LOL Look at what you fucking loser fap to and make rich!
LOL Look at what you fucking loser fap to and make rich!
Other urls found in this thread:
"Image is everything"
Would still hit
this happened on a second date once and I didn't recognize her
I'm not into her, but...
She seems like an investment: The teenage acne will clear up with time, and the braces will give way to straight, beautiful teeth. The hair is a phase that will pass.
She'll be naturally beautiful in a few years. Then all the tards who fap themselves floppy over her will be justified.
Got anymore without makeup?
Plus anyway thats not her lmao
She can't be naturally beautiful if she has work done you fucking retard.
I would fuck her no makeup three days from a shower after she just woke up with morning breath and is farting trying to hold back her morning shit. No joke she's fine.
You know what he meant, ass-pie.
Still hot as fuck.
Trap or serious?
dude, now im harder ((remove the extra dot))
Server with no rules! Post whatever you want without risk of ban. Diverse ages, all welcome.
CP. VC. Memes. Porn.. Autistic bs..
Controversial topics, etc.
literal and unironically fetal alcohol syndrome face
Lay off the sugar there, sparky.
When you grow up, you'll understand what I mean.
Her midface isn't flat.
She has a distinct philtrum.
Her palprbal fissures aren't short.
lol nah...look at her wide set eyes and you can barely see that ridge on her upper lip.
total FAS
Great, now I'm fapping harder and paying more.
Thanks a lot asshole
bruh...this looks exactly like the picture in the drawing could be a person sketching her face. Looks exactly like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
For anyone interested...
im interested.
what is it?
OP is a queer
A virus. You should check it out.
you're the one fapping to little boy looking chics with fetal alchohol syndrome.
yeah no. the two people don't even have the same color eyes.
Still dont know what it is
give it up
you've been bested
go with the prepubescent boy bit and call OP a fag. you might actually get some traction
Not him but I've fapped to so much worse I wonder what you mean by that. You got a problem to fapping to little boy looking chics with fetal alcohol syndrome?
she wears contact lenses you fucking smoothbrain
I joined for the fuck of it. There's no cp. Fucking liar.
he's so judgmental, isn't he? hurtful, even
+2 for 'smoothbrain'
>looks like a boy
Well, that explains everything. they're all faggots
Haha, you fap to chicks with FAS.
acne doesn't just clear up, it can last well into adulthood and wearing braces this late in the game means she has to wear a retainer for life otherwise her teeth will go back to where they were.
I'm just wondering what his point was. Is he trying to shame us for liking something he doesn't like or is he gatekeeping fetishes? Makes no sense.
The braces are fake now. she got the real ones taken off a while ago.
But yeah I would still smash
would you?
sauce is included in the webm
I can fap to this. ty.
maybe he's attracted to FAS tomboys and ashamed of it?
it's not like she reads here, so he ain't hurting her feelings
what's her name?
That's sad. Hopefully he'll find who he really is and stop being ashamed of himself.
Stop samefagging.
>I'm new and don't know what the numbers in the bottom right mean.
>he thinks this is a no make-up shot
Please. Dont let this be the same person. It's so confusing to my brain. To see a cutie pants on the right. And this cheese ball fuck on the left. It's just not true. Its terrible. What has our society fucking done.
He thinks she's not wearing a wig either. Thinks she just woke up like that.
Is that a wig? The hairline looks legit but I'm inexperienced in the ways of the wigs. How do you tell?
The area above her left eye. You can see the wig matte.
And how do you think she has bright blue hair one day, jet black the next, platinum blonde the day after that? It's all wigs and contact lens and makeup and filters. Bitch is a straight up goblin.
loving the smoothbrain
It's def a wig. I've known plenty of girls who wear wigs every day. You can see it not natural. She got that hairline pretty good though.
Nicu desu
Idc if she's ugly without makeup, her pics are cute and that's all I need.
I know she uses wigs but in that specific picture I can't see it.
I does look unnaturally dense.
I'll take what I can get
LOL holy shit what a goblina
Wtf is up with her hairline?
It's a cheap wig
its wig
What HIS name you faggot
never understood the actual hate for this girl
she makes a lot of money for doing relatively little. people are jealous.
she is pretty cute, maybe people would like her more if she stoped making those stupid faces and trying to be funny
shes ugly as shit wtf lol
haha nigger
Stop liking things I don't like REEEEEEEEEEEeeee
Id fuck the everlovingshit out of her. Im glad you faggots think shes ugly and has FAS. Doesnt bother me none. I will plunge my cock and balls so deep into her little vajayjay all fucking night long
A) That's because you're an incel who would probably fuck roadkill
B) See A
Yup. Glad we got that out of the way. Loser
wow. i hated her before, now i like her that shes this fuck ugly and scamming retards
slay queen yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
At least he's not a forever virgin like you.
