Ex's nudes

Ex's nudes

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want hers?

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I'll add some places to see if interest

i got plenty to share if there's interest

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216 CLE

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To guy curious about the girl from SC.
Her name is Shilo.

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225 BTR

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What, that is a fucking dog if ive ever seen one.

want more?

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205 BHM

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440 ATL

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Posted her earlier, do you anons still want more?

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fucking fine! you still fucking her?

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YES! fucking post them all!

Nah I jumped ship a few years ago
Stage 9000 clinger

225 more BTR

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Ex is now a bride to be

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She's super cute. Good job user.

501 LTR

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ah that sucks. well you can help me blow my load by post everything you have of her

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more 404

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looks like a freak

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Her face ready to Dick every day

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where tf are her nips?

more 504 nola

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>Ghost Nips

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more? and who is she to you?

even more 504 Nola

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Ex gf as the thread says

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fun in BTR 225

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More of my hometown. Hoping to see some slut i know

Nothing too crazy. Tinder, brunch casual hook ups for awhile. Loved it from behind

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This one?

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Or this?

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That's an unfortunate no.

any more pics? she ever let you cum cum in her? anal?

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Been to Colette (Sex Club?)

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imig.es/c/SXRt9UZ make her famous! save her, repost her here and on other pornwebsites!

Been once. Too fancy for me. Used to go to Jasmine's though.

not really an ex. just someone I met on omegle and who send me pics because her BF didn't treat her right. anyone want more? I have bra pics, tit pics, some pussy and ass pics.

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tits, pussy, ass, everything!

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You bet your ass i do

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Post em


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smashed this chick there all over a few years ago

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Feelsgoodman. Ever met a girl named Ashley? Heard she ended up around that crowd.

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Please continue

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Victoria Sarycheva

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Nah when I was only on that scene a couple months before I left town


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cute little slit

damn she seems so young. just waiting to be raped by older man like me

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Hell yeah

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Let’s see her naked


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Amazing tits

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Post them alllll



205 BHM

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I feel you man. I was involved with noble for a while but it was just too much drama and not enough pussy.

Also god damn she's got some top tier tits

she send me these pictures while I was at work and tell me that she would love it if I jerked off to them later or on my breaks.

Attached: 568407ea-5820-44dc-ba59-406b394a9fca.jpg (812x1024, 73K)

Ever get over to BTR?

Good god moar + stories

want moar of my x?

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did you? I would gladly. keep posting her

she sent me these pics while i was at my internship and told me that she would love it if i jerked of to her later or on my breaks... She was lovely as a contact on my phone (sorry for english, not native)

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i want all of her, everything you got. name too

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I defenitely did. We made plans to meet up as well but unfortunately her BF found out about me and she blocked me 1 week before our meet up

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try contacting her from a new number?

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Mamie Schoktnecht
from MN

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>g (758 KB, 732x1276)
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yo whats the girls first name? or yours

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yeah but I have a gf now as well... pretty risky. tho I would do sooo much to feel those tits around my dick for only once!

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where’s the vid


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Post kik for face and more

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send her pics of your gf and tell her she wants a threesome and then tell your gf a girl you know wants to have a threesome with her... that may work. or just fuck her on the side

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not sure if that's going to work... unfortunately my current gf isn't that pretty... also quite shy when it comes to sex nd stuff (she's boring)

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504 tinder

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so you need to fuck this chick like right now. dont wait

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i like, keep posting


fuck yeah I do! I also have vids I recorded while we did video camming. I'm not sure how to upload them here tho... (also, her pussy looks yummy)

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901 MEM

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yeah you need to fill that bitch up with your cum. as much as i like strokin it to your soon to be side piece, can i get some pics of you current gf?

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anyone have any 248 or 586?

As I told you my current gf isn't that pretty so not really worth posting anyway. and even if it was worth posting her I wouldn't. sorry man, gotta keep my anonymity. (once again sorry for my english) (whatsapp girl and her friend)

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only GRR

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>As I told you my current gf isn't that pretty so not really worth posting anyway. and even if it was worth posting her I wouldn't. sorry man, gotta keep my anonymity. (once again sorry for my english) (whatsapp girl and her friend)

sorry wrong tag, haha

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this is a new bra she bought, she showed me even before her bf saw it. shit felt nice.

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pretty hot. any nudes?

Kik if you want her

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I love it when sluts wear those things

as long as your gf has tits and a pussy she's worth posting, also this girls friend is worth posting. you ever send her pics of you?


Oh shit, actually...

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and a slut she was

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my fuckin guy, pulls through. nice

She moved from ATL

funny that you mention her friend. she did not send my any pics but I did videochat with her 2 times. one time she went full nude. she didn't want me to tell her friend (the whatsapp girl) tho.

And nah, really not gonna post my gf. not that she ever sends me pics anyway... ugh my life sucks now that I think about it.

hmm her pussy is unfortunately less appealing than her clothing


dude if your life sucks, change it. you're in control of everything in your life, no one else. tired of your gf? break up with her. wanna fuck these other girls? then do it

you know what! I will! never thought that sharing nudes of someone else made me realise this lol. thanks. unfortunately image limit is reached..

I'll break up with her tomorrow and contact the girl right now. I'll post here on Yea Forums again later this week if there are results

you got it man. good luck.

new thread request? not done sharing my slut yet

Her intials G. A.?

New thread


initials db?

Initials JL?

Can't say i have, no. What is it?

Got a name?

Anyone have Jade J. from 504?