Need some help from Yea Forums

Need some help from Yea Forums
>be me
>almost 19
>horny af
>watch a lot of loli shit
>starts getting into younger girls
>scared of being called a pedo
>would never hurt a younger girl
>but if she is up for it, would fuck
>find out about super horny 12yo from friend
>other underage friend already did some stuff with her
>says she would totally do stuff with me if I tried
>dick diamonds
>want to get in touch with her
>don't know what to do
Let it go, not worth the risk or try going for some hot young pussy?

Attached: pEqaREs.jpg (1920x1080, 325K)

Don't do it. Is not worth it

Don't do it. You will regret it

Rare opportunity, go for it. As long as she's into it.

You probably shouldn't, but I wouldn't fault you if you did.

you're gonna go to jail nigger

Smash her pussy really hard bro

Yes officer this post right here

This one

pic related

Attached: 1197944264662.jpg (550x414, 51K)

Big fucking strokey nonce.

Attached: 1547130985197.jpg (434x476, 27K)

We need more registered sex offenders anyway. Youre a fucking moron. This post just makes it all premeditated.

>be me 17 playing vidya with friend at his grandparent's
>friend's sister is there she's 12
>short really cute and emo
>can't stop looking at me, sits next to me on couch
>friend goes to the bathroom
>i say "do you want a foot rub?
>she says okay
>message her feet for a little while then move upward and rub her legs
>i ask "is this okay"
>she says "yeah"
>slowly im working my way to her pussy
>touching her in her tight thin jeans
>she's not fat but has some thickness to her
>i get really close to her pussy and say "is this okay?"
>she says yeah

Did her feet reply?

Well you sure as fickity fuck shouldn't come to Yea Forums for your answers, my dood. You'll never know until you have the opportunity. If you can do it, well then do it. If you find yourself unable, well then good for you, just keep spanking it to loli.

manageble if you were like 17 or below, but it is kinda dangerous now

Listen you pedo piece of shit

You know better OP. You're a fucking idiot for thinking it. That 12 year old is already broken if your friend already did something with her. She's fucking crazy and that shit will come back to haunt you.

If you've got this fetish, if this is your thing, get a doll. Or go find a petite prostitute. Don't be a fucking child molester.

If you still can't fight it, swallow a fucking bullet.

>im rubbing her pussy over her pants and can feel a slight warmth
>friend comes back and gets on video games
>he's not concerned about his sister and i together with a blanket over our laps
>i slowly unbutton her pants and carefully pull down the zipper
>work my way through her panties and she adjusts for easier access
>her pubes were insanely vast and long but im into it
>finally access actual pussy and it's soaking wet
>i finger her for a bit and i take my finger and taste her pussy in front of her
>she's into it
>take my dick out and have her play with it
we finally ended up fucking and are still friends today. one of the most crazy feelings was when i spent the night around the same time of this story she kept trying to lay with me in the basement but her dad or someone else would make her go back to bed

Well shit actually some good advice on Yea Forums I'll be damned.

Good job user.

Are you really willing to sign over control of the rest of your fucking life to a 12 year old girl for what might be, at best, 10 minutes of awkward pleasure?

Seriously, don't you watch tv? She might not regret it when it happens, she might not regret it 6 years after it happens, she might not regret it 20 years after it happens...but as long as she's alive, she can ruin your life at the drop of a hat in one minute. She doesn't even have to prove it, all she has to do is you took advantage of her when she was 12 just like her dad or whoever else is abusing her.

You probably won't go to jail if it takes her a while to regret it, but jail is the least of your worries when it comes to pedo shit. You'll lose your family, probably your job, all your friends...all for some bad sex.

Is it worth it?

Do it you little pussy, join the club!


You will regret this af. It's not like going to playground. Shit is hard to forget

the ONLY way this doesn't come back to bite you in your fat virgin ass is if you kill her afterward and get away with it. Which is next to impossible.

So just jerk off to her like the rest of us.

I envy you, OP, but this is one of those things you regret no matter which action you take.

Go for that hot young puss puss OP!

Do it do it do it

definitely a nonce

As long as you turn yourself in afterwards



This op, don't fall for it.

use condoms and dont get recorded

35+ years ago we could get away with this shit.

I would not take the risk in todays world. It really wasn't that good anyways.