What do you think about Alabama making all abortions punishable by life in prison?

What do you think about Alabama making all abortions punishable by life in prison?

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I predict the start of a booming business offering young women bus service across state lines for "general medical treatment"

Waste of taxable money and court time, since it'll never stand up.

I think your statement is inaccurate and misleading.

Alabama introducing Sharia law. Interesting.

Until the neighboring southern states pass their own anti-abortion laws too, just like Georgia

For now, that's not the case.

Tennessee and Mississippi soon to follow

Again, for now, that's not the case.

brings a tear to my eye, might consider moving to alabama just because of it

i couldnt care less

Fuck you /pol/

Me too.

I live in a deep blue state and I really really want to get out of this godless piece of fucking shit.

Probably can’t leave until I retire

It’s a shit state, with shit people who have shit ideas and shit intentions. Shocking.

It's retarded.

The only solution to abortion legislation is the following:

Base laws on personhood, not life or DNA
>personhood: the ability to experience the world and maintain memories, as a person
>design a scientific test based on brain waves to determine if higher functions are present in the fetus
>if they are, it's a person
>no abortion for you
>if it is not, go see doctor deletus
>he'll annihilate your fetus
>no questions asked, no guilt
>personhood will start around 18-22 weeks in most cases

What about rape/incest?
>there will be no exceptions for rape or incest
>the things that happen to you in your life should not determine the personhood status of anyone else
>including a fetus
>if the fetus experiences the world, as limited as it is able, and has memories
>too late
>see doctor deletus before this happens
>the alternative to this is not a solution
>it is the allowance of murder due to circumstances
>and those circumstances have literally nothing to do with the individual being killed

What about a severely deformed fetus?
>probably has shit-tier or no brain waves
>abort it if that's the case
>if it's not, get the abortion before it is a person
>~20 weeks is enough time to figure this shit out

What if the mom will die?
>default to the more developed person, if that's what she wants

What if the doctor doesn't want to do it?
>forcing a doctor is retarded
>just go to doctor deletus, he's game

What about some adult in a coma, is he a person?
>if it's likely they will recover brain function
>and there are memories stored in their brain
>you have to default to keeping them alive
>if they won't recover, they are not a person
>they are a fucking potato
>pull the plug

I don't know. It's one of those topics that has no clear answer.

As an American, I value freedom above all else, so because this bill limits freedom, it's wrong

I think that this kinda shit is bad for Trump because it will lose him swing votes if this goes to the Supreme Court and they uphold it.

This sounds brilliant on paper but neither side will agree to this. 20 weeks is a standard being used now and right wingers think its too high while liberals think its too low. Your retarded.

>neither side will agree to this
Yeah, I know. Because everyone gets their retarded panties in a bunch over this issue. They either want to legislate their religious beliefs onto others, if they're on the Christian right, or legislate their religious beliefs onto others, if they're on the Progressive left.

>20 weeks is a standard being used now
Sort of. They are using viability in a lot of cases, which is currently around 20 weeks. This is also retarded. What happens when we can make an embryo viable? Make abortions outright illegal? We need to define what makes a person, and stick with that.

>Your retarded.
Maybe. But I'm less retarded than the fanatics, on this issue. And I'm less retarded than people who unironically use "your" in the place of "you're"

This law does not affect people who conduct themselves responsibly.

this retarded

sure kid

this retarded

thats why they hate it

>unironically use "your" in the place of "you're"
Did summer start already?

you're starting to stumble onto something

Exactly how I expected.

It's irresponsible to be raped or be a victim of incest?

Not all, you mong. This is what’s wrong with people. I don’t care about abortions or what anyone does, but let’s be real here - if you don’t take birth control/use condom/take plan b, then you’re a dipshit.

About par for the course for a bass ackwards state like alabama.

Although if someone is the type that would get an abortion and lives in the bible belt, they really can't be surprised. I'm actually okay with certain states banning it. Women (or men, i suppose. I've had 3-4 abortions with different women) who don't like it can move to a better state instead. One not filled with a bunch of crosseyed sister fucking retards.