Not the same person.
isn’t it fun to say things on the internet that you don’t mean
cute parrot
These girls try to use beauty as currency but it's a thing of degrading value.
apparently value is not degrading because the currency is coming in
she said on twitter it was her.
So she never gets naked? Lame
dudes that give her all that money for nothing are fucking degrading.
this meme was created by steve1989mre gang
that's a tranny for sure.
you’d really take anything this chick says serious?
that's a male
For one, she put the braces on because she like the daddy daughter kink. Her teeth were already straight. For another, no you do not need to wear a retainer for life if you get braces as an adult.
It's her you fucking idiot.
then she's a he with lots of makeup on. hate to break it to you.
>thinks this is a pic with no makeup
You've never actually met a woman before, have you.
different jawline
different nose
inb4 nose job the guy has hanging earlobes hers are attached
I'm not the guy you're replying to but have got to say, you're face blind as fuck. That's clearly the same person when the same jawline and nose.
same jawline, same nose
different camera angle
she confirmed it was her
i was wondering if belle delphine was a secret tranny. if this is 'her' i am further convinced.
Just a PSA that you shouldn't always pass up a ugly chick as some of them can clean up VERY nicely
I'm not even an expert and I can tell this pic is photo shopped
No, why would she? She's making 250k/yr by sending teases
I'm not arguing against you but I'd suggest finding someone who's a natural 6/7 that doesn't try to be a 9 or 10. Low maintenance girls are the best girls.
Getting a 5 that takes hours making herself up into a 9 is not a good idea.
if a boy posted that and said "here is a pic of me in middle school" no one would question whether that was a boy.
granted they may call him a fag, but they wouldn't say he was literally a girl.
conveniently ignoring the ears though huh
this girl is about taking money from any guy that is sexually attracted to her as a woman. you really think she would admit to it if it was true and risk losing all that money? shouldn’t take everything people say on the internet as serious
Angles lads.
Women always take photos from above for a reason.
Remember, most women see most men from below, take a look at yourself from below, it's not pretty.
I had a lot of people stay at my apartment before, and one morning I told a girl i knew pretty well my name and said hello. She laugh and thought I was joking.
No wonder so many girls feel so bad about them self when they paint their face to the unrecognizable.
clearly a boy and no one notices anymore.
I fucking KNEW there was something wrong with Jojo Kiss' face
Ya'll see it too right?
Yeah i can agree with that Low Maintenance girls are best girls.
"Low maintence" means "low motivation", which means land whale.
still cute
just needs to treat that acne, but even then that wouldn't stop me
OP is a faggot
not necessarily true. all women paint themselves, though not all NEED to overdo it like most women do. i’m sure that’s the type he means by “low maintenance”
That's not even a trap. It's literally a dude with long hair
fucking pedo
Traps are the future.
Shut it down! The goyim know!
so Belle Delphine is trans? not even surprising anymore. they start them on the hormones young and then promote them as memes to fortify the idea.
Belle delphine has fetal alchohol syndrome
oh shit and to think I just spent my last 100$'s on this ugly sloot.
If you use the full gender swap on this video it looks like 2 lesbians hesitating to perform oral sex and all of a sudden she just explode in her face.
There's a a no makeup pic on her Instagram. Who is that ugly sob on the left
Is she legal?
the person on the left isn't she
I wish it wasn't her especially after wasting so much money, but sadly it is her.
is it some ancient picture? her hair is a different length and color, and the braces colors dont match
even the teeth look different
>this much denial
Not, her. Poor kid actually got bullied to hell after that pic because of it and he deleted his fb. And he's like 15
nice fucking map
thanks for the input! kill yourself
Lol I would love it if I was mistaken for Belle Delphine.
tfw ill always look like belle s maid lol
looks like a dude. how come no one else sees that is a dude?
Belle is trans?
nothing unusual there user
You really think Yea Forums users, the same people who regularly get together and share links to mega folders filled with nudes and shit, are the same people who are gonna pay to see her get almost naked?
That's a dude on Tik tok hes like 15
Every user shitting on him for liking photo of her with makeup but not shitting on him for liking farts is double gay
Jokes on you faggot I fap to abdl porn and bondage. I'm actually dressed like pic related and there's nothing you can do about it bitch
You really think this is a no make up shot? XD
Looks like a regular irish kid except for the hair
ur a dirty fucking pig user
I'd unironically fuck that dude
She's a thot so don't think I'm defending her, but you're also a retard if you think that's fetal alcohol syndrome.
Let's get these meme out onto a trehh