Until the war against Iran is officially won, it should be temporarily illegal to criticize this administration

Until the war against Iran is officially won, it should be temporarily illegal to criticize this administration.

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That is just dumb.

It is shocking how long after brain death that a body can still function.

Until the war against Iran is officially won, it should be temporarily illegal to praise this administration.

>illegal to criticize this administration
>throwing Amendment I right out the fucking window
Jefferson is rolling in his fucking grave

Attacking Iran for the kikes, should be illegal.


Also fuck Trump forever.

>war with Iran
Not gonna happen, think big picture and maybe you’ll realize what exactly would happen if a war really started.

Fuck that fat retarded. OP is a faggot.

SO soy

I don't think some of you are getting what I'm saying. In addition, there should be no Congressional Hearings, no Mueller as Star Witness, anything that might damage this delicate military operation. And yes, many of you could end up on a Watch List for what you're posting here.

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And there is NO evidence that Israel is behind this decision. The State Department Team is finally on the ball regarding this threat to our interests.

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>Not gonna happen

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>f--k Trump forever.

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Fuck the faggot kikes. This is our fucking country and we are sick of their endless shit. 'Business as usual', is going to come to an abrupt halt in the near future.

Trump's daughter and son-in-law are Jewish. You really should have some respect for who is in power in this country.

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Eat a nigger's cock Shlomo.

I'm well aware.

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You should be arrested for threatening the Presidential family.

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>implying everyone that uses Yea Forums isn’t on a watch list already
>implying anyone who uses a computer isn’t on a watch list

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Found the MAGA retard.

this is why /pol/ is useless now. /pol/ loves Israel ever since 2016.

Where was the threat you fucking downy?

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I'd say it's obvious that you'd better stop making anti-semitic remarks against the Presidential family.

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Wtf does companies/authorities/big brother having you on a watch list have to do with maga retard?

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how were they good before? /pol/ is fucking stupid

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This thread is fucking retarded Trump's not gonna attack Iran it would be too expensive.

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>war with Iran

Sure it will, they have no jewish owned banks, so war is inevitable.

Another user not thinking big picture.

Yes, 10 years ago it would have been too expensive. Now it is very much within our scope of operations budgetwise.

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Criticism is fine, it's a big part of our first amendment. Don't be a fascist like the left

I don't think you understand - a world wide banking system where every human is under the thumb of israel IS the big picture.

>the left

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A war with Iran sure as hell isn’t going to accomplish that, or help it.

You're a transparent sufferer of TDS. That's money's going towards the wall. This thread is low quality bait.

Found the retard who thinks disliking a family means someone is anti-semitic.

Go drink bleach you fucking inbred fucktard.

you're under the tin foil hat tho

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Sure it will, since there will be no government to resist. Have you not been paying attention for the last 30ish years?

Jesus christ. Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. Yes, I'm making it all up.

>it should be temporarily illegal to criticize this administration.
It's already illegal, so what's the problem?

You kind of have this disturbing fixation with Jewish people. Let me guess. Hitler did nothing wrong.

>it's already illegal to criticize this administration
Yes but Democrats don't know that. We need an actual Executive Command to make it official.

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>Until the war against Iran is officially won, it should be temporarily illegal to criticize this administration.
go to bed donny. the dementia won't be so bad with a good nights sleep.

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>And yes, many of you could end up on a Watch List for what you're posting here.
are you 12? or just listening to alex jones 24/7?

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Shit's going down. Bring the popcorn.

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look at those dead eyes.
And dead behind them

I just shit myself. Again

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The only person in washington more clueless than trump, is herman cain.

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What if no one really even knew what was going on

I think the new guy will start draining the swamp.

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>implying you weren’t an infant 30 years ago

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What's this a meme of? Don't get it.

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be careful what you wish for

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Until you learn our constitutional rights and liberties you should shut the fuck up ..Otherwise you just come off as insanely stupid ...Imagine you are so stupid you want to eliminate freedom of speech and abolish checks and balances of the government in favor of a rapist tax dodging narcissistic con man who is the biggest pathological liar to ever be shot out of a vagina

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WTF does russia have to to do with clueless cain?
Or is it just random meme time?

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>Illegal to criticize

So..fascism? What's wrong with you?

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Why temporary? What is really gained by allowing malcontents to spread their venom and cause unrest? Nothing!

Not even kidding. Look at this shit, clogging the streets, being noisy and annoying. Why are these people not at work?

At a bare minimum there should be a protest-tax designed to make sure people only protest when its really important to them. I suggest 1.000 dollars per protest. More if there is risk of damage to public streets or lawns. Or littering.

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Why don’t you tell us how you really feel user.

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Right? These dinguses believe that media and banks are run by jews, thereby bribing and controlling governments around the earth! These fools think it's as though they could just start wars for profit or something!!

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Oh, should it?

This administration is a steaming pile of shit.

Come arrest me, bitch.

>no one really even knew

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But, but i thought the mueller report exonerated trump?

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Thought i just did you simple fucktard ......

Here's the deal:
Trump's US is being taken over by the megalomaniac Bolton. The beginning here is to fabricate that there's a viable threat against the US by Iran or its proxies. This is a safe propaganda because those towelheads *are* volatile and atavistic. The Europeans are pulling out of this shitstorm. They know this is bullshit, and they're not amused by having their youth in fights to make up for leaders' small dicks. So yeah - we're going to war against Iran, and we're going to do it alone. Bolton will finally have his orgasm, and America is going to manufacture another Shah-like regime that it has to prop up for all eternity.
In the meantime, the farmers who voted for that asshat are paying for that with their farms. Who do you think really gets hurt in this trade war? The Chinese gov't doesn't give a shit about its citizens. Fuck 'em if they have to live in poverty or without western goods. Jack up the prices to make up for the taxes, and it's all good. We pay more. Where does that money go? The US coffers. Yeah - it's a tax on the US citizens, courtesy of Agent Orange, your infallible leader.