Just another reason not to live there. But by the same token, if they come to a state that does allow/support abortion, and they wanna do their stupid christian protest, then they need to all get a claw hammer slammed through their skill and ship their ass back to their bright and shiny lord. And if anyone locally doesn't like abortion, they can fuck off to their southern hillbilly hellhole.

And the same would go for anyone protesting pro choice/pro life in washington. They should all be gathered up together and beaten like baby harbor seals. Then fuck off to the state in which it's allowed or banned, as your choice.
Frankly, all protests should end - it's pointless and just a reason to tie up traffic and make me late for work. It's just a bunch of overly dramatic mouthy assholes.

you should have the right to kick out an unwanted tenant

That should be the penalty for murder so sounds good.

Lol I think you forgot Kennedy is gone. 5-4 vote and roe is going bye bye

Depends on the circumstances.

americans are the laughing stock of the world and third world tier for reasons like this

earth is overpopulated anyway, saying "hurr it's alive" is stupid because the thing had zero life experience

I'm all for it if they'll give the same punishment for eating meat.

this is retarded


this retarded

Its a great start!

I think it's barbaric Saudi Arabia tier bullshit.

It's a jew conspiracy to stomp out the white man. You know who gets the most abortions? Niggers.

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the body has a way of shutting this down

I agree with the lady. I think if a woman wants to kill her child, she should have to look it in the eyes before flushing it down the toilet.

says the retard.

Do you care to give a reason?

Shut up retard.

I am so glad we are finally looking outs for the rights of children, god bless Trump for nominating great justices to the Supreme Court so this will be help up as new law and adopted as federal statute.

>Yeah, I know. Because everyone gets their retarded panties in a bunch over this issue. They either want to legislate their religious beliefs onto others, if they're on the Christian right, or legislate their religious beliefs onto others, if they're on the Progressive left.

misconception 101 right here - the left isn't pushing their "religious" beliefs onto anyone - if a rightwinger doesn't want an abortion - no problem. If a rightwinger doesn't wanna get gay married - no problem. The retardation and pushing of ideology on people always comes from the right - be it Christians, Muslims, etc

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When their orphanages can no longer handle the influx of all the "saved" unwanted newborns this will bring about, I wonder what they'll do then? Can't wait to see the back peddling over this if it actually gets passed, which is doubtful.

Hey, I brought facts and stats about how much abortions help with the nigger infestation

Hollyweird will adopt all the little black nigger babies.

>USA bans abortions as a whole
>orphanages fill up faster than a fatty at an all you can eat buffet
>homeless kids escaping left and right
>all ready to do ANYTHING for a hot meal and a place to stay
it might not be such a bad thing after all

I think abortions as a cop-out for a stupid mistake or out of sheer negligence for sexual health/repercussions is stupid and should be illegal to have done, or at the least have severe consequences. Abortion of a pregnancy due to rape/forced marriage should be legal but only then.

pathetic. the very first thing every single one of these hypocrites would do when their teenage granddaughter gets pregnant is help them get an abortion

The men who precipitated the offending pregnancies must receive an equal penal sentence. Fair's fair.

Only complete and literal incels don't.

there are lots of people who will adopt and I'm sure China, Russia and Mexico would all like some North American babies. Start Abortion travel agency and profit.

thats like taking the rats out of new york and shipping them to wyoming.

You mean what will the government do with the extra money after orphanages are closed due to a lack of kids now that women need to act responsible and take their birth control pills daily now or keep their legs closed.

just make them pay for it if they don't have a good enough reason
condoms can break, pills can be puked out, shit happens.

Most retarded comment in thread. Congrats.

you talk as if a fetus has sentience
kys faggot pro-life is a bunch of oversensitive vaginas screaming about giving rights to a thing that doesn't even know what it is

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Men can not be held responsible for what a woman does, women have fought long and hard for rights, don't try and take them away now.

Trump can kiss 2020 goodbye if this passes. This will empower women more than anything prior. This, escalated threats of war with Iran, gun control (bump stocks) enforcement. Repubs are getting even weirder than usual.


Well, abortion is a baby murder so ofc it is very logical.

