After 14 years this game is still the best mmo in existence. Is there anything even remotely as good as this? Which mmo's come close /b?
After 14 years this game is still the best mmo in existence. Is there anything even remotely as good as this...
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Which is a damn shame considering it's been garbage for a very, very long time.
Never play WoW. I had a life when it came out and never bothered trying it.
Legion was a decent attempt at reviving what became a stale gaming experience. Then BoA hit and became fucking shit again.
Yeah, but even Legion was still fucktarded. Everything became about appealing to filthy casuals around wotlk and slowly degenerated to this steaming pile shit we have now in BFA. Are you gonna play Classic?
I will play the hell out of classic servers if /when Blizz ever releases them.
>filthy casuals
Like its a bad thing most people don't want to spend their life on a repetitious shitty grind game.
Kill yourself you greasy faggot
Eve online
WoW has been liquid shit for like 10 years now and it completely ruined the MMO genre, beyond repair, forever.
You have no idea what you're even talking about, nigger. The new dumbed down version of the game is grindier than it's ever been. That's literally all it is anymore. Stop wasting our oxygen.
FFXI if you like 'em grindy
Final Fantasy XIV is a far better and more polished product than current WoW. It seems the sub numbers are swaying towards it too. I don't think FFXIV is better than WoW in its early prime, but it's better than the babby shitshow it's turned into nowadays.
I quit WoW shortly before Warlords of Draenor and don't regret it. Legion was pretty good I hear but FFXIV seems to be the better MMO right now, and also has a less retarded community.
I think WoW peaked around Ulduar in Wrath. After this point it just became too much about repetitive grinds for welfare epics and catering to the mouthbreathers who demand to be given everything with minimal effort.
The game world of warcraft is nothing like it used to be. It changed.
It's crazy that I would rather play the private Burning Crusade servers than any other MMO currently on the market.
>I think WoW peaked around Ulduar in Wrath
Correct, Satan. Almost everyone considers patch 3.2, the death of WoW. ICC came after and was very good, but it was obviously made by Blizzard North like the rest of vanilla, TBC and WotLK. I think they tried to do an overlap so the drop in quality wasn't so jarring, but it still was.
Just can't get into Asian games for some reason. Tried playing Aion for awhile and it was visually pretty great but just couldn't get past how Korean it was.
It was the Trial of the Champion that was the moment I realised WoW was dead. Two 5mans and two raids all held in one single repetitive circular arena, with gear that required you to spam all versions endlessly and invalidating the best of the gear you'd worked hard to get in Ulduar (in my opinoin the best raid they ever did).
Makes me sad. ICC was definitely good but it I found it hard to enjoy as there was this general sense of bleh surrounding the game at the time. At least we have Classic coming. Time to roll a hybrid and pretend a memespec is viable because it works in BFA.
>like 'em grindy
This is the part I never understood. I understand all games are a waste of time, but grindy games actually FEEL like a waste of time.
Don't get me wrong, I lost like three years of my life to Runescape, but that was me and a few friends hanging out playing together and talking while we played. These days I just don't understand grinding games when there are games that actually get your heart rate up. Games where you don't need to listen to music or a podcast to keep from getting horribly bored.
FFXIV has the looks of an asian game (that is, the animations and effects are cool and the characters look pretty) but it's very much more western than anything from Asia.
It's not a Korean game at all, it has a few asian tinges but it feels much more like WoW than any of the grindy cashgrab MMOs in the past, and I say this as someone who actually really enjoyed Aion, Tera and BnS.
MMOs in general suck, they take so much time to complete while not being that fun to play.
Yeah, this game is still S tier
It's only popular now because the classic beta came out and everyone is playing it. Classic is going to be fun for a month or two and everyone will stop playing then after they realize it's just been nostalgia and the game is not that good in itself.
This. 100% this.
Big fan of ff14 and eve
UO was the best mmorpg ever
I agree but do you realize how much of a fanboifag you are?
Not that user but i play 14 and he hasnt said anything wrong. Wouldnt really calling it fanboy
Nah, if Shadowbringers expansion sucks or they mess up the class changes I'm gone, and going back to WoW Classic. I have no allegiance to any MMO outside of how good it is at the present moment.
Apart from original TERA. I was a blinkered fanboifag for that on release... till it turned into such a steaming shitshow even I wasnt able to continue to defend it.
Got to agree... still a great game.
get post rollan
played it for a week and got board. Its got nothing on other games.
Saurfang looks like hes struggling to drop an epic dookie in the OP pic.
The final fantasy mmo is by far the best mmo currently available
Wow had its hay day but they are long dead and gone.
Theres already a release date lmao
Trips of truth here waiting to see how dancer is little disappointed its not a healer but i get it from squares point