in court in most places
Jason Martinez
Your not fucked. Saying you were hacked is stupid. Just be honest and say your a virgin that doesn't know how to interact with women you are attracted to. Maybe throw in that you like hip hop and thats how you think you can get "bitches" make sure to say "bitches"
Jaxson Moore
lol this is great
John Martinez
Also concerning her bf and friends just watch your back if your worried about getting jumped get some mace.
Wyatt Rodriguez
Freedom of speech nigger.
Aaron Reyes
deny deny deny. She doesn't have proof unless she has your ip which would require a subpoena for instagram to release this. If she does have this then still deny and claim the hacking. A benefit would be proof that she hasnt blocked your IG account. If you could screen grab that with a time stamp and submit it to evidence you are open to counter sue her for defamation of character and get her youtube videos banned in your state.
Brody Russell
Hes probably from england. They arent allowed to do anything but pray to allah, eat fish n chips, watch soccer and royal weddings.
Cameron Murphy
freedom of speech doesn't apply to private companies and personal communications.
Landon Adams
lol fuck that, get a gun. If they jump you that's a free pass to shoot someone and walk away from it with no charges.
Nathaniel Perry
You are full of shit. People can only sue for two types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo and hostile work environment.
Luke Martin
Blah blah blah. Twitter, gay cakes, face book and more gay wedding cakes
Jack Bailey
I'm from spicamerica. And sexual harrasment online laws are kind of new here onnmy country. So like ibsaid, im not going to jail for this but i can maybe get registered as a potential sex offender or something like that. Which would probably fuck my life up when trying to get another job in the future.
James Murphy
ur legit a fuckikng dumbass. hire a lawyer. Dont defend urself. if u dont hire a lawyer then ur a fucking dumbass.
Adam Gonzalez
Different countries, different laws, faggot.
Bentley Powell
The state is giving me a lawyer. My uncle is a lawyer but way and telling this shit to him.
Nolan Sanders
If op has a conceal permit ok then but majority of states and countries wont be alright with firing rounds into people. Mace is the way to go if your outnumbered or cant fight.
Anthony Brown
Cops don’t deliver summons for suit. Tell us another story, user.
Mason Evans
the states lawyer that they give u is fucking TERRIBLE.
SPEND YOUR MONEY AND GET A LAWYER. Dont be a fucking retard and take the one the state will give you. The one the state is giving you is a public defender not a lawyer.
Brayden Cook
Again, not everyone lives in the USA, you dumb cunt.
Gabriel Perry
What country?
James Morris
Ohh shit spicamerica. Man you are really one of those. So you send shit like that to a stranger and call the usa spicamerica. For sure you blast black dude on white women porn here.
Parker Ward
Coke land
Michael Hill
Spicamerica means latinoamerica i believe idk
Cameron Baker
You eat your own cum and boogers. Your that dude
Camden Collins
And latino america is? South america?
Levi Gomez
From mexico to every country down there
Joshua Hill
You're a moron. You don't go to jail for violating Twitter's terms of service. Freedom of speech most definitely applies and the dickhead did nothing wrong. What he should really do is countersue and put the cunt in her place while making a profit
Colton Anderson
I work with mostly latinos. Mexican and columbian. And never hear that once 6 years not once
Colton Cruz
What law there says a woman can sue for damages for complimenting her tits? Sexual harassment is pretty much only for workplace violations and I see nothing about Colombian law that says anything different especially since they have only had workplace sexual harassment laws since 2006 and it still basically boils down to quid pro quo and hostile work environment.
Ethan Jenkins
>i work with latinos >What is latino america? Google is your friend, faggot.
Depends on the state you're in. If you're in Cali, sure, you're probably fucked. If you're not in a shit hole state, then you're probably good since the cops never *knock knock* on your door. If this is real (which it isn't,) judging by your use of the English language, then yes, yes you are fucked.
Sure, say you were drunk thereby admitting to what you did.
Yes, admit the truth and give the court an airtight confession, and while you're at it attempt to destroy evidence. That will look good.
No, you make it awkward for the accusing party. You have a right to meet your accuser in court. It cannot be denied. If it is, in most cases it is grounds for a mistrial.
For the "jumping" by the "bf and his friends." If you feel threatened like a little child, then request a ride home and a watch from the local P.D. Give proof of why you request this (this will be hard since you have none.) But in the 0.01% chance this is real and everything goes your way in court and everything else, leave by mentioning to an officer that you are fearing for retribution from the other party and that you don't wish to defend yourself unless necessary. That way they know to be on standby and will be ready to handle the situation in only a few minutes instead of the usual response time which is 10 to 30 minutes which requires additional paper work.
There you go buddy. Also, with the 0.01% that this is real, after going thru all of this which you will fuck up at least one part, it might at least teach you to keep your mouth shut online depending on where you live. Remember, free speech is only free where the majority of people don't have free speech.
Nolan Price
No shit its south and central america. The original term used i was referring to was "spicamerica"