Fetus's dont have sentience, I hate how every time a coworker ask me about how I feel abortion they look at me like a monster when I say "birth is a good cut off point"


Men should be held responsible for their own part in the pregnancies.
Really responsible men are gay, like Lindsey Graham and Miss McConnell.

Why should I care?

Roe v Wade placed "life" at viability just like parents get to kick their kids out of the house at eighteen.

Didn’t know the southern GOP shared so many values with Saudi Arabia

I've seen like 20 of you people say the same thing almost verbatim this month and i can tell you as a non-American Trump is getting reelected. The only people who dislike him are the same people from the last go around. Democrats and the left side are still doing the same crazy shit they have been doing three years ago as they've become radicalized.

That's not gonna happen. It didn't work before Roe vs. Wade and it won't now. Humans are impulsive animals driven by emotion, not common sense. Wake up.

Like the way conservatives discussed the bill NY passed regarding abortion.

Alabama is right to make abortion illegal. Abortion is fetal murder.

/b random == anything ya shmuck

Men can not make a women have or not have an abortion now and even if a man wanted a women to have one and she did not get one he would still have to pay child support.

Alabama outlawed sharia law last year

I say pass a bill that makes it a crime for men to cum in women without written consent.
Guarantee you everyone will lose there shit over this.

Women who get abortions should be rewarded not punished. We're not losing anything of value we're just adding another drain on finite resources and space. You'll stop giving a shit about the kid after it's born anyway.

sorry what were you saying?


When you have hundreds of thousands of women marching in the streets declaring conservatives the enemy, you somehow feel that won't affect Trump's chances? Are you really that naive?

They banned child weddings?

Alabama follow the laws set forth by the Church of our lord and savior Jesus Christ and not falls prophet

come on down buddy, lets talk.
bring friends

>godless piece of shit state
>visits Yea Forums

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Abortion is fun to watch, but it's still murder.

I won't change a thing, the supreme court will be conservative for at least the next 25 years.

Great! How many unwanted newborns are you going to take in?

You're goddamn right.

feel free to die

Says the incel incapable of getting pregnant or being a decent parent.

no thanks,the problem with people like yourself is you bring your liberal bullshit with you to those states.so keep your shit in your own cesspool

You better make sure you've got your keys with you, because it'll be almost impossible to find a coat hanger to unlock your car!

>gun control enforcement

funny how people care more about trump's bump stock ban,and not the lack of outrage from republicans.id say its time for gun owners to kiss the republican party goodbye and really make them regret trump

You you retarded? What was the woman's march right after Trump got sworn in. Do you also think the majority of women are feminist as well. You act like all women area hivemind only capable of having the same thoughts.

Al is a common law state, not ucc


conservatives dont support trump,time to get your head out of your ass ameritard

Maybe you should read what I wrote again. I’m criticizing the numerous conservatives lying about the bill NY passed regarding abortions in the 3rd trimester.

What does this have to do with Trump sabotaging his own campaign in 2020? I'm not talking about the Supreme Court, why are you?

Pretty dumb. A girl who is raped should not be forced to carry the baby.

It will happen and work even better now that women know they have to take responsibility for their actions. It's either commit to taking their pill everyday finally, make their sexual partner their husband, make sure the random guys got a rubber on or abstain. We are more educated now, we also know better the risk vs the rewards better. We've evolved to no longer behave like are ape ancestors.

You're a complete idiot if you think women are just going to do nothing if abortions are banned. It will cause an uproar like nothing we've seen before.

It's funny how the only kind of life republicans care about is the one that's not born yet.

For being against big government you sure are obsessed with what other do with their bodies.

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Also don't forget not to get raped, and make sure the chance for the pill to fail doesn't happen to you.

Also will republicans now finally finance sex ed in schools so teens actually learn about this shit? Because there's a lot of them out there getting pregnant because they have no fucking clue how not to, but people WILL fuck.

perhaps they will take percautions to avoid babyitise

Lots of people do and still end up pregnant.

it's the only innocent life around

You're an idealistic half-wit. There are roughly 600,000 abortions per year in the US alone. That's a lot of mistakes made by a lot of people. Do you actually think it's just going to stop?