She could do some prison time too.

big mac and fries, or big mac and SQUIRREL.

Femanons explain this.

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>I thought the mueller report exonerated trump
If it did, why indeed are they so afraid of it?

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So angry, go on..

The investigation was begun under false pretenses by the Obama DOJ.

Now, the IG and AG are looking into whether any laws were broken.

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>incel porn


Dream the dream.....

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>the NIGGER and the BITCH did it

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The Trumps would be fucking running the place.

It contradicts itself, no evidence of anything but no exoneration.

it means Congress is the one who should pick up the pieces and put it all together

stand your ground?!
and you post the 2109 version of donny bone spurs.
my, god you are stupid

cringe thread go

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Wish it was YOU being dreamed about?

U mad, bro?

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Trumptards don't leave their mom's house.

We need to stop paying attention to these people.

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I'm betting Yates flips on Lynch who flips on OKenya. Could be wrong, though.

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You're out of your league, son.

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Nouthing fascist about that

Still your president.

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Ivanka thread hijack.

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you funny.
stupid, but funny

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years ago it would have been too expensive. Now it is very much within our scope of operations budgetwise.
haha i remember when the grand old party cared about budgets. you're a cuck for the military industrial complex, another thing the gop used to care about when its politicians had values

If it's not Ivanka, don't post.

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I dont think anyone doubts that Trump is a douchebag in nearly every possible way. Of course he's corrupt, of course he's sexually perverse. And yeah, he's was a spoiled brat who lied his way out of being drafted. And he's nasty to people around him.

But don't forget that the only alternative is yet another goddamn career politician. Another member of the political elite. Snakes wearing human skin.

He's still the best choice. The only choice.

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How does it feel to be hairy, out of shape, and also a pathetic mouth breather who likes the taste of the bottom of a boot?

The Iranians know Trump's not the Ojango pushover of years past.

If I were Trump I'd have farsi language "Make Persia Great Again" hats made and airdrop them over Tehran.

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Whoever took that picture has access to used crack pipes. Just saying.

gargling republican cock to own the libs, gg faggot

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Sir: WHERE is your Ivanka?

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Fuck you all.

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and you are still stupid.
post another 100 meme's and you are still a fool who could be held up through the mail.

Probably the real name on your birth certificate

>I want daddy trumps problems to all magically disappear.
go back to pol, or better yet, reddit

it's a trap.
donny loves traps

Why couldn't I have lived in NYC and caught that babe? FML

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Its his daughter.

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All his kids are successful. Hope mine turn out ok, too.

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So you're going to respect Bernie when he's president in 2020, right?

when you're a dad, they let you do it. you can do anything. grab em by the pussy.

>Its his daughter.
jesusfuckingchrist you are stupid
I and anyone with a fucking TV knows that.

is this your first day here?

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I mean according to Ben Shapiro, if you point out that politicans take money from an Israeli group(APAC) you're anti semetic

The longer Donald Trump lives, the closer we are to the end of the world.

little ironic.
The two in the trash truck never declared bankruptcy.
but trailer trash donny did how many times?

Ask yourself this to. Honestly (as a shill could be)
Would you rather leave your 15 y/o daughter alone with Obama or trump?

don't bother replying here. you will just lie to save face.
Just think about it

prove he is a billionaire.

my choices are limited to a black guy, and a not-black guy who freely admits to wanting to fuck his daughter? this is Yea Forums, you already know my answer

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Triggered, much?

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For one, he knows dubs-man.

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Necktie photoshops?
The cope....

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Until the war against Iran is officially declared, it should be illegal for OP to make such stupid assertions.

Is this book real?

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Anyone play the Trump mod for Civ 5?
It's bitchin.

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hey, i remember that guy didn't he used to work at the white house. maybe they replaced him with a smart guy. brb going to google who the secretary of defense is rq
hahaha wtf

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Fuck this administration and fuck you! We have a right to criticize all of these fake wars that we want.

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What manga is that?

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i'm out of the loop

what trump do?

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Cue the Hell March music...

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He Made America Great Again.

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>you already know my answer
yes I did.

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If Biggie Smalls was still alive, I'd bet he'd make a video with Trump.

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I want a Dark Souls Trump mod.

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>Triggered, much?
can't "word"much?
keep eating the play doh son

Fallout 4 Trump mod on youtube.

Trump saved me from the Obamacare penalty next year.

I made more take home pay under Trump. And I live in a blue state.

that would be temporarily banning free speech
I thought the right liked free speech?

You're a retard and a fag

trump could not hold a gun, you know, with those bone spurs

The LEFT wants to ban free speech. Look at facebook and twitter banning conservatives.

U mad, bro?

compensating much?

only his 2nd gayest picture

You're the expert in that department.

Trump cut my small business taxes. Making bank.

>U mad, bro?
yup. rags on McCain, but such a huge pussy, with muh bone spurs,
sorry you faggots support a faggot.

you two have the same gynecologist?

Spotting faggots (like you) does not take an expert.
Just eyes

post you tax return, oh wait, nevermind. It's probably under autist, i mean audit

takes one to know one, bottom bitch

another, "i know you are but....reply?
really? this is the best you trumpies have?