I think it's about time

Not according to christian lore, which they apparently care a lot about, because they all carry original sin.

bullshit, they claim they have to justify the guild and lust

>i want freedom to kill

You're an idiot

Saying bullshit doesn’t make it bullshit, incel. Sorry but you’re just an idiot.

once you are born yes, but unborne are innocent

>as an american,i value freedom above all else

>unless its the republicans threatening it,then i dont care. #MAGA am i right

Good. It's absolute bullshit women think they're allowed to get away with murder because they're immature and because of their gender.

60 years life experience is not bull shit , incel

you do realize this is going to fail like gun control right? time to take that red hat off and realize laws only work in your trump fantasy world where everybody obeys the law

Nice comeback, did you wipe it off your face?

Well good news, they're going straight back to heaven then.

Kill yourself boomer.

and i dont even care about the issue of abortion,but the backwords christian right should realize this isnt going to change anything

You are a retard. Leave your bubble, the female opinion on this subject is split. There is no 100% agreement.

Says you. Fetuses are parasitic assholes. They're like jews.

A few things to perhaps stem the flow of retardation present in this thread.

1. Only the doctors performing are able to be punished with prison time. 99 years is the MAX btw. 10 is the min I believe. But seeking an abortion as a woman will not result in jail time.

2. Don't forget states have the legal right to pass or propose legislature which is in conflict with federal. Eg Cannabis and Sanctuary city laws ought in California. Alabama has all the authority in the world to propose/pass this legislature, though it can be challenged...

3. Speaking on that, the proposal is most definitely a political move to get this legislation to the Supreme Court so that Roe v Wade can be battled out once and for all

4. Finally, I hear so much about rape and incest provisions. Ever heard of "Hard cases make bad laws"? Pregnancies falling in that category make up what? A quarter of a percent? Laws should not be aimed at minority populations

google that did we?

>Pregnancies falling in that category make up what? A quarter of a percent?
A sufficient amount that it's a law forcing girls to give birth to the children of rapists. Law ought to be just. This isn't.

Of course, I don't expect the pro-life groups to give a shit when the coat hanger treatment kills her.

I am, with old age

Once again, what do we do with all the 'saved' newborns, hundred of thousands of them, many with special needs? Where do we put them? How do we pay for their care and upbringing? No one wants to touch this but if abortion is banned you'll eventually have to.

you were? not. but now?. yep

In in favor of people taking responsibility for their actions.
Birth control is 99% effective.
Sex ed is already apart of the school curriculum.
Their's a lot of them out their having sex not taking their pill daily or making sure the guys dick is covered.
And ask yourself how many of them wouldn't of happened if women themselves made sure they took there pill daily or opted out knowing the risk. You think women are incapable of making choices when presented with sex, no. The pill doesn't work because abortion is an option.

I dont think about Alabama much, frankly
Who does? What a shithole

being born is basically life in prison amirite

and there's not much more american activity than killing.

Seriously, we need to stop the pretense. If we're going to be the new rome, we may as well get into the role fully. I mean, given the site is basically filled with porn, naked little kids, gore/snuff and in some cases hardcore necrophilia, it's not like you have a lot of room to piss and moan about your superior morality. You're like Anthony Perkins priest character in Crimes of Passion, where he's jerking it in some nudie booth at a porn store, then has a moral freakout, runs out front, gets up on a soapbox and starts street preaching about the sins of carnal lust.

Attached: Crimes of Passion_2a.jpg (700x434, 48K)

A step in the right direction

no, i'm still an asshole. pretty much everyone is. But we're not innocent, and neither are fetuses. It's like saying an acorn is innocent. You're retarded for thinking fetuses have souls or that god is real.

God and state should be kept fucking separate.

Comprehensive sex ed is not available statewide in places like Alabama. I came from MS and learned jack shit about sex in school.

Also, even if BC is 99% effective, you still have the 1% that gets through. If you have sex with your partner 100 times or more during the year, guess what, chances are she still might get pregnant.

^THIS. You've already betrayed your god kiddo.

>Birth control is 99% effective.
1% is a lot of sex left.
> Sex ed is already apart of the school curriculum.
Not everywhere, and often with exemptions.
> Their's a lot of them out their having sex not taking their pill daily or making sure the guys dick is covered.
Turns out teenagers are irresponsible. Who knew? But that's certainly a great idea to saddle people too irresponsible to have save sex with kids.

the concept of god should be eliminated. it's a stupid fantasy. they can have god back the moment they drum up a fucking ounce of evidence of a ultimate supreme being..

It's almost like you're using logic and reasoning. One thing I do know: these zero tolerance abortion folks would absolutely urge their side sluts to abort if they thought it would fuck with their lives.

sanctuary cities, schools, safe sex seminars, war, work, anywhere than selling block and ebay baby parts r us

Know what's 100% effective birth control? Abortion. It's my second favorite form of birth control next to anal.

there's also the case of freaks
not everything is genetically sound and while some of these can live for years, they still can't become functioning adults.

Christfags on Yea Forums lmfao fucking heretics

God bless Alabama.

God bless Trump.

God bless America.

I'm just sad that more inbreeding pregnancies in Alabama won't continue to be aborted.

Seriously. Either your in love with Christ or your wading through chicks with dicks forums. Anything else is just identifying with your party's rhetoric.

Alabama, Enjoy your nigger infestation. You just banned the one thing vaguely keeping their numbers in check.

I do not believe either, I am a soul that has a body, and it is impossible mathmatically and logically that He does not exist

>What do you think about Alabama making all abortions punishable by life in prison?
It proves christianity is as assbackwards as all the other dumbassed religions.

A person under general anesthesia doesn't have sentience either. Nor do people in comas. Should we just kill them too?

prove a soul exists

All it will do is create more poor losers. Successful people aren't having abortions on a large scale.


Cannon fodder for the armies of the empire.

This. I don't hate blacks, but I do hate lazy freeloaders. Enjoy getting robbed by some meth cunts children for juul pods.

Your god is an idiot

Are miscarriages punishable by life in prison too? Seems like a loophole.

I think a lot of you have unresolved issues with your mothers, and that's why you feel the need to compensate for your small dicks by telling women what to do. I also think that religion telling people what to do is exactly what your problem with Islam is, you fucking hypocrites.

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>having the power of perception by the senses; conscious.
They certainly are. Higher brain functions, memories, and processing of surroundings happens at 18-22 weeks. If you wanted to go by something with absolutely concrete ties to a functioning consciousness, the thalamo-cortical complex is formed at about 24 weeks. So yeah, a fetus is conscious past a certain point of development. Unless you're a science-denying faggot, who's willing to ignore basically all prenatal studies on the subject. Are you a faggot user?

I'm not what you'd call "pro-life". Maybe read what I wrote, and see the parts about when I say it's acceptable to go see Dr. Deletus (here it is again, in case you're too lazy or retarded: basically any time before week 18 of pregnancy is fine,m possibly later depending on the tests that are developed).


when you prove the mind is a random creation of enthropic universe

hint: 10^127 to 1 its not random

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You're completely insane. Do you actually think women would rather have an abortion as opposed to taking their daily birth control? I hope the abortion ban goes through just to show you what a completely unrealistic idiot you truly are. When the unwanted children keep right on coming, we'll see if your denial still holds.

They get charged with murder upon return. No lie


She won't be forced to carry it to term, if she's not a complete retard who doesn't get an abortion before the fetus is conscious. That's at least 18 weeks to get off her ass and get a fairly minor procedure done. If she waits till past that, I have no sympathy for her.

some do use abortions as BC, but then again some people are dumb enough to eat tide pods

>I'll prove santa's real after you prove that people just manufacture toys and your parents buy them.
The supernatural has no explanatory power. You're arguing from incredulity.

You assume a fully random roll. You can't ignore stacked rolls with much lower odds.

Sounds completely unconstitutional. Gonna be struck down by the supreme court.

You don't even get a soul until you are around 2 years old, everyone knows that. Go read the bible faggot

I find it hard to believe you received no sex ed even Catholics do.
Condoms are 95% to 80% effective matched with birth control the odds of becoming pregnant is non-existent. And it's not after the hundredth time you have sex she'll become pregnant it's every time they have sex it's 1% vs 99% acting like it's guaranteed is foolish.
>it's not after the hundredth time you have sex she'll become pregnant it's every time they have sex it's 1% vs 99%
Even if sex ed was not taught in the passed kids grow up on the internet. They know what birth control is and what condoms are. Stop pretending that information doesn't exist anywhere else but school.
Kids being irresponsible is on the parents first and the child second. Creating excuses and outs for them to behave irresponsible is irresponsible of yourself. Difference between yours and my grandfather and kids now is lack of being held accountable for their actions. Teen pregnancies are not saddled on their own they have family or adoption.

You've replied to the wrong person or misinterpreted what i said.

My point exactly. Humans are pretty stupid and a ban on abortion is not going to suddenly infuse people with common sense.

read up on it, the formation of dna rna amino acids forming from this and that atoms is now on immpossible, with out help

Pretty sad when Islamic countries are more lenient.

Notice, though, that people on both sides are arguing against this based mostly on their feelings. Both are arguing their ideology, and trying to push their views onto everyone else. Rather than trying to figure out an actual solution that makes any sense.

What I'm proposing is a solution, and I think it makes sense. It's also in the middle ground, using science to define the terms, rather than political/religious rhetoric. It doesn't allow late-term abortions, other than if the mother is in danger. And it doesn't bar abortions during the first 18+ weeks, in any way. Because it's reasonable. Which is why it will never be accepted as a solution. People are too caught up in their retarded ideologies to budge into the territory of rational thought.

I replied to the wrong person. My apologies.

the torah?

Condoms, unless fucked with before hand, have basically a 100% success rate. People have about an 80% success rate of actually using them.

These anti-abortion laws restrict access after 16 weeks. Before you're definition of sentience even begins. Kill yourself.

>What do you think about Alabama making all abortions punishable by life in prison?

USA = 3rd World
or the western version of Saudi Arabia

Deflect all you want boomer.

Too bad you aren’t with Alzheimer’s

This ain’t it chief

As convincing as your misspelled, baseless plea, to "study moar" is... I think I'll stick with actual science.

anal sex is an acceptable replacement


jesus doesn't believe in condoms?

alabama is and has always been a incestious shithole full of retards and regressionists. fucking animals is what they are, so it is only expected of them.

lol what a loser

>These anti-abortion laws restrict access after 16 weeks.
Yeah, and my proposition is to never restrict abortion, whatsoever, until some point after 18 weeks: whenever consciousness is present. And it would outright ban all abortions past that point, with the one exception that the mother's life is in imminent danger.

You're still trying to lump me in with other people, just stop. Neither the progressives or the religious agree with my point of view. Because they are all ideologues who can't see past their own rhetoric. Like you. Now go be a science denying faggot somewhere else, you have nothing of value to add to the conversation and I'm done with you.

No, no he has not, hilljack.

science theories, that change every few years, and fade with every discovery,
dark matter for example is going the wayside of the electric universe.

teachers are so fuckin stupid and the school system acts like the only reason kids smoke and drink is because some camel with glasses told them to do it. no that is false, they do it because it relieves stress . so instead of showing us kids a hundred PSAs. You could just stop stressing us out and assigning so much god damn work. Then you will notice less of us "teens" are smoking and drinking

>Now go be a science denying faggot somewhere else
So far, everyone ITT is just supposed to take your word for it that the definition of consciousness begins at 18 weeks, something philosophers have been struggling to define for centuries. So unless you're smarter than every single learned scholar before you (which you clearly fucking aren't), your entire argument is specious. Which is why most people don't agree with it. It makes literally no sense and all you do is complain that people don't understand it the entire time.

>Probably can’t leave until I retire

Lives in a state with plenty of jobs.
Wants to move to a state with no jobs.

Ever think about why your current state has all those jobs and AL does not?

I think we should start with any politician convicted of fraud, bribery or corruption, and see how that works out first.

teen stress is a joke , we smoked to be cool and in hip

I'll pay for the moving truck.

How are they going to handle the massive increase in welfare? They're already a poor state.

AL has plenty of jobs, just no pay competition

Oh, so you stay for your good job and leave after sucking the benefits? Fuck off and let someone who wants to be here enjoy the spoils! You sir are nothing but a fine example of a turd goblin...

I have no problem with it, if they hold the men financially responsible for their children

People talking about moving to AL probably aren't thinking about the massive rise in crime that will accompany tons of shitty parents raising kids they didn't want and those kids growing up to be mostly burdens on society.

>elections coming up
>people talking about abortion again
same old shit

You could go any time you want. It costs nothing to live there. Just sell a few of your dragon dildos and you could buy a genuine Alabama doublewide.

very hardline, especially miscarriage punishment. it's mostly girls in their 20s, who have apparently used contraception / birth control / condoms that have unintended... "unintended" pregnancies

tbh i wouldn't want an irresponsible mother, neither would i want a rapist father or be biologically related to both parents(incest) so abortion in these cases aren't the worst.

Literally kill yourself, faggot nationalist douchenozzle

As a right winger, I believe abortion during the first trimester should be legal, shit keeps the nigger population down. Abortion should also be legal for victims of rape, incest, severe medical problems (life of the mother is in danger) and underage pregnancy. Fallopian tube tying should be offered for free, yes it hurts tax payers but reduces the population in the long run. Male circumcision at birth on the other hand should be completely outlawed and punishable by life in prison for child abuse, unless the child has a severe case of phimosis or some other related medical issue.

Well, thats awesome that you're retarded. You guys are making huge strides every day.

Until you produce irrefutable evidence of a magical ultimate being that created everything, You're just some asshole pushing his delusions on others. Like a tranny.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

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You are trying to sound smart, but at the end, you're one of the most stupid persons inside /b, LUL.

Perfectly sensible. Why is this so hard for people? Use science to literally identify sentience and create abortion laws relative to those findings. No sky wizards, no rhetoric.

and to think abortions are allowed in Sweden up to 5 months... 5.. fuckin.. months.

hitlers remaining jaw fragment is masterbating at the thought

TBH I can't wait to see women go to prison for miscarrying. It will encourage healthier lifestyles.

>definition of consciousness
I'm not arguing from a philosophical definition of consciousness, I took enough existentialism in college to know that it's all basically bullshit. I'm arguing from a scientific standpoint, which has a clear definition of consciousness:

>aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake.

I'm taking that, and adding to it the requirement that the responses to the environment are processed in the higher brain, and the capability to form memories from these stimuli is present. This is my proposed definition of personhood. And it's far better and less arbitrary than the opposing propositions of concerned ideologues: either conception or birth. Assigning personhood to a fertilized egg is saying that anything that is vaguely alive with human DNA is itself sacred in some way, you basically have to be religious to accept this. Saying personhood begins at birth is arguing that 7" of travel somehow magically made that worthless sack of cells into human with rights and value. There's no rational argument from either side as to why their point of view is correct. It just is. At least I have reasons.

Sounds pretty epic to me

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>Sex ed is already apart of the school curriculum
Sex Ed is not required in Alabama's public school curriculum.

But what if they moved the abortions TO prison?

Fiscally conservative republican here, it’s fucking dumb, non violent offenders shouldn’t be in jail it’s a waste of my godamn money. And if the law stands just means more criminals of the unwanted children from single mothers.

Fucking embarrassing

why do people who are openly religious(christian), state they are tolerant of lgbtq, abortion, and believe hell probably doesn't exist?

that's similar to isis burning people alive despite allah being against it

I have a feeling this will get steamrolled once the 1st woman is actually convicted to life imprisonment/deathrow. Shit won't stick. Every hotshot defense attorney will run to their aid.

Well it’s going to be struck down by the Supreme Court real soon, so I wouldn’t worry about anyone going to prison.

Not to mention the welfare costs. A pill or procedure that is pretty cheap vs tends of thousands in welfare, multiplied by millions

There's going to be a lot more retard babies from all the incest

the people of Alabama have the government they deserve